Brunswick Senior Buzz February 2021

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February 2021





20% OFF entire purchase, excluding mattresses Ocean Isle 6560 Beach Dr. 910-579-8346

Southport 4170 Long Beach Rd. 910-457-1772

Leland 414 Village Rd. 910-338-3648

OUR SENIOR CENTERS are closed Brunswick Senior Resources Inc. senior centers are closed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. CHECk our OnLINE CLAss calendar

HERE Check meals and services at

update The new link to the Gerishare website featured in our December issue is

Hospice is 100% covered by Medicare for all eligible patients and is covered by most Medicaid and commercial insurance plans. Anyone can refer a patient to hospice, and the evaluation is free. Take our quiz at to learn if you or your loved one might be eligible for hospice care. Bolivia, NC

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CONTENTS Letter from Supply ..................................... 5 BSRI News .................................................. 7-9 Gullah Geechee Corridor ....................... 10 In the Garden ............................................. 12 Flowers for Valentine’s Day ................... 13 Healthy Bites .............................................. 14 Read All About It ....................................... 15 SHIIP .............................................................. 16 Puzzles .......................................................... 25 What’s for Lunch? ..................................... 33




Ash .................................................................. 16 Boiling Spring Lakes ................................ 17 Calabash ....................................................... 18 Leland ........................................................... 20 Oak Island .................................................... 19 Shallotte ....................................................... 22 Southport .................................................... 26 Supply ........................................................... 30



10 9

Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. 3620 Express Dr., P.O. Box 2470, Shallotte, NC 28459


(910) 754-2300

(910) 754-9269 Fax | Office Hours 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

· Jim Fish, President & CEO · Yvette Gosline, Chief Operating Officer · Jennifer Sherman, Vice President of Human Services · Melody Stephens, Director of Operations · Debra Marlowe, Organizational Development Coordinator · Sarah Powell, Volunteer Coordinator · Mallory Balice, Wellness Program Manager · Anita Langin, Accounting Technician · Eddie Jackson, IT and Compliance Technology · Derissa Gore, Case Management Support Specialist · Mike McGurn, Manager of Thrift Store Operations · Chauvet “Mel” Jackson, Operations Technician · Glen Hemingway, Assistant Operations Technician

· Justin Benoy, Project Technician BSRI C



· Victoria Hine, Ash and Shallotte · Mary Green, Boiling Spring Lakes · Courtney Bledsoe, Calabash · Holley Norris, Calabash · René Tarquinio, Calabash · Ellen Kleinerman, Calabash · Carol Schotter, Calabash · Teresa Muchler-Nogli, Calabash · Doug Russell, Calabash · Veronica Lett-McGee, Leland · Jade Robinson, Leland · Marilou Smith, Leland · Shelley Cooper, Leland · Sandy Porcaro, Leland · Janyce Jones, Leland · Pat Green, Leland · Teresa Nelson, Shallotte

i · Blair Stanley, Shallotte · Laura Collins, Shallotte · Jodi Young, Shallotte · Brett Baughman, Shallotte · Brenda Ambrose, Shallotte · Braden Greene, Shallotte · Dana Greene, Shallotte · Beverly Bridgers, Southport · Melissa Catlett, Southport · Jackie Knott, Southport · Vaughn Hatley, Southport · Casey Freed, Southport · Sherrill Jolly, Southport · Marilyn Stevens, Southport · Kevin Whiteheart, Southport · Melissa Starr, Supply · Jillian Hardin, Supply · Gloria Pieczarka, Supply · Ilona Smith, Supply · Tikila Morgan, Supply · Sherry Confer, Supply

Financial informa on about this organiza on and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicita on Licensing Branch at 919‐814‐5400. The license is not an endorsement by the state.





Our cover photographer Kermit Cox and his wife Suzanne resided in Wes ield, Indiana before moving to Southport. Kermit a ended the John Herron Art Ins tute a er high school and won numerous photography awards in Indiana. He now pursues fine art photography and leads a photography class at the Brunswick Center at Southport. You can see his work at the Art Shak in Southport and in the Senior Center Gi Shop on Oak Island.



Donna Ruth Morgan volunteers with Friends of the Library in Southport and Oak Island, Boiling Spring Lakes Library Commission, Brunswick County Library Board of Trustees, and the N.C. Friends of the Public Library. She inherited a love of reading and shares that enjoyment with her four children and three grandchildren. Find Donna’s February book reviews on page 15. Pat Naughton and his family moved from Richmond, Va. to Winding River Planta on in Brunswick County in 2017 a er Pat re red as a mechanical engineer at a nuclear power plant. He has been an avid gardener for 35 years and is a Brunswick County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer. On page 12, Pat shows us how to start seeds now for spring plan ng. Joan Leo a has been playing with words on page and stage since her childhood in Pi sburgh. Her poetry and essays appear in many publica ons. Her four historical fic on novels feature strong women in mes of U.S. wars, and her poetry chapbook, Languid Lusciousness with Lemon, was recently released. Joan looks at floral language for Valen ne’s Day on page 13. Pa Quilliam is a re red English teacher who has made Brunswick County her home for the past two years. She enjoys cooking, reading, and doing puzzles of all kinds. She and her husband enjoy road trips and look forward to travelling again when it's safe. Pa tells us about the new Gullah Geechee Heritage Corridor on page 10.

Braden Greene Cook The Brunswick Center at Shallotte


raden is responsible for the meals for BSRI’s Shallotte, Supply, and Ash centers. He is also a student working toward his bachelor’s degree in biblical studies. “He is such a wonderful person and works very hard,” says Teresa Nelson, Shallotte Center director. “He is always encouraging and our volunteers love him. He says he is responsible for meals, but he will help wherever is needed. My staff really enjoy having him here.” Braden says he is motivated by helping people live a better life. He’s currently reading “The Last Battle” by C.S. Lewis. When it comes to cats vs. dogs, Braden says, “It’s dogs, 100%.” He considers himself a night person.

