A division of BSRI
june 2022
The Coastal Buzz The Monthly Magazine of Coastal Carolina Active Living
Plant-Based diet Stroke support group Perilous Payday loans Garden | news | Puzzles
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The Coastal Buzz
june 2022
LOWER CAPE FEAR LIFECARE MET US WHERE WE WERE ON THIS JOURNEY. “They brought not only an extra set of ears and eyes but compassion. They were just as concerned about me as they were about him.” MARY GRACE Wife of Hospice Patient
Your journey. Our mission. LifeCare.org
Happy Independence D ay! Coastal Carolina Active Living centers will be closed June 29 through July 6. See you Thursday, July 7! The Coastal Buzz will not be publishing a July or August issue. When we return in September, expect some changes! See page 6 for details.
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The Coastal Buzz
JUNE 2022
CONTENTS Letter from Leland ...................................... 5 News ............................................................ 6-9 Wellness: Stroke Support Group .......... 10 Best Bites: Plant-based Recipes ........... 12 In the Garden ............................................. 14 Elder Abuse Awareness .......................... 15 Perilous Payday Loans ............................. 16 SHIIP .............................................................. 22 Puzzles .......................................................... 30 What’s for Lunch? ..................................... 38 Case Management Assistance ............. 39
SENIOR SITE CALENDARS Boiling Spring Lakes ................................ 18 Calabash ....................................................... 19 Leland ........................................................... 23 Oak Island ..................................................... 26 Shallotte ....................................................... 27 Southport .................................................... 31 Supply ........................................................... 35
i i BSRI A
Brunswick senior resources, Inc. 3620 Express Dr., P.O. Box 2470, Shallotte, NC 28459
· Jim Fish, President & CEO · Yvette Gosline, Chief Operating Officer · Jennifer Sherman, Vice President of Human Services · Melody Stephens, Director of Operations · Lindsay Cooley, Corporate Controller · Debra Marlowe, Organizational Development Coordinator · Sarah Powell, Director of Community Engagement · Anita Langin, Accounting Technician · Eddie Jackson, IT and Compliance Technology · Derissa Gore, Case Management Support Specialist · Mike McGurn, Manager of Thrift Store Operations
www.bsrinc.org (910) 754-2300 (910) 754-9269 | Office Hours 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. · Chauvet “Mel” Jackson, Operations Technician · Justin Benoy, Project Technician BSRI C /S S · Victoria Hine, Ash and Shallotte · Mary Green, Boiling Spring Lakes · Holley Norris, Calabash · Amy Segen, Calabash · René Tarquinio, Calabash · Ellen Kleinerman, Calabash · Carol Schotter, Calabash · Heather Puglisi, Calabash · Sharon Klouser, Calabash · Kate Livers, Nutrition Services Technician · Veronica Lett-McGee, Leland · Brttany Steinkamp, Leland · Marilou Smith, Leland · Sandy Porcaro, Leland · Caroline McLeod, Leland
· Janyce Jones, Leland · Pat Green, Leland · Jillian Hardin, Shallotte · Tonya Barnes, Shallotte · Laura Collins, Shallotte · Brenda Ambrose, Shallotte · Teresa Muchler-Nogi, Shallotte · Brett Baughman, Shallotte · Grace Consoli, Shallotte · Quinton McCallum, Shallotte · Beverly Bridgers, Southport · Melissa Catlett, Southport · Jackie Knott, Southport · Vaughn Hatley, Southport · Casey Freed, Southport · Lora Britanik, Southport · Amber Ramsey, Southport · Melissa Starr, Supply · Robert Hunt, Supply · Gloria Pieczarka, Supply · Tikila Morgan, Supply · Emma-Lou Edwards, Supply
Financial informa on about this organiza on and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicita on Licensing Branch at 919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the state.
The Coastal Buzz
Born and raised in Wilmington, cover photographer Aline Harrell now lives in Boiling Spring Lakes. “I have enjoyed taking photos ever since I got my first Kodak at age 12,” Harrell says. A%er re&ring from SeaWay Prin&ng, she wanted to get more involved. She has won awards in the Coastal Carolina Camera Club and has had several prints in juried compe&&on in Florida. She also has a-ended the photography class at the Brunswick Center at Southport.
JUNE 2022
Jan Morgan-Swegle moved here from Ohio 11 years ago a%er re&ring from senior management roles in banking and insurance. She has been wri&ng for over 40 years and has been published in numerous newspapers and magazines, focusing on stories related to family, women in business, and community events. She and her husband, Tony, live in Compass Pointe with their dog, Dixie. On page 16, Jan inves&gates what payday loans mean for area seniors.
Teresa Muchler-Nogi
Joan Leo a has been playing with words on page and stage since her childhood in Pi-sburgh. Her poetry and essays appear in many publica&ons. Her four historical fic&on novels feature strong women in &mes of U.S. wars, and her poetry chapbook, Languid Lusciousness with Lemon, was recently released. Join Joan for a venture into the world of plant-based ea&ng on page 12.
“I loved how BSRI cared for the seniors of Brunswick County, especially homebound seniors. The first time I delivered a meal to a homebound senior, it melted my heart to see how excited they were to receive the meal and to see and talk to someone. I knew then I had made a great choice,” she says.
Case Management Information and Assistance Coordinator Teresa moved to Southport in 2008 and found a job with BSRI in 2009.
Teresa’s role supports case management staff and acts as community liaison between the client, family, and community organizations. She also assists with programs and services under the supervision of the case manager.
A%er re&ring from leadership roles in engineering and informa&on technology at a major confec&onary manufacturer, Beth Klahre and her husband Jeff relocated to North Carolina. Beth has been enjoying reading on the beach, learning to play the harp, and wri&ng human-interest stories. She is also a volunteer board member of the Friends of the Library of Oak Island and Southport. She lives in Southport with her husband and their dog, Betsy. On page 10, Beth gives us a glimpse into a stroke support group in Southport.
“I've worn many hats. It has been an amazing journey. I love BSRI. They are family to me,” Teresa says.
Pat Naughton and his family moved from Richmond, Va. to Winding River Planta&on in Brunswick County in 2017 a%er Pat re&red as a mechanical engineer at a nuclear power plant. He has been an avid gardener for 35 years and is a Brunswick County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer. Pat a-acks June garden pests (with a gentle hand) on page 14.
Teresa grew up in South Jersey. Her first car was a ’65 Chevy Impala. She prefers a book to Kindle and is reading The Wedding. She’s a day person who loves plain pizza and chocolate chip cookies, and her favorite season is spring.
She has five children, four girls and one son, and four grandchildren. “I am a kid at heart, and I love people and love helping people. I am Christian and love God with my whole being. I love my grandchildren and godchild.”
The Coastal Buzz
Letter from Leland
JUNE 2022
Elder Abuse Awareness Did you know? One in every 10 Americans over 60 has experienced abuse. Even this statistic is considered by researchers to be an underestimate of an under-reported issue. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15.
Cover photo by Aline C. Harrell
Our summer blanket flower (Gaillardia) blooms all summer in sandy spots throughout Brunswick County, including on paths to the beach. Cover photographer Aline Harrell catches the sunshine on this trusty herald of summer.
THE COASTAL BUZZ EDITOR Shelagh Clancy buzz@bsrinc.org (910) 622-1036 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Casey Freed, Beth Klahre, Joan Leotta, Veronica Lett-McGee, Mike McGurn, Jan Morgan-Swegle, Pat Naughton, René Tarquinio CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Melissa Catlett, Jillian Hardin, Emily Kincer, Beth Klahre, Jan Morgan-Swegle, Melissa Starr, Mike McGurn ADVERTISING SALES (910) 754-2300 Anita Langin alangin@bsrinc.org Shelagh Clancy buzz@bsrinc.org © 2022 Brunswick Senior Resources Inc. All rights reserved
Elder abuse is the mistreatment or harm of an older adult and can include physical, emotional, sexual, or social abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect. Ageism, cognitive deficits like dementia, social isolation, caregiver burnout, and limited access to public services are all contributing factors that increase risk. While elder abuse occurs across socioeconomic, racial, and cultural lines, women and those over 80 are most at risk. Perpetrators tend to be someone the victim knows or encounters in their care environment, such as their own home, hospitals, or long-term living facilities. Elder abuse impacts more than just the victims; it contributes to higher hospitalizations, creating increased health and legal costs, and reduces older adults’ ability to fully participate in society, impacting us all. Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc., the Cape Fear Council of Governments, and the Area Agency on Agency are committed to reducing these contributing risk factors and serving as educators and advocates for this important issue. BSRI’s Coastal Carolina Active Living centers and our aging resources specialists are crucial in this fight. We offer:
Veronica Le -McGee, Director The Brunswick Center at Leland
Activities that support an active and independent lifestyle
Outlets for reporting abuse
Community supports for seniors and caregivers
Join us in wearing purple for prevention awareness at each of our CCAL locations on June 15. See individual centers for details on any other programming. Learn more about elder abuse prevention on page 15. It’s up to all of us!
