2016 Annual Report

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Growing in Generosity

Annual Report 2016 Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church

Year in Review This year has seen two major strategic planning initiatives come to fruition! First, when two senior staff members left a couple of years ago, the Session formed a Staff Design Team to engage a strategic planning process to determine how the church could best be equipped to fulfill our mission as a congregation. We prioritized hiring a full-time Communications Director to help us expand our capacity for communicating on many platforms. We reaffirmed the need for a full-time Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Senior Adults to coordinate our ministries of congregational care, to expand a vital and vibrant program for most mature members, and to oversee the program for church and community that the Middleton Center provides. We envisioned a new Associate Pastor position for Congregational Life and Stewardship to enhance evangelism and member engagement through relational ministries as well as the giving of time, talent and treasure. As of the Congregational Meeting on April 23, 2017, all of those positions are filled, and we are poised to welcome two new pastors. Second, the Session and Trustees recognized there were still areas of deferred maintenance that needed to be addressed following the good work that was done during the Forward in Faith campaign, which was winding down when I arrived four years ago. The Property Vision Team was appointed to lead a thorough assessment of the church campus and prioritize future capital needs for renovation. The recommendations of the Property Vision Team were adopted and a feasibility study is underway to consider how best to position the church for the future – both on our campus and in mission beyond it. By the good work of both of these two big strategic planning initiatives, and other ones taking place in the areas of mission and programmatic ministry for all ages, our church is poised for growth and a promising future!

Grace and Peace,

Agnes W. Norfleet Pastor

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Official Boards Session Steve Udicious, Clerk Elder Class of 2017 Bill Adelhelm Anna Daley-Gibson (Y) John Frazier + Peter Haldy Morris Kay David Niedzwicki (Y) Mary Beth Pratt + Steve Udicious (Clerk) + Susie Valerio Elder Class of 2018 Bill Black + Becky Brinks Bonnie Bay Callahan Gene Chang Karen Dunkman + Krista Vaughan + Janet White +

Elder Class of 2019 Rich Allman Brad Baturka + Bill McKee Lauren Meyer Cindy Pierce Eric Swanson + Cathy Whiteside Board of Deacons Jeff Swarr, Moderator Deacon Class of 2017 Tim Bickhart Darryl Brown + Davis Burton (Y) Anne Chamberlin Marian Chitester Kirstin Engelman + Julia Getty (Y) Linda Griska + Tod Guernsey Mary Hodgkinson + Kay Miller + Didi Rieger Cindy Stewart +

Deacon Class of 2018 Bart Bastian Dave Hastings + Debbie Kay + Sally Nelson Sherri Shields Jeff Swarr Nancy Taylor Flo Zeller + Deacon Class of 2019 Patricia Danzon Bryan Hauptfuhrer + Craig Johnson + Laurie Koziol + Jane Mackie + Sheryl Parente Vicky Peetros Anne Schmid Holly Stafford + Board of Trustees Brian Walsh, President

(Y) Indicates a youth serving a one-year term as Elder or Deacon.

Trustee Class of 2017 Bill Bosch + Judy Ehrman Jean Hunt Jonathan Liggett Carol Pyle + Rick Ware + Trustee Class of 2018 Martin Bond + Louise Hill Yardly Jenkins Lisa Kimbro Mark Stafford Brian Walsh + Trustee Class of 2019 Barbara Cobb Mark Dawejko + Kevin Duffy Peggy Hermann + Kevin Nicholson + Jean Reynolds

+ Indicates a person serving his/her second three-year term.

Pastoral Staff Agnes W. Norfleet, Pastor Richard Wohlschlaeger, Interim Associate Pastor for Senior Adults & Pastoral Care Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Associate Pastor for Adult Education and Mission Kellen A. Smith, Associate Pastor for Youth, Their Families and College Ministries Rachel Pedersen, Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry Page 4

Membership Report Membership as of 12/31/15................................................2,551 Received by Certificate of Transfer.......................................... 7 Received, 17 & under..............................................................20 Received, 18 & over.................................................................17 Deaths......................................................................................31 Removed from Active Roll....................................................178 Transferred to Other Churches............................................... 11 Active Membership as of 12/31/16.................................... 2,375 Adult Baptisms.........................................................................0 Infant Baptisms...................................................................... 24 Marriages.................................................................................. 8

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Worshiping God The generosity of our members is evident in the thousands of volunteer hours they give to support our church community in a variety of ways – as Sunday School teachers, ushers, drivers, singers, flower arrangers, chaperones, meal makers, homebound visitors, and photographers. Many members also give their time and talent to serve on church councils or committees, make casseroles, answer phone calls, or lend a hand wherever assistance is needed. The financial support of our members enables our church to support mission partnerships locally and globally, provide exceptional music for worship, offer spiritual enrichment programs for all ages and maintain the beauty of our Sanctuary, Chapel, buildings and campus. Giving our time and treasure enables us to share God’s love with our church family, our local community and the world. The opportunities to grow in generosity were plentiful in 2016! This annual report shows the many ways we grew by worshiping God, nourishing our faith, and serving others.

