Ministries Guide - Fall 2019

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Ministries Guide Fall 2019




Mission Statement & Membership


Music & Fine Arts

Campus History Worship Sunday Schedule Ministries Overview Adult Education Caring Ministries & The Middleton Center Children & Family Ministries

05 06 07 08 & 09 10 11 12 & 13

Senior Adults Youth Ministry Stewardship Men's Ministries & Congregation-Wide Activities Presbyterian Women

16 17 18 & 19 20 21 22

Shared Ministries & Specialized Ministries


BMPC Foundation


Elected Leadership


BMPC Staff Whom to Contact Staying Connected & Map


14 & 15

26 27 28

WELCOME Dear BMPC Friends, I love the Apostle Paul’s description of the church as the body of Christ because the image brings to mind a living, breathing, moving, interdependent human being made in the image of God. It is impossible to capture the essence of our vibrant congregational life in any one gathering—whether it is worship, a Christian education class or Bible study, a service project, an intergenerational celebration, a shared meal or meeting. And yet through all of these activities, we can experience the love, grace, holiness, forgiveness and closeness of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ. Our life together as a community of believers is centered in worship, Christian education and nurture, so that we may be strengthened to serve as God’s church in the world. By turning these pages and catching a glimpse of our diverse offerings and opportunities, you will see how gifted our community of faith is with deep commitments, various callings, and special blessings. Moreover, I hope that you will find ways in which you can be further engaged in the ministry and mission of the church. Studies of healthy congregations show that people who attend a church are looking for a sense of welcome and belonging, as well as a place in which their gifts and talents can be used to the glory of God. This resource is intended to help you find both your place of belonging and call to service, so that whenever we gather we embody the church God is calling us to be together. Grace and Peace,

Agnes W. Norfleet Pastor

MISSION STATEMENT This statement of purpose was adopted by BMPC’s Session in March 1997:

We are a community of faith, challenged, strengthened and transformed by the God who is revealed to us in Christ.

We welcome all who would follow Christ.

We prefer truth to complacency.

We strive to connect faith and life.

We serve and leaven the church, community, and wider world through compassionate and empowering ministries.

MEMBERSHIP As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we welcome all who would follow Christ to become part of the membership and ministry of our church. We would love for you to join us! New members join our church by profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or letter of transfer from another church. Those who have never been baptized may be baptized as part of a worship service when received into membership. Prior to that service, our Session greets and receives new members and their families at a special breakfast meeting (usually on the first or second Sunday of October, December, March, and June). To help newcomers become acquainted with our community and our sense of Christian ministry, we offer a “Discover BMPC” class leading up to new member Sundays. Inquirers are welcome, and your questions are encouraged. We look forward to getting to know you as a member of our church family!


BMPC’s Congregational Life Council is involved in efforts to share hospitality, enjoy fellowship, welcome newcomers, and increase participation. As we extend the hand of friendship, we sponsor events where we can celebrate together as a community of faith and we try to “fill the gaps” for members who may need a connecting point.

CAMPUS & HISTORY HOW WE STARTED BMPC was organized by 13 women and three men in 1873, when our land adjacent to the Bryn Mawr Hotel (now The Baldwin School) was purchased from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Our first building was a modest, green-stone Chapel on the site of our current Sanctuary. Our second building, a brownstone church at the site of our current Chapel, was completed in 1886 and seated 500. OUR VISION The vision of our congregation was apparent in 1927 when the present Sanctuary was built to seat 1,400— double the size of the congregation of that time. According to the report of the New Church Building Committee, the Sanctuary was built to “conform to the Gothic tradition, suited to the academic atmosphere of Bryn Mawr.” The old brownstone church stood next to the new Sanctuary until 1940, when its foundation and three walls became the framework of our Chapel. Three treasured Tiffany windows from the brownstone church enhance the Chapel’s north section, which follows the lines of the Old Sunday School building built in 1894. MISSION & OUTREACH Our congregation has been committed to mission and outreach since the late 1800s, when BMPC became the first Presbyterian church in America to maintain its own foreign missionaries. Among them was Dr. William Wanless, who established a hospital in Miraj, India, that still exists today. Our commitment to the city and churches of Philadelphia was formalized with an Urban-Suburban Partnership in 1998 — the year of our 125th anniversary — and many of our current outreach efforts support Presbytery of Philadelphia ministries. CONVERSE HOUSE Converse House was built in 1911 as the manse for our third pastor, the Rev. Dr. Andrew Mutch, who came from Scotland with his family. This building