Veronica Lett-McGee Center Director The Brunswick Center at Leland
The Coastal Buzz
Letter from the editor
Look for the Buzz in September
hanges are in the air for The Coastal Buzz. We’re going to a quarterly publishing schedule, and this will be our last monthly issue. The next time you’ll see the Buzz is September—and expect to see some changes!
JUNE 2022
Shop BSRI Thrift Stores!
You, our readers, are the best people to guide us on what these changes should be. What’s your favorite part of the Buzz? What would you miss if it’s gone? And what’s your least favorite part of the Buzz—something you never read? Is the Buzz easy to read? Is it easy to find the information you’re looking for? And do you have ideas about new things you’d like to see in the Buzz? Please share them with us. You’re always welcome to share your ideas with us, but now is the very best time. Please send your information to me at buzz@bsrinc.org. Or let your center director know (in writing, please). This is your Coastal Buzz, and we look forward to making it the best it can be, with your help.
Shelagh Clancy Editor, The Coastal Buzz
SHOP our BSRI thrift stores for the best selection! Two locations: 10001 Beach Dr. Calabash 5302 Main Street Shallotte
SHOP ONLINE: www.bsrincthrift.org DONATE your extra items to help senior programs and services in Brunswick County! For free pickup, call (910) 712-6458
Easter at Oak Island Nutrition Site Mayor Elizabeth White and the Easter Bunny came to our Easter celebra on at Oak Island Community Center. It was a fes ve day filled with an egg hunt, games, and bingo.
VOLUNTEER at our thrift stores— it’s fun! Apply online at www.bsrinc.org/volunteers.html
The Coastal Buzz
JUNE 2022
BSRI Welcomes Gifts from Brunswick County Donors
SRI recently received two generous donations.
Barbara Stevens and Georgette Steckler with the Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs of the South Brunswick Islands (GFWC-SBI) stopped by the Brunswick Center at Shallotte in April and presented a check for $500. Based in Brunswick County, the GFWC-SBI is a chapter of the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC), one of the world’s largest and oldest non-denominational, nonpartisan, International volunteer service organizations for women. Members of the GFWC-SBI have served Brunswick County since 1989. The Christian based women’s club fundraises and contributes to local causes, including BSRI. Another donation came from Mason Dixon clothing store, 5051 Main Street, Unit 13, Shallotte. Owner Wendy Brown donated $1,300 to BSRI in April. Shoppers at Mason Dixon have the opportunity to donate five percent of their purchase price to a local nonprofit. Wendy has donated to BSRI for the past five years.
ABOVE: Barbara Stevens, le/, and George e Steckler, right, of the General Federa!on of Women’s Clubs present a dona!on for BSRI to Brunswick Center at Shallo e Director Jillian Hardin. RIGHT: Wendy Brown, right, owner of Mason Dixon clothing store in Shallo e, presents a dona!on for BSRI to Shallo e staff member Brenda Ambrose. Brown has donated to BSRI for the past five years. Both these generous dona!on help make possible programs and services for Brunswick County seniors.
BSRI is grateful for these donations which help provide programs and services for seniors in Brunswick County.
BSRI Adds New Staff to Our Brunswick County Centers
runswick Senior Resources, Inc. recently added staff at Coastal Carolina Active Living centers. In April, Lindsay Cooley was hired as corporate controller. At the Brunswick Center at Shallotte, Quinton McCallum signed
on in April as center cook. Shelley Cooper is retiring June 1 from the center cook position at Leland after more than 15 years of service. Read more about Cooper on page 25. Thank you, Shelley! BSRI welcomes our new staff!
The Coastal Buzz
Thrift store throwback
JUNE 2022
Calabash’s Rich History Shown in 1985 Map By Mike McGurn, BSRI Thrift Store Operations Manager
e recently found a Chamber of Commerce map of Calabash from 1985 in a donation at our Calabash Thrift Store. Being a former history teacher and a local history buff, I decided to ask lifelong resident and current mayor of Calabash Donna Long some questions. We spent almost an hour going over the map. Mayor Long proved to be an excellent firsthand source of information and she shared many stories and fond memories of Calabash’s colorful past.
Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash Let’s start with Jimmy Durante, whose face is featured on the map, along with his nickname “Schnozzola.” The picture has Jimmy saying one of his famous
lines, “Inka Dinka Do,” the title of his first hit song in the early ’30s. Just below the picture is Durante’s other famous line, “Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are,” which he would use to sign off at the end of his shows. There has been much debate as to who Mrs. Calabash was. Mayor Long recounted one tale that two sisters who owned different restaurants and had met Durante when he visited Calabash each claimed that they were Mrs. Calabash. And there are many other versions. However, according to Wikipedia, Durante in 1966 revealed that it was a tribute to his first wife, Jean. Durante had visited the town with Jean and she loved the town and the name “Calabash” so he took to calling her “Mrs. Calabash” as a pet name. Durante helped put Calabash on the map. But the many businesses
pictured on the map helped it forge a reputation of a fishing village with great seafood restaurants and great shopping—including BSRI’s very own Calabash Thrift Store, which is in the building, the map shows, that used to be the Calabash Seafood House back in 1985. And where True Value’s Calabash Hardware store used to be, our Calabash Senior Center is now.
But Not Forgotten Mayor Long shared some stories of businesses that are now gone but not forgotten, like Jordan’s Breakfast Corner and Granny’s Cream of Calabash Ice Cream Parlor. Long hung out in an arcade, now converted to a seating area, located in the back room of Tony’s Pizza. The map has plenty of restaurants that are still going strong, like Capt. Nance’s, Capt. John’s, The Dockside, Ella’s, and Beck’s, which
Lower Your Prescriptions Costs—We Can Help! By Marilou Smith BSRI Prescription Assistance Program Coordinator
id you know that there are over 365 manufacturers’ programs that can help you with your medication cost? Did you know that you have access to local retailers that offer medications at a low price to free? These include Wal-Mart, Publix, GoodRx, Sam’s, Costco,
Patient Access Network (PAN Foundation), and many more. Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. has a prescription coordinator who will help guide you in the right path of this medication maze. It’s so easy to enter the maze, but navigating out is the scary part. We even have local counselors that can help you with your Medicare plan and ways to save money. Don’t waste time
in trying to navigate the medication maze—call Marilou or Vikki. We are here to help with your medication needs. We will work directly with you, your healthcare provider, and the manufacturer program to help you obtain your medications at a low cost to FREE! Contact Marilou Smith at 910-754-6559 or msmith@bsrinc.org or Vikki Hines at 910-754-5097 or vhines@bsrin.org.
JUNE 2022
Thrift store throwback
the map lists as “The Old Calabash Original,” started in 1940. And, not on the map, but handwritten in, is the Seafood Hut, always a local favorite which originally had only a walk-up window.
waterfront on the Calabash River. Now the Hurricane Fleet is the main fishing charter business and according to Mayor Long, they are still using one of the same boats that her dad, Jerry Prince, used to fish on back in 1973.
Other businesses listed on the 1985 map are Callahan’s Nautical Gifts, Victoria’s Ragpatch Clothing and Gift Shop, and the Fishing Charters that launch from the town’s
One of Mayor Long’s favorite memories of growing up in Calabash were the street dances they used to have each fall, where all the locals would come out and dance in the
The Coastal Buzz streets and enjoy a great day of community fellowship. Although these dances are a thing of the past, Mayor Long said they may hold one in 2023 as part of a celebration marking the 50th Anniversary of Calabash’s incorporation in 1973. Sign me up! Come seek your own treasures like this map in our BSRI Thrift Shops in both Calabash and Shallotte.
Jimmy Durante looks over this 1985 map of Calabash that marks points of interest—some enduring and some that have passed into memory. Favorite restaurants s ll serve up famous Calabash seafood and shrimp boats s ll set out from the river. See how many local landmarks you can find, and visit the BSRI Thri* Stores in Calabash and Shallo+e to find your own treasures.
The Coastal Buzz
JUNE 2022
Our Stroke of Insight
By Beth A. Klahre
half occurring within one year after the TIA.
A TIA can serve as both a warning of a future stroke and an opportunity to prevent it.
A TIA is a temporary period of symptoms similar to those of a stroke that usually lasts only a few minutes. Stroke symptoms include face drooping, arm weakness, and speech difficulty. While it doesn't cause permanent damage, a TIA is often called a ministroke. According to Mayo Clinic, about one in three people who has a TIA will eventually have a stroke, with about
In Kevin’s search for information, he discovered the absence of support services for stroke patients. Fortunately, while he was teaching chair yoga, Kevin met Carolyn and Dave Pryor who were leading a stroke support group at the center. Carolyn founded the group when she recognized the huge gap between medical providers and patients who had reached the six months recovery period following a stroke. Often patients still require ongoing care, and insurance
evin Whiteheart, yoga instructor at the Brunswick Center at Southport, remembers hearing that his mother-in-law was having transient ischemic attacks, more commonly known as TIAs.
coverage has terminated. Patients are required to seek out and pay for service out-of-pocket. “When Caroline and Dave decided to step down from running the group, I decided to step in to continue their good work,” Kevin says. Chris Merkle and his wife Marcie work with Kevin to organize the group meetings. After he personally suffered a stroke, Chris had difficulty similar to Kevin’s in trying to find specialized support services for stroke patients. Kevin says, “We volunteer to lead this group because we care deeply about helping others.
