Her Magazine-Issue 1

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Be unabashedly unafraid to lift others up without the fear of competition or rejection.

Technology forTitleLeaders whowillshape thefuture.

ProactiveCommunication InformationExchange


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From the Editor Susan Stewart-Magana

Her. The Title Collective.

Welcome to Her magazine, where your voice matters. Her evolved from the growth and inspiration of the Women of Title community. This evolution takes the core values and founding principles of this community of women in the title insurance industry to new heights. This is a new collective where women can develop new connections, share their stories, build trust, and uplift one another all across the country... and most importantly to discover and amplify your unique voice in our field.

Her is the next phase of this professional community to amplify Title Her way. The goal is to boost the Women of Title beliefs and to share a new brand experience with the unique innovators, the classy executives and showcase that grit and out-of-the-box thinking is sexy and stylish all at the same time. The future of Her will include all the incredible sides of Her. . .

Her Title Story

Her Empowering Vision

Her Classy Confidence

Her Leveling Up

Her Rules, Her Way

Her Secure Future

Her Circle, Her Tribe

Her Unique Voice

Her Heart behind the Title

Her Lasting Legacy!

We welcome each of you and hope you will join us in building this Women’s Collective that brings you inspiration, encouragement and enriching experiences that will change your unique title story.


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Karen Our very own Cover Girl. Van Holten

Houston, TX

Karen wears many hats as President and CEO of Majestic Title, yet her primary goal remains clear: ensuring her clients and team thrive. She plays an active role in the day-to-day experience for clients from the minute they walk in the door to the care after closing. "Owning an independent agency is challenging," she admits, "but it’s incredibly rewarding to see the fruits of our labor through the growth of our team and company."

Karen’s advice to newcomers in the industry is simple: build relationships and keep learning. "Don’t let competition breed animosity," she says. "This industry is small, and you can always use a buddy in title and you don’t want to miss an opportunity to be a resource or find one. You never see people who work at Starbucks hating on the people who work at Black Rock. . .Let’s Be like them.”

Karen hopes her legacy will be one of inspiration and teaching. Resilience is her guiding philosophy, a word that encapsulates her ability to adapt and thrive in a demanding industry.

*Photo credit: Andrei Restrepo, ProReal Media

Majestic Title

The Power Team

Some say that teamwork makes the dream work, but I believe it’s the dream that fuels the team. Throughout my career, I’ve been a follower, a leader, a rebel, an innovator, an implementer, a team member, a friend, a coach, a rookie, a veteran, a misfit, and, above all, a dreamer. When I set out to build Majestic Title, I knew each of these personas would be essential in shaping a truly exceptional team.

In our hiring process, it’s never just about the resume; it’s about the person. I love taking chances on enthusiastic newcomers. I want my team to feel as though we’re handing out Super Bowl rings to our title teams. The people I’ve had the privilege of working with are not only talented, hardworking, and brilliant, but also deeply caring. Their dedication to their coworkers and clients shines through in every aspect of their roles, and their commitment to excellence is unparalleled. I am inspired by them every single day, and it’s this incredible team that makes Majestic Title so special.

Houston, TX

IEnergy Division

A New division

tisimperativetolearnsomethingnew every day.There is alwayssomethingexcitinghappeninginthe titleindustryif youareupforit.Ihaverecentlyfoundarenewedpassion due totheuptickofenergyrelatedtransactionsand somenew titleinsurancecoveragesthathavemadetheirwayto Texas. MajesticTitlehaslauncheditsconciergestyleenergy division,whichIhavetheprivilegetolead.Justthispast month,wehavebeeninvolvedina$100,000,000portfolio covering100MWofenergystoragecapacity.Workingon theseprojectsandworkingwithaninternational client and theirhostofattorneysacrossthecountryhas gotme electrified!SeewhatIdidthere?It’slikethatsongbyU2,you know…”Twoworldscollided”.

