Times of Brunswick | Spring 2006

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Spring Spring 2006 2006

Brunswick Spans the Globe from Tanzania, to Siberia, to Falluhjah China Care Foundation Program Continues to Bloom Parlez-vous Bouffier? Le Monsieur Makes His Mark Got a pen? Learn how some pens actually save lives Fundance Offers Front Row Seat to the World of Cinema . . . and more!






Brunswick School 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 Tel: 203.625.5800 www.BrunswickSchool.org





Headmaster Thomas W. Philip Director of Development Terry M. Gumz Editor Bonni Brodnick


Cover Photo Fran Collin Contributors Anne Adler, Bonni Brodnick, Diane Briggs, Keith Cipollaro, Betty Condon, Libby Edwards, Terry Gumz, Diana Samponaro, Victoria Savio, Catherine Scott, Sherry Schwartz, Ted Stolar



Class Notes Editors Keith Cipollaro


Catherine Scott


Contributing Photographers Jules Alexander, Dorothy Brodsky, Fran Collin, Barb Dickson, Marcia Frost (CollegeAndJuniorTennis.com), Christopher Mahaney ’07, Robert Norman, Matthew Savitt ’12, TReC Sports, Simon Williams Designer Good Design LLC www.gooddesignusa.com



Printing Success Printing Norwalk, Connecticut

Board of Trustees 2005-2006

Brunswick School, founded in 1902, is an independent college-preparatory day school for boys in grades pre-kindergarten through 12. Grades 9-12 have a coordinate program with Greenwich Academy, a neighboring girls’ school. In a community of challenging academics, diverse artistic pursuits, and highly competitive athletics, time for Brunswick School students is also reserved for both reflection and service to others. We believe in the potential of boys and have successfully developed an educational experience that emphasizes rigorous traditional learning, selfdiscipline, and character development. The School’s motto, “Courage, Honor, Truth,” is a phrase familiar to students who have graced our halls and one that is followed in both word and deed.

John G. Macfarlane III, Chairman Richard A. Baker ’84 W. Preston Baldwin III Cynthia G. Biondi Peter R. Chapman ’62 Leslie A. Dahl Cathy T. Dann William A. Durkin III ’72 Anne B. Farrell Richard M. Fuscone Joseph D. Gatto Colvin W. Grannum Dennis J. Keegan Alain Lebec James B. Lee Lisa G. Matthews

Garrett M. Moran Thomas D. O’Malley, Jr. ’85 Timothy J. O’Neill Charles Paternina Peer T. Pedersen, Jr. Clifton S. Robbins Henry F. Skelsey Mark J. Vallely ’75 J. Edward Virtue Peter A. Weinberg Simon J. Williams L. Keith Wimbush

Brunswick Parents Association Darrell H. Lorentzen, President




“Hurricane Katrina Relief Plan Shows Generous Outpouring” by Bonni Brodnick

“From Faulkner to Football: Sean Brennan Knows His Field” by Diana Samponaro


“Parlez-vous Bouffier?” by Bonni Brodnick

Interview with Tom Hyland ’95: “Traveling High and Low to Southeast Asia” by Bonni Brodnick




“Michael Szeto’s Violin Sonata to Brunswick” by Anne Adler



“On the Field” Fall Sports 2005

“On the Front”


“Fundance Film Festival Offers Front Row Seats With a Global View” by Sherry Schwartz & Bonni Brodnick


“Nothing to Sneeze At” by Bonni Brodnick


“Message from the Headmaster”





“Brunswick Chinese Language Program Blooms Like a Peony in this New Year of the Dog” by Bonni Brodnick

“Safari in Tanzania: A Great Gnu World” By Ted Stolar


Letters to the Editor



41 “Beyond the Classroom” by Bonni Brodnick

47 Alumni compiled by Cat Scott

58 Class Notes & In Memoriam compiled by Cat Scott



Stay Connected: 2005–2006 Annual Fund


Please note that in the photograph on page 4 of the Summer 2005 issue of Times of Brunswick, we incorrectly captioned the recipient of the Headmaster’s Trophy as John duPont. In fact, William Jeffrey is the recipient of the 1995 Headmaster’s Trophy.

Spring 2006

Please note that in the 2004-2005 Annual Giving Report, we incorrectly listed Mr. Frederick B. Whittemore in the Parents of Alumni, Grandparents & Friends section. The correct listing should be Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Whittemore.


Message from the Headmaster “It Takes Character to Develop Character”

As our Mission Statement emphasizes:

“The purpose of the School is to educate the ‘whole boy’…. acquire the personal, intellectual, and physical training that will best enable them to grow into responsible adults who can make lasting contributions to society.”

Times of Brunswick

As part of that education, there is at Brunswick, I believe, no more significant role than that of positive teacher-role model (i.e. our Faculty). To our boys and to our School, the presence of positive role models…in the classrooms, in Advisory, on the playing fields, serves to offer daily testament to what we stand for as an institution, and what we are striving to instill in our boys during their time with us. At Brunswick School, the structure we strive for in our Faculty is often referred to in Independent School circles as the “triple-threat.” The triple-threat refers to the three major areas of responsibility, which we assign to virtually our entire Faculty in all divisions of the School: they teach, they advise, and they are involved in extra-curricular activities. This “triple-perspective” then offers our boys the opportunity to see, learn from, and interact with members of the Faculty in all areas of school life, rather than in just one isolated area of the day, such as in the classroom, or on the playing field. We try to make clear during the hiring process the standards to which we hold our Faculty, and explain that being a member of our community brings with it many responsibilities and expectations which may not be part of a teacher’s job description elsewhere. The way I describe this approach to teaching candidates who are applying for a position on our Faculty is that rather than simply seeking specialists in, for example, Lower School curriculum, or AP Calculus, Varsity Tennis, or Middle School Science, we are seeking specialists in children first . . . their interests, their growth and their moral development … and then, secondarily, we are seeking expertise in specific areas of school life.


Our emphasis on character development and our reliance upon the teacher-role model structure to promote that development is an absolutely defining difference between Brunswick School and other schools. I continually remind our Faculty (and myself) that being a Faculty member at Brunswick School is not to be taken lightly, nor is it a role easily fulfilled. This is because in all that we do, we serve as an example to our boys. These boys will take lessons from what and how we teach … how we coach when we are winning, and how we coach when we are losing … how we conduct ourselves on the sidelines … how sensitive we are to the needs and interests of others … how we approach our own personal responsibilities … and how (or whether) we strive to help the less-fortunate in our community. With the development of character as our collective and overriding goal…how our sons study is more important that the test scores they receive; how our teams conduct themselves is more important than the outcome, and being good to themselves and to others is more important than virtually anything else. At Brunswick School, character is not effectively taught by the “do as I say method.” Rather, it is best modeled through example and, in turn, learned through observation. It takes character to develop character!

Thomas W. Philip Headmaster

Letters Letters Letters Letters Letters Letters Letters

To the editor… Congrats on an outstanding magazine. I still need to read some articles but the look and printing job are First Class. Please let all that worked on it know that it is not only a quality publication, but one that all associated with the ’Wick can be proud of. Best to all. Dwight Clasby ’71

You have been loyal to the letter and faithful to the spirit of everything I told you about the Institute. You deserve special kudos for a visual coup de grace-very professional visual layout and page design. Henry and Hayward Alker get the prominence they deserve for the important one-to-one tutoring they gave me when I was very sick. I would love to know what they’re doing and where they are now—I haven’t seen them since my 9th grade year. Thanks for your effort and intelligence in rendering this very professional article.

Just wanted to let you know that Phil (Geiger ’00) received his Brunswick magazine yesterday and it looks great! You all do a fantastic job.

Best, Nathaniel Floyd ’59

Hope all is well, Laura Barrow

Congratulations to you and your staff on the best magazine ever. Just as promised, the new graphic design, the quality of the paper, the news included, the sharp photos—each a great improvement from the past. We were so pleased with our article on Spain and thank you for including us. If I did not work at Brunswick and I saw the magazine, I would apply for a job right away! Many thanks for all your hard work. You make us all look good.

My time at Brunswick instilled in me my continuing love for history. The classes I enjoyed most were history classes with Bill Frick, Bill Douwes, and Don Swanbeck. In fact, these fine teachers influenced my decision to major in history in college. It would be interesting to me, and undoubtedly to other alumni, if there were a Brunswick alumni reception that featured a current history teacher comparing current world events with similar issues from the past.

Barbara Kolesar Middle School English Teacher

Ted Young ’85 Spring 2006

We welcome your comments and letters to the editor. Please contact bbrodnick@brunswickschool.org.


Sean Brennan

From Faulkner to Football: Sean Brennan Knows His Field By Diana Samponaro

For the third consecutive year, the Brunswick football team won the FAA Title and the

NEPSAC Class C Championship. The team will tell you, Coach Sean Brennan, who doubles as dean of academic affairs and Upper School English teacher, is the main reason that they have a 29 game winning streak. On the other side, Sean Brennan always credits the coaching

Times of Brunswick

staff, and the players for the team.


Senior Eric Epstein described the football team’s secret eloquently when he answered a question on a college Common Application this fall. “The Brunswick School football team is not fun because it is successful; it is successful because it is fun.” Eric concludes his essay, “It is great being part of a winning tradition…but it is even better playing on a team driven by mutual respect.” Charles Brodsky ’06, tri-captain of the 2005 football team and four-year letterman says, “I have never felt more prepared for anything than I have for a football game coached by Coach Brennan.” Vaughn Hodges and Jamie Millard, both ’06 and the other two captains for this year’s squad, are equally clear in stating their feelings. “Coach Brennan is enthusiastic, motivating,

competitive, and manages to balance hard work with fun.” Many of the senior standouts on the championship team benefitted from one of Sean Brennan’s better motivating strategies when they were sophomores and juniors. Trying to keep 50+ athletes involved and energized week after week, while also training a team to win, takes planning. And creativity! “Bruin of the Week” is an award that Coach Brennan gives out each week to a “non-starter” for his contribution that week to the team’s success. While none of the football players’ comments are surprising, given the team’s three-year record, what might surprise some in the Brunswick community is that their comments are echoed throughout the Upper School, particularly by the twelve senior

From Faulkner to Football

Spring 2006

girls from Greenwich Academy, and boys in Sean Brennan’s Faulkner course. Eric Tillman, Upper School English teacher, is also a fan of William Faulkner (1897-1962), the renowned Nobel Prize-winning novelist and short story writer from Mississippi, who is acclaimed throughout the world as one of the twentieth century’s greatest authors. “Sean Brennan is as passionate about the literature of William Faulkner as he is about coaching football,” said Mr. Tillman. In the fall of 2004, Coach Brennan, who morphs to “Mr. Brennan” in the classroom, began offering a senior elective devoted to the novels of Faulkner, with Hamlet offered as the required last reading for all seniors. The class reads The Sound and the Fury, and Absalom, Absalom! as well as the short story collection, Go Down Moses. Chris Baker ’06 writes that “The Faulkner elective has been unlike any other literature course offered at Brunswick: concentrated rather than comprehensive, the course has been more similar to a case study of the insane mind of William Faulkner, rather than the conventional broad glimpse of literary trends that most high school students are used to.” But what really stands out in students’ descriptions of Sean Brennan is his ability to motivate all of those around him. Whether teaching seniors intent upon learning, or coaching young athletes, Sean is a great motivator. Describing a moment in the Faulkner class this fall, “Mr. Brennan read out loud a segment from the book. He was fascinated by Faulkner’s description of Sutpen’s mansion, depicted in its formal, embryonic opulence.’ He turned to the class full of bewildered, college-bound seniors and exclaimed, ‘Isn’t this stuff amazing?’” Michael Szeto ’06 worried that he would be in trouble when he realized that Faulkner’s sentences “stretched on for miles, with an endless series of commas, parentheses, ‘he’s and ‘she’s.” But he and his fellow seniors conclude that one of Mr. Brennan’s most noteworthy characteristics is his desire to make all of his students better writers. “He encourages us to work as hard as we can to refine our writing skills. He knows the material, teaches and conveys the meaning of the literature to

the students, is patient, and is always available for extra help. Mr. Brennan demands that we constantly strive to be better writers.” While at Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference studying for his Masters degree, in a class entitled “Modernism and the Latin American Narrative,” Sean became enamored of the language of William Faulkner. He also met his wife Wendy and made a casual acquaintance of Doug Burdett, Brunswick’s director of college guidance and Upper School English teacher. If we fast forward through the Brennans’ careers in New England schools, Wendy worked many years at Hotchkiss, serving as chairman of the English department, a college counseling associate, and the head lacrosse coach for their championship women’s lacrosse team. Sean was teaching, coaching and/or serving as an administrator at Hotchkiss, Millbrook, and Salisbury. The parents of three wonderful young daughters were contemplating a change in their fast-paced lives when Doug Burdett called Sean to mention an opening at Brunswick. Sean is very clear about why he came to Brunswick; it blends all of the great aspects of an academic career, teaching, coaching, and administrative decision-making. Now in his third year, Sean is the dean of academics, head football coach, and teacher. He enjoys the many facets of his job, the curricular discussions, meeting with department chairs regularly, working on common goals with Greenwich Academy, and enjoys the hiring process. As there are very few openings at Brunswick, and it is such a special place, a good hire, and the right fit, is very important! It could easily be said that Sean Brennan is the “right fit” for Brunswick. He is very much a “teacher” in the tradition of many great Brunswick teachers. Eric Tillman, Sean’s colleague in the English department, as well as a long-time Brunswick varsity lacrosse and basketball coach, stated it simply: “Sean Brennan is as passionate about the literature of William Faulkner as he is about coaching football. You might say Sean coaches English and teaches football.” At the annual varsity football dinner, Frank Loverro, assistant football coach, chose to end the night by saying a few words about Coach Brennan. “A true measuring stick for a football coach is the emotion with which he leads his team. For Coach Brennan, that stick is pretty easy to read: the game begins, and the coach is never more focused…always letting his boys know he expects their best and believes in them. But it is after the game ­— just after, when the boys take a knee on the 50-yard line — it is then, and only then, with his words, and sometimes his tears, that he shows the true emotion that makes him the coach he is.” j


Parlez-vous Bouffier?

Jacques Bouffier, chair of the foreign

language department and French teacher extraordinaire



School since 1969, received recognition last spring 2005 when the Jacques Bouffier Foreign Language Prize was named in his honor. Past citations named for faculty include William Dick Latin Award; Eleanor G. Lindberg Award (Grade 5); Virginia I. Peterson Award (Grade 6);

By Bonni Brodnick

The winner of the prestigious Jacques Bouffier Foreign Language Prize is selected by the foreign language teachers to acknowledge the senior who has been exemplary in the study of foreign languages during his years at Brunswick. The Jacques Bouffier Award honors a beloved teacher who brings so much to the School and his students. “Jacques is the most senior member of our teaching faculty and, as such, has seen this School’s remarkable evolution and growth over a period of thirty-seven years,” said Thomas W. Philip, Headmaster. “Throughout that time, Jacques has remained eager, innovative, hard-working, and empathetic. Last year, in fact, it was a special honor of mine, and a pleasure shared by all, to rename the Upper School Modern Language prize in his honor. Jacques is one of Brunswick’s finest, and we have grown better and better each of the years that he has served this School and our boys.”

Merritt Math Award (Grade 9); Shields

Times of Brunswick

Math Award (Grade 12); Robert L.


Fanning Hearon, Upper School Spanish teacher, remarked that when the discussion arose to rename a language prize, it Cosby Award, and Alfred Everett Award was obvious it would be named for no one but Monsieur Jacques Bouffier. His long-time dedication to Brunswick and complete for English, given to a senior and named devotion to the study of modern languages made him first in line for recognition. in honor of Brunswick’s former head- “Jacques is a dynamic leader, energetic teacher, and Brunswick legend,” Mr. Hearon said. “He is a teacher who leads by example. master and teacher. Never one to repeat the same old lessons, he is constantly inventing new ones, incorporating the latest technology, and often sharing his impressive PowerPoint demonstrations on grammar and vocabulary with colleagues. “Jacques is also the consummate professional, always impeccably dressed, and sporting a different bow tie for every day of the month! On top of it all, he is a loyal friend to many faculty, and even more to students. Jacques is tireless in his dedication to Brunswick and the boys. He was one of the first people

I met when I interviewed here eight years ago, and I remember sensing his love and admiration for Brunswick, its traditions, and its special community. Jacques has been a wonderful mentor and I have become a much-improved teacher under his watch. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be a member of his department.” Students of Jacques Bouffier are in accord with these praises. “Monsieur Bouffier brings so much energy and life to class that everyday is like an authentic immersion experience,” said George Moran ’07. “He has this special way of getting each and every student to not only speak up in class, but to speak French well.” “The energy, hilarious antics, and passion for teaching that Mr. Bouffier brings to French class make him a beloved teacher among his students. His class is always a pleasure to look forward to,” said Tommy Hoyos ’08. “Having Mr. Bouffier for the past two years has been a highlight of my Brunswick career.”

“Mr. Bouffier creates an awesome energy in the classroom, probably because he’s filled with it himself,” said Benjamin Cortes ’07. “The two words that best describe him would be ‘delightfully absurd.’ He is able to make class comfortable, even during tests, with his irreverent, but welcome, attitude. And who better to teach French than a native speaker who knows all of the ins and outs of the language? The fact that he doesn’t constantly barrage the class with information about his time fighting in the French army is a testament to his genuine, humble nature. After more than three and a half decades with Brunswick, Monsieur Bouffier has definitely become a faculty staple.” j

Spring 2006

“The thing I enjoy most about Mr. Bouffier is how visibly he enjoys teaching” said Christian Blake ’07. “I’ve never had a teacher who has had as much fun and laughed as much as Mr. Bouffier. Although possessed with an extraordinary sense of humor, he manages to teach incredibly well and was actually one of my most difficult teachers. His excellent teaching has made me prepared and learned in French.”

Tom Philip bestowing a gift to Jacques Bouffier for his 36 years of dedication to Brunswick.


Michael Szeto’s Violin Sonata to Brunswick By Anne Adler

When we think of music in our midst, we immediately think of Michael Szeto ’06, a concert violin-

ist of a caliber seldom found among students in an independent day school that is not a performing arts conservatory. How incredibly fortunate for the Brunswick community that Michael chose to spend his high school years on Maher Avenue. He has brought to the School classical performances, both formal

Times of Brunswick

and informal, from Lower to Upper School, with even a bit of blue grass fiddling thrown in.