Letter from Supply





How’s Your Heart Health?


ebruary is National Heart Month for several reasons. The most familiar is the celebration of Valentine’s Day, but I think of Heart Month as so much more than candy, valentines, and roses.

Photo by Kermit Cox

Kermit Cox, photography class instructor at the Brunswick Center at Southport, found these winter berries while driving through a state park a er a rain. “Rainy days offer even light and rich color from the moist branches and ground cover,” Kermit says. The Buzz believes these berries are those of the common winterberry.

BRUNSWICK SENIOR BUZZ EDITOR Shelagh Clancy (910) 622-1036 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Joan Leotta, Donna Ruth Morgan, Patrick Naughton, Patti Qilliam, Melissa Starr, René Tarquinio CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Kermit Cox, Jillian Hardin, Veronica Lett-McGee, Mike McGurn, Teresa Nelson, Holley Norris, Melissa Starr ADVERTISING SALES (910) 754-2300 Anita Langin Shelagh Clancy © 2020 Brunswick Senior Resources Inc. All rights reserved

You can think about heart health on the physical plane for its strength, endurance, and ability to power us through the tasks of thought and movement throughout the day. In the emotional realm, it encompasses who we care for and love, our self and others. And in the spiritual aspect of the heart, it includes our beliefs and our sense of place in life and beyond. There are heart-healthy diets and exercise programs for all to explore and embrace. But if you want to dive deeper into a physically heart healthy lifestyle, here’s a good place to start: Mallory Balice, our BSRI Wellness Program Manager, offers nutrition information and guidance on our website, and monthly tips and recipes in the Brunswick Senior Buzz. Easily reachable by phone, she can talk with you to

Melissa Starr, Director The Brunswick Center at Supply

provide a wealth of information and support. Our senior centers offer a variety of virtual exercise classes to pick and choose from at One will fit your specific activity level and abilities. And if given time and commitment, they will benefit your heart and overall health and well-being.

Emotional Health Emotional heart health can be HEART HEALTH, con nued on page 6

At the 2020 Valen ne’s Day Party at Supply, par cipants play the “How Well You Know Your Friend” game. From le are Diane James, Susan Mays, Francis Reel, and Dolly Kennerly.

Letter from Supply HEART HEALTH, continued on page 6

easy for some and challenging for many, especially in times of stress and uncertainty like this past year. Our heart and emotional well-being are intimately connected. When we are bombarded with negative states of mind, i.e., depression, anxiety, loneliness, and chronic stress, it affects our heart health. During this pandemic and current world events, we may tend to see things through a filter that exacerbates stress and negativity. I have had to battle with this filter, myself. My way of combating this has been to regularly maintain my gratitude list. You can do this through journaling or mentally at night before retiring or upon waking. I take a few moments to think about my day, week, or overall life and find things that I am grateful for. It can be people in my life, events that occurred or were averted, activities, personal challenges or triumphs, life’s bigs and smalls (like that delicious piece of chocolate I had earlier). I add these to my gratitude pages so I can reflect on them when my filter gets clogged with negativity. Doing this has helped me feel more balanced, appreciative of the gifts that surround me, and it’s reminded me to like and love others (and myself) more deeply. On the flip side, it has also opened me up to feel the pain and loss of important people in my life. I can feel that pain as it passes through my mind, heart, and body, enabling me to acknowledge the love in that relationship. I believe that this is heart health at its healing best. Spiritual heart health is both an individual and collective experience. If you’re connected with a faith community, you can reach out to those beliefs for support, guidance, and inspiration. When I think of my “spiritual heart,” I connect with some basics such as living by the Golden Rule, asking for forgiveness, and forgiving others (and myself, when necessary). I ask the question, “Am I sharing with and giving to those in need?” As we share the month of February, together and apart, my wish for you is that you can do it in a heart-healthy way. I invite you to share in filling your cups with the love, laughter, and music of the beloved Hired Hands Band. Come join us virtually to talk and share on Let’s Chat days. Learn Tai Chi movements and their mindful meaning

One way to replenish heart health is to get outdoors in nature, and it’s a safer activity for the pandemic. “It’s the ‘natural trifecta,’” says Supply Center Director Melissa Starr.

with Jillian in our new Tai Chi for Arthritis virtual class. Check out the new exercise classes that we are offering. Celebrate Black History Month with us and the North Carolina Museum of History at Tune in to Mallory for Try It out Tuesday and Wellness Wednesday, and while you’re there, check out the creative virtual crafting classes that will lift up your spirits and improve your day. Get out in nature to share the fresh air (where you can socially distance more easily), enjoying the natural beauty that surrounds us at our parks and beaches. I call this the “natural trifecta” as it cleanses, stimulates, and restores us on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Until we are together again, stay safe, stay healthy, and keep on keeping on.

Melissa Starr, Director The Brunswick Center at Supply



oronavirus vaccine is available in Brunswick County, but supplies are limited. Check the Brunswick County Coronavirus web pages for updated information about this quickly-changing vaccination schedule. At publication time, Group 1 and Group 2 are eligible

to get a vaccine. Group 1: Health care workers & long-term care staff and residents  

Health care workers with in-person patient contact Long-term care staff and residents—people in skilled nursing facilities, adult care homes, and continuing care retirement communities

Group 2: Older adults  Anyone 65 years or older, regardless of health status or living situation The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services website can answer many of your questions about coronavirus, the vaccine, and other COVID-19 concerns. Learn about:  Who is eligible for vaccines 

Development, safety and effectiveness of vaccines

Other ways to avoid catching COVID-19

You can’t catch COVID-19 from the shot, and the vaccination is free to all.


Shop BSRI Thrift Stores! By Mike McGurn Thrift Store Operations Manager


SRI Thrift Store customers have yet another chance to save with Thrift Trivia Thursdays! This will be an ongoing weekly game giving customers a chance to save 10% on their entire purchase every Thursday by answering our Weekly Trivia Question. To get 10% off, find the trivia question on our News Page,, and name our online store’s manager Special of the Week, which can be found in our Online Store,

SHOP our BSRI thrift stores for the best selection! Two locations:

We will also bring back our popular Valentine's Day Gift Basket Raffle in both stores. If you spend $10 or more from Feb. 1 to 13, you will be entered into a drawing to win a gift basket valued at $200, donated by Brent Smith, owner of Guardian Logistics in Durham.