ThatsecondlawdegreeIworkedforandobtainedfrom the UniversityofHoustoninenergy,environmentalandnatural resourceslaw,combinedwithmyhandson experienceinoil andgasslammedrightintothesideofmyresumethat has beenworkinganddevelopingastellarteamproviding title insuranceservices.Watchingotherwomen forgeintothis space,leadingenergycompaniesandlegalfirmsand having suchasignificantimpactontheseemergingprojects is invigoratingandIamsoproudtobeinvolved.

Bold Branding

Let’s up the game, girl!

hile traveling for work in Arizona a few years ago, I stumbled upon Bloody Mary heaven at Hash Kitchen. The possibilities were endless: spicy rim salt, jalapeño-infused vodka, shrimp, bacon, horseradish pickles, and more. You were in control, crafting your perfect drink.

Marketing your business is a lot like that Bloody Mary bar It’s about choosing the right ingredients to create something that fits your unique needs. With countless options social media, email campaigns, blogs, and beyond it’s essential to find the perfect mix for your audience.

Here’s the secret:

not every “ingredient” works for everyone Just because your competitor uses X (aka Twitter) with great results, does not mean it’s right for you. Instead, meet your customers where they are. Are they scrolling Instagram, checking emails, or making TikTok dances? Focus your efforts there (If you’re not sure where they are active, ask them!)

Experiment, test, and refine your strategy If something doesn’t work, toss it and try something new That’s the beauty of marketing. Need help figuring out where to start? That’s where we come in

we’ll toast to your success.

Let Bowe Digital help you craft the perfect marketing blend.

Feature Spotlights The Women of Title



August 30, 2024


Denver, CO

Woman with Grit

Bridget’s journey was not without its challenges, especially as a woman in a male-dominated industry. Age, she notes, was often a factor—whether she was perceived as too young or too old for her role. Salary and compensation were also hurdles, as was balancing empathy and compassion with the need to appear strong and capable. As a single mother, she faced the additional challenge of balancing career growth with family responsibilities, a struggle she acknowledges many women still face today.

Her inner strength and grit, she reveals, have always come from a passion for helping people, whether they were customers or colleagues. This passion sustained her through her long career

As she reflects on her career, she hopes to be remembered as fair, knowledgeable, honest, and hardworking. Importantly, she prides herself on always hiring the next “better than me” associate, ensuring the continued growth and success of her company.

September 6, 2024


Cleveland, OH

Empowering Woman

eflecting on her career, Donna admits that she didn’t have the female mentorship that she now strives to provide for others. Her experiences with women who were more inclined to compete than to support have shaped her commitment to being a mentor who builds others up. She advises younger women in the industry to seek out mentors, continuously learn, and remember that “the sky is the limit!”

When asked about her legacy, Donna’s response is simple yet profound: she hopes to be remembered as a wise woman who was a good friend to all and always willing to lend a helping hand. Her philosophy in work and life revolves around collaboration, out-of-the-box thinking, and the importance of listening to others.

To the women in the title industry, Donna’s message is clear: be accountable for your actions, take risks, and never stop learning. She encourages women to get involved, make connections, and continuously seek new perspectives.

September 20, 2024

AZ Kristi



Resilient Leader

risti’s path is one of leadership, resilience, and a deep commitment to helping others. From the beginning of her career to her current role, Kristi has exemplified what it means to lead with integrity, build others up, and create a lasting legacy. Her advice to younger women entering the title industry is simple but powerful: "Never stop learning. Don’t allow others to set your limitations—this industry offers unlimited opportunity. And always bring others up with you as you grow." Kristi’s focus on integrity is evident in everything she does. She advises, "Serve at a higher level, never compromise your integrity, and support one another. We’re in a competitive industry, but that doesn’t mean we can’t operate with integrity." Her passion for family, giving back to others, and her love of hiking and travel are central to who she is outside of the workplace. Kristi’s colleagues may not be surprised by these passions, but they are integral to what fuels her energy and focus. Kristi’s guiding principle in work and life is simple: "Always do the right thing, and people first." She strives to leave a legacy of difference-making in the lives of those she has led and served.