This fall, an audience of two hundred first through fourth graders arrived one morning to hear Michael as the featured musician for “Music in the Atrium,” a new BPA assembly program. The boys filled the balcony and grand stairway in the center of the Lower School, and listened attentively to our resident maestro play Bach, Elgar, Puccini, and Leoncavallo. After the concert, Michael gave a brief talk about his love for the violin and the music he has worked so hard to honor these past four years. He conveyed this in a way that was both inspiring and approachable to the young boys, responded to their questions with poise and humor, and even took a request for “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Believe me, you have never heard it played quite that way! Last year, Michael proposed an idea to Paul Raaen, Upper School music teacher: a concert on behalf of “the teachers, students, and administrators at Brunswick and Greenwich Academy, who make up our wonderful high school community.” That thank you took the form of a Sunday afternoon concert at Massey Theater at Greenwich Academy. The program had something for everyone’s musical taste: the structure and discipline of Bach, the impressionist brushstrokes of Ravel and Debussy, the romantic line of Liszt and Tchaikovsky, and the dark passion of Sibelius. Performing on-stage in the “Michael Szeto & Friends Concert” were Greenwich Academy students, Midori Tanaka ’08, Rachel Caplan ’06, and Michael’s sister Katie ’08, along with other musician colleagues—Gabe Beckerman (cello), Andrew Knebel (viola), Jonathan Payne (cello), Andrew Thomson (violin), and Vivian Zhang (piano). Katie is a classical ballerina who danced the beautiful Tchaikovsky pas de deux from Act II with Darren McIntyre, a principal dancer with the Ajkun Ballet Company, as Midori, on piano, and Michael accompanied. The performance ended with a standing ovation and calls for an encore.

Katie received a resplendent bouquet of flowers, of which she presented one to her dance partner, one to Midori, and with a deep curtsy, poignantly handed one to her brother. “So many of my teachers have supported me by showing up at my concerts with the Norwalk Youth Symphony, by helping me to participate in the All-State competitions, and by accommodating my schedule so I have time to practice,” said Michael. “Though being a violinist at Brunswick is not exactly a mainstream activity, I was always given the opportunity to participate in school concerts, alumnae events, Open Mike Night, and to perform with other groups such as the Madrigals, the Bel Canto Choir, and the Blue Notes, to name a few. Lastly, I wanted to thank my peers who have always cheered me on, and have seemed to enjoy whatever I happened to play for them. They made me feel accepted and appreciated, and that doesn’t get any better.” “One of Michael’s outstanding traits is his willingness to exercise his talent by playing different styles of music—from classical to the foot stompin’ ’Mountain Men of Maher,’ our Upper School blue grass band,” said Paul Raaen. “His willing-

Spring 2006

ness to share his musical gift with others is what makes Michael a unique musician and classmate.” To achieve this level of expertise, nearly every day after school, Michael goes to New York City to study with Lewis Kaplan of the Julliard School, and Asya Meshberg of the Lumina String Quartet. Michael’s summers are not spent at summer camps experiencing the wilderness or sightseeing, but rather at summer music academies and festivals from Maine to Salzburg, Austria. He is concertmaster of the Norwalk Youth Symphony and the Greenwich Academy Chamber Orchestra, and has performed at the Rich Forum in Stamford as part of the Chamber Music Institute for Young Musicians, Steinway Concert Hall in New York City, the Cole Auditorium at Greenwich Library, and at the Greenwich Arts Center. Last year, he played in the Spectrum String Quartet, an ensemble coached by Asya Meshberg, which performed in a benefit concert for the Tsunami victims of Tamil Nadu, India. More concerts for the Brunswick community are forthcoming, with promise of additional opportunities to hear Michael perform before he graduates and heads off to Columbia University . . . just a few blocks uptown from a Carnegie Hall debut. j


Chinese Langua Blooms like a New Year in this

It wasn’t Beijing or Shanghai, and it was far from Shangri-La.

Leshan City, located in Sichuan

Times of Brunswick

Province, and Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi province countryside, were destination points last July


for six Brunswick School Chinese language students – Christian Blake, Tommy Brosens, Eric Duffy, A.J. Feld, Justin McAuliffe, and Henry Skelsey, Jr. This innovative five-week summer program was inspired by Michelle Liu, Upper School Chinese teacher, whose language department was endowed in 2002 by the Ray Dalio family.

ge Program Peony Dog of the

By Bonni Brodnick

efforts of Thomas W. Philip, Headmaster; Jacques Bouffier, chair of the Upper School foreign language department; John Booth, chair of the Upper School history department; Barbara Kolesar, Middle School English teacher; and Marianne Ho Barnum, diversity coordinator. “Our exchange program was a terrific success last summer,” said Mr. Philip, who coordinated with Mr. Wang Zhizhong, principal at Leshan No. 1 High School. “We made an agreement that we would send over three of our boys last summer, and in exchange, host three of their students and a teacher in Greenwich this winter. It’s a true cultural immersion, host family program.”

Spring 2006

“I used to teach at Leshan No. 1 High School, which is considered one of the best in the Sichuan Province,” said Mrs. Liu. “When I came to Brunswick, I knew a progressive exchange program like this would provide an extraordinary and life-changing experience for our boys. Mandarin and English are the languages to know for the new emerging economy. The culture is so important to understand too. Brunswick School is doing both. Mandarin classes at the Maher Avenue campus emphasize the importance of speaking the language and of understanding the culture.” Along with Michelle Liu, the Brunswick School Chinese exchange program was coordinated and launched through the


The Leshan Daily Sino-American Students’ Cultural Exchange Program of Leshan No.1 High School Came to a Successful Ending

Times of Brunswick

(Article Translation)


“Sino-American Students’ Cultural Exchange Program” of Leshan No. 1 High School came to a successful ending with a send-off ceremony for Brunswick students. Leshan No. 1 High School signed an agreement with their friendship school, Brunswick, and agreed that the two schools would interchange students and teachers for educational and cultural exchange per year. On June 7th, the three students from Brunswick School arrived at Leshan No.1 High School to study Chinese and Chinese culture, and were hosted in three separate students’ homes. We will send three of our students to Greenwich, Connecticut in February 2006. During their visit, our host families took the three American exchange students around Leshan City, and to several other places of interest, such as Mt. Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha. They also tried tasty Leshan food. The three American students studied Chinese in the morning. In the afternoon, they did sports, went shopping, or surfed the Internet. They stayed with their host parents in the evening. During the month, they not only experienced the life of the Chinese students, but also got to practice their Chinese. In the final ceremony, the American students said that their host parents cared about them as much as their own parents. The Leshan No.1 High School students expressed that this exchange program is very significant. They not only made acquaintances with the western culture and improved their English, but also developed a deep friendship with the American students.

Leshan, a small city of four million people located in the southwest of China was “home base” to Henry, Justin, and Eric while they lived with Chinese families during their exchange. Along with attending Leshan No. 1 High School, they participated in a work program at the China Care Foundation, an orphanage founded by former Brunswick student Matt Dalio, Class of 2001. The mission of the orphanage is to help China’s most un-adoptable orphans by starting new group homes, providing life-saving surgeries, placing them in foster care, and finding loving American homes for the children. “Even though it was a short period of time that we worked with the little kids at China Care, I think we had a positive effect on them because they felt important, loved, and wanted, like every child should,” said Eric Duffy.

The boys later joined their classmates, A.J., Christian, and Tommy, who had been working in a remote village orphanage in Taiyuan. “The town we lived in knows little about the outside world,” said A.J. “Information and news is completely controlled by the government. Even Internet access is controlled. In a bookstore, for instance, there are fifty versions of different Chinese folklore, self-help, and karate manuals, and books on the government. There is no literature, children’s books, or fiction. Living in China for five weeks made me appreciate how lucky I am to have been born in the United States.” “Brunswick has reached out and created an incredible exchange program,” said Henry Skelsey, Sr., father of Henry, Jr. “Mandarin and English are the languages to know as China continues to make a presence in

How One Gift Can Make A Difference By Bonni Brodnick

Continued c

Spring 2006

Welcome topics of conversation in Chinese: scenery, landmarks, weather, climate, and geography, your travels in other countries, your positive experiences traveling in China, and Chinese art. If you are invited to a family party, small gifts like wine, tea, or candies are welcomed. It’s a country known as a state of etiquette and ceremonies. “Civility costs nothing” and “Courtesy demands reciprocity” are proverbs that address Chinese customs. These are just a few of the nuances taught in Michelle Liu’s comprehensive Chinese language course, which was made possible by a gift from the Dalio family in 2002. When Matt Dalio, Class of 2001, was eleven, he lived with a couple in Beijing and attended an all-Chinese school. During this year abroad, he learned to speak Mandarin, and developed a love for the cultural differences between the East and the West. After later learning about China’s one-child policy for parents, which results in many babies with disabilities being abandoned, Matt spent a summer volunteering in a Chinese orphanage, where 95% of the orphans suffer from some form of disability, making them virtually un-adoptable. When he learned about the magnitude of the problem, Matt realized that he could make a difference in the lives of others. A seed was planted. Six years ago, Matt, who is fluent in Mandarin, conceived and established the China Care Foundation, which provides pediatric surgeries to special needs Chinese children, helps them find loving adoptive American families, and also gets American students involved in a program that will forever change their lives. The wish to accomplish this was inspired by one Brunswick student learning the native Chinese language and truly connecting to the culture.


How One Gift Can Make A Difference (continued)

Times of Brunswick

Back home in Greenwich, Matt Dalio approached Headmaster Tom Philip with the vision to create the China Care Endowed Chair, and to establish the China Care Club so that students would be exposed to both the language and the culture. In 2002, this gift made it possible to hire Michelle Liu to teach Mandarin Chinese, and to continue Matt’s mission: to create an amazing cultural experience that radically impacts and connects the lives of both orphaned children in China and Brunswick students in Greenwich. “Every time a person helps another, that person is also changed,” said Matt. “One is touched and two are changed. When I started China Care, I had no idea how radically I would be affected. As they say, the more you give, the more you get. But I didn’t realize how true that was until I was in the middle of it. I don’t even know where to begin to express all that I have gained from China Care. To try to communicate what I have gotten out of the program… I honestly think that I am a happier, more compassionate, wiser, and more capable person. My world-view is broader and I can truly say that I have received far more than I have given.” Today, Brunswick School offers four levels of courses in Mandarin, and includes thirty Brunswick and Greenwich Academy students. Many, such as Colin Kelly, Class of 2004, who is majoring in East Asian studies at Harvard, elected to continue Chinese in college. We also look forward to bringing our innovative Chinese program to the lower grades with the announcement of the China Care Foundation endowing a Middle School Chair. Beginning with the Dalio family gift that launched the Brunswick Chinese language program and the China Care Club, more and more students are learning the Mandarin language, and yes . . . even the gentle nuances of the Chinese culture.


global economics. China is becoming one of our most important business partners. No matter what business you’re in, everyone is talking about the future impact of China.” In January, Brunswick received extraordinary news from New York Service Center for Chinese Study Fellows that Eric Duffy and Justin McAuliffe received the HSK Basic First Level Certificate of the Chinese Language Proficiency Test from the China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. “It’s amazing for both Brunswick students to achieve this certificate, especially since this was their first time taking the test, and they have no Chinese background,” said Leon Chen, project manager at New York Service Center for Chinese Study Fellows Inc. “For such good students, they are certain to achieve certificates of higher levels in the future.” “This was great news for us!” exclaimed Mrs. Liu. “The test is all in Chinese characters and is the most difficult Chinese national proficiency test in history. According to previous years, Eric and Justin will receive a scholarship from the government, and study at a Chinese university this summer.” With great anticipation, Brunswick also looked forward to the next leg of our exchange program. During January and February, we welcomed and hosted

three students and Ms. He (pronounced: Hehw), an English teacher at Leshan No. 1 High School for thirty years. During their visit, the exchange students participated in a full-class schedule. Ms. He assisted Mrs. Liu with her Chinese language classes and visited the Lower and Middle Schools to enlighten the children about Chinese history, culture, and current issues. Thanks to the generous stewardship of the Dalio Family, our Chinese exchange program is inspiring many, and continuing to build the bridge between Brunswick and Leshan.

Safari in

By Ted Stolar

TAanzania : Great Gnu World

The extraordinary opportunity to go on an African safari came about because my wife

Cathryn, who is the chief operating officer for Women’s World Banking, was attending a meeting of seven African nations on micro-finance policy. WWB is a global non-profit network of more than fifty micro-finance institutions that provide financial services to low-income women entrepreneurs in the developing world who, generally, earn only a dollar or two per day. After the conference, Cathryn and I flew in a small plane from Nairobi to a tiny airport in Arusha, Tanzania, in East Africa. From there, we took an even smaller plane to the safari meeting point. The humorous part about that flight was that the pilot had to buzz the grass airstrip in other herding animals wandering about. This was my first “Ohmigod!” experience.

Spring 2006

order to land. He zipped down several times to scare the zebra, wildebeests, and


Safari in Tanzania:

Times of Brunswick

When we landed and met our Sematango Tour and Safari guide, Ammy Nnko, we became fast friends. He knew that I was serious about my photography, and he described in detail the vegetation, climate, and wildlife during our rides each day. The beautiful part of our trip was going to exquisite lodges in the middle of the Serengeti. I would be sitting on a patio overlooking a river with animals milling about or preening, and “Oh, look! There’s another mother elephant, her baby elephants, and a pride of lions strolling by.” It was incredible! I was once photographing an elephant whose ears were back as he gazed around. Suddenly, these giant ears flew out like umbrellas. It was a true National Geographic shot. Another time I was shooting an elephant, and it wasn’t the ears that flew out, but him charging out of the brush towards us. We also stayed in “Hemingway-style” tents with campsite locations chosen for their great views of game animals. I’d come out of the tent and baboons would be running around. You just wanted to give them an apron and put them to work. “I had seen things like During the safari, we went to Ngorongoro Crater, a reserve this on television, but to with one of the largest concensee it happening in real trations of wildlife in Africa. We saw water buffalo, rare black life, just a few feet away, rhinos, ostrich, wart hogs, cattle, made my heart pound.” and all kinds of East African creatures. The lions have plenty of beasts to feed on. Although the crater is near the equator, the rim has an altitude over 2,000 feet, and gets very cold at night. July, in fact, is winter in East Africa. The indigenous Maasai tribesmen, women, and children bring their cattle to feed on the grassy fields in the crater. We met several Maasai children, ten or so years old, herding their cattle. Being a mother, Cathryn noted that there were no adults accompanying them. We asked our driver, and he said that it’s the children who tend to the cattle. We, of course, worried about their safety, but the Maasais have been doing this for generations. All we could think about were the children walking through the crater, so close to lions and other dangerous animals. It created a powerful impression and unsettling feeling to see young people who have chores doing them in such a treacherous setting. Before going into the crater, though, their grooming includes applying a


A Great Gnu World yogurt substance on their skin so that the animals know the children aren’t prey. “…an environment Another experience was like that was so beautibeing in a scene from “Animal ful and pristine, and Planet.” We went to a watering hole no bigger than a puddle. It not contrived like was dry season and the animals needed to drink. Cathryn noticed a zoo, where the a lion in the bushes, gazing at the creatures run free, pond. Our driver told us to be quiet. “Let’s wait and see what was incredible.” happens.” The lion turned his head to watch a zebra ramble to the pond for a drink. The lion darted out and tried to capture it. They thrashed about in every direction, but the zebra escaped. Finally, the lion walked back and forth several times, and went back into the bushes. He was thin and hungry. The event took place in just a few seconds and I was right there watching. I had seen things like this on television, but to see it happening in real life, just a few feet away, made my heart pound. It made us realize that these little vignettes happen all day long. We could drive up in our Land Rover and not see anything, and then suddenly ostriches stroll out of the woods, and you think, “How wonderful is that?” While the first part of the safari was plains and grass, the second part took us to Tarangire Park, a lush jungle. We weren’t allowed to get out of the car because wild creatures were everywhere. You might open the door and step onto a snake. Zebras stood camouflaged in the brush. Their black and white stripes create a strong psychedelic pattern that makes it difficult for predators to tell where they begin and end. If the zebra stay in bunches, they are safer from attacks. Taking a safari in East Africa was an absolutely once-in-a-lifetime trip. To be able to do what I love to do – photography – and to have the opportunity to see wild creatures, without fences, was truly an amazing experience every day. To be in an environment that was so beautiful and pristine, and not contrived like a zoo, where the creatures run free, was incredible. Our safari was about learning something new, every single minute of every single day. It was a magnificent experience. j

Spring 2006


Brunswick School honors our very special alumni in military service overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our Bruins soldiers include:

Major Kevin Cortes

US Marine Corps based in San Diego Helicopter pilot, recently deployed in Afghanistan. Will be posted in Japan this June.

2nd Lt. Caleb Weiss

US Marine Corps based in HI Infantryman returned from Afghanistan last June and was deployed to Iraq in March.

Majors Allen & David Haight

Both Army men  David is a surgeon; Allen is now in medical school in OK.  David is very senior, and on his second tour of duty in Iraq.

Captain Forrest Jones

2nd Battalion, 6th Marines based in Fallujah, Iraq Has been in the Marines four years; on third combat tour, second in Iraq, one in Afghanistan.  Times of Brunswick

1st Lt. Nate Raymond


Stryker Brigade based in Fort Lewis, WA Won Bronze Star Medal after year in Mosul, Iraq. Oct. 2004Nov. 2005; Nate will attend “Captain School” at Fort Benning, GA in summer 2006. Married to GA grad Becca Raaen, daughter of Paul & Beth, music teachers at Brunswick and GA.

Related Servicemen: Major Bob Benjamin

Brunswick English teacher, has been to Iraq twice working in supply.

Shane Heller 2003 graduate attending US Naval Academy at Annapolis. Carter Harris

2005 graduate attending US Naval Academy at Annapolis.

Andrew Hotchkiss

2005 graduate attending US Naval Academy at Annapolis.

We love hearing from those on-duty serving

our great country. We received news from First Lieutenant Nate Raymond ’99, who was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, with the following citation: First Lieutenant Nathan E. Raymond, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service to the Untied States as a rifle platoon leader for Charlie Company, 1-24 in regiment, from 2 February 2005 to 1 October 2005 during operation Iraqi Freedom. His outstanding dedication to duty during combat operations in Iraq contributed to the overwhelming success of the command’s mission. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflect distinct credit upon himself, this command, and the United States Army.

Attending the formal welcome-home Battalion Ball held in Tacoma, WA in November is First Lieutenant Nate Raymond ’99 (second from left) and the rest of the lieutenants from C Company.


Captain Forrest Jones ’97 suiting up.

A day in Falluhjah.