10001 Beach Dr. Calabash

The drawing will be at 5 p.m. Feb. 13, and the baskets will be available for immediate pickup that evening.

5302 Main Street Shallotte

Attention Facebook friends of our BSRI Thrift Store Calabash, Shallotte, and Online Store pages! We are combining our three pages into one main page that will serve both stores and our online store as well.

SHOP ONLINE: DONATE your extra items to help senior programs and services in Brunswick County! For free pickup, call (910) 712-6458 VOLUNTEER at our thrift stores— it’s fun! Apply online at

Please like our new combined page so you can get all of our posts and info on our sales and latest arrivals. Thanks for your support.


Kathy Breen’s Tuesday Zoom Zumba class is off to a good start at their first class in 2021. Check out our Virtual Programming Calendar to see all the classes available online, and join the fun!

Photo by Holley Norris


n these trying times, the need to help Brunswick County children is great.

A Guardian ad Litem advocate is a trained community volunteer who is appointed, along with a Guardian ad Litem attorney, by a judge to investigate and determine the needs of abused and neglected children. Throughout North Carolina, the Guardian ad Litem Program seeks to serve the best interests of thousands of children who find themselves the subjects of court cases. The program exists in every county throughout the state, and with the help of more than 5,300 volunteers, serves more than 18,000 children a year. Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity where you will impact the lives of abused or neglected children in your community? The Guardian ad Litem Program is starting a new virtual volunteer training on Tuesday, Feb. 2. Complete an application online at or call (910) 253-4532 for more information.



Black History Month


Culture and Conservation in Brunswick County By Patti Quilliam


n antebellum plantations stretching along the coast from Pender County to St. Johns County, Florida, enslaved people developed a unique and vibrant culture. In the post-Civil War period, many of these Gullah Geechee people settled in isolated coastal counties. The isolation of these communities contributed to the survival of their folklore, music, arts, crafts, and language. Gullah Geechee culture continues to flourish today, and in 2006 the U.S. Congress established the Gullah Geechee Heritage Corridor, a 1300-mile expanse spanning four states, to preserve and celebrate the history and contributions of this culture. Brunswick County, which lies at the northern end of the corridor, is now in the planning stages to develop its own part of the corridor and combine it with the East Coast Greenways Alliance project, whose route overlaps with the corridor.

Take a Walk Through History The concept behind this ambitious undertaking, spearheaded by the local chapter of the NAACP, is to combine recreational space for walkers, hikers, bicyclists, and paddlers with historical sites along the 30-to 50-mile trail from Navassa, along Route 133, to Southport. Brunswick County NAACP chapter president Carl Parker, who traces his Gullah Geechee ancestry back to the 1840s, is enthusiastic about the project. “Folks will learn more than they ever knew before,� Parker says, noting that most people are unaware of the Gullah Geechee roots that lie deep in Brunswick County soil.

A Museum in Navassa The proposed Moze Gullah Geechee Museum and Heritage Center in Navassa will preserve the stories of enslaved people who worked the rice plantations and enable visitors to learn about the role of the Gullah

Black History Month Geechee in Brunswick County history. Parker envisions the museum as a place that will “open a door into historical insight and foresight”—not only where people have been, but where they are going. He foresees that the museum will offer exhibits, demonstrations, and classes in traditional arts and crafts, most of which have faded over time in this area. Perhaps, he predicts, this will lead to a renaissance of the Gullah Geechee culture in Brunswick County.

Numerous sites along the trail will provide a more personal look at Gullah Geechee history. In addition to slave cemeteries and the sites of long-gone rice plantations, the Reaves Chapel in Navassa will be a focus of the trail. Constructed in 1866 by formerly enslaved people and in use until 2005, the Reaves Chapel is one of the most historically significant religious structures in the Cape Fear region. For generations it was the heart of the religious community for African Americans who settled in the area. Several years after it was abandoned, former parishioners formed the Cedar Hill/West Bank Heritage Foundation to try to save the church. They partnered with the North Carolina Coastal Land Trust, who purchased the church in March of 2019 with funding provided by the Orton Foundation. When restoration is complete, the chapel will serve as a site for community events as well as being a legacy to the Gullah Geechee people who founded it. In June 2020, the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution in support of the

The Brunswick County portion of the Gullah Geechee Heritage Corridor will be a 30-to 50-mile trail from Navassa to Southport, says Brunswick County NAACP chapter president Carl Parker. Parker traces his Gullah Geechee ancestry back to the 1840s.

project. While the pandemic has slowed many things down, plans are still ongoing. Fundraising is a priority for getting the project off the ground; grant writing and a search for funding from national and state sources are currently underway. Local fundraising efforts such as a proposed festival are being explored for the postpandemic future. Carl Parker acknowledges that the project won’t be completed quickly; each aspect of it will develop over time. One thing is certain: This effort to conserve cultural heritage and protect the environment will add a richer dimension to the many things Brunswick County has to offer residents and visitors.

Photos courtesy Brunswick County NAACP

Reaves Chapel in Navassa will be an important historical site along the Gullah Geechee Trail. The beloved church is being restored by the Cedar Hill/ West Bank Heritage Foundation in partnership with the Coastal Land Trust and donors such as Orton Foundation and Historic Wilmington Foundation. Learn more here.

In the Garden

By Pat Naughton


ebruary is a time to fantasize about this year’s garden. I enjoy looking at newly arrived seed catalogs and hoping that this is the year my garden will look like that. My hopes are seldom fulfilled. Here are few tips to get your garden off to a good start. Discard seeds that are more than three years old. Germination decreases as the seed ages. Generally, seeds older than three years are not viable. You can do an internet search on specific seeds or do a test. To test seed germination, place 10 seeds on a moist paper towel then fold the paper towel over the seeds and place in a ziplock bag. Place the bag in a warm location for three to five days. Then check to see how many have started to sprout. Some seeds may take 10 days to germinate.