was our senior pastor’s home until 1958. It then housed our church offices until 1990, when our Ministries Center was completed, incorporating a gym and the Activities Building constructed in the 1960s. Our Fine Arts, Parish Nurse, and Social Worker offices, church library and parlor, and The Middleton Center for Pastoral Care and Counseling are located in Converse House today. EDUCATION BUILDING Our Education Building, built in 1931 on the east end of our campus, provides space for hundreds of children for Sunday School. The Education Building is also the home of the Weekday School Preschool and our tutoring program, which pairs suburban youth and North Philadelphia elementary school children. The Ministries Center on the west side of our Sanctuary is open seven days a week as a place for youth and adults to plan activities, learn about faith, enjoy fellowship, and share resources through service to others. MUSIC & FINE ARTS In the 1970s, our first full-time Director of Music and Fine Arts was hired, and an expanded program of music, art and drama took shape. Our tradition of excellence in worship music continues through our internationally-recognized Sanctuary Choir and our choirs for children and youth, handbell choir, and concerts. Changing art exhibits enrich our lives and express our faith. CONTINUING FORWARD BMPC continues to be a place that brings people together in the pursuit of mutual understanding, leading us away from ourselves and into the mainstream of the Word of God. Today, with renovated buildings, a new organ, carillon, and church spire, we look forward to vibrant Christian ministry in the 21st century.


WORSHIP Worship is at the heart of what we do at BMPC. As we come together as a community of faith, we put all else aside to glorify God. Our beautiful Sanctuary is filled with glorious stained glass windows, a magnificent pipe organ, the music of choirs, and the reassuring words of scripture and prayer. Whether you join us for 10:00 a.m. worship there or in the intimacy of our Chapel at 8:00 a.m., it is our hope that you will experience God’s presence. All those who have been baptized in the Christian faith are welcome to take communion at BMPC. The sacrament is an opportunity to renew the vows taken at baptism and our commitment to love and


serve God, one another, and our neighbors in the world. Communion is offered each Sunday at 8:00 a.m. worship and on at least eight Sundays a year in 10:00 a.m. worship. Our lay-led Worship Committee serves as a forum for input and feedback to pastoral and Fine Arts staff to ensure that our worship opportunities meet the needs of our congregation. The Committee also provides logistical support for our services through volunteer ushering, parking, sound system operation, and communion preparation. For those unable to attend services, audio and video recordings of sermons are posted on our website.

SUNDAY SCHEDULE We hope you’ll join us regularly on Sunday mornings when we set aside time to worship God and gain perspective as Christians in today’s world. Take advantage of our classes for all ages and join us for fellowship and refreshments in the Ministries Center Gymnasium. Overflow parking is available across the street behind Harcum College. Most Sundays, September through May 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

WORSHIP IN THE CHAPEL A service with weekly communion.

8:00 a.m.

8:45 a.m.

ART @ 9 (AGES 3 - GRADE 5) In the Ministries Center Conference Room.

CHILDCARE (INFANT - AGE 5) Fullerton Room in the Ministries Center. Electronic pagers available.

ADULT CLASSES Most Sundays. See our worship bulletin for details.

8:45 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOL Grades K - 5 in the Ministries Center begin after the Children’s Moment in Worship; Grades 6 -12 in the Gymnasium

10:15 a.m.

COFFEE AND FELLOWSHIP Join us for fellowship and refreshments in the Ministries Center Gymnasium.

11:00 a.m.

11:15 a.m.

WORSHIP IN THE SANCTUARY Traditional service and hymns with the voices of our choirs and a children’s message. Ages 2 to 4 in the Ministries Center; Grades PreK - 5 begin worship with their families in the Sanctuary; Grades 6 - 12 in the Gymnasium. First Sunday of the Month: Worship Together Sunday for Grades 4 - 12.

ADULT CLASSES Most Sundays. See our worship bulletin for details. 7


MINISTRIES OVERVIEW Our BMPC campus is busy seven days a week with opportunities for enrichment, fellowship, support, and service to others. We invite you to participate according to your interests. Dropins are welcome, and weekday childcare is often available with three days advance notice to Our programs and activities are initiated and coordinated by church councils and committees that report to and are directed by our Session and Board of Deacons. As described in the pages that follow, each of these planning groups has a ministry area focus, is comprised of committed volunteers, and meets regularly from September to May. If you have questions or would like more information, call the church office at 610-525-2821, and we will be happy to assist you.


ADULT EDUCATION Our Adult Education opportunities are designed to:

Strengthen our understanding of worship, scripture, theology, our faith tradition, and Presbyterian heritage.

Challenge our understanding of God’s world and our place in it, and urge us to see life from different perspectives.

