2018 Annual Report

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2018 Annual Report

Photo by Dave Tavani

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Year in Review This year we celebrate the completion of the most ambitious capital campaign in the history of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. After several years of strategic planning and assessing how our church campus best serves our ministry and mission, we launched the This Time, This Place: A Campaign for Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church and established a target goal of $17.5 million. By the end of 2018 we surpassed our goal by $2 million, and we are confident the BMPC Foundation will be strengthened further by additional commitments in coming years through the campaign’s comprehensive estate planning emphasis. Thanks to the amazing and generous commitment of the congregation, we will be celebrating our 150th anniversary in 2023 with a newly renovated Education Building and a more accessible church campus that is better suited for our current and future needs. In addition, $1.75 million dedicated to mission and outreach will lead us down new paths of increased discipleship and service in our community and abroad. The leadership team of the campaign and I are deeply grateful to all the church members who made a financial commitment, to the many volunteers who helped propel us to this kind of success, and to those who prayed for God’s guidance along the way. We pray that we will soon bring to completion the ongoing work of this past year by the Associate Pastor Nominating Committees for a new pastor for Youth and their Families and another for Pastoral Care and Senior Adults. We are grateful for the good pastoral leadership of David Smith and Drew Mann during the interim seasons in these respective areas of ministry, and joyfully anticipate a full pastoral staff coming together again. BMPC is in an exciting season as we look forward to what God has in store for this historic congregation. To paraphrase one of our campaign leaders, we do not know exactly what the future will bring, but we are doing everything we can to meet it! Grace and Peace,

Agnes W. Norfleet Pastor

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Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church

Elected Leadership Session, Boards of Deacons and Trustees, 2018-2019 Session Bill McKee, Clerk Elder Class of 2019 Rich Allman Brad Baturka+ Molly Cordray (Y) Siobhan Daley-Gibson (Y) Bill McKee (Clerk) Lauren Meyer Cindy Pierce Eric Swanson+ Cathy Whiteside Elder Class of 2020 Bill Adelhelm+ Heewon Chang Peter Haldy+ Morris Kay+ Doug McCone Kathy Stevens Susie Valerio+ Elder Class of 2021 Becky Brinks+ Bonnie Bay Callahan+ Gene Chang+ Mary French By Graf Joan LaLeike Bill Matthai

Clergy Agnes Norfleet Rebecca Kirkpatrick Drew Mann Rachel Pedersen Frank Pottorff David Smith Board of Deacons Anne Schmid, Moderator Deacon Class of 2019 Patricia Danzon Bryan Hauptfuhrer+ Craig Johnson+ Laurie Koziol+ Jane Mackie+ Sheryl Parente Vicky Peetros Anne Schmid Benjamin Schmid (Y) Holly Stafford+ Grant Stevens (Y)

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Deacon Class of 2020 Jean Bay Tim Bickhart+ Marian Chitester+ Tod Guernsey+ Dave Heaton Anne Lee Steve McConnell Rob Mygatt Judy Sherry Susan Thorkelson Deacon Class of 2021 Bart Bastian+ Colleen Bertrand Dave Bravo Dan Haller Brian Kerr Kathy Kreider Tricia Mackay Sally Nelson+ Dave Reiner Sheila Rohrer Sherri Shields+ Bill Shinn Jeff Swarr+ Nancy Taylor+

Board of Trustees President, Mark Dawejko Trustee Class of 2019 Barbara Cobb Mark Dawejko+ Kevin Duffy Peggy Hermann+ Kevin Nicholson+ Jean Reynolds Trustee Class of 2020 Martin Bond+ Tim Chitester Eric Johnson Jon Liggett+ Steve Ryan Kent Walker Trustee Class of 2021 Louise Hill+ Yardly Jenkins+ Dave MacGregor Mark Stafford+ Tom Willcox

(Y) Indicates a youth serving a one-year term as Elder or Deacon. + Indicates a person is serving his or her second three-year term.

