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Megan Donnelly, Senior Class Committee

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From the Provost

From the Provost

I chose Bryant four years ago because of the unique community here. I had been recruited for swimming at a few schools, and found no school as impressive as Bryant. While I only met the swim and dive team on my recruiting trip, I knew that the team’s attitude and grit would translate to the rest of the school. I was amazed at how hardworking and happy the team presented themselves. They were all excited to put forth their best effort in each practice. I chose Bryant because I wanted to surround myself with a community of people who valued their education, working hard to earn their success, and having a positive attitude while doing it!

I knew coming into Bryant that I wanted to get involved to make the most of my experience. Along with being a member of the swim and dive team, I have joined best buddies, student government, American Marketing Association, arts and creativity club, and senior class committee. I have learned about friendship and inclusivity, professionalism, the importance of networking, event planning, and advocating for my peers. Putting myself out there and being a member of these clubs allowed me to meet so many incredible people and try so many new things.

One of my favorite events at Bryant has always been the Pumpkin Fest. The annual festival began my sophomore year in October of 2020. It was the first time we had come together in a social setting since the pandemic started. I was told that the event was the University’s way of giving back to the students who had done an excellent job adapting to ever-changing situations. At the festival, there were several tables set up with pumpkins and carving tools. There were s’mores, food trucks, and a live band! In my opinion, nothing is better than live music. I loved this event so much because of the University’s kindness in bringing the students a fun experience after so much uncertainty and change. The event has continued since 2020, and each year, Pumpkin Fest has been a symbol of celebration through hard times to myself and my friends.

My friends and I often joke that “at the end of the day, at least we have our Bryant University education!” And it’s true! I feel as though our education at Bryant has prepared us to excel in our future careers. Some of my favorite classes have been women and gender studies with Thomas Roach, new product development with Tim Wolski, Spanish for business I and II with Jane Perry, my Spanish research directed study with Patricia Gomez, and personal selling with Stepanie Boyer. All of these professors went above and beyond to enhance my education and my ability to speak confidently on important topics. I am excited to continue to use my knowledge in these areas in the future.

After graduation, I will begin as a sales development representative at MemoryBlue. I am so excited to move to Boston this June and use my Bryant education to excel! Thank you Class of 2023 for making my four years here so memorable!

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