Heal and transform our hearts and minds so that we may serve God and others with greater conviction and effectiveness.

By offering Sunday classes at 8:45 and 11:15 a.m., we hope to make it easy for everyone to participate in learning, worship, and fellowship on Sunday mornings. We offer space and time for you to breathe deeply, think creatively, and reconnect with what is deepest in your heart as we gather for reflection, prayer, study, and conversation. Talented church members, guest academics, local experts, pastors, and visiting mission partners are among those who lead our classes. In addition to Sunday classes, we offer: • • • •

Bible studies/book discussions Classes following some of our Wednesday Night Dinners A Theologian-in-Residence program Opportunities to enrich your experience of Advent and Lent

We encourage you to visit The Book Center in the Court and Converse House Library (accessed via the Ministries Center) that carry an excellent selection of spiritual and theological books, class texts, bibles, hymnals, and books for children.


CARING MINISTRIES The Caring Ministries Team - the Board of Deacons, Parish Nurse, Social Worker, Middleton Counseling Center, and the pastoral team - seek to extend Jesus’ invitation to live life "(w)holy." This is done at the intersection of: intentional living, self-care, compassion, community, practicing presence, and spiritual growth. Jesus conveys this invitation in scripture, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). The (w)holy life Jesus desires for everyone includes physical health, but it also encompasses our emotional, relational, spiritual, and communal health. In short, the work of Caring Ministries is to care for you at every point in your life, and to help you care for your own neighbor.


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SOCIAL WORKER AND PARISH NURSE Renee and Carol are social service and medical advocates who assess the needs of the congregation COMPASSION and approach health and healing holistically. They practice caring presence through visitation and delivery of prayer shawls. They also build relationships (W)HOLY in the congregation, link individuals to community resources, and develop and SPIRITUAL host programs that integrate GROWTH faith and health. Congregation


DEACONS The ministry of Deacons focuses on care and compassion, particularly for those who are sick, homebound, and bereaved. Deacons help serve communion, administer the Helping Hands program, and provide other ministries including extending hospitality at Memorial Services.

D e a co ns

THE MIDDLETON CENTER Through a generous endowment from the John Middleton Company in memory of Herbert H. Middleton, Jr., The Middleton Center opened in 1999 to care for the spiritual, emotional and relational needs of both our church and wider Main Line community. The Middleton Center invites people from all backgrounds, beliefs and faiths to enhance the connections between body, mind and spirit. Through therapy, educational programs, labyrinth walks, spiritual direction and support groups, The Middleton Center helps individuals to recognize their strengths and develop skills needed to improve the quality and fullness of their lives. Our professional services are provided on a sliding scale with a spirit of hospitality. All communications, conversations and services provided by The Middleton Center are confidential. 11

CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRY Children and Family Ministries Council supports the spiritual formation of children, birth to Grade 5, through Christian education in Sunday School and other activities. We partner with families and the larger faith community to nurture the faith of all our children. Sunday School is offered for all children beginning at 2 years of age. Our curriculum is enriched by worship, biblical storytelling and visual arts. This integrated curriculum builds each year helping students develop a strong sense of worship, a knowledge of scripture and a personal sense of vocation. Care is taken to ensure that our program meets the needs of children at each developmental stage. We value children as part of our whole church community and welcome children in worship. Kindergarten through grade 5 begin Sunday worship with their families at the 10:00 a.m. service. Following the Children’s Moment, they depart for their classrooms. On the first Sunday of every month, children in grades 4 and 5 worship with their families in the Sanctuary as part of Worship Together Sunday. Sunday School ends at 11:15 a.m. In addition to Sunday School, we offer: Childcare Sundays from 7:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and for most other church activities.

Vacation Bible Camp Summer Vacation Bible Camp in June on our BMPC campus.

Art @ 9 An art activity class for age 3-grade 5 on Sunday mornings at 8:45 a.m. in the Ministries Center Conference Room.

Choir & Children's Program Wednesdays Together Choir & Children’s program for children Kindergarten Grade 5.

Fellowship Fellowship opportunities with other families on Sunday mornings after worship in the Ministries Center Gymnasium.

Special Events Special events such as Family Fun Fridays with pizza and a movie, and family service projects.

The Weekday School The Weekday School - a faith-based preschool on our BMPC campus.

Bibles Presentation of Bibles in Grade 3 and Hymnals in Grade 5.

Monthly Projects Monthly mission and service projects.

Sacramental Education Sacramental Education around Baptism and Communion.