Buy seeds that are suited for Brunswick County’s hardiness zone, 8b. I prefer to purchase seeds from local nurseries or order from nurseries in the southeast region. Heirlooms seeds are noted for producing vegetables with better flavor but haven’t been bred for resistance to disease. Hybrid seeds are the product of two different but compatible plants that are crossed by breeders to create a new variety. The goal is to produce plants with traits like early maturity, disease resistance, improved vigor, or a larger yield.

Photo by Vitezslav Vylicil

Dreaming about next year’s perfect garden is part of the fun of winter. Get your plants off to a good start with these tips for your 2021 seeds.

You never know what this summer’s conditions are going to be. Some plants do better in hot dry conditions, and some can tolerant wet conditions. Plant a variety of the same crop to improve your chances of having a successful yield no matter what the weather.

Germination begins when seed dormancy is broken. Dormancy can be regulated by environmental conditions such as moisture, temperature, and light. It can also be inhibited by the seed itself. This type of dormancy can be external, seed coat, or internal. Some seeds have a hard coat to prevent water from entering and beginning germination before environmental conditions are conducive to growing. Any process of breaking, scratching, or mechanically altering the seed coat to make it permeable to water and gases is known as scarification.

Seeds such as sweet peas, beans, spinach, and summer squash will benefit from scarification. This can be done with a nail file or sandpaper to nick the coating and reveal the lighter-colored innards of the seed. Soak the seeds overnight. After they swell, immediately plant them in a growing medium. Internal dormancy is regulated by seed tissue. Many vegetable seeds have shallow dormancy, and no special treatment is necessary. Seeds for many perennials need a period of cold moist conditions to break dormancy. This is called stratification.

Start seeds in a fine, well-aerated growing medium. Moisten the medium before planting. After planting seeds, water from the bottom so the seeds are not disturbed. The soil should be moist but not overly wet. Place the TRANSPLANT, continued on page 29

Happy Valentine’s Day

By Joan Leotta


bouquet of red roses is a standard expression of love on Valentine’s Day. However, sending roses at this time of year is usually quite expensive, and it’s not the only floral alternative. A quick perusal of the book A Victorian Flower Dictionary by Mandy Kirk reveals many choices. From Kirk’s notes, I’ve selected three non-rose floral options and two bits of greenery that express love. These are generally available at local florist and supermarkets..

Carnation. This clove-scented ruffle-petaled little bloom has been associated with love since ancient Roman times. It was popular during the Renaissance, when aristocratic couples posed for paintings while holding a carnation. The red carnation is an avowal of strong, passionate love and white signifies that the couple is betrothed. Iris. The iris has also since ancient times symbolized good tidings, which makes this flower a good

accompaniment to a love-filled card. In classical mythology, Iris was goddess of the rainbow linking heaven and earth, a messenger between the two. Her robes, like her rainbows, are colorful, and her message, like that of the rainbow, is hope. Tulip. This flower, a common harbinger of spring in our gardens, was once even more expensive than roses. When tulips were first brought to Europe in the 16th century from Constantinople, they were a rare commodity, and far more pricey than other flowers. In Holland in the 17th century, entire fortunes were made and lost on the tulip bulb. The red tulip signifies passion. Fortunately, today, you can buy red tulips even in the grocery store, without taking out a second mortgage.

Ivy, often used in bouquets in Victorian times, symbolizes true love, great friendship, and fidelity. Many garden shops, florists, and supermarkets offer small potted ivy plants. Rosemary, the herb of remembrance, can be purchased as a plant and grows well outdoors in our climate. A gift of a rosemary

plant, or even placing a sprig of rosemary into a card, says, “Remember me always.”

If your heart is set on giving the red, red rose, then consider these costsaving options:    

A single rose A potted miniature red rose Silk or paper roses, singly or in a bouquet Rose-scented perfumes, soaps, or lotions

Remember, love is for more than one day. Thoughtful deeds for your beloved are the truest loving message we can offer.

Best Bites

By Mallory Balice Wellness Program Manager


n 2020, we faced challenges with the pandemic which may have caused stress. Our everyday routines were at a standstill and normalcy was absent. Even though the pandemic may have caused irregularity, it also brought silver linings. As we look forward to 2021, it’s important to celebrate successes and look ahead for hope. Here are four resolutions we can benefit from in the new year:

Life itself can be flexible. Most of us typically operate with a routine, but the pandemic showed us that things can change fast. Even though things change, keep a mindset that everything will still be okay.

The pandemic was a stressful situation for most of us. Staying positive is essential for being happy. Focus on positive actions to bring happiness to your life and also manifest it to others.

Accepting change is a big step and embracing it allows us to adjust to things easily. The more we deal with change, the easier it will be.

Living the quarantine life, many of us endured by learning new hobbies that we may not have had time to do before the pandemic. Hobbies help us learn new skills and take time for ourselves. Not to mention, it can help distract our minds.

Read All About It

By Donna Ruth Morgan


inter and the pandemic continue this February, so we’re grateful for the company of books. This month we look at books by Black authors, an overview of the planet, and some Western escapism. I first enjoyed Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred when it was released in 1979. Its 2020 reissue brings this genre-bending fantasy/ antebellum historical fiction the attention it deserves as a classic. Time travel, ancestry, and women in slavery are an eclectic, intriguing mix. Nutshell review: The topic of slavery is presented in a unique fashion, but graphic brutality and violence may disturb some readers.