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Worship by the Numbers



Worship Services










447 Average Attendance Music and Fine Arts Programs



Sanctuary Choir

Singing for Life



Youth Chorale


Art Shows

Children’s Choir





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Nurturing Our Faith

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Faith by the Numbers Number of children in Sunday School


Number of children and youth who participated in Vacation Bible Camp in 2016


Number of volunteers who helped with Vacation Bible Camp in 2016


Number of children in Tuesday and Friday Morning Out Program


4 trips 2 brunches 1 Christmas Party

Senior Adult Activities



Number of students attending the Weekday School


Presbyterian Women programs in 2016

Adult Education Classes Coffee Cup Bible 36 Study (Presbyterian Women)

Filling the Well (Presbyterian Women)

Horizons Bible Study

Pastors Book Group


Couples Bible Study


Men’s Study Group Bible for Beginners




Sunday Morning Discussion Group


Witherspoon Forum

Reclaiming Evangelism

Environmental Justice Lectures




Fullerton Bible Study

One BookOne Church


Interfaith Programs

5 5 3


Theologian in Residence Program

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Helping Our Neighbors We offered financial support through: Outreach Grants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Arch Street Preschool ArtWell Broad Street Ministry Camp Kirkwood Central Presbyterian Church of Norristown Chester Eastside Christian Association at U of P Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia theVillage Turning Points United Community Clinic Urban Tree Connection WePAC West Kensington Ministry

Eugene C. Bay Fund Grants • • • •

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Arch Street Preschool Build-It Bus theVillage West Kensington Ministry

Worldwide Ministries Grants • • • • • • • • • • • •

Beyond Borders, Haiti Conexion Mosaico Emmanuel Hospital, India Faith in Practice, Guatemala Friends of Forman College, Pakistan Haitian Connection Haiti Partners Hands Along the Nile, Egypt ICCI, Rabbis for Human Rights, Israel Nepal Foundation Presbyterian World Mission, Peru SEGA Girls School, Tanzania

Shaull Awards

• PC (USA) World Mission - David CortesFuentes & Josey Saez, Acevedo, Cuba • PC (USA) World Mission - Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez, Philippines • McCormick Theological Seminary

Hunger Committee

• 19 local shelters, soup kitchens, and hunger organizations

2016 Highlights From the Care Team Approximately 1,000 phone calls, visits and email contacts made with church members.

10 prayer shawls delivered to sick or bereaved members.

Frozen soups, meatloaves and quick breads prepared by

the Congregational Care Council were delivered to members experiencing health challenges.

75 poinsettias

delivered at Christmas and 75 daffodils at Easter to our homebound and recently bereaved members. Approximately 200 flower arrangements prepared by the flower arrangement committee and delivered by the deacons to sick or bereaved members and those celebrating special birthdays.

Service/Outreach 12 Casserole Blitzes 16,000 casseroles

prepared for local food agencies BMPC supported 20 local food agencies

and cupboards 2 Congregation-wide Service Days: 62 volunteers packaged 20,000 meals

for Stop Hunger Now

59 volunteers participated in a Framing Blitz on BMPC Front Lawn in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia Tutoring program: 75 high school students gather weekly to tutor 75 grade school students from a school in North Philadelphia.

Adult Leaders: 18

Mission Partner programs included visiting Pastors from Egypt, Conexion Mosaico, Cathy Chang from the Phillipines, Elmarie Parker from Lebanon, and Sega Girls School in Tanzania, Africa.

47 BMPC staff members and ushers trained in Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and CPR. The Congregational Care Council helped distribute Valentine’s Day and Thanksgiving cards to approximately 70 homebound members.

Medical equipment from our closet was loaned to about 40 members in time of need. Classes were held on chronic pain, the iPad and kidney health. A new and very successful senior exercise class is now being offered to members and the community.