JUNE 2022
The Coastal Buzz
The Stroke Support Group at the Brunswick Center at Southport helps stroke pa ents and their caregivers find specialized support services. When Kevin Whiteheart’s mother-in-law was having TIAs, he was able to reach out to the support group to find and share resources. Mee ngs are the third Monday of the month at 1 p.m. Photo by Ma hias Zomer via Pexels
We realize the need to provide community support for stroke patients and their caregivers.”
Speaking of Strokes The monthly group meetings are organized in a roundtable format. All aspects of surviving a stroke are freely and openly discussed. Members share information about exercises, therapies, treatments, and coping mechanisms. They discuss use of alternative treatments and regimens that have the potential to recover specific functions and skills. Often local professionals attend, including audiologists, physical therapists, nutritionists, and speech
therapists. Over the last six months, the group hosted a nutritionist, a speech therapist, and a mental health provider. Each specialist discussed aspects of treatments and services available to Brunswick County residents. The meetings also offer time for patients and caregivers to talk about their personal experiences. “The group provides a space for stroke patients and their caregivers to share experiences and to possibly find new methods and skills to deal with the lingering effects of a stroke,” Kevin says. “Group members offer suggestions for recovering from a stroke. Newcomers can expect to find a
group who is interested in hearing about their diagnosis and treatment.” The group currently has 12 members. Kevin says the biggest value of the stroke support group is finding local people who have experienced similar challenges in making a full recovery. “We are ordinary people who believe sharing our common experiences makes extraordinary recoveries possible,” he says. The stroke support group meets on the third Monday of each month at 1 p.m. in the library at the Brunswick Center at Southport. Refreshments are provided.
The Coastal Buzz
Best bites
JUNE 2022
Trying Out Plant-Based Eating By Joan Leotta
What’s plant-based ea ng? It means ea ng more plant foods, less animal foods. It can mean en rely plant foods (a vegan diet) or just adding more plant foods to your usual diet. Joan Leo a tries out plant-based ea ng in this ar cle—and she’s not going back.
t’s the latest thing, it’s the oldest thing: Plant-based diets.
I decided to find out more about plant -based eating, which does not necessarily mean eliminating all meat or dairy or fish. The approach is intended to help with weight loss, lower cholesterol, and increase regularity. There are tons of books on the subject of plant-based eating. Our local library has many of the newest ones. After reading several, I decided to purchase Prevention’s The Plant-Based Plan: Transform the Way You Eat, because I liked so many of the 100-or-so included recipes. I have found used copies for as low as $7 on the internet.
What Is Plant-based? Plant-based eating is not strictly vegetarian or vegan, although it leans in that direction. A plant-based diet consists mostly or entirely of plant-based foods. Plant-based diets
Graphic by Dandelion tea from Pixabay
vary, but they all contain small amounts of animal products (or none) and large amounts of plant products such as vegetables, fruits, whole cereals, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
proving to be a good fit for my family and my overall well-being. After two weeks of trying this approach I feel better. More energetic.
I decided a modified approach would work best for me: mostly plant-based meals for breakfast and lunch, limiting sweets overall, and fish or meat in at least five of my evening meals, but in smaller portions. That sort of schedule is
What To Eat I think that I will stick to it, too. The key is putting together meals that I like. I’m a no-tofu zone, but I love greens, beans, lentils, and grains like barley, farro, and quinoa. Allergies mean I have to .
Greens and Beans Dinner for one. Escarole—one head, coarsely chopped ½ of a 15-ounce can of cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 1 Tbsp. of olive oil Sauté the escarole in oil. When it start to wilt, add the beans and cook for five minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Eat with whole grain, or crusty Italian bread. To increase the amount simply add more escarole and beans.
Photo by Stacy Spensley
JUNE 2022
Best Bites
The Coastal Buzz
find subs in recipes that call for nuts, seeds, chocolate, and cilantro. Lunch is an exercise in balancing textures and fresh items with grains. Once a week I allow myself a sandwich with meat and/or cheese. For the grain bowls, I cook a cup of grains and refrigerate them for use over three days as the base for a bowl topped with sautéed mushrooms, steamed or fresh greens, hard-boiled egg, or cucumber or tomato, or all of these. Dairy is my biggest issue. I love cheese. So, instead of eating it once or twice a day, I now eat it once or twice a week. Instead of having toast and cheese for breakfast, I now have cold oat cereal, or warm oat cereal with dates, or one slice whole wheat toast with honey or mashed avocado or, once weekly, peanut butter. Once a week we have a plant-based dinner, often straight from our Italian heritage, like escarole and beans, or pasta e fagioli, or pasta with vegetables, or a lentil dish. This past Sunday we had a vegetable soup with barley. If you think you might want to try a plant-based approach to eating, check it out with your physician first, especially if you have diabetes or take any blood thinner that could interact with leafy greens. So, yes, I am planning to have lamb chops for dinner this Wednesday, with a side salad, but during that day, I will eat no dairy (except the milk in my coffee) and will go light on the white flour items—maybe a slice of whole wheat toast for breakfast, and some broth or broth with veggies for lunch. Balance.
Photo by Pexels
Joan’s Rice Bowl Variations The fun of a grain bowl lunch is making it slightly different every day and choosing options that offer protein, crunch, and a variety of flavors. Arranging each ingredient on top of the grain in sectors in the bowl makes a pretty lunch as well as a tasty one. Cook one cup of brown rice according to the directions. Use about 1/3 cup for your rice bowl. Other ingredients: About a quarter cup each of chopped tomato, chopped cucumber A spoonful or two of cooked lentils or rinsed canned chickpeas Baby spinach steamed in the microwave (about 30 seconds) One hard-boiled egg, sliced Optional items include carrots, beets, celery, artichoke hearts, celery, sautéed mushrooms, olives, other beans, or kale. The list is limited only by your imagination. Spoon the rice into the bowl. On top of the rice, arrange each of the other ingredients. Add any dressing you want. I keep it light, vinegar and oil.
The Coastal Buzz
In the Garden
JUNE 2022
Controlling Garden Pests in June By Pat Naughton
Mealy Monsters
lowers and vegetables are coming out now and so are the insects that feed off them. Here are few common pests you find now and suggestions on how to control them.
Squash vine borers can wilt a squash plant overnight. Look for the moths in May and June. Photo courtesy NC State Extension Service
Just when you think your squash or zucchini plant is in its prime, it wilts to nothing. The culprit is probably a squash vine borer larvae in the stem.
Start a succession crop of squash a month after initial planting in case the borers kill the first crop.
White cotton-like spots on muhly grass is a sign of mealybugs. Mealybugs are slow-moving, small, oval insects covered with a white, cottony wax. To treat mealybugs: •
Dip cotton balls and swabs in alcohol and remove all visible mealybugs.
Mix one cup of rubbing alcohol with few drops of Dawn dish soap and 1 quart (32 oz.) of water. Then spray the whole plant, not only where mealybugs are visible. Repeat the treatment once or twice a week until the issue is gone.
Insecticidal soaps are also effective in controlling mealybugs in the crawler stage.
Arrest Aphids A sticky or varnished appearance on leaves is a sign of aphids. Aphids are very small insects that feed on plant phloem. Aphids excrete a sweet, sticky liquid called honeydew. Unsightly fungi called sooty molds often develop in honeydew. •
The first option is removing the affect part of the plant.
In late May to early June, you may see black moths flying around the vines. The moths lay eggs on or near the stem. Within hours the borer caterpillar will penetrate the stem and begin feeding. The plant will soon die, and the caterpillar will enter the ground and emerge as a moth next year. Here are some things to do control this pest: •
Use aluminum foil or a plastic cup with the bottom cut out to make a collar around the stem. Push the foil or cup into the soil and leave a couple of inches above the soil.
Place a row cover over the plant until the first bloom appears.
Spray the vines early with Bt, a natural bacteria that feeds on caterpillars. Make sure to apply generously on a cloudy day or in the evening. Reapply if it rains within 24 hours of the application.
This muhly grass is infested with muhly grass mealybug (Stemmatomerinx acircula). Photo by Merle Shepard, ©2018, Clemson University
JUNE 2022
The Coastal Buzz
In the Garden / elder abuse
A hard spray with a garden hose may remove most aphids.
If the problem remains, try insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Aphids are soft-bodied and can usually be killed by these products instead of more toxic products.
Slug ’Em Holes in leafy plants such as basil, begonias, caladium, cannas, dahlias, and hostas are a sign of snail or slug damage. Both slimy critters can be trapped by placing a pie plate filled with beer near plants, or deter them by pouring baking soda encircling the plants.
Discouraging Beetles Japanese beetles tend to eat the leaves of roses, crape myrtle, linden, hibiscus, crab apple, and elm. They cause damage called 'skeletonization' to leaves by feeding on the upper leaf surface and eating tissue between leaf veins. They can consume entire petals of roses and other flowers or leave ragged holes in the petals. In most cases the damage is purely aesthetic. Japanese beetle feeding is unlikely to reduce the health or longevity of established trees and shrubs. •
June 15 Is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day By Casey Freed Southport Case Manager
orld Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was launched in 2006 to raise awareness about elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It’s a call to action for individuals, organizations, and communities. There are many ways to personally get involved in fighting elder abuse, but one of the simplest ways is to simply report abuse when you suspect it. It’s a North Carolina law that anyone suspecting abuse report it to the county Social Services Department, yet many people fail to report.