Membership Report Membership as of 12/31/2017: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,319 Received by Certificate of Transfer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Received, 17 & under: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Received, 18 & over: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Deaths: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Removed from Active Roll: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Transferred to Other Churches: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Active Membership as of 12/31/2018: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,272 Baptisms: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Marriages: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

BMPC Website Redesign Websites are an incredibly important communications tool in today’s world. People routinely use their computers, tablets and mobile devices for communication, research and shopping. That shopping also includes churches. Many people visit church websites before they show up for a worship service. Given the importance of websites and the rapid advances in technology, we moved forward with a redesign of our website (www.bmpc.org) in 2018. The goals of the redesign were to incorporate the new color schemes developed during the logo rebranding project in 2017; enhance the overall look of the site; and streamline content. Images on the website were also improved through the work of local professional photographers. The redesign of our website was completed in December 2018.

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Children & Family Ministry In our history, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church has continually created unique spaces and opportunities for children to grow in faith. In the past, we repurposed space in the former nave of the chapel to create a “children’s chapel� and chose to build a school with the potential to house both Sunday morning and weekday programming. In 2018, the church continued to build on that vision in asking how we can support our children well into the 22nd century. How has learning changed? What are the unique needs and concerns facing families today and tomorrow? How can space be both a resource for the children of our congregation and our larger community? How can our space support the work of the Spirit and embody our baptismal vows? Working with the Renovation Committee as part of the Capital Campaign, we were blessed to consider the physical implications of each of these questions. We are excited to see those answers take the form of blueprints and building schedules. Even as we considered ideal classroom space and design, we know that the work of the church is always more than a building. Each Sunday of the program year, dedicated volunteers and staff welcome children ages birth through fifth grade to join in one of nine classes and dive into the stories of our faith. These central stories are explored through art, drama, careful reading, discussion, games and service, each method helping us better understand God and our common work. To make this happen, more than 50 volunteers give their time and talent to preparing and leading these classes. Some are only able to volunteer occasionally, while others teach almost every week of the school year. Special programs like the Advent Workshop, where families pause and help prepare for Christmas together, or our annual service day, Doing Good Together, all help to reemphasize and reiterate the values we hold as a community. During Vacation Bible Camp, students worked as a community using science, art and song to learn the story of Creation. The imagination of church leaders almost a century ago has laid a foundation for an ever-growing ministry supporting the children of our congregation. As we live into the year ahead, we know that dedication and care will continue to grow.

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Youth Ministry 2018 was marked by deepening relationships, extraordinary growth, and new possibilities for engagement in the Youth Ministry. The results of the programmatic “renovation project” we started in Spring 2017 were abundantly evident throughout the year. Here are a few ways we have continued to revitalize existing programs, reshape our event calendar, and launch new initiatives throughout the year.

Sunday Evening Fellowship: Our desire to think creatively about how best to maintain growth and build life-giving relationships led us to launch the Sunday Evening Fellowship in November. This weekly program is similar to what churches often call “Youth Group.” It provides a safe space for youth to connect and build relationships. Youth fellowship is providing yet another avenue for transformational ministry.

Sunday Mornings: The excitement buzzing around the Youth Ministry is most evident in our Sunday Morning Youth Gatherings. Not only has our regular attendance more than doubled over the last two years, but youth are expressing a greater sense of belonging at BMPC and ownership of their faith. Each Connection Group is bustling with creative energy. Young people can be seen throughout the Ministries Center working on art projects, discussing profound theological questions, and applying scripture to their daily lives.

Summer Programming and Special Events: Camp Kirkwood is central to the life of the Youth Ministry. For the first time in four years, we successfully reversed the decline in summer camp enrollment. We asked difficult questions about the future of our summer mission trip program, which lead us to place greater emphasis on intergenerational service and reflection in 2019. We reviewed and significantly reduced our bloated special event calendar. In some cases, we replaced poorly-attended events with exciting new opportunities. We also eliminated events that were crowding our calendar and sapping our energy.