September 27, 2024

Richmond, TX Norma


AWoman with Drive

s a woman in the title industry, Norma has faced several challenges, particularly in balancing the demands of her career with her personal life and family commitments. The title industry is known for its long hours and tight deadlines, but Norma’s ability to manage both aspects of her life with grace has been key to her success.

For younger women entering the field, she offers valuable advice: "Find experienced professionals who can guide and support you. Networking is crucial, and staying updated on industry trends and best practices is essential." Norma also stresses the importance of knowing your worth and prioritizing well-being—a message she passionately advocates for.

For Norma, the most important aspect of her work is empowering others—especially the next generation of women in the title industry. "I want my legacy to be about resilience, dedication, and the success that comes with hard work and determination," she says. Norma hopes to inspire young women to take on leadership roles and create lasting change in the industry.


Woman Trailblazer

ndrea Somers, part of the Florida Agency Network, has been in title insurance since 2001— a career she describes as a “happenstance” that turned into a passion. Starting in an entry-level role during a busy industry period, she quickly mastered the business. The fast-paced environment fueled her love for the work, and she found herself drawn to the constant challenges and opportunities to learn.

Andrea is passionate about mentoring the next generation of women in the title industry. She encourages younger women to embrace continuous learning, both about the industry and about themselves: “Staying on a path of continuous learning will increase your self-awareness, widen your skillset, and help you become more creative in problem-solving by being able to think outside the box; also stay grounded in your self-confidence and continue to show up as your best self each day.” Her personal philosophy, which she strives to live by both professionally and personally, is one of integrity. “Integrity is the main value that guides my decisions and actions every day. Staying aligned with this value makes every decision and move I make that much easier.”

October 11, 2024



Charlotte, NC

TWoman Redefining Possibilities

oni’s career began at a time when the title insurance industry was dominated by men. "One of the key challenges I faced when starting was navigating a male-dominated environment. I often had to work twice as hard to earn the respect that was more readily given to my male colleagues," she reflects. But through perseverance, she made her mark, slowly earning the trust and respect of her peers.

Mentorship is critical in an industry like title insurance, which thrives on relationships. She offers powerful advice to younger women entering the field: “Trust your knowledge and capabilities, even if you’re in the minority. Confidence is key—speak up, share your ideas, and don’t shy away from leadership opportunities. Always be proactive in building strong relationships and seeking out mentors.” Throughout her career what has fueled Toni is her deep connection to the work. Knowing that our work impacts people’s lives has kept me energized and motivated." Beyond that, the tight-knit nature of the title community has been a source of strength for her. “Attending conferences feels like a family reunion. Reconnecting with friends, colleagues, and clients who have been part of my journey is what makes this industry special.”


October 18, 2024



Fort Worth, TX

Woman of Influence

retchen Wright has spent over three decades mastering the title insurance industry. As the President and Co-Owner of Texas Secure Title Company, she’s built a remarkable career that stands as a testament to hard work, perseverance, and dedication.

Gretchen’s guiding philosophy in both life and work is simple: never give up. “If you want to achieve something, set a goal, figure out what it will take, and strive each day towards it,” she advises. Success may take time, but she believes it’s always worth the effort.

Outside of work, Gretchen has a surprising passion: hiking and backpacking. She’s taken multiple trips where she’s spent days in the wilderness, completely off the grid. “I love the simplicity of having everything you need to survive on your back,” she explains. It’s a hobby that speaks to her love of independence and adventure.

Gretchen hopes her legacy in the title industry will be one of empowerment. Her goal is to help as many women as possible create successful careers in the industry.

We recognize that without you, there is no us. We are committed to empowering you by sharing our knowledge, education, and experience to achieve our shared goals At Worth, you'll have underwriters who understand your unique needs and support you every step of the way.


