BMPC 2020 Annual Report

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BMPC Annual Report 2020

Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church




Photo by Dave Tavani



Pastor’s Letter


Elected Leadership


Membership Report


Adult Education


Caring Ministries


Children and Families


Youth and Families




Fine Arts


Financial Information



BMPC Annual Report 2020

We are preparing for, and delighting in imagining, what it will be like when our congregation can return to campus for worship, fellowship, education and nurture.”


f I were to pick one Bible verse that I feel summarizes the year we have been through, it would have to come from Psalm 30. Our pew Bible titles this particular psalm in italics: Thanksgiving for Recovery from Grave Illness. This title indicates that the psalm is a personal petition for healing that turns toward thanksgiving when God’s gift of well-being is bestowed upon the petitioner. Given the year we have been through the personal affirmation at midpoint in verse 5 is a lovely affirmation for our corporate life together:

generously and connect meaningfully. The pages in this Annual Report show how our ministry continued in vibrant and vital ways.

Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church is financially secure, staffed for growth, and is looking toward a bright future. The church’s closure during much of the renovation and revitalization may have been a silver lining as the construction work has barely interrupted our congregational life. Giving toward stewardship has remained strong. Additional giving to the Hunger Fund Weeping may linger for the night, greatly exceeded previous years as we sought but joy comes in the morning. to address the increased food insecurity caused by the pandemic. We’ve brought in This past year was one of shared corporate new members who found us online, some grief as the COVID-19 pandemic traveled of whom made this commitment without across the globe causing illness and ever having been inside our spaces. We are death everywhere. As I write these words continually led by a strong sense of Christian reflecting on the last year, we are seeing evangelism, discipleship and generosity. light at the end of the tunnel as more people are vaccinated and the viral activity I hope this Annual Report will encourage is declining. We are preparing for, and your connection to BMPC and by delighting in imagining, what it will be reading it, you may discover an area of like when our congregation can return to ministry that might engage your faith and campus for worship, fellowship, education commitment to Christ in ways that and nurture. Our yearlong night of weeping welcome the gift of God’s joy that comes is beginning to greet a morning of joy! in the morning. Grace and Peace, PAGE

It is also true in this past challenging year, there was so much more to our communal life than shared isolation, worry and sadness. There is much to celebrate! We were nimble enough to pivot quickly and become a church able to meet virtually, give


BMPC Annual Report 2020

Board of Deacons Susan Thorkelson, Moderator Deacon Class of 2021

Deacon Class of 2022 Paula Adelhelm Patricia Danzon+ David Jones Andy Kuntz Sandie Nicholson Sheryl Parente+ Anne Schmid+ Anne Wendel Deacon Class of 2023


Angie Baturka Jean Bay+ Steve Burdick Nadine Champagne Stacey Fagan Dave Heaton+ Anne Lee+ 4 Steve McConnell+ Susan Thorkelson+

Agnes Norfleet Brian Ballard

Leigh DeVries Rebecca Kirkpatrick

Rachel Pedersen Frank Pottorff


Board of Trustees

Bill McKee, Clerk

President, Barbara Cobb

Elder Class of 2021

Trustee Class of 2021

Becky Brinks+ Bonnie Bay Callahan+ Gene Chang+ Mary French By Graf Katherine Hattersley (Y) Joan LaLeike William Lautenbach (Y) Bill Matthai Elder Class of 2022 Rich Allman+ Bill McKee (Clerk) + Lauren Meyer+ Cindy Pierce+ Pam Walsh Cathy Whiteside+ Flo Zeller Elder Class of 2023 Heewon Chang+ Emily Cieri Carolyn Gerrish Linda Griska Doug McCone+ Joe Parente Kathy Stevens+

Louise Hill+ Yardly Jenkins+ Dave MacGregor Mark Stafford+ Tom Willcox Trustee Class of 2022 Barbara Cobb+ Kevin Duffy+ Kirstin Engelman Craig Johnson Jean Reynolds+ Tobin Whamond Trustee Class of 2023 Tim Chitester+ Linda Gamble Dave Hastings Eric Johnson+ Steve Ryan+ Kent Walker+

(Y) Indicates a youth serving a one-year term as Elder or Deacon. + Indicates a person is serving his or her second three-year term.