Spring 2006

We also heard from Forrest Jones ’97, who is currently stationed in Iraq. As the end of October drew near, Forrest reminisced in a letter about his youth and home in Connecticut, remembering “those crisp fall days that only exist in New England.” “I wanted to thank you [Tom Philip and Doug Burdett] for everything that you did for me while I attended Brunswick. I have recently had the opportunity to take stock of where I am now, and had to make some life decisions concerning where I am going over the next few years. One of the wonderful phases of this experience was that I got to consider why I am the individual that I am. I came to the conclusion that both of you, and others at Brunswick, had an immense influence over me. I would not be where I am today if it were not for the personal attention from individuals like yourselves, Mr. Cosby, Mr. Silvy, and Mr. O. I remember math with Jim Stephens, English with both of you and Barbara Kolesar; and French with Mr. Moraski and M. Bouffier. The long and short of it is that, essentially, those formative years that I spent at Brunswick were the most influential of my life. They instilled values that I draw upon every day, here in a part of the world far different from home. Now that I help mentor and develop more of America’s young men, I think, ‘If only they all could have had the privilege of attending Brunswick.’ “Iraq is an interesting place. The return to Falluhjah has been a constant challenge. We are fighting a textbook counter-insurgency. The difficulty in identifying exactly whom it is that we are fighting makes it difficult to engage the insurgents in the way in which we would prefer. That leaves us to wage a battle for the hearts and minds of the populace, in the hopes that they will eventually side with us, and root out insurgent forces. It is a thinking man’s game in every sense. The Marines are performing magnificently. I believe that our efforts are paying off, and that we are rounding the corner with the Iraqi people.



“October was a hectic month, with the operations tempo just shy of unmanageable. We had problems with the trucks because of how hard we were pushing them, running 18-hour days with minimal maintenance. Add a couple of cop-style police chases, 3,000 lbs. of armor the thing wasn’t designed to carry, and you’ve got some old, tired trucks. Most of November was spent repairing them, and most are up and running now. The up armored ones are Army variants that were designed with the armor, supercharger, and A/C integrated into the design of the vehicle. They are a superb piece of machinery. We hit a pressure plate a few days ago and the entire front end of the vehicle was ripped off and flung 150 meters. Engine parts, tire with hub, half shaft, air box, and radiator are not inconsequential parts, and you can imagine the ferocity of a blast that would throw them that far. The over-pressure inside the vehicle knocked out some of the men, but they are alive. No shrapnel entered the compartment. If we had been driving anything less than the truck we were in, we wouldn’t be here. The truck did what it was designed to do, and this amazing group of guys is still with us. “I have gotten to control quite a few aircraft. Another incredible piece of this adventure is the capability to talk to the pilots, have them look for and find you, and then steer you to things that look amiss. The spirit of camaraderie is always there, and the usual check-in brief always includes, ‘Roger, Forrest. Copy all. We have you covered from up here. Just stay safe down there.’ “The planning piece of the operations takes more time than the actual operation. As I look around the auditorium during confirmation briefs, I see some amazing things. Teenagers and 20-somethings are fighting this fight, with some supervision from ‘old people.’ I’m one of them. I operate tanks, Apaches and F-18’s, and the planning is meticulous. If they let these guys loose in the real world, they could solve a lot of problems. What I see at our level is a lot of common sense, coupled with acceptable risk, executed by guys who want to be here. It rocks— and I am proud to be a part of it. “I hope that this finds you all well, and that Brunswick, and its next generation of students, are enjoying all of the friends, lessons, and fellowship that I enjoyed while I was there.” Cheers, Forrest H H H H H

Times of Brunswick

We love to hear from our alums in the military. Please keep us in the loop and write to Cat Scott in Alumni Relations at cscott@brunswickschool.org.


Greenwich Citizen From Brunswick to Bronze Star: All in a Day’s Work By Christopher Falvo

Friday, November 4, 2005 – He made nothing of it. One day in the seventh grade, Nathan Raymond came home from Brunswick School, raced up the stairs, and into his room. When his mother went to see how his day had gone, Raymond was lying in bed reading his Bible, the one that usually kept his window shade from rolling up. He responded by nonchalantly telling his mother that he saved a friend from choking to death. Raymond was talking with a teacher during lunch when a classmate staggered into the classroom, blue in the face. Without hesitation, Raymond applied the Heimlich maneuver and jarred loose the piece of sandwich trapped in his friend’s throat. For those in the movie business, this could be considered foreshadowing. For those in the Raymond family, this was just Nate being Nate. “He’s always been his whole life a stand-up kind of guy,” said his mother, Susan Raymond. Eleven years later, the person who was responsible for saving his friend’s life at Brunswick, First Lt. Nathan Edward Raymond, has been honored by the Army for his fearless leadership in the face of danger and outstanding service to the United States. Raymond, a rifle platoon leader, Charlie Co., 124 IN Regiment, was awarded the Bronze Star medal for his service in Mosul, Iraq from February 2 to October 1 during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Bronze Star is awarded to an Army member who distinguishes himself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service, in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. The award was established under executive order in 1944 and has been presented for acts performed after December 6, 1941. “We’re very proud of him,” said Susan Raymond. “I’ve known my son for 24 years and I can’t say I’m surprised.” Raymond, a 2003 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, assumed the duties of platoon leader on February 2. During his eight months in command, he dealt with many types of engagement, from smallarms fire to suicide car bombers, also known as Suicide Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (SVBIED). Raymond’s most notable act as platoon leader took place on April 3 when one of the Strykers, an armored vehicle that combines

firepower, battlefield mobility, survivability and versatility, with reduced logistics requirements, in his platoon was attacked by a SVBIED. With the modernized tank inoperable, and several of its occupants wounded, Raymond quickly established security, and evacuated his casualties to a higher level of care, according to the Army citation that accompanied the award. He also devised a plan that led to the successful recovery of the Stryker. “Lt. Raymond’s aggressive leadership style, commitment to duty and his respect for the people of Mosul has been a significant factor in the co-opting of the populace in the fight against insurgency,” reads the citation. “His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service and reflect distinct credit upon himself, this command and the United States Army.” Raymond declined to comment about the award or his time in Iraq. Trying times in Mosul for the 24-year-old lieutenant were met with trying times in the Raymond household, as each phone call put the family on edge. “I was terrified that was the phone call,” said his mother, adding, “That’s a hard way to live. Every phone call you’re terrified.” “It was tough just not knowing sometimes,” said his brother Colin Raymond, 16, a junior at Brunswick. “You hear the different stories about car bombings and Mosul, and there was that mortar attack at the exact base he was stationed at, so there was a period of time where we had no idea if he was okay.” The family was kept informed of Raymond’s status through his wife, Becca, a Greenwich Academy graduate. The couple graduated from their respective high schools in 1999. With the public sentiment turning against the war in Iraq, the constant voicing of opinions has occasionally struck a nerve with Colin, the youngest of three siblings. His sister Jennifer, 21, attends Harvard University. “Sometimes it puts me in a difficult situation, where I don’t want to talk out too aggressively to not offend anyone’s opinions, but at the same time it’s a very personal subject for me, so sometimes it’s hard for me to keep my mouth shut,” Colin explained. Raymond is the fourth member of his family to serve in the Army. His father Richard is a captain in the reserves; his grandfather Edward Ashwell Raymond retired as a full colonel and received the Legion of Merit, the Army’s highest non-combat award for meritorious service; and his great-grandfather Edward Holman Raymond served as a dentist in World War I. Few families in town have walked in their shoes. “It’s hard being a military family in Greenwich,”

said Susan Raymond. “There are few people that have, or have had, the experience of being a military family, especially at war. When he left, you feel so alone.” Brunswick and the Brunswick Parents Association (BPA) have helped lighten the Raymonds’ burden by starting Operation Bruins Care (OBC), which sends care packages to Brunswick alumni, and those under their command serving the country overseas. “It meant a tremendous amount to us as a family and Nate,” said Susan Raymond. “We will be forever grateful to Brunswick and Sue Epstein (a BPA member).” Started by Susan Raymond and Epstein last fall, OBC has sent approximately 250 boxes to four Brunswick alums Major David Haight ’90, an Army doctor; Major Kevin Cortes ’90, a Marine helicopter pilot; Army Second Lt. Caleb Weiss ’94, who fought in Afghanistan; and Raymond as well as to those men and women under their command. “It’s a fulfilling thing for the Brunswick community to be able to have such an active impact on their alums,” said Colin Raymond. “Everyone’s been so supportive. It’s really a huge testament to the Brunswick community itself. We all really appreciate it.” Operation Bruins Care sends items such as Power Bars, granola, Gatorade powder packets, playing cards, socks, and other essentials that the soldiers can carry with them while in the field. “When it started, it wasn’t really about sending things to Nate, it was about helping Nate to help his men,” said Epstein, who said that OBC is looking for new ways to support soldiers connected to the Brunswick community. Although Operation Bruins Care is not currently active with Raymond and the other Brunswick alums back home, it will resume in January when some of the soldiers are redeployed. Raymond is currently stationed at Fort Lewis in Washington and was reunited with his family last week for the first time in approximately a year. As for Colin, with two years left at Brunswick, he harbors no plans to follow his brother to West Point, but does see himself maintaining the family tradition by getting involved with his college’s ROTC program, even with the prospect of the ongoing situation in Iraq facing him. “That’s one of the good things about it,” said Colin. “The idea of selfless service.” j

H H H H H Copyright © 2005 Greenwich Citizen

Spring 2006


Happy New Year !!! From David Haight ’90

Times of Brunswick

“So this was Christmas in Iraq. We have a tradition in the military that the senior ranking officers man the serving lines in the chow hall and take guard so that the folks who usually perform those duties can have a day of rest. Well, my Christmas gift was a shift on the front guard post at the entrance to our compound…. in the rain at night! Sweet!


Here’s a shot of John, our PA, on the gun up top and Sebastian Stazescha, our S-6, down with the Pesh guards at the entrance to our compound.

Hanging out with two of the Peshmerga guards on my gate shift.

I thought I’d put together a couple of photos of the Aid Station folks on New Year’s to send to family and friends. Here is our med section in front of our Christmas tree, lights, and presents. We actually had quite a nice little Christmas celebration, and some of us even went to church on Christmas Eve.

While watching the Christmas classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” we gave one another presents during the commercials. There’s Jimmy Stewart in the background on our 42” plasma TV. All in all, it was a great Christmas.

Happy New Year

On the right, Carl and John are modeling the new hat that I designed for the section. I sent the design off to Turkey and received the hats the day before Christmas. I figured Cat, in the alumni office, would want to see what she will be getting as soon as I get home.

This is the med section out at our last range for the rotation. We ran this one for the 47th CSH. As always, it was a blast. The folks had a great time and it was a good way to meet the new kids in town. Here I am (in the middle) with Donovan Dodd, a Medic attached to us; Carl Moore, our Preventive medicine/NCOIC; John Kinkead, our PA; and Mort Geier, another attached medic. We are holding up some of the targets we used that day at the range. The Stay Puff Marshmellow Man—I guess that is the Pillsbury Dough Boy actually, was pretty tough. He just shrugged off the rounds.

Here are some of the new docs from the 47th CSH and a couple of other folks. We had quite an array of weapons for them, everyone had a blast, and nobody got hurt—my kind of range!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I’m counting the days!!! I won’t be able to e-mail soon as they will be cutting off my e-mail access and shutting this place down….sweet! I’ll be heading to Kuwait and then heading home on a civilian bird soon thereafter. Might be a little more comfortable than what I’m used to….neither C-5 Galaxy nor C-17 Globemasters can compare to a big fat 747. So if you don’t hear from me for a while…I’m on route! Look out Clarksvillians and Washingtonians!!! On 4 February there will be a birthday bash at my house in Clarksville and 15 February, I will be up in Tacoma on my way to Whistler. Hope to see you soon. Dave Haight FOB 51 MAAF APO AE 09334, doc.haight@us.army.mil

Spring 2006

from David Haight ’90 in Iraq


Fundance Foreign Film Festival

Offers Front Row Seats With a Global View

Times of Brunswick

By Sherry Schwartz and Bonni Brodnick


“Our audience will discover films that feature children and young adults from around the world as leading characters in contemporary scripts that extend back to the 1960s.�

On Friday, February 10, dismissal for Mid-

dle and Lower School students from Brunswick and GA meant a movie and the opening of the Fundance Foreign Film Festival, back for a return engagement at Massey Theater.

Spring 2006

The festival weekend concluded on Saturday, February 11, having shown an assortment of feature-length and short live-action movies representing nearly all continents. The award-winning films, from Canada, Sweden, UK, China, Brazil, Belgium, Chad/Japan, Pakistan, Poland, Senegal, South Africa, Korea, and Australia, were selected by film committee members, with many of the features appearing in prestigious international festivals. The FFFF committee’s hunt for films to include in a Fundance program is never over. As soon as this year’s Festival concludes, our thoughts are to the next. We scan newspapers every day for movie reviews that sound appropriate, and trips are planned to attend film festivals with mutual programming objectives. In order to develop a strong identity for our film festival, we aspire to specific guidelines. Our audience will discover films that feature children and young adults from around the world as leading characters in contemporary scripts that extend back to the 1960s. The film’s narrative must be realistic—no fairy tales or sci-fi. Nothing is animated: everything is live-action. The more “foreign” the culture being examined in a movie, the more appealing it is to Fundance. Our objective is to always strive to deepen our students’ awareness and sensitivity to peers in the global community. Preparation for this year’s film festival presented challenges different than last year because of the on-going lack of accredited motion picture ratings for foreign films. This placed even more responsibility on our programming selections. Happily, any disappointments in the search were more than balanced by the adventure, variety and camaraderie of the screening sessions attended by committee volunteers every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The Fundance Foreign Film Festival is an initiative originated and sponsored by Brunswick and the Parents’ Association, and is actively supported by the Greenwich Academy community. The Fundance committee is co-chaired by Sherry Schwartz and Darrell Lorentzen, and is generously supported by other parents whose backgrounds are from every imaginable profession—publishing, theatre, design, advertising, public relations, real estate, medical, business, and finance. A cast of more than 60 volunteers in all helped to plan, promote, and staff the film festival weekend. Following two days of screenings at Massey Theater, Fundance, in conjunction with the Friends of Greenwich Library, was to present a Sunday afternoon of films open to the public with free admission. With a snowfall of more than 20-inches, we had to reschedule and look forward to taking our show on the road this spring. j


Nothing to

Sneeze At

First grader Christian LeSueur, who suf-

fers from an acute allergic reaction to nuts, was selected to attend the FAAN (The Food

By Bonni Brodnick

Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network) Kids’ Congress on Capital Hill, where he was praised for his impressive winning essay, and support materials. Christian is now a representative for the state of Connecticut and joins a unique group of children to serve as the first FAAN Kids’ Ambassadors. FAAN Kids’ Congress on Capitol Hill is a new program geared toward creating a better understanding of food allergies, advocating for federal funding for food allergy research, and encouraging elected officials to establish food allergy legislation in U.S. Times of Brunswick

schools. The Congress gave children nationwide, like


Christian, a voice to tell their personal stories about living with food allergies, and why research, education, and school legislation is vital to the eleven million Americans with food allergies.

To be prepared, Christian always carries Benadryl and Epipen.

Everyone can breathe easier knowing that Brunswick took the initiative to be a nut-free school five years ago. Cheryl Renn, R.N., Brunswick School nurse and recipient of the Food Allergy Network Award, was instrumental in setting up a program to ensure that all Brunswick teachers are trained to use Epipens, a natural hormone released to reverse the effects of a severe allergic reaction – anaphylaxis – by reducing throat swelling, opening the airways, and maintaining blood pressure. Cheryl has also implemented an allergy emergency plan with Epipens in strategic locations on all Brunswick campuses. “The key to a successful ‘allergy awareness program’ is education,” said Ms. Renn. “You can never guarantee the elimination of all risk factors, but you have a greater chance of reducing them if parents, school, faculty, kitchen staff and, of course, the allergic student/s have an awareness for prevention.” “When we went to Washington, we met with four senators and showed them how to use Epipen,” said Christian. “We told them that it’s really important for teachers, nurses, and babysitters — everyone who is a grownup — to learn how to use them. I've stopped breathing twice because of peanut allergies. Even if I touch one, I can stop breathing. It makes me feel good because if something ever happens at Brunswick, I can just go down to the nurse and she knows what to do." Christian has also been involved in activities to promote food allergy awareness at Brunswick. To educate his fellow first graders, Christian read Peanut Butter and Jelly, and talked about what it feels like to get “puffed up” and have trouble breathing after eating nuts. He explained what it’s like to have severe allergies and to be “different.” Diversity is important to Brunswick, and this is another aspect of it—teaching the boys to be understanding and accepting of differences in others. Christian is applauded and admired for his initiative to educate his ’Wick mates, and to take his important message for allergy awareness all the way to Capitol Hill. j


Brunswick School first grader Christian LeSueur went all the way to Capitol Hill to convey his message for the importance to create a better understanding of food allergies. Congressman Christopher Shays joined Christian, and a 4th grader from Fairfield during their attendance at the FAAN (Food Allergy Anaphylaxis Network) Kids’ Congress on Capitol Hill.


Christian’s Winning Essay

How has food allergy impacted my life?

My food allergy makes me feel sad because people make fun of me.

Why should Congress support food allergy research? Because then people would not feel different.

Why is it important to have food allergy education in the classroom?

Spring 2006

Because if I had an attack, my friends could get help for me or give me my Epipen.


“Brunswick School Hurricane Katrina Relief Plan” Shows Generous Outpouring


By Bonni Brodnick

you lose everything. Your home,

your bed, your treasured family photos, your clothes, and sense of security. The devastation from Hurricane Katrina is almost incomprehensible, with billions of dollars in damage. In an effort to do all we could to help fellow Americans during this great time of need, Headmaster Thomas W. Philip launched the Brunswick School Hurricane Relief Plan. In only one day, the Brunswick community responded

Brunswick School Hurricane Relief Plan had Hartong Hockey Rink packed to the rafters with boxes of donations for Hurricane Katrina survivors.

with cash and compassion.

Times of Brunswick


A check in the amount of $5,924.75 was mailed to the local Greenwich American Red Cross chapter. In addition, donated items – such as men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing, toys, personal hygiene products, flashlights, and batteries–filled ninetysix large boxes (2′ x 2′ x 2′), sixteen smaller boxes, and eight large plastic trash bags. Brunswick 9th graders completely filled a large trailer truck, which is 28′ long, 8′ wide, and 10′ high, with donations that were driven directly to the main Salvation Army warehouse in Houston, Texas, the closest distribution point to the Louisiana disaster. “The boys worked with enthusiasm and dedication to help victims of Hurricane Katrina,” said Sasha Lyapin, Upper School physics teacher, and director of community service for Brunswick. “We are sincerely grateful to all of the students and parents who participated in our first major community service project. Our efforts to help survivors of Hurricane Katrina will be ongoing throughout the year.” j

One day after Brunswick School’s Hurricane Relief Plan was launched, Hartong Hockey Rink was filled with donations to help thousands of Americans in need. Shown here are Brunswick School 9th graders Adam Holzschuh, Jack Carter, Daniel O’Neill and Tom Cassidy storing and packing donated items.