Title in Style.

It is often said that the car a man drives reflects his personality. Similarly, you could compare a woman's personality to the purse she carries. Style plays a significant role in a professional woman’s life, and uncovering the style that best represents her can be an enjoyable journey of self-expression.

Let’s have some fun!
Terry Valles Mid-First Bank
Donna Anderson CATIC
Genae Horton Closing Connection
Sheri Olsen First American Trust

Can you with this Women of Title below?? Submit your answers to Womenoftitle@gmail.com for some free swag! match the purse match the purse

Cynthia Lujan Landmark Title
Linda Aparo ReQuire
Toni Carroll Capital Bank
Norma Scott Worth National

October 25, 2024


Woman of Purpose

manda’s 24-yr title journey is one of perseverance, leadership, and continuous growth. Her path to the title industry began in an unexpected way—through babysitting. At just 13, Amanda began babysitting for local families. By the time she was 19, one of the families suggested she join their title company. Amanda, then a freshman in college, had never even heard of title insurance. But that suggestion was the spark that launched her into a career she hadn’t anticipated. Amanda entered the world of title insurance, starting as an entry-level escrow support. Within just six months, at age 20, she was promoted to Escrow Officer. Amanda has learned to stay true to her values, relying on the support of her husband, Keith Brumbelow, to navigate difficult situations. Today, she continues to stand up for professionalism and mutual respect in the workplace, setting an example for her daughters and others entering the industry. She advises her team to define your core values and purpose early on. “Commitment, Courage, and Care” are her guiding principles—values that she feels resonate deeply and serve as her compass.



November 1, 2024



Atlantic City, NJ

An Unstoppable Woman J

amie Chadwick’s career in title insurance began like many women of title: through an unexpected opportunity. While studying for her bachelor’s degree, Jamie sought a full-time position and was hired by Olde City Abstract, a company eager to train someone new to the field. It was a perfect match. As an Agency Business Consultant, Jamie has become a respected expert on agency operations. She’s proud to be considered an authority in the field, with her wealth of experience and "find a way to YES" philosophy serving her well. For Jamie, any obstacle can be overcome with creativity and resilience. She encourages younger women to approach challenges with flexibility, perseverance, and a focus on building positive relationships. For Jamie, confidence comes from her love for the business and the relationships she’s built. She explains that her “why” is about the people she’s met along the way, colleagues and clients alike, who have motivated her to keep moving forward. Looking forward, Jamie has a powerful message for her fellow colleagues, “We’re off to an incredible start recognizing each other and our contributions. Let’s continue down this road together and build a support system stronger than anyone ever imagined.”



November 8, 2024


A Fearless Woman

enae’s path into title began somewhat unexpectedly, falling into it through a temp agency. As a receptionist for Transnation Title it didn’t take long for her talent to shine. Within 90 days, she was hired permanently, promoted to processor six months later, and within nine months, she advanced to an escrow closer. “I never imagined it would turn into a career, but here I am, 27 years later!”

Being a woman in a demanding business can present its own set of challenges. Add to that the experience of being the only Black woman in the room, and the obstacles become even more pronounced. “One of the main challenges I’ve faced is being valued for the contribution I make, and the isolation that comes with often being the only Black woman in the room," she says. But Genae has never let this slow her down. Instead, it has fueled her drive to succeed and pave the way for others to follow. For young women just starting in the industry, Genae offers a powerful piece of advice: "This is a tough industry, but if you can handle the pressure that will create diamonds, you can do this!" She highlights the importance of resilience and the ability to thrive under pressure.