Bart Bastian+ Colleen Bertrand Dave Bravo Leo Cieri (Y) Dan Haller Brian Kerr Kathy Kreider Tricia Mackay Sally Nelson+ Emily Peetros (Y) Dave Reiner Sheila Rohrer Sherri Shields+ Bill Shinn Jeff Swarr+ Nancy Taylor+


BMPC Annual Report 2020


Active membership as of 12/31/2020


Received 17 and under


Received 18 and older


8 Removed from active roll







BMPC Annual Report 2020

Adult Education

The goals of providing education for adults in our congregation and in the local community are multifaceted: to provide new insight into scripture, to learn about the history of the church, to be invited to participate in the ways that Christians are engaging in the world for the greater good. Essential to all that we do, however, is to provide Christian community and connection for church members. This pandemic has helped us to understand all these goals in renewed ways. In January, we welcomed the Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, president of Union Theological Seminary in New York, as a part of our celebrations marking the anniversary of the Middleton Center for Pastoral Care and Counseling. PAGE 6

Only a couple of weeks into our pandemic quarantine, our Sunday and weekly classes moved online to Zoom. These virtual classes became not just an opportunity to continue

to learn together but a way to stay connected to one another and the community in the early stresses of the pandemic. Additional weekly classes were added throughout the spring to give more people the opportunity to learn and stay connected. Once it became clear that adult education would remain online through the fall, a new program of Small Groups was created to again meet the goals of learning and building relationships with one another. Close to 100 people participated for two months as members of BMPC Small Groups, reading and discussing Ben Myers’ The Apostles’ Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism. We celebrate that some of those groups have continued to meet beyond the original schedule, laying the foundation for a Small Group ministry to continue in the future. Finally, the pandemic allowed us to dive into a

ministry of webinars that have been especially fruitful in broadening our study to the larger community. In June we hosted a webinar on the history and future of the Juneteenth holiday marking the liberation of slaves after the U.S. Civil War. In the fall we again hosted a webinar on the history of slavery in Lower Merion at the Harriton House site as well as the development of neighborhoods in Lower Merion at the start of the 20th Century and the ways that racism impacted that development. Each of these events was attended by more than 150 participants. Looking beyond 2020 and the pandemic, we will continue to use the online tools and skills that we have developed to expand our reach through Adult Education and give members new and creative ways to learn and connect with one another.

Caring Ministries The mission of Caring Ministries is to extend Jesus’ invitation to live life “(w)holy.” We are called to live out the example Jesus gave us to care for one another, to love our neighbors as ourselves, to comfort the afflicted, and protect the vulnerable. The entire Caring Ministries Team seeks to do this through a variety of ministries, services and direct engagement. The work of Caring Ministries was particularly important throughout 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic began to impact our community on the eve of our scheduled symposium, “Living, Planning, Dying Well: Getting Your Affairs in Order.” Instead of hosting the symposium, the Caring Ministries team spent the weekend calling more than 200 church members to ensure they had the food, medicine and other items they needed. The Deacons convened an emergency meeting the following week. They went into action, making hundreds more phone calls, delivering groceries, and offering their care to anyone in need. The Middleton Counseling Center shifted appointments and scholarship availability online, so that people could keep receiving counseling, or begin for the first time. During the summer, Caring Ministries continued offering care and support to our members. Deacons delivered plants and made safe, socially-distanced visits to 52 members. Pinky Adee, for example, received a visit from Deacon Angie Baturka. Pinky shared how much she enjoyed her visit with Angie, sitting on Pinky’s deck, talking and reminiscing. Similarly, Deacon Anne Wendel visited the Speed Family (Chuck, Nelly, Bjorn and Johan). Nelly said it was really nice for them and their children to meet and spend time with Anne. They also appreciated the church reaching out to make the connection. In the fall, Caring Ministries stayed in touch with members through regular phone calls and check-ins. The Caring Ministries staff continued lending out medical equipment to members undergoing surgery and post-operative rehabilitation, as well as mailing grief books and prayer shawls/squares to those who experienced the loss of a loved one or who struggled with a health issue. For Advent, Deacons delivered poinsettias, prayer squares and devotionals to 80 people who had experienced loss or struggle in the past year. 2020 was a year full of care and compassion. Amidst uncertainty and struggle, the Caring Ministries team sought to reach out and support this congregation and community. As always, if you or anyone you know needs care or support, please do not hesitate to be in touch.