Interview with Tom Hyland ’95: &

Traveling High Low to Southeast Asia

By Bonni Brodnick

It was obvious when he went to work at Goldman Sachs in San

Francisco and not on Wall Street. Tom Hyland ’95 is a guy who likes to go beyond the New York zone and his hometown of Greenwich. In a way, his last name befits his character: Tom Hyland likes to go to lands high and low, near and far. Upon graduating from Providence College in Rhode Island, Tom spent four years at Goldman Sachs, moved to New York City, and worked for Kevin Dann & Partners.


wife, Cathy Dann, is on the Brunswick Board of Trustees.)


six years, wanderlust overcame him, and Tom suddenly realized … hey, there’s

Photo by Chris Mahaney ’07

Spring 2006

a big world out there.


Traveling High & Low

“I knew that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to do a trip like this forever, so I decided to leave my job and GO!” said Tom. “Mark Twain once wrote: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Tom did just that. He set forth on an incredible ten-month expedition through Asia, and a one-and-a-half-month rail journey on the TransSiberian Railroad. The route started in Beijing, made way to Ulan Bator (the capital of Mongolia), on to Irkutsk, Siberia, then to Moscow. It Times of Brunswick

was days and days of jostling on a train in the


platzkart, the third-class wagon. Ticket, please? Times of Brunswick caught up with Tom just before he departed for another trek to Asia…. this time, try Laos. Here’s the scoop:

to Southeast Asia

“I discovered that I loved being immersed in other cultures and countries. Traveling brings history, current events, and cultural, and social issues to light. It’s exciting to experience the sights, spices, and sounds of people who are so different from what we’re used to.”

1.What is it about traveling that keeps you searching peregrine corners of the earth? “During college, I spent a semester in Florence, followed by a summer working in Dublin. I discovered that I loved being immersed in other cultures and countries. Traveling brings history, current events, cultural, and social issues to light. It’s exciting to experience the sights, spices, and sounds of people who are so different from what we’re used to in Greenwich and New England. Downtown Cambodia looks a lot different than Greenwich Avenue.”

2. What was it like to travel the Trans-Siberian Railroad across Russia?

Spring 2006

“It was almost a mythic experience. I traveled in the third class platzkart, which is a railcar. You see a real cross-section of Russians and Mongolians. Picture a MetroNorth car with 50 open bunks. There’s absolutely no privacy. It’s also a feast on wheels. People brought fish, huge hunks of cheese, breads, and shared with everyone. Even though I didn’t speak their language, it was an incredibly welcoming environment.”


Traveling High & Low

Times of Brunswick

3. What’s your favorite mode of transportation?


“There are covered mini-buses in Laos and Cambodia for long-distance inner and outer city transport called sawngthaew, bemo, and modified taxis–all the same thing depending on the country. Basically, it’s a pick-up truck with two narrow wooden planks for benches, and a canvas roof over the rear end. The rides are long, bumpy, dusty, and can be extremely uncomfortable because of the thin hard seats. Basically if you want to go somewhere in Laos, you go to the bus station early in the morning, and wait from five minutes to six hours. There are no real schedules. They leave whenever enough people show up to fill the bus. By fill it, I mean twenty five people in the truck, some hanging out the windows, and others sitting on the roof.  The trucks are absolutely packed and then try to fit in a dozen more. That’s why I usually stood on the metal grate on the back rather than being jammed in. It was more scenic and definitely more pleasant.”

to Southeast Asia

“Traveling brings on a greater understanding of the depth and complexity of the world. It’s easy to be comfortable in your day-to-day routine and forget that there’s a big and exciting world out there” 4. Did the Brunswick language department prepare you for your world travels? “When I was at Brunswick, I studied Spanish with Miss BroderSassi, which later helped me pick up Italian. I also studied French with Monsieur Bouffier. With that foundation, I was able to communicate in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. My one regret is that I didn’t study Latin at Brunswick.”

5. How has traveling changed you? “Traveling brings on a greater understanding of the depth and complexity of the world. It’s easy to be comfortable in your day-today routine and forget that there’s a big and exciting world out there. Traveling helps you to better understand history and cultures, as well as have a greater appreciation of different people and ideas.” Marcel Proust put it well: “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

6. Where do you find the wonderment? “When you first arrive in a foreign city, you want to see the temples and historical monuments. But to really embrace the culture, you need to wander through the markets and bazaars, sit in the cafés, watch how the locals interact and haggle. For me, the wonderment of travel is more magnified when it’s not Paris, but rather Cambodia, where everything is different than what we’re accustomed to. Eating fried spiders in a café in Cambodia isn’t like eating a croissant in Paris.”

Spring 2006


Traveling High & Low to Southeast Asia

7. And your valise, please? Louis Vuitton? Hartmann? L.L. Bean? “For a 10-month trip, I go with the Lowe Alpine bag with a 30-liter capacity. It’s not one of those big metal frame backpacks. Mine is small enough that I can easily stow it in an overhead on a plane. It’s important to travel light, especially if you’re going to be mobile. Specifically, I pack a pair of jeans, and a pair of light pants that dry quickly, a few T-shirts, socks, underwear, light fleece jacket, light rain jacket, a pair of hiking shoes, and some flip-flops. A good camera and journal are essential. Traveling light makes you realize how little you need to survive. When I return from a trip, and see all of the possessions I have at home, it’s easy to accept that I can live without them.”

8. Is simple living coming into play here? “Absolutely. Traveling gives me a better idea of what’s important in life and what’s just stuff. Simplicity has been a by-product of my travels, which is a good thing.”

9. While backpacking around the globe, do you ever give in and stay at a four-star hotel? “Haven’t done that yet. I try to maintain a budget, even though standard hotels in southeast Asia are exceptionally cheap. For the most part, I spent four to five dollars for a clean, not very luxurious hotel. In the south of Laos, I spent the night in a thatched bamboo hut for fifty cents a night. What keeps me going is the continuing sense of exploration, which sort of trumps my desire for a well-made bed. Going to sleep at night, waking up really early and having that buzz for ’What is life going to throw me today?’ is exciting.”

Times of Brunswick

10. Can you give Times of Brunswick readers any primo travel tips?


“As many of the graduating seniors head off to fine universities and colleges in the fall, I encourage them to consider a semester abroad their junior year of college.  It was a wonderful opportunity for me to have spent a semester in Florence, and while there, travel to France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Czech Republic.  Not only did I learn a lot both inside and outside of the classroom, but I also made great friends (fellow American students and locals alike), learned a new language, saw a part of the world which was up until then foreign to me, and had fun along the way.  It was a time of my life that I will always recall fondly and am incredibly thankful I took the opportunity when I had it.  My uber-travel tip is to be open to new ideas, people, and cultures. Be flexible, and don’t pack too much.”

Cross Country Head Coach: Steve Polikoff Assistant Coach: Tommy Mulvoy Win: 22

Loss: 0

FAA Standing: Regular season champion & tournament champion Other: Canterbury Invitational – 7th Place Division I New Englands Championship – 2nd Place Division II Captain(s): Chris Baker, James Francis, TJ Hopkins All New England Honors: Chris Baker & TJ Hopkins All-League Selections: Chris Baker, TJ Hopkins, James Francis, Alex Jamar Honorable Mention: Ryan Hopkins, Xavier Lebec, Chris Antonacci MVP Winners: Chris Baker & TJ Hopkins Most Improved: Ryan Hopkins & Kevin Mallen Sportsmanship: James Francis Rookie of the Year: Alex Jamar JV FAA Champion: Ben Coleman

Season Highlights/Awards/Accomplishments: The close of the 2004 season left a stable full of horses that Head Coach Steve Polikoff predicted would have a “blinding” future. Admittedly, even he could not have foreseen the unparalleled success of the 2005 Varsity Cross Country Team. The program fielded 34 runners, led by a senior class, one dozen deep. The three captains - Chris Baker, James Francis and TJ Hopkins - each entered their fourth varsity campaign with confidence, experience, and the primary goal to “take the program to the next level”. In an unprecedented effort, the team of Ryan Hopkins, Alex Jamar, Xavier Lebec and Chris Antonacci, along with the three captains, improved from 2004’s 16th place, and 1998’s previous best 6th place, to earn runner-up honors at the NEPSTA Division II New England Cross Country Championships. The second place finish was accomplished by defeating perennial powers Belmont Hill, Westminster, Suffield and Hopkins in the process, while losing only to a Cushing squad anchored by the two premier runners in the Northeast: the soon-to-be-famous Taye brothers. On the road to such achievement, the Bruins recorded their 11th consecutive FAA League and Tournament titles, posted a record of 22 wins without a defeat, including a memorable first-ever victory on the road over Division I nemesis Trinity Pawling. Chris Baker returned to the podium as FAA Champion, having won the honor previously as a sophomore, while he and TJ Hopkins each garnered All New England recognition. Of course, surpassing even the numerous awards are the memories of a season. While the 2005 XC runners may have caught more than a few teams by surprise, none should expect to fade anytime soon the lessons learned of dedication and the possibilities. This team should be around for a while.

Spring 2006

Seniors: Chris Baker, Morgan Dunnan, Ian Durkin, James Epstein, James Francis, TJ Hopkins, Sims Lansing, Xavier Lebec, Jack Rosencrans, Andrew Steers, Sean Stewart, David Whelan


Sports Wrap-Up




Brunswick finished its championship season at Trinity College against Belmont Hill. This year’s last game, the “Sampson-Lorden Bowl,” was named after NEPSFCA (New England Prep School Football Coaches Association) hall-of-fame coaches Bob Sampson and Joel Lorden from Kingswood-Oxford. “Coach Sam” won three New England Championships in his time at Brunswick.

Football Head Coach: Sean Brennan Assistant Coachs: Jarrett Shine, Frank Loverro, Steve Garnett, Marcus Chioffi Win: 10 Loss: 0 Tie: 0 FAA Standing: Champions Other Championship/Records: NEPSAC – Class C Champs (46-36 over Belmont Hill School) Captains: Jamie Millard, Vaughn Hodges, Charles Brodsky MVP Winner: Jamie Millard



Times of Brunswick

All-League Selections: First Team: Kevin Decker, Jamie Millard, Vaughn Hodges, Tyler McFarlane, Jamie O’Brien, Charles Brodsky; Honorable Mention: Jack Taylor, Nick Simmons, Kit Tierney

All-New England Selections: Player of the Year: Kevin Decker; First Team: Vaughn Hodges, Jamie Millard, Tyler McFarlane Seniors: Millard, Hodges, O’Brien, Brodsky, Taylor, Tierney, Frank Osborn, Eric Epstein, Matt Cohen, Chris Malone, Charlie Gumz, Matt Virtue, Doug Friedman, Will Roush Season Highlights/Awards/Accomplishments: 2005 Class C NEPSAC Champions, 2005 FAA Champions, 29th straight victory. Kevin Decker – MSG Network Offensive Player of the Week; Greenwich Citizen Fall Athlete. Sean Brennan – New York Giants Coach of the Week.

Shown here are Sean Brennan with Bob Sampson, former football coach at Brunswick from 1983-1998.

Sports Wrap-Up

2005 Football Awards Rookie of the Year: Nick Simmons Most Improved Underclassman: Tommy Hoyos Most Improved Senior: Eric Epstein Bruin of the Year: Vaughn Hodges Linemen of the Year: Jamie O’Brien & Charles Brodsky Joe Reimer Award: Chris Harris Norm Pedersen Award: Jamie Millard 2006 Captains: Kevin Decker & Tyler McFarlane

Spring 2006



Soccer Head Coach: Power Fraser Assistant Coach: Tucker Hastings Win: 2 Loss: 6

Tie: 7

FAA Standing: WNEPSSA Standing 28/50

Captain(s): Rob Dickson, Mike Karp



Times of Brunswick

MVP Winner: Rob Dickson – James Brown Award Winner

All-League Selections: WNEPSSA Select Team: Eric Clauson WNEPSSA Select Team – Honorable Mention: Rob Dickson, Mike Karp CSCA All-State Team: Eric Clauson Coaches’ Award: David Platter, Mike Karp, Frank Verhaegen Next Year’s Co-Captains: Eric Clauson, Eric Spangenberg Seniors: Rob Dickson, Mike Karp, Louis Aronne, Jake Klopp, Ben Robson, Dave Platter, Frank Verhaegan Season Highlights/Awards/ Accomplishments: Power Fraser and Tucker Hastings, along with their varsity soccer squad of 22, knew that this would be an extremely challenging season. While Brunswick soccer has always played power-house New England teams like Taft and Choate, this

Sports Wrap-Up

Soccer season highlights continued .

Spring 2006

was their first year with a totally WNEPSSA schedule. Never mind that 10 of their 15 games were on the road. The determined and capable team led by Captains Rob Dickson and Michael Karp fought hard and finished 28th out of 50 teams. Seniors Louis Aronne, David Platter, Frank Verhaegen, Jake Klopp, and Ben Robson contributed mightily with the Homecoming highlight of a 1-0 win over Hill. The seniors were admirably supported by a large group of sophomores and quickfooted juniors as they plowed their way through an incredibly competitive season. A record of 2-6-7 does not do justice to the efforts of Brunswick’s “Road Warriors!” Soccer fans look forward to an exciting season next fall when Captains Eric Clauson and Eric Spangenberg lead the team.





Left to right are: Front Row: Mike Petchonka, John Barr, Justin Letizia, Drew Tunney, Bryce Fitzpatrick, Tucker Daugherty, Matt Chase, Louis Aronne, Charlie Kirchen, Christian Oberbeck, Andrew Atwell, and John Oberbeck Back Row: Peter Castine, Kit Tierney, Pat Bursee, Jack Rosencranz, and Tim Belden On the Table (literally): John Harvey


Times of Brunswick

Holiday greetings from the Brunswick Varsity Hockey Team! (Looks like they forgot to shine the chandelier before the party!)


Beyond Class r o m Two Generations at Brunswick First day of pre-kindergarten for little Walter was a big day! “I’ve been waiting a long time to 1) have a son, and 2) for him to go to Brunswick,” said father, John Stratton ’79. “And I’ve been waiting a long time to have a grandson at Brunswick,” said grandfather Walter Stratton ’44. Third in a string of Strattons to continue the Brunswick tradition, Walter is entering with the Class of 2019.

by Bonni Bronick

Do you see a problem with this?

Michael Allwood, chair of Brunswick’s mathematics department, does things that all add up to him being an incredible asset to the school. Last summer, the College Board invited him to instruct a group of Philadelphia public school educators on how to teach AP Statistics. Mr. Allwood’s forthcoming article, “The Satterthwaite Formula for Degrees of Freedom in the Two-Sample t Test,” will be published on the College Board website. In the article, he gives a mathematical proof of one of the more complex formulas in the AP Statistics course.

Of course!

Spring 2006

We could Hartch-ly believe it. From far and wide, we were able to assemble the Hartch family at 2005 Homecoming Weekend. Featured here at the King Street campus tennis courts are three (count three!) generations of Brunswickians. Left to right: Greg Hartch ’88 (Christian’s dad), Todd Hartch ’85 (here for his 20th Brunswick Reunion), Christian Hartch (a pre-K classmate of Walter Stratton), Tom Hartch ’59, and Tim Hartch ’88.




T’is the season for Brunswick School 9th graders Turner Smith, Jesse Zannino, Coulter Baily, Upper School mathematics teacher Ron VanBelle, Dan O’Neill, and Connor Fitzpatrick to wrap and tag more than 250 personalized gifts to be given to their “adopted” families in need.

With All Thy Getting, Brunswick Gives Before the holidays, Brunswick Upper School homerooms received “wish lists” from economically disadvantaged families and children in our area. Advisors and students were asked to get as many presents from the list as possible, to pack them, and to load them into a van that was more like Santa’s sleigh Each 12th grade advisory received a wish list from a family at Holy Rosary School, a Catholic elementary school in Port Chester, New York. The 11th grade advisories received a wish list from a family at Thomas Edison School, a public elementary school in Port Chester, New York, and each 10th grade

advisory got a wish list from a family at Waterside School, an independent elementary school in Stamford, Connecticut, which serves disadvantaged families, mostly minority. The 9th graders received wish lists from three students at Pleasantville Cottage School, a residential school in Pleasantville, New York, that has students who have either been orphaned, or who have been taken from their parents because of an abusive/violent home environment. Brunswick School delivered the gifts without a hitch. It was a wonderful way to give back to our neighbors in need.

Times of Brunswick

David Levy organizing the boxes and loading them onto “the sleigh.”




How to Improve Relations Between the West and Islamic Worlds What is the long-term strategy for improving future relations between the West and the Islamic world? Are the West and the Islamic world currently on the right path? These are some of the questions Robert Benjamin, Upper School English teacher, responded to when former student Kassie Anderson ’02 GA, a senior at Boston College and now regional director of Americans for Informed Democracy, invited him to speak at the BC Americans for Informed Democracy town hall meeting. Other diplomatic and academic speakers joining Mr. Benjamin were Professor Husain Haqqani from Boston University, Malik Khan, President of the Islamic Center of Boston, and E. Roger Owen from Harvard University. “I believe I was the only participant with any ‘boots on the ground’ experience, so they sought my perspective,” Bob said. He gained this experience from impressive service to our country. In January 2003, he was called to assist with the deployment of 82nd Airborne division at Fort Bragg. In

March 2003, he worked in California at a variety of locations, including the National Training Center at Fort Irwin with the IBCT (Interim Brigade Combat Team—the name for the new Stryker Brigades). He was deployed OCONUS (outside the continental US – overseas), and in June 2003, was deployed to Camp Virginia, Kuwait. Bob worked primarily in Kuwait, with some excursions to Baghdad, LSA (Logistical Support Area), Anaconda, and other locations in IZ (Iraqi zone). He was redeployed CONUS (continental US) in June 2004. Awards for this tour of duty include the “Meritorious Service Medal,” the “Army Commendation Medal,” the “Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal,” the “Global War on Terrorism Medal,” the “Armed Forces Reserve Medal with ’M’ Device,” and the “National Defense Service Medal” with Bronze Service Star. Bob Benjamin gives as much distinction to the U.S. Air Force as he does to the faculty of Brunswick School.