Program Directors: 2

Mission Summit featuring Jed and Jenny Koball, Mission Co-Workers in Peru, was held in April 2016

Middleton Center Scholarships:



participants in the BMPC Upward Basketball program

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By the Numbers

Church Income Statement



PLEDGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Congregational Giving & Plate Cash Current Year Pledges Prior Year Pledges Total Pledges and Contributions SPECIAL INCOME Special Donations & Grants Charitable Trust Donation Foundation Income Allocation Total Special Income OTHER INCOME Total REVENUES


PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Presbytery Allocation Mortgage Interest and Principal Other Administrative Expenses Total Administrative Expense OFFICE AND TECH EXPENSE PROPERTY EXPENSE Maintenance & Utilities Deferred Maintenance Total Property Expense BENEVOLENCE Worldwide Ministries Outreach Council Tutoring Program Senior Adult Benevolence Total Benevolence COUNCILS Adult Education Children & Family Ministry Childcare Personnel Congregational Life Deacons - Congregational Care Fine Arts Program Membership Senior Adult Council Session Stewardship Worship Committee Young Adult Ministry Youth Ministry Total Councils Total EXPENDITURES NET CASH from Operating Budget

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125,000 2,371,489 10,000 2,506,489

116,090 2,412,163 28,205 2,556,458

141,833 2,300,583 9,670 2,452,086

25,000 250,000 1,306,232 1,581,232 7,100 4,094,821

65,229 250,000 1,293,489 1,608,718 12,866 4,178,042

51,074 250,000 1,231,048 1,532,122 9,621 3,993,829




68,000 57,000 101,500 226,500 218,500

68,330 56,910 98,946 224,186 194,922

66,233 56,910 91,463 214,606 223,102

613,210 125,000 738,210

578,687 125,000 703,687

587,619 125,000 712,619

110,000 219,390 9,650 32,350 371,390

109,990 219,450 5,311 32,704 367,455

106,164 215,094

12,200 38,000 34,000 14,000 3,500 109,300 17,000 4,400 7,500 5,000 3,000 5,000 37,000 289,900 4,094,500 321

11,409 27,325 31,262 11,454 1,003 98,075 15,635 690 7,308 1,663 3,319 4,902 36,187 250,232 3,799,735 378,307

32,206 353,464 10,274 34,806 32,657 13,021 1,202 94,962 15,884 909 7,260 1,320 2,066 36,659 251,021 3,693,437 300,392

* The financial statements have been audited by Baker Tilly LLC, and are available to any member of the church upon request.

Church Balance Sheet


Total Cash and Equivalents Total Fixed Assets Other Assets Investments K Hoyler Beneficial Interest Notes Receivable Pooled Income Fund/Market Value Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS

DEC. 31, 2016

DEC. 31, 2015

1,443,091 29,588,244

1,915,291 29,443,111

1,388,502 4,167,434 67,520 0 1,456,022 36,654,792

1,208,365 0 67,520 5,662 1,281,547 32,639,950

7,278 21,329 526,887 (1,538,850) 65,380 320,012 906,220 841,650 148,572 1,298,479

13,232 19,602 500,000 (1,743,334) 688,100 355,155 873,328 514,424 133,193 1,353,699

1,465,000 2,186 0 1,467,186 2,765,664

1,665,000 2,550 626 1,668,176 3,021,875

28,156,144 4,167,434 1,612,100 (46,551) 33,889,127 36,654,792

28,011,011 0 1,273,708 333,356 29,618,075 32,639,950

LIABILITIES & EQUITY Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses Custodial Accounts Capital Campaign Reserve Forward in Faith Reserve Due to Foundation Note to Foundation Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted Reserves Weekday School Reserves Total Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Line of Credit - BMT Amortization Pooled Income/Future Liability Total Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Plant K Hoyler Perpetual Trust Unrestricted Net Assets Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY

Stewardship Report - Looking Ahead Our 2017 Stewardship campaign “Growing in Generosity” resulted in 695 pledges totaling $2,378,500.