Powell Children's Library Selections from the Powell Children’s Library are available during Coffee Hour. 12

THE WEEKDAY SCHOOL (PRESCHOOL) The Weekday School is truly “A Place to Grow.” Our curriculum for preschoolers offers a unique educational experience designed to develop a love of learning, kindergarten readiness, and roots for beginning a lifelong journey in faith. Our nurturing environment helps children discover the joy of learning as they engage in both play-based activities and hands-on lessons. Each day is filled with carefully planned, fun-filled activities designed with specific educational goals in mind. Through a themebased curriculum that is rich in music and art, students are well prepared for kindergarten with strong skills in the areas of letter recognition, handwriting, science and math. Exciting enhancements include an Outdoor Learning Center where children can experience hands-on nature lessons, Kids Yoga, and an iPad lab in our new Learning Café. Weekday School students also learn about the love of God. Each week, BMPC’s Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry nurtures the students’ spiritual growth with Bible lessons. As their faith grows, so does their connection to BMPC as their church home. Classes are available for children ages 2 years and 7 months through 5 with extended day options until 2:00 p.m.


MISSION OUTREACH Our church’s outreach is offered in response to God’s grace and Christ’s commandment to love one another. Under the oversight of our Outreach Committee, we offer grants that have assisted local Presbyterian-related ministries including Broad Street Ministry, theVillage, Chester Eastside, and Central Presbyterian Church in Norristown. Grants have also assisted Philadelphia Ministries including Habitat for Humanity, The Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia, United Community Clinic, Turning Point, WePAC, and Urban Tree Connection. Our volunteers work with ministry partners such as these, sharing their time and talents. They also provide hands-on help through our Tutoring Program, now celebrating more than 50 years of pairing local youth with children from a North Philadelphia elementary school for reading and writing assistance. On Days of Service, church members and friends are invited to participate in a variety of service opportunities for all ages and abilities, including stuffing envelopes or making casseroles at the church, repairing houses or planting gardens in nearby urban neighborhoods. Our mission partners work with us to make these times of service productive and full of great fellowship.


HUNGER Our Hunger Committee focuses on those who cannot obtain adequate food. We maintain freezers in the Ministries Center for casserole donations and sponsor ongoing collections of nonperishable foods to stock distribution centers and soup kitchens in greater Philadelphia. We schedule Saturday casserole blitzes, bringing volunteers of all ages together in our church kitchen to fulfill an ambitious goal of 1,600 casserole donations per year. The committee hosts an annual luncheon for those who lead the fight against hunger in our region and also seeks to make a difference in worldwide hunger issues. Hunger Fund envelopes in the Sanctuary provide resources for these contributions. PEACEMAKING Our Peacemaking Committee informs our congregation and mobilizes its responses toward peace, both locally and in the wider world. We offer educational programs and direct action opportunities that change yearly. Our areas of focus include building interfaith understanding, advocating for peace and justice for Christians in Israel/Palestine, and preventing gun violence resulting from illegal sales of handguns in our communities. Funds for our efforts come from the annual Peacemaking Offering collected each October on Worldwide Communion Sunday.

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Our Environmental Justice Committee works both within BMPC and in our larger community to promote environmental stewardship and the care of God’s creation. Within a Christian framework, we are driven to respond to God’s great gift by caring for our world. We offer instruction to children, youth and adults; interact with other BMPC missions to promote environmental awareness; and work with other BMPC committees to help green the church campus. Our committee founded the Main Line Interfaith Green Group, an ongoing environmental stewardship movement. REFUGEE SUPPORT In response to the devastating worldwide crisis of more than 21 million refugees (over half are children under the age of 18), BMPC endeavors to promote selfsufficiency as we work with individuals, families and our local resettlement partner agencies. Following Matthew 25: For I was a stranger and you welcomed me…truly I tell you, just as you did it to me the committee welcomes the stranger with housing, furnishings, food, medical, transportation, employment, education and friendship.

WORLDWIDE MINISTRIES Our Worldwide Ministries Committee connects BMPC with Christians and mission partners located beyond Philadelphia, working globally to support ministries of compassion, justice, and transformation. Our priorities are to support organizations that empower the people they serve and involve members of the served community; to build relationships between our church and like-minded partners around the world; and to educate our congregation on issues and ministries in which our global partners are involved. Our programs include visits from our mission partners, who offer presentations about their life and work, and opportunities for mission travel and study to enrich our working partnerships and deepen our global relationships. Through our partners, we learn about challenges that face Christians everywhere and the amazing things that God is doing in our world.


MUSIC & FINE ARTS Through weekly worship or in one of our many other programs, our Music and Fine Arts Ministries offer opportunities to share faith and glorify God through artistic and musical expression. The Music and Fine Arts Council meets regularly to plan and review programs, exhibits, budgets, and volunteer assistance for concerts and exhibits.

Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Music and Fine Arts Program of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church is to present music and the arts to glorify God and to promote diversity, tolerance, compassion and peace in the world.

MUSIC PROGRAMS • Concert Series: Performances of religious works by ensembles, organists or performing groups of international caliber. •

Sanctuary Choir: Participates in 10:00 a.m. worship September through June; audition required. Meets Thursdays, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Bryn Mawr Chamber Singers: A semi-professional group; audition required. Rehearses as needed on Thursdays during Sanctuary Choir.

Singing for Life: For adults ages 55+. Meets Thursdays, 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.; no audition required. Registration fee of $75 per semester, scholarships available.

“Wednesdays Together” program: Grades K-5; meets Wednesdays, 4:45 - 5:45 p.m.

Youth Chorale: Grades 6-12; meets Wednesdays, 5:45 - 6:30 p.m.

Tintinnabulators: Intergenerational handbell choir for youth and adults; ability to read music required. Meets Sundays, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Carillonneurs Team: Opportunity to learn to play BMPC’s 49 bell carillon. The team provides music on Sundays and for special occasions.

FINE ARTS PROGRAMS • A permanent art collection which began in the 1960s •

Rotating exhibits on BMPC’s architecture, stained glass, sculpture, and textiles, as well as exhibits by artists in the community (on hiatus during construction)

“Artists’ Gathering” studio space available on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center 16

SENIOR ADULTS Our Senior Adult Ministry organizes itself around the wisdom, gifts, and needs of the senior members of our congregation, whose leadership and support are vital to the work of both our church and our community. Through our Senior Adult Council, various forms of service and education are designed to nurture and enrich the lives of these members. Some of the opportunities for service and learning are:

Men’s Book Discussion Group

Day Trips and Educational Seminars

Medical Equipment Lending Closet

Nursing and Retirement Home Information

The Senior Adult Council also has a benevolence program to support local organizations that provide services to seniors in need. Individual services to enhance the caregiving of our pastoral team are provided to members through our Social Worker and Parish Nurse Programs. Our Social Worker offers assessment, consultation and referral to appropriate resources and services in the community when health, aging, or life events

Sunday Brunch Programs

Recordings of Worship Services for the Homebound

Planning and Resource Main Line Booklets Adult Day Center Are Your Affairs In Order? and When the Time Comes raise social or psychological concerns for members. Our Parish Nurse assists in the church’s healing role through a holistic health ministry dedicated to the care of body, mind and spirit. This includes assessing and identifying health and wellness needs of church members, visiting church members in their homes, and providing support and healthrelated information after hospitalization or during crises. 17

YOUTH MINISTRY BMPC’s youth ministry is an inclusive faith community that connects, engages and equips youth to discover and live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.

SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH GATHERING & CONNECTION GROUPS Youth are invited to attend our Sunday morning Youth Gathering and Connection Groups from 10:00-11:15 a.m., starting in the gym. At the Youth Gathering teenagers are invited to build community, worship through music, and hear a message — most often from Pastor Leigh! After the message, youth break up into age-specific Connection Groups at 10:30 a.m., to take a deeper dive into the morning message and learn more about the Christian story together. CONFIRMATION Confirmation is an exciting time in the life of our congregations eighth graders! After participating in the regular Youth Gathering in the gym, confirmands meet in the loft between 10:30-11:15 a.m. Each Confirmand is paired with a Confirmation Mentor who walks alongside them through the yearlong confirmation process, providing support and spiritual friendship. WORSHIP TOGETHER Worship Together Sundays provide children and youth in 4th-12th grades the opportunity to connect with the larger congregation! Youth are invited to take active roles in the service as liturgists and greeters, while also participating in worship alongside the adult congregation. YOUTH SABBATH Middle and High School youth meet together in the Loft, the last Sunday of most months starting in October. From 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the evening, youth are reminded that they are not just their accomplishments and extracurricular activities. 18

These evenings are set aside to help our teenagers breathe and remember they are not just human “doings,” but also human “beings” who are beloved by God, no matter what. STUDENT SERVE (YOUTH LEADERSHIP TEAM) In Student Serve, high school youth take an active role in their faith formation. Each Wednesday night we delve into scripture, listen to the ups and downs of peers, and discern together what topics need further study for regular Sunday programming. This application-only group meets after the churchwide Wednesday Night Dinners from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Loft. SPECIAL EVENTS AND SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES There are plenty of special events for our youth throughout the year — just search “youth” at for up-to-date information on current happenings and subscribe to our email blasts. You can also follow us on Instragram @bmpc_youth for consistent information about our program! TRIPS AND RETREATS: • Confirmation Retreat, November 10 • High School Sabbath Retreat, January 24-26 • High School Immersion Trip to Mexico City, July • Middle School Kirkwood Plunge, June • Camp Kirkwood, August 2-8

