A Campaign for Brunswick School

seeks to raise $150 million to ensure Brunswick becomes ever stronger. The initiative concentrates strategically on five major priority areas.

Whole-School Expansion of Health & Wellness Programming
$20 million
◾ Comprehensive whole-school program directed by on-staff M.D.
◾ New, dedicated Health & Wellness Centers serving all campuses
◾ Increased counseling staff, curriculum enhancements & on-topic school assemblies
◾ Expert speaker series for parents & for students
2 Upper School Campus Transformation
$52 million
◾ First-phase: Pettengill building & site renovation
◾ Expanded, more interactive library/ learning center
◾ Classroom & laboratory upgrades
◾ Enhanced, energy-efficient HVAC for entire Maher Avenue & Pettengill campuses
◾ Whole-campus technology upgrades

Strengthened Commitment to Faculty & Community Service
$25 million
◾ Named faculty chairs in Computer Science, the Arts, Modern Languages/ Classics
◾ Named endowed coaching, training, and athletic leadership positions
◾ Endowment and expendable funds for faculty housing acquisition, maintenance, and renovation across all school campuses
◾ Endowment to underwrite expanded community service opportunities & enhanced full-year, whole-school outreach
◾ Named endowments to fund annual operating expenses of Horizons at Brunswick
4 Increased Endowment for Financial Aid & Academic Enrichments
$35 million
◾ Named endowment funds for expanded financial aid
◾ Expendable term gifts for full & partial scholarship awards
◾ Supplemental assistance for academic enrichment & non-tuition expenses
◾ “Onboarding” programs for entering financial-aid recipients & increased academic support for all students

Expanded Discretionary & Designated Endowment & Expendable Funds
$18 million
◾ Discretionary funds to respond quickly to unforeseen and emerging priorities & opportunities
◾ Designated & discretionary funding for additional upgrades & enhancements to new Early Childhood Education campus, including new faculty housing units
◾ Named endowments for Early Childhood Education division head & key academic/faculty positions
Tom Murray (P ’27, ’31) Chief Advancement Officer (203) 242-1225 tmurray@brunswickschool.org
Meghan Gould (P ’29) Director of Development for Major Gifts (203) 242-1225 mgould@brunswickschool.org
Zach Dobbs ’06 Director of Alumni Relations (203) 242-1225 zdobbs@brunswickschool.org