Japanese beetles can be controlled by hanging traps, but traps often bring in more beetles than the plants would normally attract.
Don’t Be Afraid To Report
Instead try planting trap plants such as zinnias or four o’clock flowers and let the beetles eat those instead.
What if someone finds out I made a report?
You can also go out at dusk and knock the sluggish beetles into a cup of soapy water.
For more information about controlling pests, go to the NC State Extension at www.ces.ncsu.edu and search for Integrated Pest Management.
The most common reason for not making a report of abuse is fear. These are some common fears about reporting elder abuse:
You can remain anonymous. Your contact information is taken during the initial report because an intake employee who takes the report passes the information to an Adult Protective Services (APS) investigator. The investigator may have more questions to ask you when looking into the case. ELDER ABUSE, con nued on page 34
The Coastal Buzz
Community concerns
JUNE 2022
Payday Loans Close in on Borrowers By Jan Morgan-Swegle
iving on a fixed income doesn’t leave a lot of room for unexpected, short-term expenses. For example, one night you go out for a nice dinner, have a glass of wine, and as you are backing out of your parking spot, you accidently hit another car and cause minor damage. Chances are good that once you report the accident to your insurance company your rates will go up. You can pay for the damages, but not right now. Your social security check won’t be deposited to your account for another three weeks. What do you do?
Enter the Payday Loan Payday loans, at first, seem like a good solution to a cash crunch. They offer quick cash to those with reliable income, such as older people with Social Security and pensions.
These loans are due in full on your next payday. If you aren’t able to repay the loan that fast—and most borrowers can’t—you must take out new loans or roll over the old one. You pay the fees on your loan again. This can start you on a debt treadmill that’s impossible to get off. Payday loans have terribly high rates of interest and can cost you a lot more than a traditional bank loan. The company explains the interest rate in terms of the short loan length, so they don’t seem high. But a payday loan can carry an annual interest rate of 390 to 780 percent. And there may also be fees associated with the loan. According to the Consumer Federation of America, a common practice of these lenders is to arrange for the senior citizen’s social security checks to be direct deposited into what they call a “master” bank account that they control. This gives them direct
access to the borrower’s funds. Or you may have given the lender direct access to your bank account, like autopay does.
How to Get Help If you have an internet payday loan and you’re having trouble paying it off, work with the lender. You may be able to make payment arrangements such as offering to repay the principal amount of the loan. Ask your bank to cancel any electronic draft that lets the payday lender debit your bank account. Then notify the lender in writing or by email that you have revoked their authorization to withdraw funds from your bank account. If the lender continues to try to draft funds from your account, ask the bank to close the account. But open a new account at a different bank before you close the old account. If the lender or collection agency harasses you, or threatens to arrest you or garnish your wages, file a complaint with NC Attorney General Josh Stein’s office at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM, toll free within North Carolina.
Look Elsewhere
Payday lenders prey on those least able to repay their loans. There are alterna ves.
Alternatives to payday loans include small savings accounts or rainy day funds; salary advances from your employer; working out an extended payment plan with your creditor; and loans from friends, relatives, your church, or social service agencies.
JUNE 2022
Community concerns
The Coastal Buzz
Many credit unions offer small short-term loans with quick approval that are a much better option than payday loans. Other options that are more expensive than a credit union loan but better than a payday loan are a credit card advance or a loan from a local consumer finance company.
Scammers Prey on Borrowers Storefront payday loans are illegal in North Carolina, but internet payday loans remain an option. But beware—these loans can be scams. Just as you can find things online, scammers can find you. People who apply for payday loans online may be targeted by crooks who attempt to collect on loans that weren’t even made. The risk of collection harassment is high for online payday loans, and collectors may be unlicensed or located in foreign countries. When you go online and fill out an application for a payday loan, you may not actually be communicating with a financial institution. You may be providing your personal information, including your Social Security number, bank account information, and your address and date of birth, to a “lead generator.” Once you provide this application information, the lead generator will sell your information to lenders or, in some cases, scammers posing as lenders. Even if you don’t complete the online application, scammers have a record that has your personal and some financial information, including how much you wanted to borrow. That’s all they need to begin the scam.
Applying for payday loans online may leave you suscep ble to scams. You may be providing your personal informa on to a lead generator who may sell it to a scammer.
Scammers use scare tactics to get people to send them money. They may start calling you and saying they are an attorney and threaten legal action. They threaten jail time and financial ruin if you don’t pay up. Depending on how much information you have put online, scammers may be able to sweep your checking or savings accounts before you can even access your social security benefits. Or you could be a victim of identity theft.
beware of information you put online.”
“Be aware of companies that you are dealing with online,” says Deputy James Geiger of the Brunswick Sheriff’s office. “These people are in a hurry. They want to strike, get your money, and get out. If they pressure you into moving quickly to complete your transaction, sit back and think about it. Use resources that are available to you like the Better Business Bureau or the Sheriff’s Office.
If you are a victim of suspected payday loan scammers, ask the caller for written information confirming the debt. Ask for their name and the address of the collection agency. This information is required under the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Report the phone number from your caller ID to the state attorney general’s office and the Federal Trade Commission.
“Call 911 and an officer will come out and talk to you about your experience. Your concern will be turned over to an investigator who will look into your case. Also,
Help for Scammers “White collar crime is increasing—especially crime connected to the internet,” Deputy Geiger said. “Protect yourself from this type of fraud. Be smart, talk to your family, business professionals, or law enforcement when you are in uncharted territory on the internet.”
Protect yourself and your assets. Research any company through the Better Business Bureau, and don’t give out personal or sensitive financial information over the phone or on the internet.
The Coastal Buzz
Boiling spring lakes nutrition site
BOILING SPRING LAKES SENIOR SITE at Boiling Spring Lakes Parks & Recreation Department 1 Leeds Road Boiling Spring Lakes, NC 28461 910-363-0018
June 2022 Monday
JUNE 2022
BSRI Nutrition Program Operating Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 910-754-2300 Program Information www.cityofbsl.org or 363-0018
*For more info call or email Sara at 910-363-0276 or sgoodwin@cityofbsl.org* **Schedule is Subject to Change** Tuesday
*Starting June 13th, Move & Groove, Fit4Life, Senior Lunches and Games will be held at the First Baptist Church of BSL on M, W & F*
1 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
2 10am Water Aerobics at Spring Lake $1.00 *Please bring a noodle*
3 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
6 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
7 6:30pm Line Dancing
8 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
9 10am Water Aerobics at Spring Lake $1.00 *Please bring a noodle*
10 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
13 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
14 6:30pm Line Dancing
15 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
16 10am Water Aerobics at Spring Lake $1.00 *Please bring a noodle*
17 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
20 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
21 6:30pm Line Dancing
22 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
23 10am Water Aerobics at Spring Lake $1.00 *Please bring a noodle*
24 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games 6pm FREE Concert at Spring Lake Park
27 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
28 6:30pm Line Dancing
29 10am Move & Groove 11am Fit 4 Life 12pm BSRI Lunch 12:30pm Senior Games
30 10am Water Aerobics at Spring Lake $1.00 *Please bring a noodle*
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal Carolina active living
JUNE 2022
CALABASH Holley Norris, Director Assistant Director
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
10050 Beach Dr. SW Calabash, NC 28467 910-754-7427
DAILY “Drop In” Activities: Reading, Coffee w/Friends, Fitness Room, Table Games, Coloring & more! No Symbol = No Fee (Contributions always appreciated); $ = Fee Associated ; ^ = Requires Advanced Registration; * = New Offering/Time 9:00 20/20/20 (No Class 6/6) 10:00 10:00 Choir Group^ 10:15 10:00 Garden Club 9:00
Zumba GOLD
"Hoop It Up!" $4
Card Games
Muscle Strength & Core (Starts 6/21)
Jigsaw Puzzles
10:30 Beginner Dulcimer Class 11:45 Lunch 12:30 Mah Jongg 1:00
Tai Chi
10:30 BINGO
11:45 Lunch
Pumped Up Strength $2 (Starts 6/24)* Open Crafting
“Awesome Abs” via zoom 9:00 9:00 Rummikub 10:00 Tech Help with 10:00 Gentle Yoga Ed (Last Class 6/10) 10:00 Trivia 10:30 BINGO
11:45 Lunch
12:30 Knit & Crochet Club 12:30 Beginner Mah Jongg^
Zumba GOLD$4 9:00
11:45 Lunch 12:30 Painter’s Group
12:30 Beginner Mah 12:30 Hand & Foot Card Jongg^ Game 12:45 Bunco Dice Game 1:15 Geri-Fit
11:45 Lunch 1:00 2:00
Beg. Line Dancing Intermediate Line Dancing
Want updates about Schedule Changes, Cancellations, Closings? Let a front desk staff member know you’d like to be added to Regroup! 6
10:30 Hurricane Awareness & Safety Presentation with Brunswick County Emergency Services
10:00 Book Club “It’s in My Genes” by Kathy Gillcrist 4:30-6:00 “Hot Diggity Dog, It's Summer!” Fundraiser ^$10
10:00 Coastal Podiatry Presentation
11 Balance Screening with Level Up Physical Therapy
12:30 Red, White & Blue Performance by Calabash Choir Group
10:00 Tech Help with Ed: Online Safety (Session 5 of 6)
10:00 Safety Awareness Presentation with Det. Geiger
10:30 Cooking Demo with Cooperative Extension
2:00 Caregiver Support Group
10:00 Tech Help with Ed: Recap of All Sessions 11:00 A1C Screening 12:30 Cinema at the Center 12:30 Pine Needle Basket Weaving^ $22
23 24 NATIONAL PINK DAY 12:30 10:30 Cinema at the Center Mayflower Compact “Ford vs Ferrari” Virtual Presentation 30
We will re-open Thursday July 7!