Confirmation: Confirmation Sunday in May 2018 marked a turning point for this area of our ministry. While we celebrated the commitment and passion of our eighth graders, we realized that the program needed a complete overhaul. Key volunteers and staff held countless discussions and meetings during the summer. We dreamed big dreams and asked bold questions. By September, we launched a bold new program that is built around well-defined goals, encourages parent and family participation, and embodies a relational approach to faith formation.

Growth is never easy; just ask a young person! It requires openness to new questions and honesty in the face of adversity. The question for our ministry area in 2018 was: How do we implement the changes that are needed to help our ministry survive and thrive? The question for 2019, if we are bold enough to ask it, will be: How do we sustain growth and maintain a relational focus in our work with youth in Grades 6-12?

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In 2018 the BMPC Mission Council continued to lead our various mission committees and mission-minded members in a service/learning study with Broad Street Ministry. Taking members of the church on daylong mission immersion experiences at Broad Street in Center City Philadelphia allowed all of us to more deeply explore our mission past, present and future and tell the story of Mission at BMPC together. All that work culminated in a Spring Mission Summit where members from different parts of our church came together to solidify the questions that will lead us into our next story of mission as a congregation - the Why, Where and How of mission for the next generation. The “hows” of mission have led us to prioritize best practices across our mission committees when it comes to distributing funds, finding a balance between advocacy, development and relief, and continually educating ourselves on current developments in the work of mission locally and around the world. The “wheres” of mission have pushed us to consider the ways we may have neglected mission opportunities in our local community of the Main Line as well as how we make serving in mission more accessible to both 8 | Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church | 2018 Annual Report

our older members as well as families who want to participate in service together. Finally, the “whys” of mission have reinvigorated our passion for building real relationships with our partners and with one another, our priority for intergenerational mission and service opportunities, and an vision for engaging more and more members of the church in mission as an authentic expression of faith as disciples of Jesus Christ. All these values will continue into 2019 and beyond to direct the work of the Mission Council in leading us in collaborative mission work as well as continuing to shape new mission initiatives that will be a part of the Mission component of the This Time, This Place campaign.

Adult Education The ministry of Adult Education fluctuates between big moments, big crowds and big speakers and small interactions, the building of relationships and the reaffirmations of the essentials of our faith. In 2018 we had the privilege of welcoming author and educator Debby Irving to lead us through a discussion of her book Waking Up White: and Finding Myself in the Story of Race. More than 100 members of our congregation and the larger community gathered with her for a morning and afternoon in April to talk about the reality of white supremacy, our complicity in it, and the ways we can continue to learn and grow together as a congregation and individuals. While often a class or a book is compelling in the moment, then we move on to the next thing or the next new idea. But Debby’s book and her presence among us has significantly shaped the conversation we are having as a church around issues of race. It sparked the creation of an Anti-Racism Taskforce that has been working to create further moments for us to continue to confront this topic. It was indeed a transformational moment for us a community. In the fall of 2018 we were able to truly celebrate the legacy of the Rev. Dr. David and Ruth Watermulder through the presence of the Rev. Dr. M. Craig Barnes as our Theologian in Residence. Dr. Barnes has been president of Princeton Theological seminary since 2012. The deep connections between Princeton Seminary and Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church were nurtured during Dr. Watermulder’s 24 years as our pastor. In his weekend with us, Dr. Barnes gave us a both a survey of the ways that Christian faith and expression has changed and adapted through the 20th and 21st centuries as generational experiences of home and tradition shifted. But these were just the big moments. 2018 was also full of book discussions with these bestsellers: When Breath Becomes Air, The Hate You Give, and The Book of Joy; full of personal sharing in small classes like Filing the Well, Digging Deeper, and the Men’s Study of the ways that the complications of life are accompanied by the journey of faith; and full of digging into the nuances and the comfort of scripture on Sunday mornings and in places like our Coffee Cup Bible Study. 2018 made it clear that we are called to do this work of continuing Christian Education as Adults in the presence and through the companionship of one another that it may continue to build up the Body of Christ.

