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Andrew Teixeira

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From the Provost

From the Provost

There is a lot to reflect on while looking back at my time at Bryant University. I have gained a new perspective and appreciation for life. My freshman year self would look at me now and see an entirely different person. I started college with many different goals and aspirations, but life gets in the way of every good plan. It was impossible to predict the life changing curveballs that would be thrown during these four years, but man, it is one hell of a story. There was a period of time that I was not sure if I would even make it to the finish line. I stepped away from school and almost all of my responsibilities in life to properly grieve the loss of my best friend. She was one of my biggest supporters in life, and it felt as though I could not finish my own story without her being able to finish hers. After taking a semester off, I returned for my senior year. Although the break was 100% needed and justified, I knew that I could not leave this story unfinished. I came back stronger mentally than anyone could have predicted, including myself. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I would not have done anything differently if given the chance.

As this chapter comes to an end, a new one is beginning. I will always remember and appreciate the memories I have gained these past four years at Bryant. I have made friends that will last a lifetime, and connections that will be sure to lead to many great years ahead. I am endlessly grateful for the love and support from my family and friends that have lifted me up and helped get to this point. I would not have been able to make it without you all. But most of all, I did this for my biggest supporter who can’t be here. This one’s for you, Liv.

“Be the best version of yourself”. It’s a pretty simple concept if you are just willing to embrace it. You don’t have to be the best or do the best; just try your best and do everything with positive intentions, while staying true to yourself and your values.

During fall of freshman year there were some ups and downs while trying to acclimate to campus life. I knew there were organizations I wanted to join and a few leadership roles that I was interested in applying for. I soon got one of my first reality checks of college when I was waitlisted for some of these positions. Then, just as I was starting to find my groove, boom, COVID. I found myself back home sitting on the couch and learning remotely, not knowing what to do. At first, I was frustrated because it felt like it was one negative thing after another, but I knew I had to turn that negativity into motivation, and I literally got myself off the couch and applied to be a math tutor in ACE, Treasurer of the Actuarial Association, and Head of Peer Mentoring for the Honors Council. I began my sophomore year having a positive mindset and excited to embrace these new roles. I decided to take any past challenges I had encountered and use them as opportunities for self-improvement, working on my personal growth.

During the past four years, I have taken advantage of the many amazing offerings that exist at Bryant. I am so thankful for all the leadership positions I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of from Orientation Programs to Student Government, Residential Life, and so many more. Having had the opportunity to serve in these positions helped me gain the confidence I needed to take the lead on large-scale campus events tied to the organizations I was affiliated with. One final accomplishment I wanted to see through in my college journey was to leave a legacy and help create something that would continue on past my time here. I am so proud that I have been a part of initiatives such as LinkedIn Learning and the STEM Student Speaker Series. It is my hope that the work I have put into these positions and events has been beneficial in helping to set up future Bryant leaders for success.

All of my involvements on campus have been highlights during my Bryant experience and have helped shape me into the person I’ve become. I am confident in my ability to be authentic and create positive change. Part of my journey has not only been one of personal growth, but to also find ways to encourage others to reach their full potential as well. I have learned the importance of collaboration, effective communication, patience, and forward thinking and it has been so rewarding to share what I have learned with those around me. All of these experiences have taught me important skills and life lessons which I will take with me.

I want to end this with a huge thank you to all my professors, mentors, staff, friends and family who have supported me along the way. A few of my goals upon entering college were to grow as an individual and leave a legacy and I feel that I have accomplished both. Ultimately, what has been the most meaningful part to me is aiding others in growing to be the “best version of themselves.”

Dana Jurgielewicz

My four years at Bryant was truly one that was unforgettable. I have grown tremendously and feel that I have made the most out of my time here. I think that as my Bulldog journey narrows to an end, that it is important to reflect on all that was accomplished.

I remember that only four years ago, when I was a senior in high school, I had to make a decision of where I wanted to go to college. I applied to 19 different colleges and got into 18 of them. I was very indecisive and when it came to actually making a decision, it seemed like an extremely daunting task. I was nervous that I was going to have to settle for some random school that I did not love. When it came to choosing a college, I wanted a school that had strong academics and a vibrant community. However, my apprehensions about the entire college decision process faded when I first came to Bryant. I came onto campus for a tour and immediately knew that this place was for me. Bryant had everything, not just some components of what I was looking for in a school. I instantly knew that this place would be my forever home. I have held that feeling in my heart ever since that moment.

During my time at Bryant, I have joined many clubs, created many connections, and met many great people. I served on various executive boards of clubs, was a Resident Assistant, an Orientation Leader, and Student Ambassador. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would have had this great of an opportunity and experience as I did at Bryant. I came into college with an open mind and that allowed me to really connect with others and grow as an individual.

Fast forward to the end of my Senior year, I had definitely made the right decision to come here. Throughout my entire college career, I have always thought about the end of my college journey. The end of my college experience was represented by Graduation and now I have reached that milestone. I feel like I have made the most out of my college experience by stepping out of my comfort zone and by taking up new opportunities that I would not have had if I went to another school. I have met so many amazing people that have been there for me through it all and have truly impacted my life for the better.

Bryant University will forever hold a special place in my life and my memories here have been unforgettable.

Thank you Bryant for everything, Dana


For the past 4 years, I have called Bryant University my home. I have had some of the best memories and experiences of my life. This university has allowed me to meet some of my best friends, and it has allowed me to grow in ways that I never thought possible. When I reflect on my time at Bryant, my memories are filled with happiness as well as challenges. This educational experience has been challenging, but it is something that has also been very rewarding and has taught me a lot about myself. From participating in The Bryant Steppers during my freshman year to going to endless Bingo nights, I will miss everything that Bryant has given me. My experience has been truly unforgettable, and I hope that as my journey continues outside of this University, I can bring all of my tools with me to allow me to continue to grow and excel. Although I do not know what the next chapter of my life will hold, I know that I am prepared and ready to tackle anything that is thrown my way. Thank you Bryant University for some of the best times of my life.

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