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living CALABASH Holley Norris, Director Assistant Director
10050 Beach Dr. SW Calabash, NC 28467 910-754-7427
JUNE 2022 Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“Hot Diggity Dog, It’s Summer” Fundraiser! Monday, June 20th at 4:30-6:00pm Where: Brunswick Center at Calabash in the Main Hall Cost: $10/person (must be purchased in advance) Join us for an evening of fun as we kick off summer the right way! Ticket purchase includes a hotdog, soft drink/water, chips, music, & dancing—thanks to one of the best local bands around: The Sea & Sand Band (be sure to bring cash for tipping)! All proceeds will benefit the Brunswick Center at Calabash. A special thank you to our sponsor, Vision Square Eye Care!
Book Club Monday, June 13 at 10 a.m. It’s in My Genes by Kathy Gillcrist You don’t want to miss this! Kathy is a local author, a participant at the Calabash Center, and boy, does she have a story to tell!
Hurricane Awareness & Safety Presentation Monday, June 6th at 10:30am Safety Awareness with Det. Geiger Thursday, June 9th at 10:00am Cooking Demo with Cooperative Extension Tuesday, June 21st at 10:30am Mayflower Compact Virtual Presentation Thursday, June 23rd at 10:30am Garden Club Mondays at 10:00am
Coastal Podiatry Presentation Monday, June 27th at 10:00am
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living
JUNE 2022
CALABASH Holley Norris, Director Assistant Director
10050 Beach Dr. SW Calabash, NC 28467 910-754-7427
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Exercise Classes with Dorothy Coming the end of June! Tuesdays, starting 6/21
Muscle Strength & Core 10:15 a.m. This low-impact class uses light weights and a chair to improve muscle mass, core strength, and balance. Movements from traditional strength training and Pilates are utilized. No experience necessary. Fridays, starting 6/24
Pumped Up Strength 9 a.m. It is a muscular endurance program that focuses on functional movements integrating upper and lower body. Includes warm-up, body, (cardio, strength, balance), standing core & stretch (core can be done on floor OR standing). Light weights are used. Chairs may be used if needed for balance. Bobbie crocheted a beautiful lap blanket participating in Calabash’s Knitting & Crochet Club! Tuesdays at 1 p.m.
Bunco Dice Game Wednesdays at 12:45 Requires Advance Sign Up
At least 8 players are needed!
Cinema at the Center
Friday, June 10 at 12:30pm “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”
Friday, June 24 at 12:30pm “Ford vs. Ferrari”
The Coastal Buzz
SHIIP Volunteer Spotlight By René Tarquinio Senior Aging Resource Specialist
ary Fitzgerald was born in Niagara Falls, New York and spent over 40 years in Northern Virginia with her family. She worked as a registered nurse in a hospital setting over 44 years before retiring to Brunswick County in 2004. Mary started volunteering with BSRI in 2005 as a Meals on Wheels driver and Senior Health Insurance (SHIIP) counselor. She remains active with both programs, and she also volunteers at Brunswick Novant Medical Center and local church food pantries. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, walking, biking, and playing mah-jongg. She is also a member of the Columbiettes of St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church. Mary enjoys all her volunteer activities but finds working as a SHIIP Volunteer Counselor to be especially rewarding. She says that it enables her to meet many interesting people, and helping them understand Medicare really keeps her brain active. She enjoys doing something useful and has fun as well.
JUNE 2022
Changes Coming to Medicare in 2023
he BENES Act, which stands for Beneficiary Enrollment Notification and Eligibility Simplification, became law in late 2020, and will be implemented in 2023. It includes provisions that will make the process of enrolling in Medicare easier for beneficiaries to understand. Outlined below are the changes that will begin on January 1, 2023. • Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) –Beneficiaries who sign up during their Initial Enrollment Period, but in one of the months following their 65th birthday will have their Medicare become effective on the first day of the month after sign-up. • General Enrollment Period (GEP) – when signing up for Medicare during the GEP beneficiaries will no longer have to wait for eligibility to begin in July. It will now begin on the first day of the month following the month of enrollment during the GEP. • Extended Coverage of Immunosuppressive Drugs for Kidney Transplant Patients: Enrollment in Parts A & B for people who have received a kidney transplant due to end stage renal disease usually ends 36 months after a successful transplant. This bill would allow a person who has no other health insurance coverage to remain enrolled in Part B beyond this point for the purpose of covering immunosuppressive drugs. The premium for this extended Part B coverage would not be subject to late penalties and would be less than the standard Part B premium.
M. René Tarquinio Senior Aging Resource Specialist
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living
JUNE 2022
LELAND Veronica Lett-McGee, Director Brittany Steinkamp, Assistant Director
121 Town Hall Drive NE Leland, NC 28451 910-754-7701
Center Hours Mon - Fri 8a - 4p
June 2022 - Weekly Ac vity Schedule EVERY MONDAY
Black = No Fee ; Green or $ = Fee Based Class; Red ^ = Requires Prior Sign Up Blue = New Offering/Time; Purple = Virtual/Online
9:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:15
*11:30a Lunch* 1-3p 1:30
Mah Jongg Cardio Dance
Pinochle TRX ^ Interval Training Acrylic Painting Bridge for Beginners
9:30 Geri-Fit 10:00 Crafts 10:30 Line Dance (Int)
*11:30a Lunch*
*11:30a Lunch*
9:00 Pinochle 9:30 Chair Aerobics 10:00 BINGO-$ (25 cents/card) 10:30 TRX^ *11:30a Lunch*
12:30 Tai Chi 12:30 Acrylic Painting 12:30 Sleep Mats 1:00 Bridge Club 2:00 Cardio Drumming
9:00 Yoga Body & Soul 9:00 Walking Group 10:30 Line Dance (Beg)
*11:30a Lunch*
12:30 Tai Chi 1-4p Oil Painting 1:30 Cardio Dance
Class Rooms & Times Are Subject to Change. Look for Posted Flyers or Subscribe to Email Updates from LelandGeneral@bsrinc.org
June 2022 - Monthly Calendar MONDAY
~An NC Certified Senior Center of Excellence~
7 Hurricane Preparedness 10:30a
Monthly & Semimonthly Events:
3 Quilting Bee 9a
Daily Announcements: During Lunch PRN 1st Fri, (At Lunch): Mo. Birthday Celebration 1st & 3rd Tues, 10:30a: Bible Study 1st & 3rd Tues, 10:30a: Leland Larks 1st & 3rd Wed, 1-3p: Hand & Foot Cards 1st & 3rd Fri, 9a-12p: Quilting Bee 2nd Tues, 10a: Tech Tuesday 2nd Fri, 12:30p: Sit & Stitch 3rd Wed, 10:30a: Blood Pressure Cks 3rd Thurs, 11:45a: Meet w/ Case Mgr 4th Thurs, 10a: CG Support Grp Last Wed., 9:30a: Coups for Troops
2 1 Hand & Foot 1p
Mo. Birthday Celebration 8
9 10 Care Connections Sit & Stitch 11a 12:30p
Leland Larks & Bible Study 10:30a
13 14 15 16 17 Mocktail Mimosas Tech Help Wear Purple! Meet w/Case Mgr Quilting Bee 9a w/ Brittany 10a Blood Pressure During lunch 10:30a Mo. Outing^ 10:30a Myrtle Beach $10 Hand & Foot 1p 20 Donuts for Dads 9a Paint Pouring^ 10a—$5
21 Leland Larks & Bible Study 10:30a
Patriotic Sing-a-long 10:30a
23 Coups for Troops 9:30
CG Support Group
Special Events & Presentations: 6/6, 10:30a: Hurricane Preparedness 6/13, 10:30a: Mocktail Mimosas w/ Brittany 6/15: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 6/20, 9a: Donuts for Dads 6/20, 10a: Paint Pouring with Janyce, prior sign-up required 6/27, 10:30a: The Leland Larks Present: A Patriotic Sing-a-long
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living LELAND Veronica Lett-McGee, Director Brittany Steinkamp, Assistant Director
What’s the “Buzz” in Leland?!