A Look Back : James Findlay meets Katrina Face-to-Face

Spring 2006

James Findlay ’05 was headed for the Gulf Coast destined for Tulane when the mighty Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans with 145-mph winds and crashing waves, leaving behind death and billions of dollars in destruction. There was no telling when Tulane would open, and the long anticipated first semester at college would begin. “When we arrived in New Orleans for Tulane’s Saturday move-in day, we were told to evacuate,” said James. “My roommate’s parents were going to Dallas, so I went with them.” Parents Stella and David Findlay planned to return to Greenwich on a flight scheduled to depart New Orleans International Airport at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday. The airport was 15 miles away, but with the city on a mandatory evacuation, what should have been a twenty-minute trip turned into a six-hour traffic jam. They missed their flight, but managed to land two seats for the 4:30 p.m. flight to Houston -- the last flight to leave the airport that day. “We tried to return our rental car to Hertz, but it was boarded up,” Mrs. Findlay said. “And it was the first time I’ve seen one with no planes parked at the airport. The only plane there was ours.” James Findlay, 18, did retain his sense of humor, though. “He said, ‘Mom, I thought college would go by quickly, but I didn’t think it would be this quickly,’ “ Stella Findlay said with a laugh. With the city regrouping, James Findlay sees a chance for Tulane’s class of 2009 to unite under a common cause.


History Conference

Little Brother Paul Acello and Big Brother David Manners-Weber are best buddies for life.

Oh, Brother! Someone, other than our parents, has positively influenced us and broadened our horizons. There are great teachers, steady mentors, best friends, and here at Brunswick, there are Big Brothers. Leslie Andersen, head of Student Services, has founded the Big Brother/Little Brother program that matches Upper School boys with Pre- and Lower School boys for a yearlong friendship and connection. The “big” boys see their little brothers at least once a week, organize playground games like Duck, Duck, Goose, work in the art rooms, or simply catch up over a grilled cheese sandwich in the Lower School cafeteria. “I have two older brothers and have always looked up to them, so this is a great chance for me to be a big brother, too,” said Tommy Hoyos ’08. “I’ve always been one to focus on school,” said David Manners-Weber ’06. “But while academic success is important to me, being a Big Brother has provided me some muchneeded balance in my life. I’d much rather go play freeze-tag than study in a library carrel.” “The Big Brother Program is great because it keeps the Upper Schoolers connected with the Lower Schoolers,” said Charlie Gumz ’06. “Being on separate campuses, in separate buildings, it’s easy to forget that the Lower School even exists. The Big Brother Program really gives us a chance to interact with the younger kids in a positive way. Not to mention, it is a whole lot of fun for us older kids to relive our younger days.” Upper School boys must apply to the program, are interviewed by Mrs. Andersen, and approved by their advisors and teachers before they can participate. After all, it takes proven commitment, responsibility and reliability to be a true Big Brother.

Times of Brunswick

Big Brother Corey Dobbs ’08 and his Little Brother take a second from coloring to give a hug.


Tommy Hoyos ’08 is a Big Brother indeed. Here he is with Little Brother David Cloobeck, on a beautiful day at the kindergarten playground.

History department chairman John Booth, along with Upper School colleagues Robert Taylor and Tommy Mulvoy, attended the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) 2005-2006 Professional Development Series Seminar, “Making a Place for Africa in the High School History Curriculum.” Professor Maxell Amoh, originally from Ghana, is current director of African Studies at the Yale Center for International and Area Studies. His workshop and round-table discussion focused on the risks and rewards of teaching Africa from a uniquely African perspective. Messieurs Booth, Taylor, and Mulvoy were asked to discuss their experiences teaching African history and culture to Brunswick 9th graders. They also participated in learning activities to further broaden their perspectives on teaching the African culture. Mr. Booth noted, “Through his lessons, Professor Amoh gave us a window into the soul of Africa. His sincere message helped us to better understand what it means to be African.”

“Italiano al

Brunswick ”

Ferragamo, Gucci, Valentino, prosciutto e melone, spaghetti carbonara, o sole mio! The past twenty years or so have seen Italian food and culture become part of the American mainstream. With this, there has been a significant increase in interest in the Italian language itself. For a few years, students at Brunswick and Greenwich Academy have requested that an Italian program be offered as part of the language offerings at the coordinated schools. Two years ago, Father Richard Cipolla, chair of the Brunswick classics department, suggested to the Headmaster that we consider initiating an Italian language program. Tom Philip gave full support, as did Greenwich Academy. Father Cipolla agreed to teach the first year of Italian, and in summer 2005, took intense preparation courses both in the U.S. and in Rome. The response to the offering of Italian class has been molto positivo. Today, Brunswick offers two full sections of Italian I, and has a total of 28 students. Next year, Greenwich Academy language teacher Sylvia Krantz will join our Italian program as we move into more advanced levels. Che bella cosa!


BeyondClass r o


“Won to be a Water Boy?” Eau! to be a water boy! Coach Tim Ostrye has brought back an old Brunswick tradition by picking four 4th graders’ names out of a hat every Friday that we have a home football game. The lucky winners are announced that morning during Lower School assembly. The water boy position has become a real privilege as the eager sideliners, wait anxiously to prove their aquatic responsibilities at playtime. Charlie Kirchen on bass; Terence Einhorn on sax; Paul Raaen, Upper School music teacher, at the piano; and Chris Mahaney on clarinet.

“A Little Night Music” Brunswick Music Department was layin’ down some burnin’ tunes at Massey Theater with their November performance, “A Little Night Music . . . & All That JAZZ.” Under the direction of Paul Raaen, Shane Kirsch, and Alexander Constantine, our talented resident student musicians—The Blue Notes, Blue Grass Band, Jazz Quartet, Jazz Quintet, Axel F, Advanced Jazz Combo, and the Mahertians—banged out a dynamite program that featured such jibin’ tunes as “Blues in the Night,” “Love Train,” “Ragtime,” “No Moon at All,” and “It Don’t Mean a Thing.” Oh, but it did! Massey morphed into Jazz Central Station as the crowd of parents and friends swung with the boys’ true 18-karat performance.

New Concession Truck

Spring 2006

The new Brunswick concession truck was a hot spot for hungry fans at Homecoming 2005. Liam Fayed ’06, Bruin Bear, and Kristine Brennan, Upper School history teacher, were pros at serving Skittles, chips, and cotton candy by the end of our winning game. Thanks to the generosity of a loyal friend and fan, our new concession truck sells food, snacks, beverages… and can even provide sideline cheer. This custom-designed “mobile food stand” is accessible not only to fans at Cosby Field, but can easily be parked beside Caputo and Smith Fields, Kozalka Baseball Diamond, Hartong Hockey Rink, even alongside the Mianus River for crew regattas. Next home game, bring the whole family, your team spirit and hearty appetite, and support your Brunswick teams!



BeyondC l a s s r o



Times of Brunswick

Pre-Schoolers walked over to the Headmaster’s office to share holiday cheer and New Year wishes.


Twenty-four point seven (24.7) million Americans are playing tennis, but one in particular we have our eyes on is fifth grader TJ Pura ’13. The USTA holds four National opens in the junior schedule, with four 64player draws. TJ recently came in 3rd place in the Orlando National Boys’ 12-year-old division. Photo By: Marcia Frost, CollegeAndJuniorTennis.com

B r u nswick


Homecoming 2005 October 21-22, 2005 Hard core alumni, their families, and parents braved the inclement fall weather to participate in the fun and excitement of this year’s Homecoming. The festivities began with the Annual Alumni Golf Outing at Griffith E. Harris Golf Course on Friday, and ended with gala reunion parties on Saturday night. On the King Street campus, children enjoyed the petting zoo, pony rides, cupcake-making table, and games, while alumni scurried about on a soccer field that reflected the day’s foul-weather (muddy, cold), but not the day’s mood (upbeat! fun!) Varsity soccer and football teams were cheered as they showcased their athletic prowess. Alumni finished off (more like warmed up) later that afternoon in the Lower School to meet with old friends and faculty for drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Fans flocked to the brand new food concession truck and many enjoyed tours of the impressive (warm and dry) Lower School. Mark your calendars for Homecoming 2006 on October 28th. We’ve already put in the order for a beautiful, clear, crisp lateautumn day.

Compiled by Cat Scott

There were more than seventy-five people at the Class of 1975’s 30th reunion celebration. Patrick Durkin and his wife Kristin certainly know how to throw a party—it was complete with a Moroccan style dinner under a heated tent in their backyard. It looks like Charlie Brown, Tom Prangley, Jeff Hopkins and former faculty member and honoree Dave Murray certainly enjoyed it! A few from the Class of 1990 caught up at the alumni “tent” party before heading off down to Augie’s, to meet up with the rest of their classmates for their 15th reunion celebration. Many thanks to class agents, Bob Pascal (far left) and Andy Johnson (middle) for organizing their class dinner!

Dan Levy, John McCormick, and Justin Andersen were all there to celebrate their ten years since graduation—time flies! Spring 2006

These ’85ers were re-living days gone by in the Hartong’s basement—where many High School evenings were spent!


Homecoming 2005

Reunion class agents, Harry Keeshan, Patrick Durkin, and Gary Oztemel were looking suave for their 30th reunion dinner with Class of ’75 imposter, Ted Walworth ’72. It was quite the crowd for the alumni soccer game... they even convinced a few faculty, staff and students to join in the match!

The Class of 1965 celebrated their reunion dinner in style at the Riverside Yacht Club. Organized by Bill Oler (far left) and Rusty Parker (far right) they were able to rally almost half their class... many of whom were making their first trip back to Brunswick since graduating forty years ago.

Times of Brunswick

Just like the good old days... George Boynton gives Chris Ford ’81 some pointers on his game.


The ever-popular Bruins mascot was making his rounds through the crowd.

Ross Ogden ’62 and his wife Cathy were there to cheer on their son Ted ’95 as the alumni went head-to-head in their Saturday morning game

B r u nswick

Two 1980 alumni represent their class during the half-time class photos.


What better way to stay warm than by leaping around the bouncy castle.

Back, with many of their other 2005 classmates, Sam Stein, Sankesh Abbhi, and Jason Laird enjoyed their first Homecoming as alumni.

Steve Grunow, Bill Oler, Mike Sveda, and Kirk Johnson braved the Homecoming weather to cheer on the Bruins before heading off to join their 1965 classmates at the 40th reunion dinner. Class Agent Bill Hogan, who flew across the country for his 25th reunion, tries to organize his classmates before venturing off to Tony Wells’ home for their dinner celebration.

Class of 55 Alums Bill Putman, Bill Krauter, Ralph Fairbanks, Bo Dandison and Eric Sandberg ’99ers Mike Zarrilli, Zander Ross, and Sam Lalanne These young bruins fans were there to cheer on Brunswick’s Varsity soccer team as they took on and beat The Hill School 1-0.

Spring 2006


Homecoming 2005

Mike Fiore ’85 and family are bundled up and Bruin to go!

The kangaroo at the petting zoo is always a hopping success.

’95ers, Dave Black, Tim Galvin with his son, James Patrick, Nick Abstoss, Matt Lipson, and Marshall Phelps have a toast before heading off to the real party... their 10th reunion dinner.

Times of Brunswick

Michael Grace ’93 with his wife Lauren and their daughter, Maryanne.


The fantastic tour guide crew with Eleanor Lindberg, Head of the Lower School, lead many alumni, past parents and friends through their first visit to lower school. Special thanks to all of our third grade tour guides including, (but not all pictured) Jack Baker, George Goodfriend, J.P. Hadley, Evan Lee, Drew Peisch, Grant Pierce, Freddie Polak, Jamie Pollak, Briggs Polikoff, and Matthew Wysocki.

50 years later, the Class of 1955 defy the cold and rainy weather to check out the new King Street campus, and cheer on the varsity football team for another win over St. Lukes.

B r u nswick


Fifth graders Sam Mehra, James Skinner, and Alex Moeser worked up a good sweat at ’Wick Walk Run, the annual Homecoming mini-marathon.

’Wick Walk Run was a family event for the Pendergast clan.

Classmates from 1986 Graham Murray and Craig Jung with Graham’s wife Susan and their son Zach. Winner of ’Wick Walk Run, John Mallon ’87 shakes the congratulatory hand of his former X-Country coach, Ted Stolar.

Out for a rainy day pony ride. There’s pure love Bruin.

Spring 2006

John McCormick ’95, new Brunswick art teacher Brian Shepard ’97, health, world cultures and ethics teacher Tommy Mulvoy ’96, and former faculty member Andy Johnson ’90.


Homecoming 2005 Golf Outing A

record number of alumni and faculty played in the 5th Annual Alumni Golf Outing. Special guests, albeit regulars for the event included Dave Murray, Bob Sampson, and Hal Rogers. Burgers and hot dogs were cooked on the barbie, the kegs didn’t run dry, and great raffle prizes (golf bag, golf clubs, ’Wick clothing, and a Coach wallet, among other things) were provided. Dave Murray’s and Mr. Sam’s “interchangeable” raffle tickets made for some good laughs. While competition was fierce as players vied to have their names inscribed on the prestigious Durkin Cup, or to win the putting or chipping contests, getting the alums together on the links brought back the great spirit of Brunswick. Having fun with old friends just can’t be beat.

The outing founder organizer Gary Oztemel ’75 and his dynamic team Nick Tierney ’03, Mike Tierney, and faculty member Jeff Harris. Tony Wells ’80, Ian Carver ’76, Blake Carver ’80, and Phil Geraghty ’80 savor a break after a long day of golf.

Good buddies for life, Ted Walworth ’72 and Bert Fisher ’75

Times of Brunswick

The winning foursome, Kyle Moran ’03, Dan Levy ’95, Eric Rasch ’94, and faculty member and varsity golf coach, Jim Israel, strike a pose with the Durkin Cup.


Andrew Benerofe ’57 and Peter Ness ’56 before tee time.

B r u nswick

R ick P agnani ’81, S cott L avinia ’91, T om O’C onnor ’91, and D avid C larke ’85 take a break to man the keg.

Homecoming was a great reunion for Coach Sam and his former football star, John Kelly ’99.


John Horan ’75, Tucker Keating ’85, Andrew McColough ’73, Michael Bacon ’75, Boe Marsh ’75, Chuck Halsey ’78 enjoy burgers and dogs amidst the autumn foliage at Homecoming.

Graham Murray ’86, Ian Murray ’93, faculty member Mike Harris, and Tony DiGuglielmo ’86 just before making the turn on the course.

The Alumni Golf Tournament attracts more than just alums for a great Homecoming weekend. Here are former faculty member, Rod Dashnaw; past parent Hal Rogers; and faculty member John Booth.

Spring 2006

The ’85ers were out in force at the Griffith Harris Golf Course. Before making the rounds are Steve Leary, Tom O’Malley, Ian MacTaggart, James Berger, Henk Hartong, Drew Turnbull, David Clarke, Bill Bertles, and Tucker Keating.


The Distinguished Alumni Award

Times of Brunswick

The Distinguished Alumni Award is given annually to that alumnus who has displayed a lifetime commitment to his profession, to community service, or to a combination of volunteer and professional activities, and accomplishments. Recipients must also have a continued commitment to Brunswick School and must embody the traditions of “Courage, Honor, Truth.”


During Homecoming Weekend in October, Brunswick School Great Captain’s Island lighthouse. Ed is vice chair for the was proud to present its fourth Annual Distinguished Alumni Award Greenwich Hospital Campaign, on the Board of Directors for to Edward H. Bragg, Jr. A graduate of the Brunswick Class of the Independent College Fund of New York, trustee of the Naval 1949, a member of the Brunswick Board of Trustees from 1975 War College Foundation in Newport, Rhode Island. and serves to 1981, and a loyal and diligent class agent, Ed was honored for as a class agent for Princeton and Harvard Business School. his lifetime commitment to his profession, family, community, and A committed family man, Ed and his wife Margaret, raised alma mater. three fine boys, all Brunswick grads – Philip ’84, James ’87, and While a student at Brunswick, Ed was president of his senior Winston ’92. He and Margaret took personal interest in their class, played football and basketball. In his senior yearbook, he boys’ teachers and coaches, and developed close relationships was voted “Most Likely to Succeed,” “Hardest Worker,” “Most with many of them. Said best by his son James, “That’s what was Popular,” and “Best Looking.” After graduation, he received a so special about my Brunswick experience. We were all part of bachelor’s degree from Princeton University, obtained his MBA the same family.” from Harvard Business School, and served four years in the James also tells the story of one Christmas when his father was Coast Guard. serving a two-year stint in the Coast Guard as commanding officer Ed worked as a successful investment management profes- of a Loran (Long Range Aid To Navigation) station on the French sional for over thirty years, most of that time with Scudder, Frigate Shoals, the smallest inhabited island in the world, 480 miles Stevens & Clark, where he rose to managing director. northwest of Honolulu. “Dad was one of the few bachelors on Although now retired, he has an office in NYC, and maintains his ship, and volunteered to stay on duty during the holiday so his contacts within the the other guys could investment industry. go home and visit their Ed has also spent many wives and families. I’m years as a civic leader in sure my grandparents Greenwich, and is active in weren’t too pleased, but academic, environmental, that’s the kind of person and neighborhood orgamy father is. He always nizations. He serves on puts ‘the other fellow the boards of the Round first.’” Hill Association and Ed Bragg is truly a the Greenwich Land Distinguished Alumnus, Trust, where he led not only for all he the successful effort to has contributed to “Save the Field,” which Brunswick and his stopped development community, but for of a multi-acre site on his optimism, sense of Round Hill Road. He purpose, and “the other also led the effort to fellow first” attitude. restore the light of the Ed Bragg ’49 with his wife Margaret, daughter in-law Jennifer, and two sons, Winston ’92 and James ’87. All were in town to see Ed receive the Distinguished Alumni Award and to enjoy the Homecoming festivities!

B r u nswick

Good game!


Big kids in the making... Patrick and Christopher Magliocco, Paul Cipollaro ’17, Jospeh Magliocco ’17, and Andrew Izzo

Alumni Sports Night ’05 Alumni, parents, students, and families were eager players in the 2005 Thanksgiving Holiday Alumni Sports Event. More than thirty alumni hockey players, from mid-1970s grads to a current senior, displayed their awesome skating and stickhandling prowess on the ice of the Hartong Rink. All of the squash courts at Sampson Field House were filled with fierce matches as current varsity players competed against alumni and faculty. Spectators cheered when Jim Stephens, Brunswick’s ace squash coach, made an on-court appearance. Alumni from the mid-and late-1990’s hit the basketball court, where players did their best LeBron James impersonations. Alumni children found their games, too, in the expansive Burke Field House, much to the delight of their parents, who anticipated tired children and painless bedtime routines. After working up a good lather, alumni were quenched with a cold-keg, beverages, and a six-foot hoagie. While indulging in the post-games’ repast, alumni and their families regaled one another with stories of Brunswick days past, when the facilities weren’t quite as spiffy, but the fun and competition still great.