BMPC Annual Report 2020

Children and Family Ministry 2020 was an exercise in holy imagination: How do we continue to build relationships, nurture faith and support families despite the limitations of a pandemic? Although some of our experiments were thwarted by bad weather and others by technological glitches, the year was filled with new opportunities. Baptisms moved from the front of the Sanctuary to the front steps outside, a visible witness of new life for a congregation that included Sunday morning traffic on Montgomery Avenue. Last summer 100 families came by the church to collect “VBC in a Box.” It was strange to re-imagine Vacation Bible Camp without the decorations, masses of volunteers, carefully planned rotations, and rooms packed with children, but we did, and 100 “house churches” formed as families practiced their faith, declaring, “We are the church together.” Sunday School took on new life over Zoom, but our weekly pattern of study, prayer and play continued with a few modifications. Volunteers kept connections alive. Our Prayer Partner program matched every child in our congregation with a dedicated adult who agreed to keep them in prayer during the school year. Volunteers handdelivered Easter and Advent kits to each of our families, a physical reminder of the present church. Milestones such as Fifth Grade Step-up, Third Grade Bible Presentation, and more took place in drive-through experiences and outdoor worship. Last fall, our community gathered weekly on the front lawn for Family Worship. With prayers and liturgy prepared by the children of our congregation, children and youth led a unique experience that allowed the church family to gather and worship God. Completed in September 2020, the new Education Building was ready for visitors.


During the fall, the Education Building was opened for socially-distanced Halloween hunts, art projects, small class groups, and more. We cannot wait to fill the rooms in 2021! Our children and families have faced an impossible year. It was a year marked by loss and change, but a year that also was shaped by the Spirit inviting each of us to imagine new ways of being the church together. We pray that the holy imagination that carried us through 2020 will continue to sustain us in 2021.

BMPC Annual Report 2020


Youth Ministry The Youth Ministry of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church seeks to be an inclusive faith community that connects, engages and equips youth to discover and live out the gospel of Jesus Christ. This past year looked quite different due to the pandemic, however, the spirit of God was still moving in our community.

Rainbow Reindeer Games

Youth Sunday


Our middle schoolers delved into the story of the New Testament. Our high schoolers learned how to read the Bible faithfully in recognition of the different literary styles of the Bible. Youth Gathering on Sunday mornings continued largely uninterrupted for all of 2020, which was possible only because our dedicated volunteers made themselves available for this After a phenomenal Youth Sunday in work. February, led mainly by the graduating class of 2020, the world changed pretty At the end of the school year last dramatically because of COVID! spring, the Confirmation Class of The youth department started a new 2020 had an outdoor Confirmation Middle School Mid-Week Meet-Up service. For their examination, every Tuesday afternoon via Zoom. Confirmands presented their projects We played games, spent time in through videos on Zoom and then scripture or prayer, and learned about took questions from Session members. social justice issues and faithful living. This past fall, Pastor Leigh and four fantastic small group leaders began We also continued Student Serve, our instructing a new Confirmation class, high school group, and the youth spent teaching students about Christian faith time delving into relationships, money, and membership in the Presbyterian social justice issues, racism, and more. Church USA. They either met via Zoom or outside in Pastor Leigh’s backyard, weather Youth also were provided with various and COVID restrictions permitting. opportunities to participate in mission Masks and social distancing were activities through drive-thru droprequired at all in-person gatherings. offs for food, gifts, and toiletries for different mission partners. And while the youth weren’t able to go to Camp Kirkwood or on a summer In December, all youth were invited mission trip because of COVID, to the first-ever Rainbow Reindeer they were invited to various other Games. Youth, dressed in painter’s fellowship opportunities, including suits, masks, goggles and gloves, played continuing school-year programming outdoor games, and participated in throughout the summer. They were color powder games. led in part by our fantastic summer Although it was a year like no other, intern, Cameron. it was clear that God has been present On Sunday mornings, BMPC youth with us even in the midst of a chaotic continued attending regular classes — year. The BMPC Youth Ministry is confirmation, middle school, and high excited to see how God continues to school — all on Zoom. move as our world recovers from the pandemic and finds a new normal.