The American Red Cross Presents: Hurricane Preparedness Class When: Monday, June 6th, 2022 10:30-11:30a Where: The Crea"on Room
Wear PURPLE in observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15th! There will also be a presenta"on about this in the dining room at 10:30a.
JUNE 2022
121 Town Hall Drive NE Leland, NC 28451 910-754-7701
Center Hours Mon - Fri 8a - 4p
Meet Our New Instructor, Dara! Dara Kahkonen (below) is an educator, professional flu"st, dancer, and a lover of all styles of music. She brought her company Music Bird Studios from Pi&sburgh to Wilmington when she moved in 2019. Since then, Music Bird Studios has expanded from just early childhood classes, and now includes a.er-school programs, museum events, educa"onal lectures, musical experiences for those living with Alzheimer’s and demen"a, cardio drumming for all ages, and dog drumming! Cardio Drumming joins music and rhythm with movement and exercise in a fun, high-energy way. Benefits may include improved strength and fitness, heart health, mental well-being, and increased smiling! Using pool noodles to drum on an exercise ball, follow along with the instructor to rhythmic cardio rou"nes to the music of the 50s, 80s, La"n Jazz, and so much more. All skill levels welcome! Tuesdays at 2p in Movers & Shakers!
Let’s celebrate Father’s Day! Donuts for Dads will be held on 6/20/2022 at 9a in the TRX Room!
Beverages with Bri any! (This will be outside weather permi ng)
The Center will be CLOSED June 29th through July 6th for the Fourth of July holiday. All ac"vi"es and programming will be CANCELLED for those days. We will reopen Thursday, July 7th!
Mon. 6/13 at 10:30a: June Beverage Mimosa Mocktail Discussion Topic: Bring your favorite summer read to discuss & we will be making bookmarks!
JUNE 2022
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living LELAND Veronica Lett-McGee, Director Brittany Steinkamp, Assistant Director
121 Town Hall Drive NE Leland, NC 28451 910-754-7701
Center Hours Mon - Fri 8a - 4p
Shelley Cooper has been working with BSRI for the past 15+ years and is now re4ring. Shelley means so much to us here in Leland and has become like family to both the staff and the par4cipants. She is leaving some big shoes to fill. Once re4red, Shelley plans to sit on the front porch with her pet pig Daisy and do absolutely nothing! She plans to come back and visit o en, and her last day as our Cook/Kitchen Manager is June 1st. Congratula4ons, Shelley, on your re4rement! We love you, and we miss you so much already!
Looking Back... The Leland Larks perform their County Jamboree. Pictured: (back) Shirley & Constance, (front) Armeta, Nancy, Novella, Doretha, Maria, Judy led by Linda. Their next performance will be on June 27th, a patrio4c sing-along.
Thank you, Janyce! We appreciate you pu&ng on another Paint Pouring Workshop. The next one will be held on June 20th.
Shoutout to our Senior Games a endees! Pictured from le to right: David, Doretha, Novella, Bertha, Willie, and Director Veronica.
The Coastal Buzz
Oak island nutrition site
102 SE 47th Street Oak Island, NC 28461 Call 278-6552 910-754-2300 for Reservations
JUNE 2022
Stephanie Stiller, Community Center Assistant Operating Hours: Mondays through Fridays 10:00 a.m.-2 p.m.
Senior Activity Calendar June 2022 Monday
1 10:30 Chair Aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:00 Social me 1:00pm Rummikub
2 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
3 10:00 am Rummikub 11:45 am Senior Lunch
6 10:30 chair aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 1:00pm Movie
7 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
8 10:30 Chair Aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:00 Social me 1:00pm Rummikub
9 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
13 10:30 Chair aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 1:00pm Movie
14 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
15 10:30 Chair aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:00 pm Rummikub 1:00pm Social me
16 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
20 10:30 Chair aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 1:00pm Movie
21 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
22 10:30 Chair aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Cra) *me
23 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
27 10:30 Chair aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 1:00pm Movie
28 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
29 10:30 Chair aerobics 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:00 pm Rummikub 1:00pm Social me
30 10:30 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO
Center is Closed
10:00 am Rummikub 11:45 am Senior Lunch
Center is Closed
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living
JUNE 2022
SHALLOTTE Jillian Hardin, Center Director Tonya Barnes, Assistant Director
3620 Express Drive Shallotte, NC 28470 910-754-2300 1002
Center Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Weekly Ac vity Schedule EVERY MONDAY
No Symbol = No Fee (Contributions always appreciated); $ = Fee Associated ; ^ = Requires Advanced Registration; * = New Offering/ 7:00
Practice Billiards
Practice Billiards
Practice Billiards
Practice Billiards
7:00 Practice Billiards
Billiards Game
Billiards Game
Billiards Game
Billiards Game
9:00 Billiards Game
Cardio Low Impact
Cardio Low Impact
10:00 Geri-Fit
10:30 Fit for Life Exercise 10:30 Beginner Line Dancing 11:00 Basic/ Intermediate Line Dancing 11:30 Intermediate Line Dancing
10:00 Geri-Fit 11:00 Aerobics & Dance
10:30 Fit for Life Exercise
11:00 Chair Yoga
10:30 Beginner Line Dancing
12:00 Yoga 11:30 Lunch
11:00 Intermediate Line Dancing
11:30 Lunch
$Tai Chi w/ Dean $5
9:00 Pilates
11:00 Aerobics & Dance 10:00 Tabata 11:00 $Zumba $5
11:30 Lunch
11:30 Lunch
12:15 Bingo
12:30 Charcoal and Pencil Art class 1:00
$Tai Chi w/ Dean $5
Mah Jong
11:30 Lunch 12:15 Bingo
Monthly Ac vity Schedule for Shallo#e MONDAY
1 2 Donuts with the Director 11A
10 Blood Pressure Check! 10:45A
22 DAY TRIP—Shopping Trip & Lunch Date!
23 Brunswick Backoff Meeting 6p
24 C Breeze Band 10:30A
14 15 Caregiver Support Group Elder Abuse Awareness 10A Day! Walk at 10:30A Flag Day!
28 27 National Sunglasses Day!
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living
SHALLOTTE Jillian Hardin, Center Director Tonya Barnes, Assistant Director
3620 Express Drive Shallotte, NC 28470 910-754-2300 1002
JUNE 2022 Center Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Matter of Balance classes,at the Shallotte Center. Watch the calendar for upcoming classes.
Elder Abuse Awareness Walk Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. COME WALK WITH US!
Acrylic Fluid Art Class Beginners welcome and all levels. This is a chance to come play with paint and make a beautiful piece of art on canvas. No piece of art will be the same. Each one will be different and gorgeous! Check schedule for time and day for class, starting late May.
WE WILL HAVE WALK WITH EASE STARTING IN JUNE! Come join us and walk and have social me as well. Check calendar for class day and mes.
JUNE 2022
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living SHALLOTTE Jillian Hardin, Center Director Tonya Barnes, Assistant Director
3620 Express Drive Shallotte, NC 28470 910-754-2300 1002
Center Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Senior Games Winner from the Coastal Carolina Active Living Center in Shallotte! 1 gold, 2 silver, and 1 bronze metal for Ms. Catherine Miller, Bocce Ball, Corn Hole, Shuffle Board and Horse Shoe star. We are so proud of you! Thank you for your great work.
NATIONAL SUNGLASSES DAY! MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2022 Come to the Shallotte Center to find a fun treat. I GOTTA WEAR SHADES!!
LOOK-ALIKE DAY AT COASTAL CAROLINA ACTIVE LIVING! Our members did a great job wearing and showing off our new brand colors: orange, blue, teal, and green. Thank you for a great time and your participation!
FLAG DAY TUESDAY, JUNE 14th 2022 Come dressed in your patriotic attire. Let’s see who can come the best dressed!
SHOPPING TRIP WITH BRENDA AND LUNCH DATE! These lovely ladies went on a shopping day trip to the BSRI Thrift Store. They also went to lunch. Great social time and getting out to see our Thrift Store!
