Ever Brunswick: Academic & Coaching, Leadership & Inspiration

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Academic & Coaching

Leadership & Inspiration

Endowed Funds for Faculty Chairs, Teaching Fellowships & Athletic Coaching


A 120th Anniversary Campaign for Our Boys


TO REMAIN TRUE TO ITS CORE MISSION , it is essential that Brunswick continue to pursue implementation of a decisive, distinctive, multitiered plan to ensure that, as secondary education itself becomes more complex and demanding, its academic program truly prepares young men to bring their whole selves to lives of unprecedented circumstance — lives of creative and collaborative engagement in solutions to extraordinary challenges.

At every tier, Brunswick’s plan to recognize and honor exceptional talent — in administrative vision, academic leadership, excellence in classroom instruction, teaching followships, and endowed coaching positions — along with establishment of an endowed fund to support research and professional development, stands as a key goal of the “Ever Stronger, Ever Brunswick” campaign.

An Unwavering & Careful Commitment to Courage, Honor, Truth

Endowed “Named” Whole-School Leadership Head of School — $5 million

Pre, Lower & Middle School Division Heads — $3 million each

Endowed “Named” Faculty Chairs

Department Chairs — $2 million each

Teaching Chairs — $1 million each

Endowed “Named” Teaching Fellowships

Fellowships — $500,000 each

Endowed “Named” Head Coaching Positions

Coaching Positions — $1 million per position

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Endowed “Named” Whole-School Leadership

Head of School — $5 million

Pre, Lower & Middle School Division Heads — $3 million each

At an especially turbulent and complex time — a time at which our boys must learn to navigate confidently and thoughtfully in a spectrum of challenging situations — steady and inspirational educational leadership at all levels is essential. Recognizing and rewarding Brunswick’s top-down institutional commitment to Courage Honor, Truth — a commitment that has been unwavering for the past 120 years — will strategically position and spotlight our school even more strongly to succeed in the evermore challenging decades ahead.

Consequently, Brunswick now seeks to “name” and endow in perpetuity its highest leadership positions. The purpose of this initiative is to underscore powerfully the school’s dedication to “staying the course” and educating our boys in a forwardthinking and careful, traditional program guided by strong, solid “guard rails” widely recognized for both excellence and prudence.

Endowed “Named” Faculty Chairs

Department Chairs — $2 million each

Teaching Chairs — $1 million each

The Brunswick Endowed Chairs Program, as a single, cohesive, and directional leadership group, endows the chairs of all Upper School academic departments. Additionally, the program establishes a related strategic development fund for excellence in arts and sciences education, income of which is applied at the Head of School’s discretion to support chair holders, collectively and/or individually, in pursuits to ensure the continued and evolving balance and relevance of Brunswick’s “core” liberal arts program.

The initiative encompasses unified endowment of a “core” group of eight departmental chairs — English, History, Modern Languages & Classical Studies, Mathematics, Science, Computer Science, Visual & Performing Arts, and Athletics Directorship.

Today, of the full complement, three are fully endowed: Mathematics, Science, and History.


As a key goal of the “Ever Stronger, Ever Brunswick” capital campaign, the school seeks to bring this capstone initiative to maturity by fully endowing the remaining five chairs. Additionally, we are moving to recognize and endow positions held by exceptional and inspirational classroom teachers, whose work each and every day has such a powerful and lasting impact on the lives of all our boys.

Endowed “Named” Teaching Fellowships

Fellowships — $500,000 each

To keep perspectives fresh and strong — and to identify teachers of exceptional intellect and potential — Brunswick’s longstanding teaching internship program welcomes, trains, and inspires young and enthusiastic college graduates who are new to the field.

At a time at which it’s widely recognized that fewer young people are seeking to pursue careers in teaching, the depth and breadth of Brunswick’s initiative is especially important.

Now, as part of the “Ever Stronger, Ever Brunswick” campaign, by creating the Brunswick Teaching Fellowships, the school is taking a further step in recognizing and supporting excellence in teaching at all levels.

Our plan calls for establishment of five Brunswick “Named” Teaching Fellowships, to be awarded each year by the Head of School to second-year interns whose demonstrated work in teaching has achieved the highest standard of excellence — and named endowments would cover their salaries for the duration of their tenure in the Brunswick program.

Brunswick “Named” Teaching Fellowship awards will be publicly announced and formally recognized at the beginning of each academic year.


Endowed “Named” Head Coaching Positions Coaching Positions — $1 million per position

At Brunswick, a boy’s experience is all about the journey. And yet, as the journey continues — with demands, expectations, and the competitive nature of independentschool athletics increasing by the day — Brunswick must keep a keen eye on the future.

To remain true to its core mission, the school must now take a transformative step in the athletic realm to the forefront of its independent-school peers. It must continue to set the bar high to ensure its boys receive top-notch, world-class coaching.

To do so, Brunswick must build a financial reserve — used to attract, retain, and support the finest coaches in all of their endeavors — with the overriding purpose of safeguarding its tradition of athletic excellence.

Today, two flagship coaching positions are fully endowed — lacrosse and squash — underscoring Brunswick’s competitive excellence in these sports.

As a goal of the “Ever Stronger, Ever Brunswick” campaign, Brunswick is seeking to endow and “name” its vanguard coaching positions — ensuring that excellence in teaching and leadership always informs Brunswick’s longstanding institutional passion for competing on the field of play.

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