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BMPC Foundation Balance Sheet (December 31, 2016)


Undesignated: Unrestricted Endowment Permanent Endowment Isabel Sherrerd Memorial J. Mahlon Buck Jr. and Elia D. Buck Fund Christian Education and Congregational Life: Catherine C Miller Lola M. Tryon Memorial Joseph and Ethel VanderVeer Middleton Church School Fund Care of the Congregation Whiteman Peacemaking Miller Memorial David & Ruth Watermulder Theologian-in-Residence Community Forums

Church Operations Christian Education and Congregational Life

Mission Building Fine Arts Legacy Gifts

ASSETS (Market Value) Cash Equivalents Fixed Income Securities Intermediate Term Notes - Market Rate Notes - Below Market Rate Total Fixed Income Equities U.S. All Cap International Equity Fund Total Equities Pledged Cash Equivalents (Money Market) Treasury Inflation Protected GNMA Fund Admiral Shares Short-Term Bond Market Index Fund Total Pledged TOTAL ASSETS

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1,939,872 5,238,536 320,012 555,121 6,113,669 15,165,715 9,336,276 24,501,991 47,149 984,576 940,362 2,373,204 4,345,291 36,900,822

Mission : Christian Mission Outreach Elsie and Blair Daniels Eugene C. Bay Fund Richard Shaull Fund Skip Hollingshead Fund Catastrophic Relief Fund Ruth Anchors Estate Otto Haas Charitable Trust Tutoring Fund Debbie Craig Camp Scholarship Fund Judith Ehrman Fund Building: Ada Howard Donaghy Building Endowment Building Preservation Shepherd & Sheep Statuary Repair & Maintenance Fine Arts: Chapel Organ Fund Sherrerd/Fine Arts for Children Richard W. Ledwith McFarland Music Phoebe Haas Organ Fund Silver Anniversary Fund William Dick Music Fine Arts for Children and Youth Haas Charitable Trust for Senior Choir Legacy Gifts: Middleton Pastoral Care & Counseling Foerderer Memorial Harris Care Management Fund TOTAL FUND BALANCES

7,530,458 1,308,459 17,931 4,042,694 8,231 28,610 35,547 70,693 197,260 12,399 267,719 65,501 230,923 126,166 292,463 2,231,150 1,349,812 30,724 14,972 379,716 226,067 130,735 158,131 32,161 296,104 1,812,343 315,422 577,440 5,215

42,276 33,582 122,445 397,894 77,240 104,247 822,531 278,573 1,807,704 2,262,946 8,496,301 660,037 36,900,822

Special Gifts In 2016, our church was blessed by many generous donations, and we are grateful for each gift received. Most of these applied to our annual Stewardship Campaign, although some were allocated to more specific uses. Some of these special gifts are highlighted below.

Special Gifts to Ministries of the Church, totaling $327,500: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The George & Grace Andressohn Fund, to the Operating Budget The Katharine Hoyler Charitable Trust, to the Operating Budget The John K. and Elizabeth Knorr Charitable Foundation, to Visual Arts The Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program, to the Operating Budget The Martha Greene Lewis Charitable trust, to the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign The PA Lumberman’s Mutual Matching Gift, to the Operating Budget The Philadelphia Foundation, to the Operating Budget The Patricia M. Shaw pooled income fund of the Presbyterian Foundation, to the Operating Budget The Fay M. Stetzer Charitable Trust, to the Operating Budget The William Penn Foundation Matching Gifts Program, to the Operating Budget The William Penn Foundation Special Gifts Program, to the Operating Budget Gifts in Honor of John and Joy MacMurray, to the Operating Budget Gifts in Memory of Janet Rennix Allan, to the Senior Adult Ministry Gifts in Memory of Ms. Margaret Clay, to the Advent Gift Market Gifts in Memory of Barbara Merin, to the Sanctuary Choir Gifts in Memory of John (Jack) M. Moon, to the Moon Hymnal Fund Gifts in Memory of Edith A. Powell, to the BMPC Children’s Library Gifts in Memory of James Weese, to the Middleton Center

Special Gifts to the BMPC Foundation, totaling $22,900: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Boudinot Foundation, to the Tutoring Fund Gifts in Memory of Jean Africa, to the Silver Anniversary Fund Gifts in Memory of Louise H. Burnstein Gifts in Memory of Ruth Miller Cox Gifts in Memory of Mrs. Emily E. Fletcher Gifts in Memory of Carl E. Kleckner Gifts in Memory of Mr. Richard W. Knecht Gifts in Memory of Larry Eugene Oliphant Gifts in Memory of John H. Moore, Jr. Gifts in Memory of George C. Shafer, Jr. Gifts in Memory of Patricia C. Shaw Gifts in Memory of Jane A. Stauffer Gifts in Memory of Mrs. May Toren Gifts in Memory of William H. Wilson Gifts in Memory of Robert S. Woodcock

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Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church | 625 Montgomery Avenue | Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 | 610.525.2821

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