Brian Shepard ’97, Charles Carson ’98, Justin Weinstein ’99, Todd Reynolds ’98, and Pace Ralli ’98 were happy to cheer on the home team.

It was a family affair for Geoff Knapp ’87 and his brother Mark ’76 with their wives, Kathy (former Brunswick Assistant teacher)(left), Sheryl and their girls Erica (Mark’s daughter), and Emily and Katie in arms.

Director of Alumni Affairs, Keith Cipollaro ’86 catches up with Hopley brothers George ’81 and John ’79 who give it a go on the squash courts.

Spring 2006


Career Night 2006


here was a positive vibe and lots of energy circulating at the third annual Brunswick and Greenwich Academy Career Networking Forum. Close to one hundred alumni from both schools joined together to network, learn about different career paths, and catch up with friends and colleagues. Notable alumni speakers, including Pete Heimbold ’94, John ’99 and James Wahba ’95, Andrew Boer ’89, Ben Madden ’86, and John Hopley ’79, covered topics in the arts, real estate, entrepreneurship, public relations, finance, and government. Career Night attendees included managing directors, vice presidents, founders, college kids, and all those in between, either on the job hunt, offering opportunities and advice, or simply broadening their personal network within their industry. It was an interesting and productive evening with many going home with new knowledge, new leads, or better yet, new jobs.

Pete Spyrou ’06 and Gary Oztemel ’75 between sessions at career night.

Times of Brunswick

Andrew Boer ’89 with his fan club... Brunswick Seniors; Max deCastro, Career Night Speakers; Pete Heimbold ’94, the arts; John ’99 and James Thorman, Henry Skelsey, and Spencer Moscati. James ’95 Wahba, real estate; Andrew Boer ’89, entrepreneurship; Ben Madden ’86, public relations; and John Hopley ’79, finance.


Vinton Vickers ’84 and John Harvey ’84 catch up with Nancy Rieger GA ’79

Pete Carlson ’76 and Charlie Tusa ’62 take a moment from shop talk to chat.

Shootin’ the breeze... Gary Rogers ’76, Justin Andersen ’95, and Dave Black ’95.

Island Hopping This past July, the Brunswick alumni office was island hopping with the summer regulars in Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. The weekend was launched with an early-evening soirée in Nantucket, hosted by the Evans, the Ottos, and the Toombs, who graciously offered their home for the reunion gathering. Brunswick and Greenwich Academy families, alumni and past parents feasted on the famous Spanky’s Raw Bar, while sipping Summer Breezes and mingling with old friends. The next evening was at the historic, beautiful, and breezy Chappaquiddick Beach Club, where ’Wick and GA grads, and their families, chatted and cocktail-ed with a perfect panoramic sunset view of Edgartown harbor and distant Katama Bay. The event was hosted by the ever-generous Murray Family, who provided each guest with a gift certificate to the Vineyard Vine flagship store in Edgartown. A good time was certainly had by all!

B r u nswick


m Hosts Nell Otto (wife of Brunswick grad John Otto ’66 and mom of Jay ’05) with alumnus John Monsif ’93, Associate Director of Alumni Relations Cat Scott, and GA Director of Communications MaryLou Evans (who co-hosted the evening).

Jeff Long ’01, Matt Wiggins ’02, Lily Gumz (GA ’03), Matt Heineman ’01 and friends taking it easy at the Chappy Beach Club.

Karl Weintz ’83 with Brunswick alumnus and faculty member, Sasha Bulazel ’83 and his son, Alexei ’10.

Spring 2006

Good friends and classmates, John Monsif ’93 and Francis Carr ’93, with GA alumna and Francis’ wife, Deidre Morton Carr (GA ’94)


Class Notes

1935 William Schusser writes, “Celebrating my 25th year of retirement. I hope there are a few of us left? All of my family is fine.”

1941 55th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend Tracy McFarlan yakycart@aol.com

1945 Ed Trenkmann EDTR123@aol.com

1949 Times of Brunswick

Ed Bragg ehbragg@ssandc.org


Ed Bragg was awarded the Brunswick School Distinguished Alumni Award this past fall on Homecoming weekend (see page 54 )

Compiled by Cat Scott

1951 45th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend The Yale University Athletics 2005 “George Herbert Walker Bush Lifetime of Leadership Award” was presented on November 18, 2005 to Kristaps Keggi, M.D., at the Blue Leadership Ball. This award is in recognition of his contributions to global needs for leadership during his lifetime and career after graduating from Yale. He was applauded for never losing sight of his need to repay his country of birth, Latvia, his university, revolutionary innovations to orthopedic surgery, and for his dedication to his students and his patients.

1952 Richard Van Loan writes, “I am happily retired in Essex, Connecticut. I have ten grandchildren and I am very grateful to the extended Brunswick family who have stopped by my son Bob’s custom picture framing shop on Mason Street.”

1954 Bart Bolton bartbolton@aol.com Tom Lovejoy tlovejoy@optonline.net

Every Halloween, Duncan Smith ’54 becomes the “Pumpkin Man.” This past October, he carved a 100-pound pumpkin as a tribute to New Orleans. Dwight Hubbard writes, “This past April I had a very pleasant reunion with one of my former classmates, Bart Bolton, whom I had not seen since graduation, more than fifty years ago. His family has a time share in Sarasota (where I now reside) and we had lunch together.” Richard Jenner had a chance to visit his son Lars and family in Chicago over the Thanksgiving holiday. Duncan Smith is doing well out in Beaverton, Oregon. After many years of living on the east coast and working as a lawyer, he and his wife have made the west coast their home. He spends his time as a consultant for a small non-profit organization called Oregon Building Congress, as a SMART reader (Start Making A Reader Today), and working with second graders at James John School, in a disadvantaged area in North Portland. The Oregon Building Congress works with educators and kids, conducting week-long teacher seminars showing how math and science are used in construction as participants run through apprentice training centers. Duncan has three sons, two in education—one does special ed in Oregon, and the other is a principal at Ludlow High School in Springfield, Massachusetts.  The oldest lives in Darien and is a Wall Streeter at Lehman Bros. “So far the eastern two sons have produced seven wonderful grandchildren.”

1955 Bill Putman Billputman@aol.com

1957 Walt Brothers waltbrothers@msn.com Sandy Williamson beenda2@bellsouth.net

1958 Peter von Keyserling on a trip down to Miami for business decided to stop in on old friend and classmate, George Tremble, in Naples, Florida this past spring. Peter von Keyserling ’58 and George Tremble ’58 on a Sunday evening visit at George’s home in Florida.


Peter Chapman prchapman@mac.com Ross Ogden ogdenr@optonline.net Jody Dobson was named to the Board of Directors of IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association) last year and to the IECA Foundation Board this year.  Many congrats are in order for Ross Ogden, who was recently honored at the Red Cross Volunteer Recognition Event for his forty-five years of loyal service to the Greenwich chapter of the American Red Cross. He started volunteering for the group when he was nine years old. Ross is now on the advisory board, as well as the organization’s national board of governors.

1963 David Tufts is still living and working in NYC where he manages Oppenheimer’s main office.

1964 Fred Ballou president@emortgageplus.com Jack Sherry jsherry@gulfstreamschool.org

1965 Bill Oler woler76974@aol.com Rusty Parker FParker@skaarup.com Robert Appleyard, whose classmates missed seeing him at their reunion writes, “Having enjoyed thirty-five years of marriage, and thirtythree years of ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church, I am still going strong on both fronts, and living in Falmouth, Massachusetts.” Many congrats to John Riefler who was recently promoted to executive director, clinical development at Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd in Edison, New Jersey. He will be the international team leader for an anti-infective drug in phase two of development, and will be in charge of management/supervision of all directors in anti-infectives. John has been with Daiichi Sankyo for over four years and is looking forward to his new position.

Spring 2006

Class agent and reunion planner, Bill Putman writes, “Well, we had our 50th reunion in October. Out of the remaining ten of us, five made it back. And for us, it was darn close to fifty years since we had seen each other. Of the ones who made it, I am the only one still having to work. Other guys were lucky. Bill Krauter made it all the way out from Arizona, where he spends his time between trips all over the world. He and his wife Lenie were

in Borneo the month before and left for Belize for a week after our get-together. Eric Sandberg retired from his engineering consulting job, moved to Florida, and just plans on chilling out. Ralph Fairbanks had the shortest commute and drove down from Weston in time for the football game. He had just retired from SpectraLink a month earlier. Speaking of the game, Brunswick made it twenty-four straight wins (twenty-nine straight wins at the end of the season) and played well against St. Lukes. It was fun to see the same rivalry we had back then. Bo Dandison, who is up here on Cape Cod, too, didn’t think he could make it, but was able to get out of his commitment, and drove down that afternoon in order to make it in time for the drinks and dinner part of the day. One of the nice things about running a B&B is that I conned the Krauters into coming up here for a few nights before heading to Greenwich. I got a ‘preview’ of him and made a couple of bucks on top of that. That is probably why I am never going to retire - too much fun. All in all, a very nice time and fun to see how dramatically Brunswick has changed in half-a-century. Next issue, I’ll bring you up to date on the five alums who had flimsy excuses and didn’t make it!”

Class Notes


Class Notes 1969

James Pinto jpinto@resourceholdings.com Andrew Grunow and his wife Diana Duvall Grunow (GA ’73) are happy to report that their son, A. J. ’05, has graduated from Brunswick and is having a great freshman year at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. A.J. who was selected to participate in F&M’s service learning program in August, says that the professors are awesome, and that there’s lots happening down there. In June, younger son Paul received the trustee’s HighFlyer Award from Eagle Hill School for his service to the school community by sharing his knowledge of technology. He was nominated to “Who’s Who Among American High School Students.” Now, he’s having a wonderful sophomore year at The Harvey School in Katonah, New York and is playing J.V. football. Grunow Construction is building the new paddle tennis pavilion at the Greenwich Country Club, and everyone is grateful to be safe and healthy, including the two labs, cat, and rabbit.

All are invited! Bill Coleman (Denver) and James Pinto are hosting a golf outing in Palm Beach Florida on April 26, 2006. Tim Johnson (Seattle) is prize chair and Chris Schultz (New York), a non-golfer, is dinner chair. They would love all of their classmates to attend. Please contact Bill at W.L.Coleman@aol.com for more information.

1971 35th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend Tom Dill thomas_dill@verizon.net

1972 Bill Schneider william.schneider@ubs.com Ted Walworth twalworth@cbs.com

Peter Millard’s son Jamie is having a successful senior year at Brunswick. He just finished his high school football career as a tri-captain. The team has only lost one game in his 3 years and won 29 straight games. Jamie was awarded the Norman Pedersen trophy as the teams MVP for the season.

1973 George Crossman has been back in Riverside, Connecticut, for the past five years with his wife Christina and their two boys, Forest, 10 and Seaton, 7. He is a realtor with Cleveland, Duble and Arnold, and still maintains a small construction business.

1974 Rob Brodsky BrodskyPeckLaw@aol.com Gary Klingner gary.w.klingner@smithbarney.com

Class of 1975 Reunion

Times of Brunswick

To mark their 30th Reunion, the Class of 1975 honored three beloved faculty members: George Boynton, Rodney Dashnaw, and David Murray. During their more than eightyseven combined years with Brunswick School, these teachers have guided many students. From chairing the science department, to creating the Brunswick soccer program, to bringing the varsity ice hockey program center-ice, these faculty members have left a lasting impact. Mr. Boynton, Mr. Dashnaw, and Mr. Murray will forever be remembered and honored in the halls of the Sampson Athletic Center on King Street with a special plaque that commends their loyalty and dedication to coaching, teaching, and mentoring. The plaque, “Teachers, Coaches, Mentors,” reads: We proudly recognize George Boynton, Rodney Dashnaw, and David Murray for the gift of coaching and teaching a generation of boys at Brunswick. In their time they compiled extraordinary records and led many championship teams. They taught that a winning season was much more than just a season of wins and losses, but rather one measured by commitment, camaraderie, and a love of the game. Most of all, they were great mentors to us and many classes of boys whom they helped shape and send into the world as prepared young men. Given with great appreciation from the Class of 1975 in honor of our 30th Reunion


Dave Murray, George Boynton, and Rod Dashnaw look on as Patrick Durkin ’75 presents them with commemorative frames and their reunion class gift.

George Boynton, Terry Markey ’75, Rod Dashnaw, Patrick Durkin ’75, Headmaster Tom Philip, and Gary Oztemel ’75 pose for a shot after their class reunion presentation at the beginning of the Homecoming football game.

1975 The Class of 1975 recently celebrated their 30th reunion and honored three of their former faculty members (see sidebar). Patrick Durkin patrick.durkin@csfb.com

Class Notes (twelve). While I’ve got a fairly large house out here in the hinterlands of OH, it’s still necessary to add some rooms, a bath, and an extra garage so that all five of us fit.”

1976 30th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend

Harry Keeshan harry.keeshan@phdus.com

Peter Carlson pcarlson@carlsonandcarlson.com

Gary Oztemel gary@satrausa.com

John Cole jhabcole@aol.com

Mark Vallely mvallely@atclayton.com

Pete Pedersen ppedersen@renovapartners.com

Doug Hodge, who was unable to make it back to the reunion from his home in Japan writes, “By way of an update, the Hodge family - Kylie (wife) and five children, Schuyler (fourteen); Jensen (thirteen), Macaul (eleven), Jaeger (eight) & Grayson (six) plus two dogs, cat, parrot, assorted fish, and a newt, are all doing great.  We have been here in Tokyo for three years - oh, my!  But, we have made great friends, all of us.  The kids are busy with sports and school.  Schuyler, who is in the 9th grade, is looking at boarding schools for next year.  It has turned into a global exercise.  However, there are a few on the east coast she is applying to.  So, we will see.  Jensen is now six feet tall, same as his old man.  It’s scary.  The kid has a size eleven shoe in the 7th grade.  Needless to say, he is the center on the basketball team, and lives for the winter season.  Everyone else is happily doin’ their thing. I am working at PIMCO, and am the head of the Asia Pacific region.  This keeps me pretty busy and on the road quite a bit.  In an effort to get back in shape about eight months ago, I agreed with a friend to run in the NYC marathon.  He begged, so I ran in the Sydney Marathon. I surprised myself with a lights-out time of 3:12.  But my hamstring is still feelin’ the pain. The Sydney race time qualified me for Boston, so I’ll be there next spring.” Sending along best regards to his classmates, and regrets for being unable to attend the reunion, Davis Webb writes, “There are too many things going on in my life for me to get away to attend, but I’ll be thinking of everyone. One of those ‘things’ is the planning and project work involved in getting married again. In July next year, I’ll be wedding Jennifer Wolfe Thompson, and thus forming a blended family of five, including my daughter Audrey Webb (ten), and Jennifer’s son Mason Thompson (fourteen), and daughter Charlotte (Charley) Thompson

Walter Peek walterpeek@compuserve.com The 1976 team had their own line in the Alumni Hockey Game consisting of Mark Knapp, Mark Engebretson, and Peter Carlson. The even years won the game! Pete writes, “The two Mark’s haven’t lost a step on the ice. It was a fun event. Hope we can get more people involved in the basketball and squash next year…and someone on the ice to take my place!” Pete Pedersen writes, “I enjoyed traveling to two Brunswick events this fall, visiting with former friends, teammates, and coaches in Greenwich the night of Homecoming. We watched a terrific Brunswick football team in Hartford where the Bruins prevailed again in a wild shoot-out for the championship. Both experiences left me looking forward to the ’76 gathering next fall!”

Bruce Rogers brogers@tla-insurance.com

1979 Rick Whelan Frederick.Whelan@oag.state.ny.us

1980 Phil Geraghty phillips.geraghty@denovolegal.com Bill Hogan wahog@earthlink.net A note from class agent, Bill Hogan: “Our 25th Reunion was a rousing success! Poor weather notwithstanding, twenty members (almost half!) of the class showed up for the festivities. Thanks are especially due to Tony Wells and his wife Claudia for hosting a really lovely, intimate dinner party at their home in Stamford. Jim Marchand’s raiding of the school photo archives was greatly appreciated by all. Best photo: Geraghty and Berrigan in boxers, sneakers, ties, and tweed jackets. Amen. The group emails were also a notable, quotable, and ongoing, success. The database is pretty well updated at this point, so check it out and get in touch!”

1977 Rick Fisher talbotfisher@aol.com Brett Long blong@winklevoss.com Steve Rodger scr@equinox-capital.com


Elizabeth Payton Stein born to Jim Stein ’81 and his wife Elizabeth.

1981 25th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend

Perrin Arturi perrin@bear.com

Phil McDonough philm@capgrow.net

Tom Durkin tdurkin@lgu.com

Joe Tranfo jatranfo@tranfo.com Spring 2006

Reunion 2006 Alert! Celebrate the years since graduation at Homecoming weekend! Please send your most up-to-date contact information to Cat Scott (CScott@brunswickschool.org/1-800-546-9425) to stay informed of all the events.


Class Notes Class of 1985 Reunion Betty Altman, a beloved member of the Brunswick community, was honored by the Class of 1985 on the celebration of their 20th Reunion. The Betty Altman Endowment Fund will be used to help supply financial aid students with necessary school items from the Brunswick Bookstore and allow the boys to participate in extra-curricular and sports activities. Mrs. Altman, whose son John was a member of the Class of 1985, began her 30th year as bookstore manager in September 2005. During her many years of dedicated service, she has become an integral part of the School for all that she does each day, for her love of the boys who have crossed her path, and for her appreciation of Brunswick as a community and an institution. As Headmaster Tom Philip stated when Mrs. Altman received the inaugural Service to Brunswick Award in 2002 “Betty has given, quite literally, her heart and soul to our School.” For this reason, the Class of 1985 is delighted to endow this Fund in Mrs. Altman’s name. A group from the Class of 1985 enjoys their time with Betty Altman as they present their class gift to her. From Left to Right: Tom O’Malley, Tucker Keating, Ian MacTaggart, John Creber, Betty Altman, Steve Leary, Beth Altman (GA ’83), Bill Bertles, and Rob Rosencrans

Jim Stein and his wife Elizabeth welcomed their first child, Elizabeth Payton Stein, to the family on Saturday, October 29th. They will call her Payton. After seventeen years in the music business, Jim has switched careers and is now a real estate broker with Prudential in Pacific Palisades, California. He tells us that ’Wick is well-represented here on the west coast. He plays a lot of hockey with Adam Jenkins ’78, and hangs out with his brothers Chris ’73 and Tony ’82.

