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From the Provost

Congratulations graduates! You have successfully completed your college journey and are ready to embark on a new adventure. You have persevered through a global pandemic, social issues, environmental challenges, and political turmoil, and now you are stronger than ever.

As you move forward in this rapidly changing world where technological developments are fundamentally changing the way we live and will continue to transform business, markets, and the global economy, the ability to adapt and embrace change will be essential. To stay ahead of the game, you must be open to learning new skills, technologies, and approaches to problem-solving. Bryant education has prepared you for just that, with critical thinking, creativity, analytical reasoning, data interpretation, and communication skills. You have also demonstrated a commitment to inclusivity and empathy, which are qualities essential for success today. I am confident that you will use these skills and qualities to make a positive impact on the world.

As you enter the workforce, remember that building strong relationships is crucial to your success. Networking with professionals in your field can help you discover new opportunities, gain valuable insights, and build a support system. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and reach out to alumni to expand your network. These connections can be a source of mentorship, advice, and referrals, which can be invaluable in navigating the job market and advancing your career. Therefore, keep in touch with your professors, classmates, and others you meet along the way, as they can help you build a fulfilling and successful career.

You are the emerging leaders, and I am honored to have been a part of your journey. Your determination and grit, curiosity, and inquisitiveness have pushed us all to think differently and more inclusively about the problems we face. You have the skills and qualities needed to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. As you embark on new adventures and challenges, always remember the inner strength and sense of resolution that you have developed during your time at Bryant. Congratulations again, and I wish you the very best in all your future endeavors!

Provost Rupendra Paliwal, Ph.D.

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