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The Care Team is busy as usual and I'm pleased to say we've been able to help some members through difficult times such as bereavement or by just providing a friendly ear to listen for those wanting to chat! We also help to collect prescriptions and give lifts for local medical appointments etc.
Some problems aren't so easy to resolve, but we try hard and have been able to offer advice and support with moving a loved one into a care home and checking up on familiar faces who perhaps have not been seen for a while in Shul ....
We are always happy to help with transport to Lunch Club and it's very nice to see people there and have a catch up over a delicious lunch ! We're working with Jacqueline and the Hub to create Pesach cards for members in our care and hope too that we will see you at the Communal Seder.
We send our sincere condolences to the families of Shirley Piazza, Jan Nomberg and Kenneth Wright who sadly have recently passed away......
We would like to send Get Well wishes to Sally Lander, Dorothy Eden, Alan Stoller, and to anyone else suffering pain and illness at this time.....we wish you well.
Happy Birthday wishes are extended to the following as they celebrate very special birthdays during the next few weeks
Harvey Adams �� Mike Beral �� Susan Brady �� Susan Flaum �� Mark Kram
Allan Newman �� Adam Renak �� Tina Shaw �� Amanda Sherwin ����
MAZELTOV to Stacey and Mark and Jenny and Martyn on the happy occasion of their respective weddings
Please let us know if we can help you, Maureen Adams.
Estelle Leigh 07961 075657 07754 654297
In cases of bereavement, please contact our Burial Officer, Joan Shopper on 01582 792959