BMPC Annual Report 2020

Mission The work of Mission at BMPC in 2020 reflected both the generosity of our congregation and the deep relationships that our numerous mission committees have nurtured and maintained for so many years.


At the start of the pandemic, our Outreach Council, already having distributed $160,000 in grants to local partners, released those partners from the designations those funds were intended for originally. Allowing our partners to use our financial support to respond immediately to the crisis, speaks to the long relationships that have been formed over many years, as well as the level of flexibility and community investment that our partners have established in their work. In a similar way the Worldwide Ministries Council, halfway through the grant process for 2020 when the pandemic began, worked with our international partners to ensure that the $113,000 distributed was being used to meet the immediate needs of those communities devastatingly impacted by COVID-19.

Starting in March, the BMPC Hunger Committee immediately switched to meeting every other week to stay up to date on how our Hunger partners were managing the ways that food insecurity swept through so many households in Greater Philadelphia. All the money the Hunger Committee distributes comes through direct donations to the BMPC Hunger Fund, and given the increased need, members and friends were encouraged to donate to the fund – and people responded generously! Total donations to the fund in 2020 were $138,000, which is not only twice what the committee had budgeted to distribute for the year, but tens of thousands more than the fund has ever received in a single year. Working closely with our partners, the committee distributed all these donations throughout the year. They also expanded support to some of our other longstanding partners such as West Kensington Ministry and the Common Place because these organizations began food distribution ministries for the first time.

Finally, 2020 was a year in which the Anti-Racism Taskforce helped lead us through a new commitment to work against systemic racism and the consequences of it in our personal lives, our community and the world. Inspired by the work of the PC(USA) General Assembly in calling all churches to study and invest in this issue, 2020 was a year filled with book conversations, adult education classes, and deep learning with one another and with the greater community on how we are called as Christians, as Presbyterians and as members of this congregation to work for justice, compassion and change. As we look to the future, it is clear that our communities, and especially vulnerable communities, will be forever changed by the pandemic. It is the calling of our mission committees to continue to walk alongside our partners in ways that are encouraging and faithful.

Music and Fine Arts


020 was a year of “firsts” for the Music and Fine Arts program. Our “Concerts with a Cause” series, begun in October 2019, continued in 2020 with a two-piano recital by Jeffrey Brillhart and Laura Ward in February. That concert benefited a legal services program for Philadelphia’s large homeless population. Early in March, the Sanctuary Choir and the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia presented a concert that benefited 12Plus, an organization that mentors at-risk teens in Philadelphia. Just one week later, the pandemic struck and all rehearsals and concerts ceased. Thus began a season of “firsts.” The Sanctuary Choir quickly moved to Zoom sessions. While hardly a satisfactory format for rehearsing, Zoom proved to be a wonderful way of maintaining important community functions and ultimately transitioned into a medium for choral music education.

The second “first” was that of prerecording service music. For the first few months, that music was provided by our marvelous Sanctuary Choir Staff Singers. By September we transitioned into inperson small group ensembles who helped lead our choir Zoom sessions. The third “first” was that of virtual concerts. After a pilot three-concert series drew in several thousand viewers, we planned an 11-week series in the fall. That series was viewed by more than 10,000 music lovers worldwide! Finally, it was incredibly gratifying to receive heartfelt notes of appreciation from former members, now located all over the world, who faithfully tune in to our virtual concerts, our Sunday broadcasts and livestreamed services. This surely must be viewed as a blessing!