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Music & Fine Arts Looking back through the 2018 season of Music and Fine Arts events, the words eclectic, diverse, and reaching out jump off the page. Concerts with keyboard ranged from two pianos (Jeff Brillhart and Laura Ward), harpsichord (students from Temple University), and organ (Edward Landin). Choral music ran the gamut from urban gospel, folk and popular (“Missa Gaia”), to English Cathedral (Herbert Howells’ “Requiem”), to Bach, Rutter, and beyond. Visiting musicians included the legendary Bach Choir of Bethlehem and gifted students from Temple University. We reached out to “The Well,” an organization that serves homeless women with proceeds from our annual Christmas Concert. Fine arts events showcased the gifts of artists Ray Sternbergh and Jessi Brown in solo exhibitions, along with exhibitions that celebrated Black History Month, Creativity through Autism, and our own Thursday Artists’ Group. It’s worth noting that this year marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Fine Arts Ministry of BMPC. A special Visual Arts Task Force convened to help shape the next 50 years of the Fine Arts Ministry. Rehearsing nearly non-stop for nine months of the year are the tireless members of the Sanctuary Choir, whose voices weekly represent the congregation in gifts of praise to our Maker. Soli deo Gloria.

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Caring Ministries The Caring Ministries umbrella of the various compassionate care ministries of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church completed its first full year in 2018. This area includes the work of the Deacons, the Middleton Center, the Parish Nurse and the Parish Social Worker. It is resourced by the Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Senior Adults. After the Rev. Mary Steege’s leaving in early July, this position is now filled on an interim basis by the Rev. Dr. Andrew H. Mann, Jr. The Deacons continue to focus on providing pastoral care to members, including flower deliveries, home communions, assistance with communion in worship, hosting memorial services and riding the Rosemont Bus. The Helping Hands ministry continues under Deacon leadership as Deacons, and other volunteers provide assistance outside for people arriving or leaving the 10:00 a.m. service. Deacons also serve as ushers and hosts for memorial services and receptions at our church.

“ I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36

In 2018, Carol Cherry and Renee Malnak-Giansiracusa have really settled into their roles as Parish Nurse and Parish Social Worker. They are deeply involved in visitation and personal support of our members and others, bringing their professionalism and profoundly spiritual sense of ministry to their work. They are found working with the full spectrum of ages here at BMPC. Both Carol and Renee are available after worship on the third Sunday of every month to answer questions. The Middleton Center, coordinated by its administrator Kiki McKendrick, continues to provide low-fee counseling and other services, including spiritual direction, support groups, and forums on parenting. It is a remarkable and rare resource for church ministry. The Caring Ministries team continues to offer high quality symposia on topics of concern to all. In the fall of 2018, a highly successful symposium addressing dementia in a holistic way was offered. Much positive feedback was heard from the congregation and community attendees. Through a holistic approach of mind/ body/spirit, Caring Ministries integrates an effective way to care for and support our congregation and community.

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Church Balance Sheet December 31, 2018 December 31, 2017 ASSETS

Cash and Equivalents



Fixed Assets






K. Hoyler Beneficial Interest







Accrued Expenses



Custodial Accounts









Note to Foundation



Temporarily Restricted



Unrestricted Reserves



Weekday School Reserves










Total Long Term Liabilities







K. Hoyler Perpetual Trust/Perm Restricted



Unresticted Net Assets/Undesignated





33,853,074 42,140,928

34,318,758 39,647,169


Current Liabilities

Capital Campaign Reserve Forward in Faith (loss) Due to Foundation

Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Line of Credit - BMT

Total Liabilities Equity Plant


12 | Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church | 2018 Annual Report

Church Income Statement REVENUES

PLEDGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Congregational Giving & Plate Cash Current Year Pledges Prior Year Pledges Total PLEDGES & CONTRIBUTIONS SPECIAL INCOME Special Donations and Grants Charitable Trust Donation Foundation Income Allocation Total SPECIAL INCOME OTHER INCOME Total REVENUES


PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Mortgage Interest and Principal Other Administrative Expenses Total ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE OFFICE & TECHNOLOGY EXPENSE PROPERTY EXPENSE Maintenance & Utilities Deferred Maintenance Total PROPERTY EXPENSE MISSION Presbytery Allocation Church School Mission Giving Environmental Justice Outreach Council Peacemaking Senior Adult Benevolence Tutoring Program Worldwide Ministries Total MISSION COUNCILS Adult Education Children & Family Ministries Childcare Personnel Congregational Life & Membership Deacons – Congregational Care Fine Arts Program Mission Council Senior Adult Council Session Stewardship Worship Committee Young Adult Ministry Youth Ministry Total COUNCILS Total EXPENDITURES NET CASH from Operating Budget

2018 Budget

2018 Actual

2017 Actual

125,000 2,402,000 10,000 2,537,000

160,921 2,306,187 5,329 2,472,436

144,925 2,414,020 11,922 2,570,868

25,000 250,000 1,326,000 1,601,000 10,800 4,148,800

22,403 250,000 1,326,001 1,598,404 27,836 4,098,675

36,030 250,000 1,355,000 1,641,030 17,680 4,229,578




57,000 151,100 208,100 202,400

56,910 114,224 171,134 191,455

56,923 146,507 203,430 216,996

529,100 125,000 654,100

491,055 125,000 616,055

627,566 125,000 752,566

67,000 800 6,350 225,000 5,000 32,350 18,500 113,300 468,300

65,002 796 6,425 225,000 5,000 32,350 13,729 113,280 461,581

64,363 747 6,230 225,000 5,000 31,956 11,834 113,300 458,429

12,200 38,000 36,000 33,500 9,500 118,500 2,000 4,400 7,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 37,000 313,600 4,206,500 (57,700)

7,431 36,686 34,927 29,002 5,904 111,907 953 1,258 7,169 3,158 3,414 2,069 35,785 279,664 3,980,497 118,178

9,145 32,325 29,645 33,186 5,243 110,438 0 2,775 7,333 1,294 2,822 2,467 33,917 270,591 4,161,636 67,942

* The financial statements have been audited by Baker Tilly LLC, and are available to any member of the church upon request.

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BMPC Foundation Balance Sheet (December 31, 2018)

FUND BALANCES Unrestricted Church Operations: Unrestricted Endowment Permanent Endowment Isabel Sherrerd Memorial J. Mahlon Buck Jr. and Elia D. Buck Fund Christian Education and Congregational Life: Catherine C. Miller Lola M. Tryon Memorial Suzanne, Joseph and Ethel Vander Veer Fund Middleton Church School Fund Care of the Congregation Whiteman Peacemaking Miller Memorial David & Ruth Watermulder Theologian-in-Residence Community Forums Athena Wellness and Fellowship Fund

Total 36,623,195

Unrestricted Church Operations


Christian Education and Congregational Life

Fine Arts


Legacy Gifts

ASSETS (Market Value) Fixed Income Mutual Funds Note to Church Mission Investments Total

11,360,353 242,593 755,121 12,358,066

Equities Domestic Stock International Stock Total Equities

14,906,341 9,358,787 24,265,128



6,237,544 1,317,607 18,058 4,074,763 8,294 28,810 44,766 71,182 198,703 12,486 288,268 65,320 220,440 96,450

Mission: Christian Mission Outreach Elsie and Blair Daniels Eugene C. Bay Fund Richard Shaull Fund Skip Hollingshead Fund Catastrophic Relief Fund Ruth Anchors Estate Otto Haas Charitable Trust Tutoring Fund Debbie Craig Camp Scholarship Fund Judith Ehrman Fund

127,048 294,507 2,273,213 1,341,354 30,941 15,076 382,522 228,159 132,693 159,278 32,390 298,984

Building: Ada Howard Donaghy Building Endowment Building Preservation Shepherd & Sheep Statuary Repair & Maintenance

1,825,013 317,627 1,135,514 5,404

Fine Arts: Chapel Organ Fund Sherrerd/Fine Arts for Children Richard W. Ledwith McFarland Music Phoebe Haas Organ Fund Silver Anniversary Fund William Dick Music Fine Arts for Children and Youth Haas Charitable Trust for Senior Choir

