Bryant Tchan – Internet Marketing, The Future Of The Modern Market

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Bryant Tchan – Internet Marketing, The Future Of The Modern Market


If we refer to historical times, we will find that marketing has always relied on various forms of communication and with new leaps in technology as the century progressed, we have seen the emergence of new forms of marketing that relies on the newly emerged technology.

Thus, At the turn of the century with the appearance of a globalized market, a globalized way of marketing too was born.The term internet market refers to the process of advertisement and promotion of products and services through the internet and various other websites.

According to Bryant Tchan, the internet marketing is the tool that promotes sales in the new age of virtual world, and it is widely used by millions of entrepreneurs to promote their products and services over a wide range of markets that defies the traditional physical boundaries.

The tools that are used by entrepreneurs in this form of the market generally involves web marketing, e-mail promotion, social media marketing and other such similar ways of marketing techniques. Bryant Tchan rightfully said thatsuch type of marketing is done solely over the internet and involves the use of a variety of online advertisements to redirect the user to the advertiser’s website. There are many forms of such ad like the banner advertisement, where a flyer appears over the site the user is visiting, or Pay per Click, and targeted lists of email of customers who might be interested in the product or service that is being promoted.

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