Church Balance Sheet ASSETS Cash and Equivalents Fixed Assets Investments K Hoyler Beneficial Interest Notes Receivable TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses Custodial Accounts Capital Campaign Reserve Due to Foundation Note to Foundation Net Assets with Donor Restrictions Net Assets without Donor Restrictions Weekday School Reserves Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Amortization of Annuity PPP Loan Total Liabilities Equity Plant K Hoyler Perpetual Trust/Permanently Restricted Unrestricted Net Assets/Undesignated Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY


December 31, 2020

December 31, 2019

2,885,096 36,340,395 5,374,805 4,459,963 55,522 49,115,781

2,654,067 31,280,295 8,318,380 4,010,416 73,577 46,336,735

7,619 5,260 5,836,303 618 154,616 987,660 363,215 166,427 7,521,717

2,087 6,111 8,250,604 0 200,011 1,335,342 823,090 218,192 10,835,438

729 441,600 7,964,046

1,093 0 10,836,531

34,908,296 4,459,963 1,641,593 141,884 41,151,736 49,115,781

29,848,196 4,010,416 1,500,132 141,461 35,500,204 46,336,735

Church Income Statement REVENUES PLEDGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Congregational Giving & Plate Cash Current Year Pledges Prior Year Pledges

2020 Budget

2020 Actual

2019 Actual

178,000 2,333,600 10,000

158,097 2,275,161 19,655

232,385 2,235,082 12,165




25,000 250,000 1,332,750

52,788 250,000 1,332,750

26,254 250,000 1,329,929


1,607,750 29,300 4,158,650

1,635,538 15,174 4,103,625

1,606,183 33,434 4,119,249





57,000 134,300 60,500

56,910 127,621 51,000

56,910 141,002 54,588

Total PLEDGES & CONTRIBUTIONS SPECIAL INCOME Special Donations and Grants Charitable Trust Donation Foundation Income Allocation

Mortgage Interest and Principal Computers, Equipment & Office Expense Other Administrative Expenses





569,200 125,000

566,361 125,000

526,250 125,000





Presbytery Allocation Church School Mission Giving Environmental Justice Outreach Council Peacemaking Senior Adult Benevolence Tutoring Program Worldwide Ministries

67,500 800 6,500 230,000 5,000 32,500 18,500 118,300

66,870 0 6,500 230,000 5,000 32,500 10,237 118,300

66,456 525 6,330 230,000 5,000 32,350 12,979 118,300




12,200 38,000 38,000 2,300 25,000 33,500 9,500 118,500 2,000 4,400 7,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 37,000

10,513 37,921 19,644 328 25,121 7,382 9,503 111,663 631 2,348 6,377 990 4,958 600 34,562

11,386 37,473 36,669 268 24,595 32,350 8,492 120,317 1,057 2,471 7,043 2,284 3,166 4,194 33,021






4,189,500 -30,850

4,007,137 96,489

Maintenance & Utilities Deferred Maintenance

Total MISSION COUNCILS Adult Education Children & Family Ministries Childcare Personnel College Ministry Communications Congregational Life & Membership Deacons - Congregational Care Fine Arts Program Mission Council Senior Adult Council Session Stewardship Worship Committee Young Adult Ministry Youth Ministry

Total COUNCILS 2020 Contingency (COVID Shut Down) Total EXPENDITURES NET CASH from Operating Budget

4,020,370 98,880

BMPC Foundation Balance Sheet FUND BALANCES

Unrestricted Church Operations Unrestricted Endowment Permanent Endowment Isabel Sherrerd Memorial J. Mahlon Buck Jr. and Elia D. Buck Fund

Total $47,717,250

Christian Education and Congregational Life Catherine C Miller Lola M. Tryon Memorial Suzanne, Joseph and Ethel VanderVeer Middleton Church School Fund Care of the Congregation Whiteman Peacemaking Miller Memorial David & Ruth Watermulder Theologian-in-Residence Community Forums Athena Wellness and Fellowship Fund

Mission Building Fine Arts Legacy Gifts Unrestricted Church Operations Christian Education & Congregational Life ASSETS (Market Value) Cash Equivalents Money Market Fixed Income Domestic International Note To Church Mission Investments Total Fixed Income