44,129 33,812 124,435 400,690 80,277 156,945 828,541 282,044 1,829,110

Legacy Gifts: Middleton Pastoral Care & Counseling Foerderer Memorial Harris Care Management Fund

2,278,780 8,555,782 726,234


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Special Gifts 2018 Special Gifts to the ministries of the church, totaling $1,552,800

2018 Special Gifts to the BMPC Foundation, totaling $252,600

nn Comcast

Corporation, for the Operating Budget

nn Estate

nn Connelly

Foundation, for the Capital Campaign & Operating Budget

nn D&CN nn Otto

Trust, for the Operating Budget

Haas Charitable Trust, for the Capital Campaign

nn Katharine nn PA

Charitable Trust, for the Pew Chapel Stained Glass Project

nn Philadelphia nn PLM

Foundation, for the Operating Budget

Matching Gift, for the Operating Budget

nn Robinson

Foundation, for the Tutoring program

nn Gifts

in memory of Arlene Baggaley, for Fine Arts

nn Gifts

in memory of Lucinda (Pinkie) Hamilton, for Hunger

nn Gifts

in memory of Elvin Kolb, for Worldwide Ministries

nn Gifts

in memory of Bob & Barbara Merin, for Fine Arts

nn Gifts

in memory of Charles G. Scott, for Worldwide Ministries

nn Gifts

in memory of David Smith’s Grandmother, for the Capital Campaign

nn Gifts

in memory of Virginia (Ginny) Smith, for Fine Arts

nn Gifts

in memory of James Weese, for the Middleton Center

in honor of Joy MacMurray, for the Operating Budget

nn Gift

in honor of Paul and Kathleen MacMurray, for the Operating Budget

nn Gift

in honor of Alvin Markle, for the Operating Budget

in honor of Claire Swarr, for the Operating Budget

Matching gift

nn Gifts

in memory of Sandra Besaha

nn Gifts

in memory of Mildred Brill

nn Gifts

in memory of Leola A. Carr

nn Gifts

in memory of Richard M. Force

nn Gifts

in memory of Susan Howard

nn Gifts

in memory of Richard Knecht

nn Gifts

in memory of John MacMurray

in memory of John C. McCombs

nn Gift

nn Gift

Veer Fund

nn Gifts

in honor of Gillian Lautenbach, for the Youth Fund

in honor of Henry Rohrer, for the Middleton Center

nn Vander

in memory of Jean Carson Epps

nn Gift

nn Gift

Wellness & Fellowship Fund

nn Gifts

in honor of George and Henry Hallowell’s Baptisms, for the Operating Budget

in honor of Rachel Pederson, for the Middleton Center

nn Athena

in memory of Elizabeth “Lee” de Rham

nn Gift

nn Gift

and Grace Andressohn Fund

nn Gifts

in honor of Paul Burgmayer, for the Middleton Center

in honor of Edward Bingham and Kay Elizabeth Miller, for the Operating Budget

nn George

in memory of Robert A. Anderson

Penn Foundation Special Gifts Program, for the Capital Campaign

nn Gift

of Elizabeth “Lee” de Rham, for Building Preservation

nn Gifts

Penn Foundation Matching Gifts Program, for the Capital Campaign

nn Gift

of M. Charlotte Harris for the Harris Care Management Fund

nn Vanguard

nn William nn William

nn Estate nn Estate

Hoyler Charitable Trust, for the Operating Budget

Lumbermens Mutual Matching Gift, for the Operating Budget

nn Pew

of Baird Ritter, for Building Preservation

nn Gifts

in memory of Robert Merin

nn Gifts

in memory of Patricia Ross

nn Gifts

in memory of Virginia (Ginny) Smith

nn Gifts

in memory of Robert S. Woodcock

nn Gift

in honor of Jean Bay, for the Bay Fund

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BRYN MAWR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 625 Montgomery Avenue | Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 610.525.2821

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