1982 Nat Barnum nbarnum@newenglandland.com Michael Sullivan Michael_Sullivan@ml.com

Times of Brunswick



Brad Smith bsmith@baxterinvestment.com

1984 John Harvey joharvey@microsoft.com

1985 The Class of 1985 recently celebrated their 20th reunion and created an endowment fund in honor of Betty Altman (see sidebar above). Bill Bertles bill.bertles@democracydata.com Tucker Keating tuck.keating@gcm.com

Derek Emous ’85 enjoying a beautiful day out on the water. Ian MacTaggart imactaggart@brynwoodpartners.com Matt Balson, who is living with his girlfriend in Valencia, Spain, writes, “I lived in France for a couple of years and learned to speak French. Now, back in Spain, I speak Spanish all day, everyday. Summing things up about my career is always a bit tricky, because I really have two parallel lives. As a linguist, last year I did a post-graduate degree in translation and interpretation, and this year I finished writing a book about time, space, and the English verb system for adult students of English as a foreign language. Now I’m hammering into shape my plan to open a brand new kind of language training center in 2007. “I’m also a musician, and play fiddle, guitar, and mandolin - mostly square dance fiddle tunes and old blues. About four years ago, I started to accompany my fiddling with some foot percussion (clogging, or ‘Appalachian tap dancing’, if you will). Lately, I’ve been dancing more and more, and it’s starting to take on its own life apart from being a mere accompaniment to the fiddle. I’ve done a lot of work on my singing, and have put it all together into a dancin’, singin’, fiddlin’, one man band. I also do one-man shows combining music and storytelling. I’ve played in the street, bars, cafés, and clubs at dances, in theatres, and at a couple of festivals.” Derek Emous would have liked to attend the reunion, but family and work kept him home, in Georgia, just over the border from Chattanooga, Tennesse.  Derek and his wife Dawn have a fiveyear-old, Spencer, and fraternal twins, Hailey and Parker, who turned one in September.  For the last ten years, Derek has worked at Shaw Industries, the world’s largest carpet and other floor-covering manufacturer, and a division of  Berkshire Hathaway.  He is currently a computer systems engineer, but has done stints in several computer software-related positions, such as support analyst, data analyst, consultant, and database administrator.

Matt Balson ’85 is enjoying life in Valencia, Spain.

Class Notes to Australia for good….for a while. As for me, I was a special guest star as “Spider-Man” on NBC’s “Three Wishes,” and if you get Direct TV’s NFL Network, I’m the QB on ‘Play Book’.”

1986 20th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend Ben Madden ben_madden@rd.com Graham Murray gmmsegm@optonline.net John Goldberg ’85 and Ian Schwartz ’85 with the retired jersey of Rob Darroch ’85, a good friend and classmate who passed away in 2003. John Goldberg writes, “Ian Schwartz called me last week and told me that he noticed a memorial to Rob Darroch at the Yerba Buena ice rink here in San Francisco, where Ian’s son takes skating lessons.  Ian and I went down to the rink, took the photo, and spoke to the hockey director who knew Rob well.  Rob lived in Mill Valley, which is north of San Francisco, and worked at the famous Lark Creek Inn.  He had been playing hockey in an adult league for a number of years, was an aggressive player, and well-liked. For those of you who hadn’t heard, Rob died while playing ice hockey in May 2003.  Rob had a defective heart valve of which he was unaware.”     Teja McDaniel writes, “It’s been a busy year for my wife Einat and me. We moved to Los Angeles, and our son Tristan was born on October 25, 2004. We’ve been hitting the skyways ever since. Tristan has been to Melbourne, Queensland, Sydney, NYC, Greenwich, London, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, New Zealand, and now back Tristan McDaniel, son of Teja McDaniel ’85, was born on October 25, 2004.

Bart Osman bdosman@lexpartners.com Always making the effort to keep in touch with his classmates, Graham Murray sent us this update: “I speak regularly with Fred Tuck, who is living in Old Greenwich and working for Sotheby’s International Realty. John Mastoloni is busy with company M2 Systems in New Britain, and lives with his wife Tanya in Farmington.  Burt Burtis has his own automobile restoration business in Harrison, and recently worked on my brother Ian’s ’93 CJ7.  Rob Sterling, Rob Phillips, Rob Loewengart, Tony DiGuglielmo and I were recently out to see “The Ian Murray Band.” “I had the opportunity to catch up with Tony DiGuglielmo, Bart Osman, Jim Cabot, Ben Madden and Keith Cipollaro at the alumni golf outing. I also play poker regularly with John Jibilian, Craig Jung, Rob Sterling, and Morris Barocas, all of whom live in the area and are doing well. As for those I don’t get to see quite as often…Craig Jones and his new bride Koritha recently moved to Columbus, Ohio where he is working as a guidance counselor in a private school, and she teaches at Ohio State. Rob Phillips just took a new position at Samsung in Richmond, Virgina, where he lives with his wife MT and their two children, Miller and Alexandra. “My wife Sue our son Zack and I are going to Florida in January to spend time with Tony Reulbach, his wife Monica, and their two sons, Joey and Tony Jr. I also want to mention that I heard from a lot of my classmates after my father’s death in August and was overwhelmed by how supportive the entire Brunswick community was during this period. Looking forward to seeing you all next October for our 20th reunion.”   Dianalee Velie, mother of Joseph Velie, wrote a book of poetry, First Edition, in honor of her late daughter-in-law, Currie-Hill, and grandsons Joseph, John, and Jack Jasper. First Edition may be purchased from Rock Village Publishing,

Steve Leary ’85 has quite the handful with his triplets Jack, William, and Alexandra. 41 Walnut Street, Middleborough, MA 02346, 508.946.4738. $1.00 from the sale of each copy will be donated to The Velie Memorial Fund, Inc. (www.veliememorialfund.org)

1987 Bob Enslein renslein@yahoo.com Stu Feldman Feldst@mindspring.com Adam Gibbons gibbons_adam@yahoo.com Bill Ryckman WRyckman@GarMark.com

Reunion 2006 Alert! Celebrate the years since graduation at Homecoming weekend! Please send your most up-to-date contact information to Cat Scott (CScott@brunswickschool.org/1-800-546-9425) to stay informed of all the events.

Spring 2006

Bill Simmons’s ’87 book, Now I Can Die in Peace: How ESPN’s Sports Guy Found Salvation, with a Little Help from Nomar, Pedro, Shawshank, and the 2004 Red Sox.


Class Notes October 27 was a busy day for two other members of our class.  At 12:31 a.m., Jason Gilbride and his wife Tara became proud parents of a little girl, Logan, at Greenwich Hospital.  About 20 minutes later, Dave Wilson and his wife Mindy had a son, Jake, born in Boulder, CO.  Dennis Germaske has been living in Fort Lauderdale for close to six years.  After spending a few years in the restaurant business, Dennis now works for a company which specializes in leasing private aircrafts.  This job has taken him on many trips across the United States with various stars from the world of sports and entertainment.

Jason Gilbride ’88 with his baby daughter, Logan. Wedding bells were ringing on June 11 in Okatie, South Carolina for Christopher Cuddy and Anne Everly. Christopher is a first vice president with C.B. Richard Ellis/Whittier Partners Commercial Real Estate in Boston. Double congratulations are in order for Stu Feldman and his wife Samara who welcomed twins, Seth and Jake, to their family on November 16 at 2:30p.m. and 2:31p.m.. Seth weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz. and was 18.5 inches long, and Jake was 6 lbs. 6 oz. and was 19 inches long. Everyone is doing well. Bill Simmons (aka ESPN’s “Sport’s Guy”) has been racking up the airline miles as he promotes his New York Times’ best selling book, Now I Can Die in Peace : How ESPN’s Sports Guy Found Salvation, with a Little Help from Nomar, Pedro, Shawshank, and the 2004 Red Sox, published by ESPN Books.

1988 Greg Hartch greg.hartch@ge.com Tim Hartch tim.hartch@bbh.com Christian Nagler cnagler@kirkland.com

Times of Brunswick

Tom Odelfelt thomas.odelfelt@hbo.com


Mike Dunne got married last May to Chieko Kawamoto in Hakone, Japan. “We are currently moving to a new house in the Pemberwick area of Greenwich.” Tom Odelfelt writes, “Tom Lucht and his wife Julie (GA ’88) are enjoying life in Seattle, where they live with their two sons Matthew and Nicholas.”

Benji Ward sells insurance out of Westport, recently moved north to a place on the water in Milford, but still comes to Greenwich to visit clients, and play softball and basketball.  “After ten years of living in an apartment above J. Crew on Greenwich Avenue, my wife Raha and I moved to Cos Cob.  I still commute to the city, and play hockey with fellow alums Brett Stephens ’94, Hans Richter ’85, Greg de Spoelberch ’00, and Jason Gilbride,” Benji wrote. Ian MacKinnon and his wife Amy gave birth to Ian Christopher MacKinnon on November 22, 2005. The growing family lives in Los Angeles.

1989 James Farrell Jamesmfarrell@optonline.net Grant Gregory Grant.Gregory@morganstanley.com Ted Hildner ted@eastendbrass.com Shep Murray shep@vineyardvines.com Michael Butler recently made a trip east and hooked up with three other Brunswick classmates and their families.

1990 Andy Johnson ajohnson@tuxedoparkschool.com Bob Pascal robert.pascal@earthlink.com

1991 15th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend Rob Berkley Bret Eagan rkeaganjr7@yahoo.com Ross Ogden ross.ogden@gmail.com A note from Alex Holstein, “So, in case you’re wondering, it is me – Alexander Peter Holstein, 1991, since then a graduate of the University of Southern California (BA – Theatre), and the London School of Economics (MSC Russian and Post-Soviet Studies), married to Katharine, my college sweetheart (now in our ninth year of marriage), and father to my darling two-year-old girl, Sophia Louise Holstein (born December 8, 2003), and my beautiful bouncing baby boy, Henry David Gray Holstein (born December 14, 2005).  Oh, yeah, and we all live happily in sunny San Diego, where I served as executive director of the county Republican party during the California Recall (2003), and the lead-up to the Presidential election (2004).  Now, I’m a consultant, and have worked on everything from saving our beloved Mount Soledad memorial, with its centerpiece cross—still the subject of much controversy—to passing Jessica’s Law in California and protecting patients’ rights through preserving state’s rights (both still in progress).   “Stopped by the campus this summer while attending a friend’s wedding back that way WOW!  Amazing!  The place looks like a toprank university!”

On one of their many nights out on the town—From left to right Eddie Vittoria ’89, Michael Butler ’89, James Farrell ’89, and David Cannon ’89.

Class Notes

It was a Grand occasion for the Class of 1992 grads. Back row:  Tim Waterbury and Scott Mardis (Best Man) Middle Row: Brad Schenkel, Christian Hensley, Morgan Gregory, and Larry Codraro. Front Row: The Groom Winston Bragg, the beautiful bride Jennifer Bragg, and Cornelius Shields

John Eagan, Marques Williams, Peter Rand, Matt Hogan, Steve Tusa, Tom Lewis, Adam Rudiger, Kane O’Neill, and Ryan Faherty, all Class of 1992, in front of “Touchdown Jesus.” The group was in South Bend, Indiana for the Notre Dame vs. Michigan State game on September 17 and to celebrate Ryan’s bachelor party.



Winston Bragg winstonbragg@aol.com

Michael Grace michael.j.grace@citigroup.com

Many from the ’Wick Class of 1992 attended the wedding of Jen and Winston Bragg, which took place on August 6, 2005 (same date as Jarrett Shine’s wedding!) in Greenwich.  Jen, is a native of Greenwich, is in her third year of NYU Medical School, and received her undergraduate degree from Stanford University.  Billy Hartong and Fran Vermuelen ’93 were re-living their legendary Brunswick days with the band, “In the Attic” on January 28, when their respective bands “Breaking Laces” and “DYVR” played Scenic Bar in the East Village of NYC. They both rock the metropolis on a frequent basis, so check out their next gig at www.breakinglaces.com or www.myspace.com/dyvr. Luke Henry recently ran the NYC Marathon in 3:47:19. He was a member of Team For Kids, a foundation that organizes running programs for elementary-through high school-aged kids in NYC public schools who might not otherwise have an opportunity to be involved in athletic programs. For more information, see his blog at lukesteamforkids.blogspot.com

Ian Murray ian@vineyardvines.com

There were many Brunswick alumni in attendance at the wedding of Carol and Ryan Faherty ’93. Back Row: Marques Williams ’93, Geoff Madden ’91, Peter McCormick ’95, John Eagan ’93, Mitchell Marrow ’93, Michael Grace ’93, Todd Pollack ’93, and Peter Rand ’93 Front Row: Stephen Tusa ’93, Kane O’Neill ’93 (best man), Carol Faherty (the bride), Matthew Hogan ’93, Ryan Faherty ’93, Tom Lewis ’93, and Adam Rudiger ’93.

Kane O’Neill kane.oneill@db.com

Reunion 2006 Alert! Celebrate the years since graduation at Homecoming weekend! Please send your most up-to-date contact information to Cat Scott (CScott@brunswickschool.org/1-800-546-9425) to stay informed of all the events.

Spring 2006

John Baxter tied the knot with Molly Curtiss in Riverside, Connecticut. Molly is a senior account director at News Corporation in New York, and John is the director of marketing at Baxter Investment Management in Greenwich. John and Molly are avid sailors. November 5, 2005 was a happy day for Ryan Faherty and his new wife Carol, who got married in Northfork, Long Island at The Raphael Vineyard. Bradley Soroca writes, “My wife Holly and I gave birth to a baby boy, Aden Lloyd, on April 1, 2005. I am a marketing director at ESPN and living on the Upper West Side.” Fran Vermuelen and Billy Hartong ’92 proved that they still have what it takes from their legendary Brunswick days with the band, “In the Attic,” when their respective bands, “Breaking Laces” and “DYVR” played Scenic Bar in the East Village of NYC. They both rock the metropolis on a frequent basis, so check out their next gig at www.breakinglaces. com or www.myspace.com/dyvr. Best wishes to Michael Wichman and Karin Meitner who were married on September 24 in Lenox, Massachusetts. Michael is a student services counselor at Monroe College in the Bronx. The couple lives in NYC.


Class Notes Chris Jones chris_jones@Brown.edu John McCormick jwalkermccormick@mac.com Greg Skidmore gregory.h.skidmore@smithbarney.com

Brunswick alumni at the wedding of Kelly and Raymond Burke ’94. Left to Right: Reed Carroll ’94, Michael Mahoney ’94, Brennan Gerster ’94, James Bardwil ’75, James Gallagher ’89, Alfred Smith ’94, Tony McCutcheon ’95, and Ronnie Kelley ’94.

1994 Michael Clear mclear@optonline.net James Muhlfeld james.muhlfeld@wellsfargo.com James Ritman jritman@newmarkkf.com

Times of Brunswick

Raymond Burke and Kelly Doherty said, “I do” on June 11, 2005 on Fishers Island, NY, with many alumni in attendance. A busy Michael Clear graduated magna cum laude from Quinnipiac University School of Law in May. He passed the Connecticut bar exam and is currently working as an associate at Wiggin and Dana in New Haven. After the bar exam, and before starting work, he and his wife Melissa spent two weeks exploring Australia! Brett Stephens married Lauren Roth on June 18 at the Grotto Bay Beach Resort & Tennis Club in Bermuda. Groomsmen included Brunswick grads Rory Callagy, Jeff Andrea, and Eric Ferraris. Brett is pursuing his master’s degree in business at Columbia University, and is vice president of The Directorship Search Group. Lauren is a marketing manager for Trilegiant in Norwalk. The couple is living in Old Greenwich.


1995 Ted Adler ted@unionstmedia.com Dave Black dblack@rcs-us.com

A note from class agent, Dave Black… “The falling leaves of autumn were background to the 10th year reunion for the Class of 1995. Yes, that’s right, the same class that seemed to redefine many rules, regulations, records, and awards, both on and off the field, celebrated together for a weekend at the “new” Brunswick, where spirits were never hindered by the falling rain. The culmination of the weekend was at the home of Peter Nardin and David Black in Greenwich, where they hosted the 1995 reunion party. Good times all around that finally ended… sometime Sunday morning. While the turn-out was great, not all class members were able to make it back, from Chris Jones stuck in Rhode Island bailing out his water-logged house, to the “movie business” keeping Chris de Spoelberch in Los Angeles, and J.P. Scanlon not able to come back to the ’Wick from San Francisco. We were able to catch up with fellow classmates and find out what they have been up to besides keeping the same nicknames since Middle School. “Dirt”…a.k.a. Todd McClutchy, is living in NYC on the Upper East Side and working in real estate for the Richman Group. Oliver Morgan got married to Megan Manfredi in September, and Matt Dudley, Justin Smith, Dan Brenninkmeyer, and Chris Jones (in his fourth year of a PhD program in American History at Brown University) were all groomsmen. Oliver and Megan are both veterinarians, doing their residencies at the vet hospital at UPenn in Philadelphia. Speaking of love, Whit McGraw and Camilla Love (GA ’95) tied the knot in Greenwich on July 23, with many Brunswick classmates in attendance. The couple is

living in Charlottesville, Virginia, while Whit studies for his MBA at the Darden Business School. Greg Skidmore, working in Greenwich for Smith Barney, let us know that Andrew Scrivan just married Maria Notarile and that they are living in Cos Cob. Andrew has a real estate business, and Maria is a graphic/web designer. Jamie Wahba, and his brother John ’99, are running a real estate development company in Greenwich called Champion Development. Jermaine Harmon started his own web design company, Harmon Web Design, just up the road in Norwalk, and is enjoying the married life with his wife Nicole. Married life is still treating Tim Galvin well with his wife Kelly (and yes, for all of you who have not checked in with Tim since Middle School, same Kelly). They are looking forward to the birth of their second child following the first, James Patrick, who is already watching Tim’s old football tapes from the ’Wick. Nick Abstoss and wife Katie also celebrated the birth of their second daughter, Addie. (Is there a baby race between Galvin and Abstoss?) Marshall Phelps is enjoying life and those long hours as a lawyer in NYC. Alex Basilevsky is also an environmental lawyer in Chicago. Paul Kosnik has been spending the last few years studying up at Vermont Law; Peter McCormick and Tom Hyland, (see story on page 29) among others, went up to Vermont to visit with Paul at school. They report all is well. Paul missed the 10th reunion…I guess studies come first. Chris Toepke is also furthering his education at Kellogg (Northwestern), and could not tear himself away from the studies. Steve Noon and his wife Kate had baby Madeline in October. Ted Adler reports that Steve is doing well, still singing, and working on his PhD at Northwestern. Peter McCormick is now living with his girlfriend in NYC, and working for Modis, an IT resource management company. Jim Seaborg, who just became engaged to his girlfriend Angela, is working up in Concord, Massachusetts. Even further north, Ted Adler is hanging in Burlington, Vermont, still

The dashing groom Brett Stephens ’94 and lovely bride Lauren Roth, with, Jim Stephens (long-time Brunswick faculty member and squash coach), and classmates Rory Callagy, Jeff Andrea, Pete Heimbold, James Muhlfeld, Ty Bailey, and Eric Ferraris.