My appreciation for Terry McMillan’s first novel, Waiting to Exhale, made me gladly anticipate her 2020 It's Not All Downhill from Here. The target audience is older women with health and family issues, but these themes unfortunately are repeated ad nauseum. A slow start and rather predictable characters are offset by

the story of survival amid a supporting tribe. Nutshell review: A strong, sassy protagonist makes this a worthwhile read. A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future by Sir David Attenborough (2020) is a semiautobiographical doomsday countdown. The illustrations are grim indictments of how humans have decimated the environment, but the author’s expertise distills complex scenarios into digestible bits. This is a well-researched, easy-to-read narrative about the existential crisis facing us. Nutshell review: Recommendations for sustainability offer salvation for our planet and our species. Just released as a motion picture, News of the World by Paulette Jiles (2016) is a short western set in postCivil War Texas. Historical facts, detailed descriptions of the harsh landscape, and the challenges of the journey create an immediacy for the storyline. The style of not differentiating between dialog and internal thoughts was a bit confusing. Nutshell review: Sloppy editing impacts enjoyment of this evocative story.

You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read.

~James Baldwin


Ash Senior Site / SHIIP Ash Senior Nutrition Site Activity Calendar

Calendar is subject to change Teresa Nelson, Director Waccamaw Community Building 5859 Waccamaw School Road, Ash, NC 29420 Call 910-754-7636 For Reservations Operating Hours: 9:30 am.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Lunch Served at noon







09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Puzzles Rummikub

09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Puzzles Rummikub

09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Bingo 01:00 Puzzles




09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Puzzles Rummikub

09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Puzzles Rummikub

09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Bingo 01:00 Puzzles




09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Puzzles Rummikub

09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Puzzles Rummikub

09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Bingo 01:00 Puzzles




09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Puzzles Rummikub

09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Puzzles Rummikub

09:30 Puzzles 10:45 Exercises 11:30 Stretch 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Bingo 01:00 Puzzles


Boiling Spring Lakes Senior Site

BSRI Nutrition Program at Boiling Spring Lakes Parks & Recreation Department 1 Leeds Road Boiling Spring Lakes, NC 28461 910-363-0018

February 2021 Monday


BSRI Nutrition Program Operating Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 910-754-2300 Program Information or 363-0018

*For more info call or email Sara at 910-363-0276 or* **Schedule is Subject to Change** Tuesday




1 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life

2 10am Silver Sneakers Stability

3 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life


5 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life

8 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life

9 10am Silver Sneakers Stability

10 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life


12 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life

15 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life

16 10am Silver Sneakers Stability

17 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life


19 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life

22 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life

23 10am Silver Sneakers Stability

24 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life


26 9am Move & Groove 10am Fit 4 Life

“If you know whence you came, there is really no limit to where you can go.” —James Baldwin



The Brunswick Center at Calabash 10050 Beach Dr. SW Calabash, NC 28467 910-754-7427

Courtney Bledsoe, Director Holley Norris, Assistant Director

Staff on Site: Monday - Friday 8:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.

WE STILL HAVE COOKBOOKS FOR SALE! If you are interested in purchasing one, please click HERE. Your purchase will truly make a difference! Cookbooks are only $20 & are filled with several special & tasteful recipes, some being over 100 years old!

Phone Pal Program February 2nd: Groundhog Day If the groundhog sees his shadow (sunny day), there’ll be 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t (cloudy day), spring is right around the corner! Click HERE to see cute groundhog footage!

February 4th: Thank a Mailman Day

Leave something in or on your mailbox for them or simply give them a big “THANK YOU” when they come by. Click HERE to see one’s day made!

February 7th: Send a Card to a Friend Day

We all are missing our friends from the Center. Send someone a card & make their day!

This program is designed to help reduce isolation. Each person who signs up to receive a call will be matched with a trained volunteer. This helps us make sure you are okay at home, all while you make a new friend & have fun conversation! Contact us if you would like to be a caller (volunteer) OR a receiver.

February 9th: National Pizza Day

Support your local Italian restaurant! Click HERE for listings & to view menus.

February 14th: National Organ Donor Day & Valentine’s Day

Donating your organs can save multiple lives! If you aren’t yet an organ donor, you can sign up at this website:

February 17th: National Acts of Kindness Day Do something kind for someone...anyone! Click HERE to see others being kind ♥

February 20th: Love Your Pet Day

In honor of your pet, donate to your local animal shelter/rescue! Click HERE to visit their website.

February 28th: National Chili Day

Cook up a pot to warm you up & share with someone. Click HERE for 12 award-winning recipes!

February 10th at 9:30 on Zoom Grab your favorite cup of joe (or tea) & join us for a lighthearted chat! We miss you all & would love to see your faces & just check in on you ♥ Meeting ID: 385 100 1934 Passcode: CAC10050


Oak Island Senior Site

FEBRUARY 2021 47th Street Oak Island, NC 28461 Call 910-278-3622 or 278-6552


910-754-2300 for Reservations Rodney, Stephanie & Sam, Community Center Assistants Operating Hours: Mondays through Thursdays 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Senior Activity Calendar February 2021 Tuesday



(Subject to Change)



1 9am Trip to Wal Mart 10:30 Pool Pals 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Rummikub 12:30pm Social Time 1:30 Board Games

2 10:00 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:15 Sit & Be Fit 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO 1:30 Card Games

3 10:00 am Social Time 10:30 Pool Pals 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Rummikub 12:30pm Social Time

4 8am Sr. Errands 10:00 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:15 Sit & Be Fit/Yoga 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO

8 9am Trip to Wal Mart 10:30 Pool Pals 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Rummikub 12:30pm Social Time 1:30 Board Games

9 10:00 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:15 Sit & Be Fit 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO 1:30 Board Games

10 10:00 am Social Time 10:30 Pool Pals 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Rummikub 12:30pm Social Time

11 8am Sr. Errands 10:00 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:30 Valen ne’s Party 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO

15 9am Trip to Wal Mart 10:30 Pool Pals 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Rummikub 12:30pm Social Time 1:30 Board Games

16 10:00 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:15 Sit & Be Fit 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO 1:30 Board Games

17 10:00 am Social Time 10:30 Pool Pals 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Rummikub 12:30pm Social Time