November 15, 2024



Fort Worth, TX

Women of Class & Style

enee’s path into title insurance was anything but conventional. Having honed her skills managing business operations in the Texas State Government, she transitioned to leadership consulting where her career took an unexpected turn while working with Texas Secure Title. After developing an organizational strategy with the ownership team at Texas Secure and deeply resonating with their mission and values, Renee found herself drawn to their vision. Months later, she left behind her life in Austin to take on a new challenge as Service Center Manager. With a passion for uplifting others, she emphasizes the importance of learning, staying true to oneself, and seizing every opportunity for personal and professional development. Renee believes that high character and a focus on building others are crucial in the title industry. Juggling work, family, and life’s challenges can feel overwhelming, but with a strong support system, it’s possible to have it all. Renee’s guiding philosophy centers around the power of choice: “No matter what life throws at us, we have the power to choose how we respond.” She hopes her legacy in the title industry will be one that celebrates innovation, improved processes, and the development of upcoming leaders.



November 22, 2024


OSarasota, FL

An Empowering Leader

riginally from Southern California, Monica now calls Sarasota, Florida home, where she lives with her husband and two sons. As a leader, Monica emphasizes equipping her team with the tools to succeed. "My primary responsibility is ensuring that our team can confidently execute their roles and adapt to the changing demands of our industry," she explains. Her leadership philosophy, inspired by Simon Sinek’s Leaders Eat Last, focuses on creating environments where talent thrives through trust and cooperation.

Monica encourages younger women in the industry to trust their instincts, build strong professional networks and seek out mentorship opportunities. "Your observations are valuable—don’t downplay them," she advises. Her "why" is rooted in growing strong female leaders and creating spaces where empathy and authenticity are strengths. My desire is to build a community where vulnerability is seen as a strength, not a weakness, and to foster an environment where authenticity and mutual support thrive.” Her guiding mantra, "Kindness is Free," serves as a reminder to lead with grace, even in challenging situations.

Fitness & Health Power Plays M

eet our newest Her. Exclusive Fitness & Health Coach, Michelle Torres-Aponte! With a lifelong passion for women's health, Michelle has dedicated her career to transforming lives through fitness training, education, mentorship, and advocacy— empowering women to make their health a priority.

Too often, women put themselves last—but not anymore! Coach Michelle is here to change that. Every month, she’ll be sharing expert fitness and health tips with Her. Collective, inspiring and motivating you to put your well-being first. Here’s to getting stronger—together! For over 28 years, Michelle has been the co-owner of Urban Jungle, a premier Jiu-Jitsu and MMA training facility in Houston, TX, originally established under Royce Gracie. As one of the top gyms in the country, Urban Jungle specializes in MMA training and women's self-defense.

ahead: Set aside time to schedule workouts, prepare meals,andshopforgroceries.

Workoutwithapartner:Findafriendwithsimilargoalsor joinafitnessgroup.

Trackyourprogress:Keepajournaloruseanapptorecord yourworkouts,food,andhowyoufeel.

your successes: Reward yourself for reaching milestones,nomatterhowsmall.

Prioritize short, intense workouts: High-Intensity Interval Training(HIIT)isagreatwaytogetaneffectiveworkoutin ashortamountoftime.


Amissiontoboostanew, empoweringexperiencefor womentitleprofessionals, spotlightingunique innovators,theclassy executives.Whilealsoproving thatgritandout-of-the-box thinkingissexyandstylishall atthesametime.

TheFutureofHer isPowerful&Str

November 29, 2024


Visionary Leader W Woodring

ith over 30 years of experience in title insurance, Paula Woodring is the powerhouse behind RELTCO Title, a national title agency she founded in 2013, headquartered in Florida.

Tampa, FL

As a woman in the title industry, and particularly as a business owner, Paula has faced her share of challenges. Despite this, Paula remains steadfast, driven by her passion for the industry and the relationships she has built over the years. Paula’s “why” is simple yet profound: the people. “The relationships you build in this industry make it all worth it,” she says. She maintains her confidence and drive through positive affirmations, surrounding herself with supportive people, and dedicating time to reading and charity work.