I DREAM – through this acronym we remember who it is we hope to be as the BMPC Youth Ministry INCLUSION Guided by God’s Spirit, we welcome all youth and families, thankful for their unique identities and gifts, as we seek to provide an experience of belonging for each individual. DISCIPLESHIP We cultivate an inquisitive community who journey together as youth grow, explore and are transformed by the love of God revealed in Jesus. RESPONSIBILITY We build meaningful relationships that promote accountability so that through us, God can create a community that is greater than any of us by ourselves. ENGAGEMENT We foster friendship, fellowship and fun to create joy-filled, relevant and transformative experiences. AFFIRMATION We approach everyone, including ourselves, with gentleness and grace so that all will know they are celebrated, loved and valued as children of God. MISSION We empower youth to share their gifts as they work for justice, freedom and peace in the community around us and the world at large. 19

STEWARDSHIP “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” - Luke 12:34 “Stewardship is how we live out our calling as followers of Christ. Stewardship is what we do after we say that we believe.” Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church has a long history of faithful giving. This response to God’s goodness enriches our church and our community, and in turn, enriches our lives. We are called “to live in gratitude and faith, not anxiety and fear.” Acknowledging that God, revealed in Jesus Christ, came to offer us abundance, we continue to offer our gifts, responding to the needs of the world God loves. BMPC achieves its mission in the world through the generosity of our congregation. The primary source of our financial support comes through the annual stewardship campaign. In the fall, we ask members of our congregation to make a pledge (an estimate of giving) for the upcoming year. The Joint Budget Management Committee then uses this information to create the annual budget. The annual stewardship campaign is led by the Stewardship Committee, which is comprised of volunteer church members and is supported by the Associate Pastor for Congregational Life and Stewardship and dedicated support staff. This committee seeks to help our members understand the role of giving in relationship to our Christian faith. The committee also supports efforts to educate the congregation about the missions of our church and celebrates the impact that results from our generosity. For more information, visit


MEN’S MINISTRIES We offer opportunities for men of all ages including: A weekly Saturday Morning Men’s Group that runs from September through mid-June at 7:00 a.m. in Converse House Parlor. All ages are invited to join for fellowship and lively discussions “beyond the water cooler” on topics of interest to men. All discussions are confidential. A Men’s Study Group on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in Converse House Parlor. Led by the Rev. Brian K. Ballard, this group reads books dealing with biblical and theological study; men of all ages are invited.

CONGREGATION-WIDE ACTIVITIES BMPC offers opportunities to enhance our life together as a congregation with intergenerational activities throughout the year. These include: • • • •

• • •

Wednesday Night Dinners each week in Congregational Hall (mid-Sept. through mid-June) “Rally Day” festivities following 10:00 a.m. worship on the Sunday after Labor Day A “Blessing of the Animals” service on our front lawn in the fall Harvest Festival Family Potluck October 18. Potlucks are described as "the love language of the church." Come & share your favorite family recipe. “Sundae Sunday” following 10:00 a.m. worship in June Service Days with hands-on volunteer activities, both on and off the BMPC campus Casserole blitzes to help feed the hungry 21

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Our Presbyterian Women (PW) group belongs to an international organization of more than 300,000 women who emphasize faith, mission, and fellowship through Bible study, service projects, and social events. All women in our church and our community are welcome to join our ongoing activities. Whatever your background, you are sure to find a caring group who offer friendship and support. Our interest groups meet, study, and explore ideas in small settings; you may participate in as many as you like. Most interest groups meet from September through May. Coffee Cup Bible Study: pastor-led Bible study, 10:00 a.m. Wednesday mornings from September to May Dimensions in Literature: book discussions on the third Tuesday of the month Great Decisions: A monthly discussion that meets the last Tuesday of every month at Rosemont Presbyterian Village Holy Leisure: occasional Friday evening gatherings in homes of PW members Rosemont Bible Study: a monthly Bible study that meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Rosemont Presbyterian Village


Y-Group: an interest group of PW that welcomes mothers or caregivers of children of all ages with a focus on family and faith. Make new friends, share mutual support, and reach out through service projects. Usually meets on the second Tuesday of the month and also offers family outings, special events, and a book group

