heartfelt thanks is in order for our volunteers! We have had volunteers step up during this crisis. It has been no small task to undergo these changes to our day-to-day operations. Our volunteers have stayed with us, checked in to see how they could help, and new volunteer applications are still coming in from the community. We are flooded with the basic human greatness all around us. Our community has banded together and continued to move forward with live as best they can. Even during trying times, volunteers showing up has been the highlight to remind us of why we are able to move forward with our mission.
Our Volunteers have been such an amazing help this year, These are the total hours of volunteer time served at each center! Brunswick Center at Calabash- 7,970.68 volunteer hours Brunswick Center at Leland- 4,972.6 volunteer hours Brunswick Center at Southport- 4,966.18 volunteer hours Calabash Thrift- 4,796.98 volunteer hours Brunswick Center at Shallotte- 4,645.09 volunteer hours Brunswick Center at Supply- 4,195.65 volunteer hours Shallotte Thrift- 540.55 volunteer hours
Volunteers Needed: In preparation for our busiest summer months we are opening up spots for additional Meals on Wheels volunteers who will be backup drivers. We will also have spots available for once-a-week delivery drivers. Find out more about this engaging volunteer opportunity by going to the volunteer role descriptions on our website. https://bsrinc.org/volunteer-position-descriptions/ Contact Sarah Powell, BSRI Volunteer Coordinator at: spowell@bsrinc.org to find out how easy it is to join our team! Online applications can be filled out on our website, www.bsrinc.org/volunteer Or you can call (910) 880-2777