1,646,251 9,401,546 4,014,382 154,616 755,867 14,326,410

Equities Domestic International Total Equities

18,978,993 12,765,595 31,744,588



On Budget Funds Off Budget Funds Middleton Center

38,030,170 * 6,768,572 2,918,507 47,717,250

8,173,911* 1,687,501* 23,128* 5,219,186* 10,628* 36,898* 58,201* 91,164* 254,496* 15,991* 398,465 87,354 292,804 251,430*

Mission Christian Mission Outreach Elsie and Blair Daniels Eugene C. Bay Fund Richard Shaull Fund Skip Hollingshead Fund Catastrophic Relief Fund Ruth Anchors Estate Otto Haas Charitable Trust Tutoring Fund Debbie Craig Camp Scholarship Fund Judith Ehrman Fund Youth Mission Fund

162,715* 377,185* 2,936,844 1,713,900 39,628* 19,308* 489,927* 292,270* 173,363* 203,999* 41,483* 383,071* 602,022

Building Ada Howard Donaghy Building Endowment Building Preservation Building Preservation-Board Designated Shepherd & Sheep Statuary Repair & Maintenance

2,337,353* 406,795* 1,015,964* 234,171* 6,936*

Fine Arts Chapel Organ Fund Sherrerd/Fine Arts for Children Richard W. Ledwith McFarland Music Phoebe Haas Organ Fund Silver Anniversary Fund William Dick Music Fine Arts for Children and Youth Haas Charitable Trust for Senior Choir

53,679 43,304* 159,428* 513,179* 103,752 211,526 1,061,171* 368,227 2,341,863*

Legacy Gifts Middleton Pastoral Care & Counseling Foerderer Memorial Harris Care Management Fund

2,918,507 10,958,048* 946,478*



Special Gifts In 2020 our church was blessed with many generous donations, and we are grateful for each gift received. Most of these gifts were applied to our annual Stewardship Campaign, while some were allocated for specific uses. Samples of these special gifts are highlighted below. 2020 Special Gifts to the ministries of the church, totaling $2,450,000

2020 Special Gifts to the BMPC Foundation, totaling $120,000

• Armstrong Foundation, for the Operating Budget

• Estate of Alice Hansen, for Building Preservation

• Connelly Foundation, for the Capital Campaign

• George & Grace Andressohn Fund

• D&CN Trust, for Operating Budget

• Gifts in memory of John (Jack) Bogle

• Katharine Hoyler Charitable Trust, for the Operating Budget

• Gifts in memory of Mary Rose Brown

• Otto Haas Charitable Trust, for the Capital Campaign

• Gifts in memory of Heather and Ruth Cox

• Pfundt Foundation, for the Capital Campaign

• Gifts in memory of Anne Flood

• Philadelphia Contributionship, for the Operating Budget

• Gifts in memory of David Freeman

• Philadelphia Foundation, for the Operating Budget • Phillies Charities, Inc., for the Capital Campaign

• Gifts in memory of Rod, Cynthia, and Patricia Kitzmiller

• Robinson Family Foundation, for the Tutoring Program

• Gifts in memory of Mildred Kossman

• Vanguard Matching Gifts, for the Operating Budget

• Gifts in memory of Joseph Long

• William Penn Foundation Matching Gifts, for the Operating Budget

• Gifts in memory of Fred Malott

• Gifts in honor of Paul and Kathleen MacMurray

• Gifts in memory of Elizabeth Royer

• Gifts in honor of Emma Pace’s Baptism

• Gifts in memory of John Stetzer

• Gifts in memory of Anne Flood, for Music and Fine Arts

• Gifts in memory of Michael Tallent

• Gifts in memory of Anne Flood, for the Tutoring Program

• Gifts in memory of Louise Whitson

• Gifts in memory of Bill Hanna, for Mission • Gifts in memory of Louise Whitson, for Youth Ministries

• Gifts in memory of William and Sarah Carson

• Gifts in memory of John MacMurray

• Gifts in memory of Palmer Woodcock • Gifts to the Ruth Anchors Fund • Vanguard Matching Gifts, in memory of John (Jack) Bogle

Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 625 Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 610-525-2821 |

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