SHARED MINISTRIES There are many opportunities within BMPC to help others. You can participate once a year, once a month or once a week, either at the church or in the community. Here are a few ways you can serve: • • •

Assist at Wednesday Night Dinners Volunteer as a receptionist Support a BMPC youth as a mentor or be a college connection to our college/ student away ministry Tutor elementary school students

• • • • • • •

Work with children/youth Knit a “prayer shawl” Feed the hungry at a casserole blitz Drive older adults to medical appointments Usher Participate in a “Day of Service” Join a prayer group

SPECIALIZED MINISTRIES PROPERTY COMMITTEE Our Property Committee is a committee of the Board of Trustees which supports the church through stewardship of our building and landscape resources. Members of the committee offer varied skills to the church including construction project management, commercial real estate services, energy systems consulting, architectural design, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, interior design, landscape design, and project finance services. In the past five years, the committee has helped deliver, joyfully and with gratitude for generous donors, projects that include: COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE

• •

Renovation of the west transept of the Sanctuary including removal and restoration of the stained glass “Pentecost” and “Lord’s Prayer” windows and rebuilding of the masonry and roof systems. Restoration of the church tower including replacement of the spire Major repairs and enhancements to the campus heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems to provide for more effective use of our spaces and better management of our energy use. Implementing an interior design manual to guide selection of furniture and finishes for the manses and meeting spaces.

The Communications Committee supports and helps advance BMPC communications to assure that our messaging is informative, effective, well-designed, and efficient. Responsible to the Session, the committee considers the use of our vehicles in a communications plan; overall editorial coverage; marketing and branding strategies; and the use of media and online resources. Recent projects and initiatives included: • • • • •

Redesign of our church website ( New editorial focus and publication schedule for The Messenger Increased use of email communications, social media and video Coordination of the Annual Report and other printed materials Publication guidelines and style standards 23

BMPC FOUNDATION The BMPC Foundation encourages and receives contributions for the endowment of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. Composed of more than 30 individual funds, the Foundation provides sustained revenue to support more than 30% of our church’s annual operations. It also supports other ministries and mission commitments of the church as well as long-term and special needs. Gifts to the BMPC Foundation, however great or small, leave a rich and timeless legacy that will strengthen this congregation and the Christian community beyond our walls for years to come. Some funds include: • • •

The Ethel B. Foerderer Memorial Fund enables us to conduct a broad and caring ministry to the elderly, sick and needy. The William Hamilton Miller Fund provides grants and scholarships to young men and women preparing themselves for ministry. The Ruth Anchors Fund provides assistance to people in need of food and housing.

There are funds that contribute to the preservation and updating of our physical facilities. Other funds support the Theologian-in-Residence program, Fine Arts Ministry, Youth Ministry, local outreach, and the Middleton Center for Pastoral Care and Counseling. Some funds are designated to provide grants, including: •

The Richard Shaull Fund was established as part of the mission component of BMPC’s Worship, Music and Mission capital campaign launched in 2002. It provides an annual award for special mission projects consistent with the goals of our Worldwide Ministries Council: to establish relationships to help overcome causes of needs and injustices and to support empowering, transformational ministries. The Eugene C. Bay Fund for Urban Ministry enhances the life of residents in the inner city areas of Philadelphia and the community of Chester through grants for projects that strengthen the physical, emotional, educational and spiritual lives of children. It is awarded biannually.

The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Foundation is a Pennsylvania corporation with a board of directors elected by the trustees of the church. A member of the Foundation Board will be pleased to address any questions you have regarding the Foundation or your contribution. For more information, visit bmpc-foundation



BOARD OF DEACONS Steve McConnell, Moderator

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Barbara Cobb, President

ELDER CLASS OF 2020 Bill Adelhelm + Madeline Briddell (Y) Heewon Chang Peter Haldy + Morris Kay + Doug McCone Jack Odiorne (Y) Kathy Stevens Susie Valerio +

DEACONS CLASS OF 2020 Jean Bay Tim Bickhart + Marian Chitester + Alexa Elder (Y) Tod Guernsey + Dave Heaton Anne Lee Steve McConnell Jr. Rob Mygatt Judy Sherry Susan Thorkelson Wes Yeakel (Y)

TRUSTEES CLASS OF 2020 Martin Bond+ Tim Chitester Eric Johnson Jon Liggett + Kevin Nicholson + Steve Ryan Kent Walker