To younger women entering the industry, Paula offers this advice: “Nothing is handed to you. Work hard, adapt to change, and keep pushing forward every single day.” The effort, she assures, is always worth the reward. Paula’s ultimate legacy lies with her daughters, who now work alongside her at RELTCO Title. While she hopes they will carry on the values she’s instilled, Paula also encourages them to carve their own paths.

December 13, 2024



McKinney, TX

EWoman of Character

mily's entry into the title insurance world stemmed from her observations in real estate. Seeing inefficiencies in communication and service, she identified an opportunity to innovate. With Willow Bend Title, she built a company where trust, efficiency, and client care are paramount. “It’s incredibly rewarding to see how we’ve impacted the industry,” Emily reflects, “and I’m excited for what’s next.” Her role involves driving innovation and creating efficient, client-focused solutions. She describes her expertise as streamlining the title process, with a mission to ensure every closing is seamless. Her leadership style emphasizes collaboration and her dedication to elevating the standards of customer service has already made waves in the industry.

To young women entering the title industry, Emily advises: “Believe in your value, speak up, and stay curious.” She emphasizes the importance of building a network of mentors and staying adaptable in an ever-evolving field. “Never underestimate your power to make an impact,” Emily advises. She sees a bright future for women in the industry and encourages them to lead with confidence and kindness. Her mantra: “The only thing in life you can control is your attitude.”


December 20, 2024 Miami,


Woman of Excellence I Rodriguez

n the world of title insurance, where precision and resilience are paramount, Marlen Rodriguez stands as a beacon of strength, innovation, and mentorship. With a career spanning over 32 years, Marlen has transformed challenges into steppingstones, creating a legacy that inspires women across the industry. Her early career saw her rise to leadership roles, including becoming the majority owner and president of a title company at a remarkably young age. She built that company from a small office into a thriving enterprise with over 30 employees and multiple branches. Marlen’s impact extends beyond her business acumen. She has mentored countless individuals, many of whom have gone on to start their own successful title companies. Her commitment to building others up is rooted in her belief that collaboration, not competition, drives true progress. Marlen’s drive comes from her family, her love of travel, and her commitment to giving back. She lives true to her values in all she does; guided by principles like those in the book by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements, 1-Be impeccable with your word, 2-Don’t take anything personally, 3-Don’t make assumptions, and 4-Always do your best



December 27, 2024



Tampa, FL

TWomen of leadership & Heart

he Title Industry encompasses many exceptional leaders whose passion, dedication, and vision stand out. Amy Gregory’s 30-year career is one of those stand out stories. As President of Title Operations at Florida Agency Network (FAN) in Tampa, Florida, her impact on the industry has exemplified inspiration and heart in all she does. Today FAN has a network of over 50 title offices across Florida, supported by an ancillary company, accounting and IT services, and a team of over 200.

When asked about challenges, Amy reflects on balancing her career with raising children. "I was determined to excel in my career, but there were moments I missed important milestones with my kids. It’s one of my biggest lessons, and now I encourage my team to prioritize their families without guilt." She encourages young women in the title industry to “follow your heart, learn from those who have paved the way, and embrace the power of mentorship.”

When asked about her legacy, Amy shares, "I want to be remembered as someone who led with kindness, consistency, and clarity. Someone who honored her journey, invested in others, and left a positive impact on those around her."



Book Club for Bold Women

In 2025, women are rising to leadership roles in record numbers across every industry— including title insurance. Today’s leaders face unprecedented challenges, from evolving technology and regulatory shifts to fraud prevention and economic pressures in an increasingly competitive market. For generations, book clubs have been a space for women to recharge, reflect, and reignite their aspirations. Her. Pages is more than a book club—it’s a community for women ready to take their careers to the next level, embrace bold ideas, and take risks on their dreams. Through insightful reads and meaningful conversations, Her. Pages will empower women to enhance their leadership skills, build confidence, and navigate the complexities of professional growth. More than just a time-out, it’s a space to connect, learn, and amplify our voices in this ever-evolving industry.

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