Class Notes

The JV Soccer team sporting SnoCountry hats given to them by the ever-generous Dave Black ’95. running his company, Union Street Media. While Ted made it down to the party from Burlington, Justin Andersen takes the Distance Prize with his trip from southern California, just in time for the reunion party. Justin is now working for a company that David Black and Peter Nardin started together, called Recovery Control Systems (RCS). Peter is still with Greenwich Associates, and David is still working in the ski industry producing a film, ‘Snow Blind the Movie’. George Van Nostrand (Gordo) is working for Vineyard Vines and living with his girlfriend in Byram. Michael Grunow is now engaged to his girlfriend Beth. They met two summers ago in San Francisco and, after a long distance relationship, spent this past summer traveling, and now live together in upstate New York. Farley Towse and his fiancée Kristin stopped by the reunion party and are enjoying life up in Branford, Connecticut. Oliver Beckmann stopped by with his girlfriend and is still enjoying things at Odin Marine (we were saddened to see that he no longer has the ‘cop car’). John McCormick is doing well and living in NYC. He currently works at a hedge fund in Connecticut and sees a lot of ’Wick and GA alumni on a regular basis. Matt Lipson, RJ Broadhurst and Gavin Fleischman (who is reported to be “single and on the prowl”) is wondering where in the world is ‘The Shram’ Nick Kovachev (last seen in 2001 in Santa Monica, California). Andy Niner is working on his MBA at Berkeley, while Randy Gilbride is working on his at Denver. Ted Ogden continues to enjoy life at the ’Wick teaching in the Middle School. Dan Levy figured that it was going to be a good reunion party, so he spent the entire weekend actually at the party after flying out from Arizona with his wife Melissa of almost two years. Dan showed everyone what he spends most of his time doing in Arizona by coming back to ’Wick and winning the alumni golf tournament. A few people are missing, so if you know where they are,

have them contact Cat and Keith in the alumni office, and say hello.” (cscott@brunswickschool.org or kcipollaro@brunswickschool.org)

1996 10th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend Salman Al-Sudairi salsudairi@whitecase.com Tommy Mulvoy MulvoyT@hotmail.com Tim O’Malley tomalley4@optonline.com Marc Bianchi is working as an equity analyst at Turner Investment Partners in Philadelphia, PA, covering energy, utilities, materials, and transportation. He will also be taking levelthree of the CFA exam in June 2006. West-coaster Chris Boynton is working at FiberTower LLC. He recently moved to San Francisco, California to be closer to his true love: wine country. Nick Federici is finishing up his third year at Fordham Law School. Geoff Lazlo is working as a chef at Aureole, a four-star restaurant in Manhattan. Having recently completed his MBA at the University of Connecticut, Greg Oshins is working as a commercial real estate broker at Handler Real Estate Service in NYC.

Hardcore White Sox fans, Jonathon ’99, Robbie ’97, R.J. ’07, and Ted ’95 Adler, with their Dad, traveled to the U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago to help cheer their team as they took on the Houston Astros in the World Series Championship. Scott Sherman is about to graduate from Tulane Law School, though due to Hurricane Katrina, he is currently attending Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York. Scott Stevenson is living in Portland, Maine where he is doing course studies. When he gets back to Connecticut, he spends time with Tim O’Malley. Salman Al-Sudairi works as an associate attorney at White & Case LLP in NYC and lives in Greenwich.

1997 Jeff Condon jicondon78@yahoo.com Brad Podd bpodd@virgina.edu Jeff Condon, along with brother and Brunswick alumnus Holt Condon ’96 and Ted Conrads ’99, have been in numerous sailing regattas on the west coast.  Jeff and Ted recently competed in the “Jean Shenck Memorial Trophy” in Newport Beach, California, and took third place. Wedding bells were ringing for Mark LaMonica and Kate Barrett (GA ’97) who were married in South Casco, Maine on May 28, 2005. Kate is getting a PhD in clinical psychology at Suffolk University in Boston, and Mark is graduating in December with an MBA from Babson College. He will be working as a consultant in the financial services advisory practice at Ernst & Young. Spring 2006

Reunion 2006 Alert! Celebrate the years since graduation at Homecoming weekend! Please send your most up-to-date contact information to Cat Scott (CScott@brunswickschool.org/1-800-546-9425) to stay informed of all the events.


Class Notes Scott Sievwright just opened a new hot spot in town called MacDuffs Public House (you guessed it…it’s a Scottish pub) on Railroad Avenue in Greenwich.

2000 Chris Monsif cmonsif@yahoo.com

Left to right are members from the Class of 1997 Tony Calabrese, Pete Einersen, Ben Stewart, the groom Mark LaMonica, his bride, Kate Barrett (GA ’97), Haley LaMonica, Mike Walsh, and Joe Praino. Alex Spiegel is a real estate development consultant in Boston for Continental Wingate Development Company.


Times of Brunswick

Charles Carson charlescarson@hotmail.com


Tripp Donelan is working in Santa Rosa, California at Pax Wine Cellars, and will be there for a few months before he heads to South Africa this winter to help a vineyard with their wine harvest. Having graduated from Quinnipiac University School of Law in May, Charlie Oates got married to Sarah Butler of Mechanicsville, Virginia in August. They have made Mechanicsville their home, and he is now working for the Department of Forensic Science as a legal assistant. Rob Profusek changed jobs and industries away from finance (he was previously at Lazard in their restructuring group) to a small production company that focuses on both films and staging special events. He writes, “I’m really enjoying the company, called Kaleidoscope Productions, and have had a great deal of exposure both on the business/communications side, and on being involved with the creative projects.”   It was wedding bell time for J. Bradford Schwalm ’98 and Caroline Archer Cleary on September 10, 2005 at Trinity Episcopal Church in Northport, Long Island. Before setting off on their honeymoon to Hawaii, the new couple was surrounded by old friends for a group portrait.

1999 Deakin Bell dbell@du.edu Sal Taliercio skybluejag@aol.com Mike Zarrilli MichaelPZarrillijr@hotmail.com Another ’Wick addition to the west coast: Ted Conrads has started a hedge fund out in San Francisco with his dad.

Steve Burksy is running a record label under Universal called Foundations Records (www. foundationsrecords.com), and an artist management company called Foundations Artist Management (www.foundationsmgmt.com). He recently collaborated with twelve different artists, including Dispatch, Jack Johnson, Guster, O.A.R, etc., to produce a charity record called “Rock for Relief.” All proceeds will go towards Mercy Corps to aid tsunami and Hurricane Katrina victims. For more information, go to www.forr.com David Darst just finished the first part of an NIH grant he is working on for a new AIDS-related nonprofit he is helping to launch.  He writes, “It’s pretty intense, but exciting, too.” David also started at Harvard Business School this past fall. Brendan Kavanagh finished his major in mechanical engineering at Princeton last June, and received honorable mention in the Princeton E-Quad news for his senior project on “The Design of an Attachable Ski Tread for Variable Terrain Ascent.” He also studied creative writing with Joyce Carol Oates and Edmund White. After the summer, he moved to Vail to ski all winter, take it easy, and live in the mountains.

Dugan Schwalm ’93, the newlyweds Brad and Caroline, and Matson Schwalm ’90 Left to right: Brian Bishop, Maisie Lynch, Kingsley Lynch, Scott Neff ’99, Tripp Donelan ’98, Mark Neff ’96, Grey Vasey ’98, Win Smith ’98, Charles Carson ’98, Trevor Martin ’98, Andrew Myerberg ’98, Jay Morell ’98, Bailey Hallingby ’98, David Neff ’94, Brooke Hallingby Day, Alexa Raether (GA ’92), Cara Raether (GA ’97), Elissa Raether Kovas (GA ’89).

Class Notes

Will Sinclair ’03, Lily Gumz (GA ’03) and David Gerkin ’02 enjoy a night out sipping sangria in Barcelona.

Believe it or not—they made it from east to west and back in one piece. From left to right: 2001 classmates: Jeff Long, Per Barre, Dave Sawyer, George Jamgochian, and Colin Doody.

2001 5th Reunion@Homecoming Weekend Paul Gojkovich paul.gojkovich@newmarkkf.com Jeff Long jeffhlong@gmail.com T.J. Opladen topladen@mail.colgate.edu Bunker West bunker.west@gmail.com Paul Gojkovich writes, “I have started a career in commercial real estate, which was garnered out of a relationship I made at Brunswick Career Night 2005.  I am now working with James Ritman ’94 at Newmark Knight Frank Real Estate in Greenwich.  Besides working, I have been spending time in NYC with other Brunswick alums.” Matt Heineman spent his first fall out of college traveling cross-country in a 30-foot RV with Matt Wiggins ’02 and two Dartmouth friends. They landed in forty-nine out of the fifty states! The quest of the trip was to ask people between the ages of 18-25, what their

hopes, dreams, and ambitions are for themselves, their community, and America. They are hoping “The Young Americans Project” will culminate in a book and documentary. Check out their website at www.tyap.com. George Jamgochian currently works as an associate for Stanwich Advisors, a boutique private equity advisory firm in Stamford, Connecticut. He is responsible for market research, due diligence, and limited partner origination. George is often spotted playing pickup basketball with fellow ’Wick alums Jeff Long, Per Barre, and Colin Doody.  Per and George win every game. Jeff Long graduated from Hamilton College in May, and drove cross-country all summer in a 32-foot RV with ’Wick alums Per Barre, George Jamgochian, Colin Doody, and Dave Sawyer.  He moved to Washington, DC in September, and is working on Capitol Hill for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which is gearing up for the 2006 mid-term elections.  When home in Greenwich, Jeff can be found on the basketball court schooling George Jamgochian on how to win in 2-on-2 pick-up games.

Friendly competition between former Brunswick teammates Dave Gerkin ’02 and Jamie Lee ’02 Matt Wheeler is living and working in NYC as an analyst for Guy Carpenter, a leading global reinsurance intermediary.  He is living with three friends from Wesleyan, and enjoying the nightlife of NYC.

2002 Jamie Coffin coffin@dartmouth.edu Matt Slaine mslaine@dartmouth.edu In Scotland for the fall term, Sam Epstein spent a second semester studying at St. Andrews. He enjoyed his classes and played lots of amazing golf. Spring 2006

Reunion 2006 Alert! Celebrate the years since graduation at Homecoming weekend! Please send your most up-to-date contact information to Cat Scott (CScott@brunswickschool.org/1-800-546-9425) to stay informed of all the events.


Class Notes Digital Photos We love pictures, and we like you to look good.


ere are some tips for sending us digital photographs that will look fantastic in print.: • Set the photo size to 4 x 6 inches or greater, and 300 dpi • Set your digital camera to the best photo setting • Save files as TIFF or JPEG • Email photos as attachments (not in the message or placed in a word file) • Please identify everyone in the photo and provide a caption • Send photos to Catherine Scott CScott@brunswickschool.org If you’d rather send a traditional print (made from a negative), we love them, too, but please send them on GLOSSY paper whenever possible. Matte prints and prints from digital photos do NOT scan well. We cannot reproduce photos from photocopies or magazines or newsprint. Mail prints to: Catherine Scott Brunswick School Alumni Office 100 Maher Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830

This fall, David Gerkin was in Barcelona studying. He was working on becoming fluent in Spanish before beginning work in NYC this summer. He ran into many Brunswick and GA alums during their college terms abroad. Will Sirignano will be working for Lehman Brothers in NYC as a full-time investment banking analyst starting in July. He is still playing on the varsity golf team at Williams. Matt Slaine is currently participating in a year-long fellowship sponsored by Dartmouth at the Center for the Study of the Presidency in DC. In addition, Matt’s year-long term managing the business department at the college’s daily newspaper ended in December. He looks forward to spending lots of time skiing on the Dartmouth ski patrol this winter. In a note from Fred Sykes, “I’m having a great time, taking lots of history classes, and was in playwright Ben Jonson’s ‘The Alchemist’ in December.” `Matt Wiggins took his fall semester off from Boston College for an opportunity of a lifetime. For three months this past fall he, along with Matt Heineman ’01 and two other friends, traveled cross-country (hitting 49 out of the 50 states) in a 30-foot RV. For “The Young Americans Project,” they asked people between the ages of 18-25 what their hopes, dreams, and ambitions are for themselves, their community, and America. The Matt and Matt production team are hoping their project will culminate in a book and documentary. Check out their website at www.tyap.com

2003 Christopher Allwin christopher.allwin@yale.edu Philip Carter cartepa0@sewanee.edu Chris Gartin CGG6@Georgetown.edu Shane Heller sheller10@aol.com Jack Macfarlane jgm5f@virginia.edu

Times of Brunswick

Will Sinclair sincwc3@wfu.edu


Alex Stein astein@sewanee.edu Matt Vascellaro brings a little humor to Brown University’s campus with his daily comic strip, “Jero the Hero.” For two-and-a-half years, he has contributed more than 250 comics to The Brown Daily Herald, that’s Monday through Friday. To see more “Jero” comics, go to www. browndailyherald.com and click on comics.

Rhys Williams writes, “Currently, I have declared a creative writing major here at the University of Arizona. I have remained busy with fiction writing in my free time, and spent all other time this semester devoted to my fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, as parent/alumni relations chair. I was recently rewarded for my efforts by unanimously being elected president, and will work hard to benefit our house.”

2004 Evan Bailey ebailey@hamilton.edu Matt Gojkovich matthew.gojkovich@duke.edu Andrew Gosden andrew.gosden@duke.edu Brett Loscalzo bal2107@columbia.edu Jason Prager JTP2@duke.edu

2005 J.D. Allman jda29@georgetown.edu Will Jeffrey wjeffrey@fas.harvard.edu Harry Mallory Henry.Mallory@uvm.edu Jay Otto john.otto@duke.edu John Watkins jowatkins@davidson.edu Chris Wimbush ckw09@gwu.edu Keeping us up-to-date with college life at Franklin & Marshall, A.J. Grunow writes, “Franklin & Marshall is awesome - amazing people, cool professors, beautiful campus, lots happening. I am spending my free time getting to know the Kappa Sigma brothers and helping out the campus entertainment committee. There’s a Cutco office down here, so I can continue my brilliant career as a knife salesman! It was great to see some good friends at fall break. Come visit anytime. Stay gold, 2005. Stay gold!”

Class Notes

One of Matt Vascellaro’s ’03 many comic strips that he has created for The Brown Daily Herald.

Former Faculty Notes Former faculty member and Yale Divinity School graduate, Christopher Tate was recently appointed associate minister of Second Congregational Church in Greenwich.

In Memoriam Donald Roy Altman, father of Brunswick alumni, Bob ’75, Tom ’78, and John ’85, and husband of longtime staff member, Betty Altman, passed away after a long illness on November 20, 2005 at the age of 72. Jeffrey Thomas Bell, father of Deakin ’99, Katrina (GA ’00), Gregory ’03, and Cameron ’05, passed away on September 6, 2005 at the age of 60 after a long battle with cancer. Rabbi Balfour Brickner, father of Rabbi Barnett Brickner ’76 and Adam Brickner ’79, passed away on September 5, 2005 at the age of 78 from lung cancer.

Cornelius Neil Bristol ’44 passed away on July 19, 2005 from complications following lung surgery at the age of 79. After graduating from Brunswick, he enlisted in the Navy and served during Word War II aboard the S.S. Alaska in the South Pacific theater. Following his time with the Navy, Neil entered Michigan State University, where he lettered each of his four years on their first hockey team, and received an engineering degree. He was a golfer, tennis player, and avid sports fan during his lifetime, and will be remembered as an easygoing, funloving person with a sharp wit. He is survived by his loving wife MT; daughters, Susan Olson, Amy Rice, and Meg Pierce; son, Neil; stepson, Tom Muldowney; sister, Margaret Henke; and fifteen grandchildren. Virginia Heron Corrigall, mother of Brunswick alumnus Bill Heron ’59, passed away on June 18, 2005 at her home in California at the age of 95. John A. Davidson ’52 passed away on December 5, 2004 in Quincy, Franklin County, Pennsylvania at the age of 70.

Clarence L. Gregory Jr. ’47 passed away on August 15, 2005 in Greenwich, Connecticut. After graduating from Brunswick, he received his BS in chemical engineering and a doctorate in science from MIT. He then joined Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in Schenectady, NY, and worked there before retiring a few years ago. Clarence was involved with many environmental groups. He was a member of the Atlantic chapter of the Sierra Club, and was on the executive committee of the Sierra Club Hudson-Mohawk Group. He also served on the advisory council of the Schenectady County Environmental Group. Clarence is survived by many cousins and friends. Constance Laibe Hays, sister of Marc ’81 and Chris ’83 Laibe, passed away on December 5, 2005 at the age of forty-four from cancer. Stanley H. Murray, father of Brunswick alumni Graham ’86, Shep ’89 and Ian ’93, passed away on August 31, 2005 at Greenwich Hospital from cancer. He was sixty-eight years old.

Spring 2006

Reunion 2006 Alert! Celebrate the years since graduation at Homecoming weekend! Please send your most up-to-date contact information to Cat Scott (CScott@brunswickschool.org/1-800-546-9425) to stay informed of all the events.


Stay Connected 2005-2006 Annual Fund

Times of Brunswick

Annual Giving at any independent school is an important vehicle whereby the school augments its operating budget with voluntary gifts from parents, alumni, and friends to enhance the overall program and reduce tuition pressure. At Brunswick, Annual Giving contributions typically provide 10% of the operating budget and supplement every aspect of a Brunswick education. From teacher salaries and training, financial aid, curriculum, technology, arts, athletics, to community service, and everything in between – every student and every teacher benefits from a strong Annual Fund. Year after year, a dynamite group of volunteers connect with other parents and add a second line for communicating with their boys’ school throughout the year. From September through June, these volunteers help convey the importance of giving to the Annual Fund. The Brunswick Phonathon is one direct line for parents to support our boys and our School. Your gift, every gift, helps keep the Brunswick community connected. Every parent and every alumnus is a vital member of the Brunswick team and we need you to Stay Connected! June 30 ends our 2005-2006 giving year.


Please make a gift to the 2005-2006 Annual Fund. Your contribution makes lasting contributions! Call the Development Office at 203.625.5864 if you have any questions or to make a pledge. To make an online gift, please go to www.brunswickschool.org/giving. Thank you!

Spring 2006


Brunswick School 100 Maher Ave Greenwich, CT 06830

Attention Alumni Parents:

Please notify us of your son’s current address. 800.546.9425 email: Alumni@BrunswickSchool.org

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