The Coastal Buzz
STATEPOINT CROSSWORD FICTIONAL FATHERS ACROSS 1. Like Annapolis Academy 6. Pine juice 9. One in a manger 13. Like a good athlete 14. Modern address 15. Printer cartridge contents 16. Cate Blanchett's movie "____ on a Scandal" 17. 2nd largest living bird in world 18. U in UV 19. *Honoré de Balzac's "Le Père ____" 21. *Nemo's dad, named after a sport fish 23. "____ of the morning!" 24. Seaside bird 25. Tax accounting specialist, acr. 28. Back of the neck 30. Chew the fat 35. Country dance formation 37. Greek goddess of fertility 39. Waterwheel 40. *Drunk and, incidentally, Huck Finn's Pap 41. Metallic sounding 43. Quite a stretch 44. Place to dry out 46. Like the White Rabbit 47. Dr. Robert Bruce Banner's green alter ego 48. Sun-____ 50. Toothy wheel 52. Bad-mouth 53. Made a rug 55. Low-____ image 57. *Simba's father in "The Lion King" 60. *Luke's and Leia's father 63. Golfer's sun protection 64. Romanian monetary unit 66. Introverted one 68. Follow as a consequence 69. Pooh's wise friend 70. Territory in China known as Las Vegas of Asia 71. Young woman 72. *"That '70s Show" dad 73. One-room school house "notebook"
DOWN 1. A Bobbsey twin 2. Awestruck 3. *The Godfather's given name 4. Heads-up 5. Wound 6. Cooking grease 7. Hammer holder? 8. D'Artagnan's hat decoration 9. Weevil's target 10. Not in favor of 11. Capital of Switzerland 12. Chapter in history 15. As opposed to turn-off 20. 1960s abstractionism 22. Rainbow shape 24. Like ones between 13 and 19 years old 25. *Griswold family patriarch 26. Mushroom caps 27. Egyptian symbol of life, pl. 29. *Jay is to Claire as ____ is to Haley 31. Flood survivor 32. Father of psychoanalysis Sigmund 33. Garlicky mayonnaise 34. *Both father in "Mary Poppins" and father in "Father of the Bride" 36. Unfledged hawk 38. Casino chip 42. Pine 45. ____ of dog! 49. "I ____" at the altar 51. Middle Earth and Kingdom of the North, e.g. 54. Courage in the face of danger 56. Smokeless tobacco brand 57. Short skirt 58. It was Brezhnev's domain 59. Unplayable baseball 60. Old in Scottish 61. Cuzco valley empire 62. Straight pour from the bottle 63. Chill in front of TV, with 'out' 65. Ovine mom 67. Beluga yield
JUNE 2022
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living
JUNE 2022
SOUTHPORT Melissa Catlett, Director Jackie Knott, Assistant Director
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1513 N. Howe St., Ste. 1 Southport, NC 28461 Phone 910-754-7109
Weekly Ac vity Schedule– Lunch Served at 11:30 daily EVERY MONDAY
DAILY Drop In Ac vi es: Billiards, Coffee with Friends, Fitness Center, Library Green ($) = Fee Based Class; Red (#) = Requires Prior Sign Up; Blue (+) = New Offering/Time Purple=Class in person + zoomed 9:00 9:00 10:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 12:30 1:00 1:30
Yoga for Healthy Bones $ Tai Chi Forms $ Silver Samurai $ Hand, Knee and Foot Canasta Card Making Chair Yoga $ Cra@s w/Sherry Mah Jongg Balance-Strength Mo on with Jim Lightbourne
9:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 1:00 1:00 2:30 6:30
Geri Fit with Jackie Boxing Bridge Tech Workshop Pinochle Silver Paddles (Ping Pong) Fit and Strong
Square Dancing Every other Tuesday
9:00 10:00 10:30 12:15 12:30 12:30
Jam Session
Yoga for Healthy Bones $ Tai Chi Forms $ Silver Samurai $ Watercolor $ Bible Study Interfaith Jewelry Class Facebook w/ Shirley Virtual Beg . Tai Chi wIth Dean $ No Charge for Classes viewed from home via Zoom
Geri-Fit with Jackie 9:00 Boxing$ 9:00 Adv German Zoom only 9:30 Knit and Chain 10:00 Zumba Gold 10:00 Bible Study with Joel 11:30 Beginning Line Dance 1:00 Beginner and Intermediate Line Dancing 1:00 Mah Jongg 9:00
9:00 9:00 10:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 12:30 2:00 2:30
Yoga for Healthy Bones $ Tai Chi Forms $ Cra@s w/Sherry Hand, Knee & Foot Canasta Beginning Tai Chi $ Chair Yoga $ Bazaar Cra@s Hand Drumming Fit and Strong
Monthly Ac vity Schedule for Southport– email jkno @bsrinc.org for regular updates MONDAY
6 7 Balance-Strength & Balance 1:30 Turtle Program 12 Noon 14
NEW OFFERINGS Zumba Gold Balance-Strength-Motion 8
9 ZUMBA GOLD 10:00
.B/P Checks 11 :15 . Parkinson’s Support Group
20 Stroke Support Group 1:00pm
Caregiver Support Group 10:00am
17 .
24 Photography 1:00
Crafts with Sherry Mondays @12:30 Fridays @ 12:30 Thursdays @ 1 to 3:00 Sewing Pillowcases and Microwave Bowl Covers Last Monday of the Month Iris Folding Card Making With Sherry @12:30 Center Closed June 29th thru July 6th
10 Photography 1:00
We reopen July 7.
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living SOUTHPORT Melissa Catlett, Director Jackie Knott, Assistant Director
1513 N. Howe St., Ste. 1 Southport, NC 28461 Phone 910-754-7109
JUNE 2022 Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Congratula ons, Bea Flythe Our very own Bea Flythe has once again shared with us another of her many talents. Bea won first prize in the Silver Arts compe on with this absolutely beau ful and moving poem!
If you see my son don’t shoot If you see my son running down the street He’s a track star ge ng ready for a meet. If you see him talking in a group, it’s not a gang Some mes he just likes to hang Some mes my son is just having fun Trying to soak up a li$le sun Don’t be so quick to use your gun Think about if it were your son Don’t look at my son as “mean” Because yes, he is a “mean running machine” The day will come when you will pay For the life you’ve just taken away You thought what you did was right But your dreams will come in the middle of the night When you remember what you’ve done To some grieving Mother’s son Surely your day will come when you will pay For the human life you took away We love you, Bea, and thank you for sharing!
There are no words to express the sincere and hear.elt apprecia on to our AARP Tax Team. Bob Benne$ and his phenomenal team prepared HUNDREDS of tax returns this season! This group prepared tax returns for so many of our senior ci zens that are living on a fixed income. This free service offered not only prepara on assistance, but one-on-one a$en on.
Meet Emmjay with Girl Scout Troop 2169. She and her fellow troop members made Easter cards for our seniors. She makes her grandma (one of our par cipants) proud!
JUNE 2022
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living SOUTHPORT Melissa Catlett, Director Jackie Knott, Assistant Director
1513 N. Howe St., Ste. 1 Southport, NC 28461 Phone 910-754-7109
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We wish to extend a warm welcome to all of you new to our center! Here are just a few of the programs we offer. And this is also a gentle reminder about our programs for those of you who been part of our center family for many years.
Support Groups Offered Here in the Center Parkinson’s Support Group every 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 10:15 Stroke Support Group every Third Monday of the month @ 1:00 Both of these groups welcome you to drop in and caregivers are welcome to join in. They will assure you that no one needs to walk their walk alone. Light refreshments are served. Caregivers Support Group: Please contact Jackie at jkno7@bsrinc.org for further informa9on.
INTRODUCING OUR BRAND NEW ZUMBA GOLD CLASS STARTING JUNE 9TH @ 10:00AM IN THE FRONT TWO BALLROOMS We welcome Shelley Higgins as our new instructor! Shelley brings years of experience and a wonderful energy. Class held weekly on Thursdays. If there is interest we may consider adding an addi onal class.
Turtle Presenta9on Local Turtle Mother Martha Johnson will be holding a program educa ng us on the local turtle nes ng program found on our very own Oak Island. Martha has been a Turtle Mom for many years and she will be sharing her vast experience with this unique wildlife program. Monday June 6th at 12 Noon in the Stage Room. Light Refreshments will be served. Our New Class Offering by Jim Lightbourne
Balance-Strength-Mo9on Jim is cer fied in numerous exercise programs. This class will be a combina on of movements sure to keep you fit! Mondays @ 1:30 Star9ng June 13, No Fee
Just in case you missed it, Olive was our Easter Bunny
We will be closed June 29th through July 6th Southport celebrates July 4th like no other, so naviga9ng around town is difficult at best. Celebrate safely!
The Coastal Buzz
Puzzles / Elder abuse
JUNE 2022
ELDER ABUSE, cont’d. from page 15
What if I’m wrong? The more important question to ask is: What if you are right? What if you don’t make a report for fear of being wrong and someone is suffering abuse? APS investigators have special training to help them spot signs of abuse and North Carolina gives them access to financial accounts and other private information that may show signs of abuse and neglect that we cannot see. All investigation is done in a strictly confidential manner to protect the privacy and rights of all individuals involved in the investigation. Also, there is an initial phase of an investigation in which an APS
investigator looks for surface evidence of abuse. If none is found, the case will be closed. If a case is substantiated, more work is done to investigate, and only when abuse is found is the case actually classified as open. What if the adult is removed from their home against their will? The older person has the right to refuse services offered by APS. The APS agency provides service only if the senior agrees, or has been declared incapacitated by the court and a guardian has been appointed.
The APS agency only takes such action as a last resort. The goal is not to remove people from their homes. Instead, services are often put in place to improve an individual’s quality of life by providing resources to them or to their caregiver. They may begin to receive in-home aid, access to free adult day care, home modifications, food and nutrition services, and other government programs. If you want to learn more about reporting abuse and neglect, contact your local BSRI Aging Services Coordinator at 910-754-2300.
