3 minute read
Where There Is No Law
Jordan Charlton
There is no need for cellphone video There is no need for validation There is no need for three officers There is no need for an autopsy There is no need for third degree There is no need for nationwide riots There is no need for boarded up windows There is no need for a state of emergency There is no need for buildings to be protected There is no need for clouds of tear gas There is no need for rubber bullets There is no need for the national guard There is no need for military presence There is no need for all these speeches There is no need for getting back to normal There is no need for any memory of normal There is no need for a right way to do or feel There is no need for making anything of this country There is no need for a knee on a person’s neck
Black Lives Matter Richie Bednarski
Burn *
Zac Brooks
Only got one life to live You should make what you believe When you open up your eyes Are you happy with what you see? Ya dreamin’ If you’re wanting ya know what’s real Dreamin’ Can’t ya tell we don’t have no feelin’s People Every shade, every shade, every size of you Have faith in me god in you If the words run over got truth Oh Made in the image with immaculate vision, Yeah One with the universe, got to be human first Yeah Made from the universe what cha think humans’ purpose is Got the keys to world peace If ya heard what I speak practice what I’m preachin’ I can tell this ain’t reachin’ And I pray that we make it But life ain’t cheap We done paid with our lives and still ain’t free Take all my taxes Kill me dead in the street This American dream Got me running for sleep I guess the cousin of death I’m just dying to live And if my last breath
Is singing these rifts Then I’ll accept it But until then I refuse to be oppressed or abuse, To even amuse that notion I got ancestors in the ocean We’ve been bent, beaten and broken I need my phone because it’s M.O. Singing til you feel it in your endorphins, Imma blow up in defendin’ an ocean Turning pigs into bacon in motion I need every single penny ya owe me Takin’ it from the police, Takin’ all that money and pour it in poor streets It’s a figure of speech but I’m smokin’ police Touch me or mine Imma realign the entire spine, Fist first Fuck the system til my dick hurts Turn the Crown Vic to a hearse Put some gas on it Watch it burn Watch it burn Watch it burn

*Editor’s note: This piece was transcribed by ear and lines may be incorrect or
missing in the written version, so please listen to the audio for the full submis-
*To listen, scan the QR Code or visit: https://youtu.be/ZxgG1hCVtc0

Black Lives Matter Richie Bednarski

Special Thanks
The Brushfire Team would like to express our deepest thanks to Jody Lykes and Kle Boyd for taking the time to meet with us and for sharing their voice. Kle devoted hours of her time to reviewing and discussing the artworks that comprise this Zine with us. She also played a major role in helping us identify central themes and shifts of tone which direct the flow of the narrative. Jody was there for us from day one to help get the word out about the zine, and he also provided critical feed back during the drafting process, aiding us in the effort to fine tune and develop the overall aesthetic and flavor of the zine. Of course, we would also like to express our gratitude to all of the artists who contributed their work to the zine and who kept in contact with us throughout this process. You all are the beating heart of this project. Without you it would not have been possible — thank you.