18 8am Sr. Errands 10:00 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:15 Sit & Be Fit/Yoga 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO

22 Flag Day 9am Trip to Wal Mart 10:30 Pool Pals 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Rummikub 12:30pm Social Time 1:30 Board Games

23 10:00 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:15 Sit & Be Fit 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO 1:30 Board Games

24 10:00 am Social Time 10:30 Pool Pals 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm Rummikub 12:30pm Social Time

25 8am Sr. Errands 10:00 am Rummikub 10:30 Playing Pool 11:15 Sit & Be Fit/Yoga 11:45 am Senior Lunch 12:30 pm BINGO

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Allan Doelp2/20 Jocelyn M. 2/22 Mary M. 2/23 Rita Bratton 2/24


BRUNSWICK SENIOR BUZZ 121 Town Hall Drive NE Leland, NC 28451 910-754-7701

The Brunswick Center at Leland ~An NC Certified Senior Center of Excellence~ Veronica Lett-McGee, Director Jade Robinson, Assistant Director

FEBRUARY 2021 Center Hours Mondays 8a - 5p Tues - Fri 8a - 4p

Leland Center Updates! Outdoor Ac vi es Stay tuned to email updates from Leland’s Asst. Director, Jade, about socially distanced ac vi es, weather permi ng! If you need to sign up for emails, send us your info at

Virtual Programs Don’t forget about our virtual programs to start those New Year ‘s Resolu ons! Click the icons below to check us out on YouTube, Facebook, or at

The Brunswick Center at Leland 121 Town Hall Drive NE Leland, NC 28451 910-754-7701

~An NC Certified Senior Center of Excellence~ Veronica Lett-McGee, Director Jade Robinson, Assistant Director

Center Hours Mondays 8a - 5p Tues - Fri 8a - 4p

Looking Back on Valentine’s Day...

We Love & Miss You ALL So Much! Xoxo Are you interested in Participating in... Zoom Trees? Phone Calls? Pen Pals? Contact Assistant Center Director & CTRS, Jade Robinson Phone: (910) 754-2300 Email:



The Brunswick Center at Shallotte


Monthly Calendar MONDAY












Don't forget Valentines Day is this Sunday!

Clean Out Your Computer Day



Thank Your Mailman Day

Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day 8










Half price chocolates!


1Contributions Always Welcome

*Boost available

for purchase*


3620 Express Drive Shallotte, NC 28470 910-754-2300 1002

The Brunswick Center at Shallotte —An NC Certified Senior Center of Excellence— Teresa Nelson, Center Director Blair Stanley, Assistant Director



Center Hours: Wednesday Mon., Tues., 7:00am Thurs., Friday 4:00pm 7:00am - 3:00pm

Poetry Corner

If Thou Must Love Me By Elizabeth Barre Browning If thou must love me, let it be for naught Except for love’s sake only. Do not say I love her for her smile—her look—her way Of speaking gently,—for a trick of thought That falls in well with mine, and certes brought A sense of pleasant ease on such a day’— For these things in themselves, Beloved, may Be changed, or change for thee,— and love, so wrought, May be unwrought so. Neither love me for Thine own dear pity’s wiping my cheeks dry,— A creature might forget to weep, who bore Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby! But love me for love’s sake, that evermore Thou may’st love on, through love's eternity.

We had such a wonderful time distributing the Christmas gifts this year for our Senior Stockings!

The Brunswick Center at Shallotte 3620 Express Drive Shallotte, NC 28470 910-754-2300 1002

—An NC Certified Senior Center of Excellence— Teresa Nelson, Center Director Blair Stanley, Assistant Director

Center Hours: Wednesday Mon., Tues., 7:00am Thurs., Friday 4:00pm 7:00am - 3:00pm

When asked how she’d made it and what her secret was, she replied, “ Just keep moving. I never thought I’d have made it this far, but the Lord has been so good to me!” We love you, Ms. Virgie!


ACROSS 1. Sell illegally 6. Crime scene evidence 9. "From California to the New York Island," e.g. 13. Berth deck in relation to poop deck 14. Poetic over 15. Chocolate cake ingredient 16. Like Solitaire player 17. Go a-courting 18. Packing 19. *"Go Tell It on the Mountain" author 21. *South Africa's first black president 23. Bag, Ă Paris 24. Schooner pole 25. #1 on Billboards Chart, e.g. 28. One way to memorize 30. *Civil rights activist and Ferguson opponent 35. Single pip cards 37. Give a shot of novocaine 39. Call forth 40. Long John Silver's walk 41. Sauna product 43. Dashing style 44. Pariah, for medical reasons 46. Back arrow key 47. As opposed to gross 48. Kane and Goldberg, TV characters 50. Georgia ____ university 52. Poseidon's domain 53. MXN, as in currency 55. Snowman Olaf's favorite thing 57. *2019 eponymous movie character 61. Errand runner, at court 65. Matter of debate 66. Harry Potter's Hedwig 68. Ineffectual vomiting 69. Giblets part 70. *Famous movie director, Spike 71. Ruhr's industrial center

72. Played at military funerals 73. Flow alternative 74. Nostradamus and such DOWN 1. Hunk of something 2. Flavored with kola nuts 3. Absent without leave 4. Gives a helping hand 5. Antebellum 6. Pillow filler 7. ____colonial or ____classical 8. Oven emanation? 9. Lady's man 10. Ne plus ultra 11. Famous Coward 12. Man Ray's genre 15. Back of a saddle 20. Popular Byzantine artwork 22. Nile viper 24. Reminder of times past 25. *First African American to win Best Actress Oscar 26. More slippery 27. Allegro and lento, in music 29. *Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1984 31. Like fair share 32. Arch and ball location, pl. 33. *On Debi Thomas' foot when she won Olympic medal 34. Busybody, in Yiddish 36. Work detail 38. Bid, past tense 42. Coffee shop order 45. D'Artagnan's weapon of choice 49. Get the picture 51. *Harlem Renaissance poet 54. Fur shawl 56. Canada flyers 57. Handle of #45 Down 58. Most populous continent 59. Invitation request 60. Regrets 61. Commoner 62. Diamond's corner 63. Walkie-talkie word 64. Japanese money, pl. 67. *Du Bois




BRUNSWICK SENIOR BUZZ 1513 N. Howe St., Ste. 1 Southport, NC 28461 Phone 910-754-7109

The Brunswick Center at Southport ~An NC Certified Senior Center of Excellence~ Melissa Catlett, Director Jackie Knott, Assistant Director

Calendar of Na onal Senior Events & Observances


Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Surprise your Valentine on Sunday, February 14th!