ELDER CLASS OF 2021 Becky Brinks + Bonnie Bay Callahan + Gene Chang + Mary French By Graf Joan LaLeike Bill Matthai ELDER CLASS OF 2022 Rich Allman + Bill McKee + Lauren Meyer + Cindy Pierce + CathyWhiteside + Flo Zeller CLERGY Agnes W. Norfleet Brian K. Ballard Leigh DeVries Rebecca Kirkpatrick Rachel Pedersen Franklyn C. Pottorff

DEACONS CLASS OF 2021 Bart Bastian + Colleen Bertrand Dave Bravo Dan Haller Brian Kerr Kathy Kreider Tricia Mackay Sally Nelson + Dave Reiner Sheila Rohrer Sherri Shields + Bill Shinn Jeff Swarr + Nancy Taylor +

TRUSTEES CLASS OF 2021 Louise Hill + Yardly Jenkins + Dave MacGregor Mark Stafford + Tom Willcox TRUSTEES CLASS OF 2022 Barbara Cobb + Kevin Duffy + Kirstin Engelman Craig Johnson Jean Reynolds + Tobin Whamond

DEACONS CLASS OF 2022 Paula Adelhelm Patricia Danzon + David Jones Andy Kuntz Kim Marsh Sandie Nicholson Sheryl Parente + Anne Schmid + Anne Wendel

+ indicates those serving a second term (Y) indicates a youth serving a one-year term 25

BMPC STAFF To reach a pastor or staff member, please call the front desk at 610-525-2821 to be connected with them. PASTORAL STAFF The Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet Pastor/Head of Staff

The Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick Associate Pastor for Adult Education & Mission

The Rev. Brian K. Ballard Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care & Senior Adults

The Rev. Rachel Pedersen Associate Pastor for Children & Family Ministry

The Rev. Leigh DeVries Associate Pastor for Youth & Their Families

The Rev. Franklyn C. Pottorff Associate Pastor for Congregational Life & Stewardship


Assistant, Pastoral Care & Senior Adults and Youth & Young Adults

Kim Black

Director of the Weekday School

Jeffrey Brillhart

Director of Music & Fine Arts

Carol Cherry

Parish Nurse

Monica Devane

Assistant, Church Administration

Andy Diaz

Facilities Specialist

Cheryl Ferry

Assistant, Accounts Receivable & Stewardship

Helen Hayne-Tye


Becky Hoy

Director of Administration and Human Resources

Ruth Johnson

Preferred Caterer (Independent Contractor)

Cheryl Ju

Assistant, Communications

Rebecca Kellich

Childcare Coordinator

Edward Landin Senn

Assistant Director of Muisc

Renee Malnak-Giansiracusa

Social Worker

Kristyn (Kiki) McKendrick

Middleton Center Administrator


Sarah Miciek

Director, Finance

Josue ( Josh) Negron

Facilities Specialist

Elena Perri

Manager, Communications & Public Relations

Elena Phillips

Assistant, Children & Family Programs

Andrew Reeves

Facilities Specialist

Mary Richards

Assistant, Children and Family Ministries, & Wedding Coordinator

Rich Rivera

Director, Facilities & Operations

Howard Rosenberg

Facilities Supervisor

Carol Schmidt

Assistant, Adult Education & Mission

Stephanie Speakman

Manager, Music & Fine Arts

Jane Wilber

Assistant, Membership

WHOM TO CONTACT Adult Classes/ Bible Studies

Music & Fine Arts


Mission & Grants

BMPC eNews

Parish Nurse

Boy Scout Troop 19

Joseph Romasco,

Pastoral Care



Children & Family Ministry

Senior Adult Programs


Social Work

Counseling Services, Support Groups, Spiritual Direction 610-525-0766

Tutoring Program

Facilities Use


Fitness Classes





Women's Programs


Young Adult Programs

Men's Programs

Youth Programs 27



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Parking Lot








Parking Lot


• Middleton Counseling Center • Congregational Hall • Gymnasium • Fullerton Room • Gloucester Room • Witherspoon Parlor • Converse House Parlor • Converse House Library • Loft





• Fine Arts Center

• Chapel Memorial Garden









Education Building

Closed for Renovations - Sept. 2019 • Weekday School




Ministries Center







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5 cu





Main Line Adult Day Center




ge Parking Lot

Manses Disability Parking Spots

Main Entrances

STAYING CONNECTED Subscribe to our weekly electronic newsletter, BMPC eNews, ministry-specific eNewsletters, and our quarterly mini-magazine, The Messenger, by contacting the church office or On our website, you will find Sunday worship bulletins, our church calendar, pastors’ columns, audio and video recordings of sermons, and ministry area updates. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call or email us!

*The information in this booklet is subject to change. Updates will be reflected on the BMPC website, in BMPC eNews, and in the worship bulletin.

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