Bruno Xavier
thebeachshorts,this muchachocan’tswim ...
I’m Bruno, was born in Andorra (no, no parlo català), but came to Portugal from a young age and lived in Braga up until now.

I’m a laid back guy, very talkative when I feel confortable, usually patient and with a natural curiosity about things. I love nature and animals, so aside from work related stuff you can find me taking a stroll in the nearest woods and trying to pet any animal that crosses my path (except spiders, their size is proportional to my running speed). I usually carry a more serious face if I’m focused, but don’t worry and feel free to approach me anytime, I’ll be smiling in no time!
Here are some curiosities about me:
Every Sunday morning I’ll walk from Maximinos to Bom Jesus and back.
I’ll say yes to pizza anytime.
If by any chance you give me any apple & cinnammon dessert you’ll have a very good friend!
I enjoy cold and rainy days, and absolutely hate hot days.
I’m a keyboard guy.

Growing up I would spend a lot of time reading and building stuff with Legos/K’nex, so I naturally had more affinity with areas where I could let my natural curiosity go a bit check free.

I started with sciences, studying Biochemistry to be precise, taking every opportunity to frequent python workshops. Eventually I did my Master’s in Molecular Biology and had some jobs along the way, where I had my first contact with Issuu to share science articles. The itch about web development was ever-growing and due to some unfortunate events I decided to pull the switch and that a career change was in order.

So, I stuck to it and started learning web development. After I had had my first breakthrough in the area and while looking for a job, my sister, currently in a bakery course, wanted me (the tech guy you know?...) to help her with a blog and something to share some of her fancy recipes. Issuu came to mind from the old science days, I liked the platform and the flipbook feature, and upon visiting the website I was thrilled to know there were vacancies for software engineering, so... here I am, excited to start and to give my contribution to the team!

I’m not bound to any specific music genre and, truth be told, I listen to almost anything. I like more energetic music genres, however when relaxing or in the need of focus, I’ll often go with more calm melodies, be it slow jazz, lofi or even just a crackling fireplace. Check out below some of my most listened genres and bands:

This can go from Pendulum, to Prodigy, Daft Punk, Infected Mushroom, Knife Party, Scandroid...
Yes I listen to AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard, Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Queen, Kiss, Linkin Park and so on, but also like some more recent groups like Airbourne, Royal Republic, The Pretty Reckless, Myiavi...
Here I mainly go through youtube and listen to one of the main lofi channels. One that I listen to many times is the Chillhop Music channel, you can check it here: https://www.

Thisisthegenreyou’llsee melisteningthemostifI’m focused/workingonsomething
One of my absolute favourites are Korn, but I’ll also listen to Iron Maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Rammstein, Slipknot, System of a Down, Lamb of God, Avenged Sevenfold, Beast in Black, Korpiklaani...

Here is my doggo, Mr. Snoopy, he is currently 16 years old! Yes, he is very old by now and extremely spoiled as such.

He is a mix of Dachshund and Terrier Cairn, hence the somewhat exotic fur. He’s also very lazy and his favourite activities include eating (veal is his favourite treat), sleeping and requesting petting/attention until my ears bleed. All in all, he is just a cutie to look at and extremely sweet, always looking for the next hot spot (yes, even in plain summer) because he hates the cold.

Hedoesn’tliveonadog house,he’sallowed anywhereasyoucansee above.Idon’teven thinkmybedroomismy ownanymoreCollection of images showing Snoopy doing is usual of resting somewhere soft and shielding himself from the cold. Own original images.
My“homegym”.Ownoriginal image.
Even though I play video games, mostly indie games during Sunday afternoon, that is not my main hobby.
One of my main hobbies is exercising. I like to practice calisthenics, literally on my bedroom’s door frame and, as I said before, going for long walks (while listening to music) or jump rope.

Apart from that I read a lot, and as such I got an e-reader, since buying so many books can take a toll on your wallet. I usually like to read horror (especially those on Eldritch Horror) and sci-fi books, but can always appreciate a good thriller or adventure book.

When I feel like doing some manual stuff, I either do some pleasure cooking or start folding the closest paper into origami. I’m more of a savory cooker, I like to cook pizzas (obviously), any kind of bread or savory pastry. However, I also do some desserts, especially If i have apples at the ready. As for the origami, it can go from a simple one made from the piece of paper of any candy to full-on marathons where I fold thousands of pieces to build any 3D animal I can think of.

Feel free to ask me anything!