Click photos below to learn more information about these special dates in February 2021! National Senior Independence Month

Black History Month

Read. Learn. Celebrate.

everybody’s talking about it...

N a t io n a l S p a y / N eu t er M o nt h

Click image to find a place near you to give the gi of life.

Promoting Independent Living

American Heart Month

American Heart Associa on


The Brunswick Center at Southport

1513 N. Howe St., Ste. 1 Southport, NC 28461 Phone 910-754-7109


~An NC Certified Senior Center of Excellence~ Melissa Catlett, Director Jackie Knott, Assistant Director

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Virtual Programming Opportunities

Click the logo above to check out the Brunswick Senior Resources YouTube channel, chock full of videos in areas of exercise, health and wellness, cra s, recipes and other fun topics!

And Don’t Forget our Facebook Page! Click Here

Why Not Send A Few Valentine’s Card This Year? Do you remember the excitement of Valentine’s Day in elementary school and high school? Remember when you pondered whether to send cute Susie or handsome Jimmy a Valentine’s card, or possibly to write them a secret note to slip unnoticed into their mail cubby? And then on Valentine’s Day, hearts pounded as classmates eagerly checked their mail cubby for cards from secret admirers who were too shy to announce their feelings in person. This year, why not decide to make someone you know feel special on Valentine’s Day? These days, its easy to show your Valentines how much you care. First, stop in your local greeting cards store or pharmacy and look through the selection of Valentine’s Day cards. Look for cards that make you laugh, or that have just the right personal message you want to convey to your Valentine(s). Next, consider whether giving candy or flowers might be the right added touch to underscore your feelings about your Valentine. Finally, take a moment to write a short note inside your card(s) about why your Valentine is special to you. This year, promise yourself to send a card or gift to your favorite Valentine. It will make them feel very special that you made the time and effort to please them, and by remembering your special person it will warm your own heart as well.


The Brunswick Center at Southport 1513 N. Howe St., Ste. 1 Southport, NC 28461 Phone 910-754-7109

~An NC Certified Senior Center of Excellence~ Melissa Catlett, Director Jackie Knott, Assistant Director

Holiday Leftovers– Comfort and Joy In our January issue, we showcased the amazing donations made by the St. James Service Club, No Hungry Child, and our very own Southport sewing volunteer group. Before our holiday break, some Southport Center elves delivered gift cards, food bags and handmade bunnies and bears to more than 50 of our homebound seniors. The reactions were overwhelming, from lots of smiles to tears of happiness. These beautiful gifts and gestures of kindness were well-received by Meals on Wheels participants. The Southport center staff would like to extend a huge thank you to Betty Devins and the St. James Service Club “Cindy’s Angels” for the generous gift cards, Bob Miller with No Hungry Child for the food bags, and Sherry Ross and her group of volunteers, who worked tirelessly on sewing the beautiful bunnies and bears. Also thank you to our amazing community for all of your donations. The smiles these items brought were priceless. Our hearts are full.

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

BSRI News / Puzzles TRANSPLANT, continued from page 6

container in a plastic bag to keep the soil moist and place away from sunlight. After the seeds have germinated, move the flats to a well-lighted location; the temperature should be 65째 to 70째F during the day and 55째 to 60째F at night. This prevents soft, leggy growth and minimizes disease problems. After the seedlings germinate place them in a south-facing window or under a grow light lamp. The light should be 6 inches above the plant and provide 16 hours of light daily. Plants under these conditions can become long and stringy. To promote a sturdy stem, use an oscillating fan to blow sweeping air across the plants. After the threat of frost has passed, gradually harden off the plants by placing them outside for two hours on day one; six hours on day two; and overnight on day three. After they are hardened off, transplant the plants to the garden and watch your fantasies come true. More information on seed propagation can be found in the NC Extension Gardener Handbook, available at NC State Extension Publications.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska


The Brunswick Center at Supply 101 Stone Chimney Road Supply, NC 910-754-7604

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday 8 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Melissa Starr, Director Jillian Hardin, Assistant Director

FEBRUARY 2021 - ZOOM Schedule Monday





Let's Chat February 8 @ 2:00 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 935 4446 4207

Yoga w/ Emily 9:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 917 5676 6774

Tai Chi w/ Jillian 9:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 960 5535 2995

Tai Chi w/ Jillian 9:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 994 4771 9209

Chair Yoga w/ Mary Beth 10:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 910 8435 5016

Pilates w/ Nancy 10:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 985 2794 0572

Seated Tabata w/ Angela 10:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 983 5560 8784

Balance-Core-Strength w/ Nancy 10:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 992 5733 9395

Cardio/Muscle Fusion 11:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 987 1685 6134

Hired Hands Band February 10 @ 11:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 949 7811 5127

Each Zoom class *(besides Let’s Chat and Hired Hands band) will be reoccurring in February. Each class now has the same meeting link during November. *Regarding at home activities and programs shared in this calendar. Individuals who choose to utilize these resources to exercise, stretch, etc. assume any and all risk of accident or injury that may occur from participation. Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. (BSRI), its staff, instructors, volunteers and representatives shall be held harmless and not liable for any claim, demand, cause of action of any kind whatsoever. If you are unsure a program is appropriate for you based on physical ability, previous

injury, etc. please seek a doctor’s

advice before participating.

