Architecture Portfolio: Bryn Martin

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Portfolio Bryn Martin

The body of work enveloped in this portfolio aims to track a spatial journey through territories of the human Imagination. In short, it is a collection of stories rooted in space. Bryn Martin

Academic Project Completed in Partners 3 Weeks

Women’s Dormitory The Women’s Dormitory project started with a case study of Kazuyo Sejima’s Saushunkan Seiyaku Women’s Dormity in Japan. The primary interest of studying this particular project lay in the unique relationship between public and private space as defined by the dormitory typology. Noticing Sejima’s design revolved around the articulation of public spaces over private spaces, the goal of the redesigned womens dormitory was to introduce ‘soft’ private spaces while still allowing for the carefully designed public spaces to remain intact. The soft private spaces were created in the vertical domain by staggering vertical extrusions of private spaces at varying heights. This allows for a gentle distinction between the private spaces and public spaces - allowing public interaction to operate in the horizontal domain. The project was completed with Atousa Blair who crafted the physical model. My contribution was the design scheme for ‘soft’ private spaces and the digital production of all drawings.

Public Interaction on the horizontal

Soft private space along the vertical

Starting Unit Circulation along the horizontal

Unit Drag The unit is dragged diagonally to morph the horizontal and vertical occupation space

Vertical Extrusions Vertical extrusions allow for a stratified introduction of soft private spaces along the vertical axis while public interaction remains intact on the horizontal axis.

Academic Project Individual 1 Month

Canine House Canine House is a hyper specific housing project designed with the goal of creating an environment for dogs and their owners to live and thrive in a community atmosphere. There are three different housing types - each to suit the specific needs of small, medium, or large dogs and their owners. These created housing types are arranged within a structural frame and are stacked to create a three storey structure called a ‘wolf stack’. These stacks can house anywhere between 5 - 10 dogs simulating the size of an average wolf pack in the wild. Circulation between levels as well as outdoor space for each housing unit allows for an effective community for both owner and companion alike. These wolf stacks are then arranged to fill the given site located along King Street in Toronto making up a total of 40 housing units.




King Street

Competition Group 4 Months

Jet Stream Catcher The following future-skyscaper competition proposal was a group effort to create a new energy paradigm that sought to explore an architectural energy production system that could shift current unsustainable practices in favour of new carbon-free solutions. The Jet Stream Catcher system consists of two key elements: first, the Genecopter (Generator + Quadcopter) situated in the jet stream zone, and an Energy Hub on the ground. My specific contribution to the project was the design of the Energy Hub. The system utilizes the constant wind energy from the jet stream and disperses that energy to the rest of the city. The energy stored in the Energy Hub will supply energy to electric vehicles (cars, buses and subways) and the excess will saturate the existing energy grid with carbon-free, sustainable energy.

Partners: Yuijie Wang, Linru Wang, Tian Wei Li

Wind Turbine Quadcopter Charging Quadcopter Wind Turbine Quadcopter Quadcopter Charging Quadcopter PortsPorts Charging Ports

Wind Turbine

Genecopter Genecopter


Quadcopter Quadcopter Quadcopter Landing Pad Landing Pad Landing Pad

Quadcopter Quadcopter

Quadcopter Discharging Ports Discharge Discharging Ports

Electric Car Electricial Vehicles ElectricialStations Vehicles Charging Charge Station Charging Stations

Pedestrian Pedestrian Pedestrian Space Space Space

Energy Energy Hub


Energy Hub

Academic Individual Semester Long

RIBo House RIBo House’s primary function is to provide an architecture that chases moments of optical and aural significance on the site. It’s final form is a result of an intensive study of Casa Malaparte which sought to determine the relationship between occupiable space and framed views. This deconstruction of ‘the whole’ resulted in a series of abstract models that dematerialized the building leaving only the skeleton relationship between view and movement. The goal of RIBo House was to establish a similar skeleton structure that was defined by a series of points in 3-d space associated with specific views and/or sounds of interest on the site. By connecting these points the skeleton structure of RIBo House is revealed. The roof then ties the structure together in a coheisive skin. The overall structure resembles a ribcage, idicative of the processes that created the final form. Hence the name of the project; Rib-Optical House or RIBo House for short.

Imposed Geometry

Geometry Sliced

Negitive Circulation


Casa Malaparte (Case Study) - Investigation of Movement The case study investigation sought to illuminate the relationship between movement and geometry by reinterpreting the plan of Casa Malaparte. By superimposing geometry over the existing building envelope a new circulation relationship was created.

superimposed windows (views)

circulation plates (movement)

window placement (view curation)

Points of InterPOI’s in x, y cartesian plane placed

Z - Axis Push POI’s pulled in z direction and connected to give base skeleton

Plane Creation

Circulation Creation

Thickness and flat sections are introduced to create an occupiable space

Connections added for circulation between ribs

Drape Roof

Puncture Roof

Roof draped to create a skin to unify the structure

Roof punctures for light and nature to permeate structure

Road Axis - 6m

Roofscape - 9m

People - 3m


Roofless Site Plan Train - 9m

Trees - 6m

Brush - 3m




3m north

3m east

3m south

3m west

6m north

6m east

6m south

6m west

9m north

9m east

9m south

9m west

Section A

Section B

Section C

Interior Rendering

Academic Individual Three Weeks

The Conch The Conch is a tree viewing shelter inspired by traditional old-growth tree logging practices and the geometry created by the process itself. Two elements were extracted from the process to create a geometrical framework for the design; First, the use of the ‘springboard’ which loggers wedged into a notch in the tree to create a cantilevered member in which one could stand on to cut the tree down. And secondly, the V-shaped geometry of the saw-cut which created an informal cavity space in which one could occupy. The goal was to create an occupiable space akin to the geometry of the V-cut and a cantilevered ramp that spirals upward around the base of the 400 year old Douglas Fir located in Squamish, BC. The occupiable space becomes a place for sharing ideas, storytelling, and a teaching platform for the Evan’s Lake Forest Education Society. The structure offers an informal play-structure for visiting kids as they explore the forested area. The spiral itself is created from the golden ratio to create a conch-like form that appears to be naturally derived.

Geometry of Saw Cut

Cantilever of Spring Board

Old Growth Tree Havesting

Original Idea

Wood Joint Inspiration


Updated Joint System

Wormhole Perspective

Step 1

Step 2

Side View

Step 3

Step 4

Professional (+VG Architects) Individual Four Weeks

New Tecumseth The New Tecumseth Municial Centre is a retrofit project that is the result of the town’s acquisition of a surplus elementary school in the centre of Alliston to convert to a new civic centre. +VG was retained as the architect to undertake a Condition Assessment and Feasibility Study for an adaptive re-use of the existing school. The study found that the ideal solution was to retain a major part of the building, to accommodate municipal offices, council chambers and meeting rooms. The existing gymnasium has been repurposed to accommodate the Council Chamber with a glassy addition, to create an open, airy, public space or “Community Hub”. The adjacent images are a series of production renderings that were created after being introduced to VRay Render. All renderings were completed via a Revit (BIM) Model.

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