JUNE 2022
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living SUPPLY Melissa Starr, Director Robert Hunt, Assistant Director
101 Stone Chimney Road Supply, NC 28462 910-754-7604
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
June 2022 - Weekly Ac vity Schedule EVERY MONDAY
No Symbol = No Fee (Contributions always appreciated); $ = Fee Associated ; ^ = Requires Advanced Registration; * = New Offering/Time 8:00
8:00 Rummikub
Java w/ Friends
8:00 Java w/ Friends
Java w/ Friends
Java w/ Friends
Java w/ Friends
Open Exercise
8:00 Open Exercise
Open Exercise
Open Exercise
Open Exercise
Tai Chi/Qi-Gong
9:00 Yoga w/ Emily
10:00 Pilates
Rug Hooking
Tai Chi/Qi Gong
Tai Chi for
10:00 Geri-Fit®
10:00 Open Watercolor
10:00 Geri-Fit®
Arthritis ^^
10:00 Crocheting
10:30 Tai Chi for
11:00 Tabata
Body//Core/ Strength w/ Nancy
11:00 Tabata
11:30 a.m. Lunch 12:15
Movie Day
Wii Bowling
Arthritis ^^
11:30 a.m. Lunch 12:30 Open Crafting
11:30 a.m. Lunch 12:30 Crafting 5:30
Family Anon. Mtg
11:30 a.m. Lunch 12:30
Open Crafting
11:30 a.m. Lunch
Monthly Ac vity Schedule MONDAY MONDAY’S 11:00AM ZOOM & In Center Body/Core/Strength Mtg. ID: 889 6047 7228 Passcode: 819210
2 TUESDAY’S 9:00AM 1 Cooking Healthy w/ Meghan– 11AM ZOOM & In Center Afternoon Tea with In Center & Zoom YOGA w/ Emily Mtg. ID– 858 0799 2306 Friends—1PM Mtg. ID: 879 5433 3858 Passcode– 594237 Passcode: 140370
BINGO-12:30PM $ 6 Iris Paper Folding– 10AM Talk w/ Tikila –10:30AM
7 Advisory Committee Open Meeting-10AM Basic Nutrition Meal Planning-12PM
8 Drum Circle-10AM Brain Challenging Trivia— 12:30
13 Iris Paper Folding– 10AM
14 Genealogy-12pm
15 Elder Abuse Aware- 16 ness Walk & Learn– 8:30 Guy’s Day Trip– 9:30AM $
Card Making—1PM
Quilting: Initial Interest Meeting—12:30PM
9 Hired Hands Band10 10:30AM CBD Info Class-10AM Caregiver Support Group2PM 17
BINGO-12:30PM $ 20 21 What is “normal aging” vs. BP’s – 10AM What is dementia?-10AM Genealogy-12PM
22 Drum Circle-10AM
Center Closed for July 4th Holiday
Center Closed for July 4th Holiday
June 29th -July 6th
June 29th -July 6th
28 Birthday Celebration12PM
23 Crafting 4 A Cause –1PM
24 C-Breeze Band-10:30AM
Summertime Mix, Meet & Mingle-5PM WEDNESDAYS 10:00 ZOOM & In Center
Pilates with Nancy Mtg. ID:842 7389 6098 Passcode: 850714
The Coastal Buzz
Coastal carolina active living SUPPLY Melissa Starr, Director Robert Hunt, Assistant Director
101 Stone Chimney Road Supply, NC 28462 910-754-7604
JUNE 2022 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Join Us for a variety of educa onal & fun events throughout the month to improve brain health and learn more about the changes that can happen as we age. More programs will be announced through the month. Brain Challenging Trivia– Wednesday, June 8th @ 12:30PM What is “normal aging” vs. What is demen a? Talk & Discussion: Monday, June 20th @ 10:00AM
Walk with Us
Take a Stand to Raise Awareness of Elder Abuse
Guy’s Day Out Trip
Learn about what it is and how to prevent it from happening to you or those you love and care for. When: Wed., June 15th Time: 8:30AM Where: Supply Center Por co Wear purple & comfortable walking shoes. We will walk the parking lot. A short movie & informa on will follow the walk. Light refreshments will be served.
Watercolor Pain ng Class will con nue on Wednesdays throughout the summer months without an Instructor. We can u lize online instruc on or enjoy learning from one another by sharing your own ps, methods, and experiences. Leonard will return in September
Join Robert & other center guys on an adventure to some local des na ons, Loca ons To Be Determined. Where are they going?? Who knows?? What will they be doing?? Who knows?? Who will be going?? Guys from the Supply Center. When?? Thursday, June 16th Bus is leaving @ 9:30AM $3.00 + lunch & incidentals Ask Robert for the details.
A3ernoon Tea w/ Friends Thursday, June 2nd @1:00PM Meet new friends and catch up with those you know. Light refreshments.
Supply Center will be closed from June 29-July 6 for the July 4th Holiday
Coastal carolina active living
JUNE 2022
SUPPLY Melissa Starr, Director Robert Hunt, Assistant Director
101 Stone Chimney Road Supply, NC 28462 910-754-7604
The Coastal Buzz
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Iris Paper Folding Learn this beau ful technique in two easy sessions!
Monday, June 13th @10AM
We Have A Winner!!!
No supplies needed. We have plenty! Please pre-register for these sessions on the clipboard.
Congratulations goes to
Marge Peters First & Second Place Silver Arts Winner for her Quilling !!!
Summertime Mix, Meet & Mingle Get your summer going by meeting new friends!
Wednesday, June 22nd @ 4:30PM
Come join us & bring a friend!!
We’ll have games, music and light refreshments.
Supply Center’s Farmers Market Open for purchasing in the Center Foyer Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10:30-11:30AM Vegetable & Flower selections are based on yield. Brought to you fresh and local by the Supply Center Garden Club.
The Coastal Buzz
What’s for lunch?
JUNE 2022
Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc.
Provides Nutritionally Balanced Meals for Seniors *Menus subject to change*
Contributions always welcome!
1 Stuffed green pepper casserole Carrots White rice Fruit cocktail So roll 2% milk
2 Smoked kielbasa Stewed tomatoes Mac and cheese So roll Fruit cup Mustard Milk 2%
3 Italian chicken breast 3 bean salad Parmesan potatoes Soft roll Diced peaches 2% milk
9 Hawaiian chicken haystacks Japanese blend vegetables White rice Pineapple tidbits Roll Milk 2%
10 Mac and cheese with ham Pinto beans Broccoli Roll Diced pears Milk 2%
6 Creole steak Okra and tomatoes Mashed potatoes So roll Baked apples Milk 2%
Asian BBQ chicken Red potatoes Broccoli Vermicelli noodles Pineapple ,dbits Milk 2%
BBQ pork on bun Cauliflower Claremont salad Brown rice Fresh banana Milk 2%
13 Beef pot pie Garlic broccoli Mashed potatoes Biscuit Applesauce Chocolate chip cookie Milk 2%
14 Ginger chicken Mixed vegetables Rotini noodles Tossed salad w/ dressing Roll Milk 2%
15 Sweet and sour meatballs Oriental blend vegetables Brown rice Roll Tropical fruit Milk 2%
16 Honey glazed pineapple pork Malibu blend vegetables Rainbow spinach salad Spiral noodles Roll Baked apples Milk 2%
17 Irish stew Mashed potatoes Capri vegetables Tossed salad Fresh banana Roll Milk 2%
20 Beef taco salad w/onions, tomatoes, lettuce, black beans, salsa Diced pears Sour cream Milk 2%
21 Spaghetti w/meat sauce Scandinavian blend vegetables Cucumber salad Breadstick Diced peaches Milk 2%
22 Chicken stroganoff French style green beans Egg noodles Soft roll Fresh orange Milk 2%
23 Beef and broccoli Steamed carrots Tossed salad w/ dressing So roll Fresh apple Milk 2%
24 Cheeseburger w/bun mayo, mustard Le?uce ,tomato, Potato salad Pickle chips Apple cobbler Milk 2%
28 Italian chicken breast 3 bean salad Parmesan potatoes Soft roll Diced peaches 2% milk
Sloppy joe on bun Coleslaw Potato wedges Apricots 2 % milk
The Coastal Buzz
BSRI programs and services
JUNE 2022
Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. Case Management
NEED ASSISTANCE? Contact a Case Manager closest to you.
Calabash Center René Tarquinio, LBSW Senior Aging Resource Specialist (910) 754-6224 | rtarquinio@bsrinc.org Shallotte Center Laura Collins, BSW | Case Manager (910) 754-4468 | lcollins@bsrinc.org Southport Center Casey Freed, BSW | Case Manager (910) 754-4106 | cfreed@bsrinc.org Supply Center Tikila Morgan, BA, BSW | Case Manager (910) 754-8450 | tmorgan@bsrinc.org Leland Center Sandy Porcaro, MA | Case Manager (910) 754-3658 | sporcaro@bsrinc.org
Prescription Assistance Program Marilou Smith | Leland Center (910) 754-6559 | msmith@bsrinc.org
Your donation could save a life. Visit our website to give conveniently:
bsrinc.org/donate/ Who is Eligible?
• Support food insecurity with an annual gift
Our programs and services are specifically designed for adults 60 years of age and older in Brunswick County, except for the Family Caregiver Support Program, Prescription Assistance Program, and SHIIP.
• Set up monthly donations for case management • Honor a loved one with a one-time gift • Sponsor a ride
The Coastal Buzz
june 2022
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Shelagh Clancy buzz@bsrinc.org
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