In order for The Brunswick Center at Supply to have a record of your agreement, please click here, acknowledge that you have read the disclaimer, type your name and email to Jillian. We will print the email to keep on file. If you are not a member of BSRI Supply Center, please click here to complete a Client Registration Form. You can mail, scan or arrange to drop off the completed form so that we can issue your membership ID. Thank you!

The Brunswick Center at Supply 101 Stone Chimney Road Supply, NC 910-754-7604

Melissa Starr, Director Jillian Hardin, Assistant Director

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday 8 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

You’re Invited! Join the Hired Hands Band, LIVE at the Supply Center, for our Very first Valentine’s Day Dance! Coming to you, right in your own living room! When: February 10, 2021 Where: Zoom!!! Time: 11:00 a.m. Register here: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 949 7811 5127

Check Out our New Zoom Classes!

Tai Chi for Arthritis w/ Jillian

10:00 a.m. Chair Yoga w/ Mary Beth Mondays @ 10:00 a.m. Learn yoga stretches and poses

Wednesdays and Thursdays Cardio/Muscle Fusion

@ 9:00 a.m.

W/ Mary Beth

Our newest program, Tai Chi

Mondays @ 11:00 a.m.

while sitting in a chair or standing to maintain joint flexibility

for Arthritis, helps improve balance both mentally and

This class combines muscle

physically. It offers relaxa-

and tone muscles. Modifications

strengthening and low impact

tion techniques, vitality,

will be provided to address any

cardio moves for a total body

improved posture, and

physical issues. No experience

workout. Light weights are

immunity. Studies show that

is needed. Chair Yoga will begin

used (2, 3, or 4 lbs.). All moves

Tai Chi for Arthritis helped

with breathing and a guided

are done standing.

reduce falls. Tai Chi for

meditation and end with

Modifications will be provided.

Arthritis is a program

savasana (yoga relaxation).

designed by Dr. Paul Lam.



101 Stone Chimney Road Supply, NC 910-754-7604

The Brunswick Center at Supply Melissa Starr, Director Jillian Hardin, Assistant Director


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday 8 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

So Fresh! So Clean!!

Thank You!! A+ Pro Services, Inc. for donating your time and talent , doing a fantastic job of cleaning all of Supply Center's windows, inside and out, at Christmas time.

Black History Month honors the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history. Among prominent figures are Madam C.J. Walker, who was the first U.S. woman to become a self-made millionaire, and George Washington Carver who derived nearly 300 products from the peanut. Click here for more black history facts. The North Carolina Museum of History offers great virtual programming for Black History Month. Check it out

This year, Chinese New Year falls on Friday, February 12th. The event, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is China's most important festival. It is time for families to be together and a week of an official public holiday. We plan to enjoy Chinese New Year, year of the Ox! If you participate in our Nutrition program, expect a sweet treat on Monday, February 8! Click on the picture for more information about the Chinese New Year. This year, Ash Wednesday will fall on Sunday, February 17. This Christian holy day of fasting, sacrifice, and prayer is an event that falls six weeks before Easter. During this time, Christians limit their food intake to signify their recognition of Christ’s 40-day, 40-night fast as recounted in the Gospels. Click here for a history of Ash Wednesday.


What’s for Lunch? Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. Provides Nutritionally Balanced Meals for Seniors


*Menus subject to change*






1 Spaghetti w/ meat sauce Steamed mixed vegetables Carrot raisin salad Fresh orange Breadstick Milk 2% 8 Pork tenderloin w/ mushroom gravy Mashed potatoes Peas and pearl onions Baked apples Dinner roll Milk 2%

2 Chicken pot pie Peas and carrots White rice Applesauce Milk 2%

3 Garlic pork chop Scalloped potatoes Black eye peas Dinner roll Apple cobbler Milk 2%

4 Turkey Mexican casserole Dilled carrots Green salad Mandarin oranges Milk 2%

Friday 5 Cheddar cheese omelet Sausage links Hash brown patty Wheat toast Fresh orange Milk 2%

9 Sliced turkey breast w/gravy Sweet potato souffle Turnip greens w/ onions Apple cranberry chutney Dinner roll Milk 2%

10 Beef & Mac casserole Lima beans Capri vegetable blend Chocolate chip cookie Breadstick 100% fruit juice Milk 2%

11 Marinated chicken breast Roasted cauliflower Mac & Cheese Apricots Cherry cobbler Dinner roll Milk 2%

12 Lemon pepper fish Roasted red potatoes California blend vegetables Jello w/ fruit Dinner roll Milk 2%

15 Hawaiian chicken Brown rice Capri vegetable blend Diced pears Dinner roll Milk 2%

16 Baked penne w/ beef Roasted Brussels sprouts Fresh apple Bread stick Milk 2%

17 Pork bbq sandwich Coleslaw Potato wedges Fresh banana Oatmeal cookie Milk 25

18 Brunswick stew White rice Steamed carrots Cornbread muffin Peach cobbler Milk 2%

19 Cajun chicken pasta Steamed broccoli Pineapple coconut crisp Breadstick Milk 2%

22 Baked chicken breast w/ mushroom gravy Roasted baby red potatoes Spinach Au Gratin Diced peaches Wheat roll Milk 2%

23 Mississippi roast White rice Okra & tomatoes Diced pears Dinner roll

24 Green pepper casserole Green beans Fruit cocktail Dinner roll Milk 2%

25 Creamy pesto chicken pasta Steamed broccoli Pineapple tidbits Breadstick Milk 2%

26 Parmesan crusted fish Mac and Cheese Collard greens Mandarin oranges Dinner roll Milk 2%




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PUT YOUR BUSINESS IN FRONT OF NEWCOMERS AND NEW BUSINESSES! Welcome Service LLC is the only welcoming service that personally welcomes newcomers and new businesses to New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender Counties.

Call Nancy Wilcox at 910-470-0286

BUZZ Advertise with the Buzz! Reach 10,000 readers throughout Brunswick County with an ad in the Brunswick Senior Buzz! For more information, contact: (910) 754-2300 Anita Langin Shelagh Clancy

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