Rachel Pedersen Brochure

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Your Associate Pastor Nominating Committee is pleased to present

The Reverend Rachel Ann Pedersen

Candidate for Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry

July 2014


Rachel is a cradle Presbyterian, growing up in a family that taught her faith could look different to different people. She has known about BMPC for a long time. Upon reading our Ministry Information Form, the words ‘inclusive,’ ‘vibrant’ and ‘loving’ struck a chord. “That’s a congregation I can fit into,” she said. Part of our Mission Statement proclaims that we ‘prefer truth to complacency,’ and that was also a powerful statement for her. Describing herself as a “thinking Presbyterian,” Rachel has found that her heart is in children’s ministry. She understands children as a critical and vibrant part of the church family. “I love to walk with children as they grow in faith,” she said. “I like that faith looks different at different ages. My pastoral commitment can include sitting with a crying two year old or listening to a second grader tell about his class play. I listen to kids and take them seriously.” A long-term goal of hers is to help that part of the church which is Christian education move forward, both at BMPC and in the church universal.

Curriculum Vitae Positions

Associate Pastor—First Presbyterian Church, Bloomington, Indiana November 2008—Present Interim Youth Director—First Presbyterian Church, Idaho Falls, Idaho June 2008—October 2008 Mission and Outreach Intern—Nassau Presbyterian Church, Princeton, New Jersey September 2007—May 2008 Student Minister—St. Columba’s Presbyterian Church, Johannesburg, South Africa May 2007—August 2007 Student Minister—Brick Presbyterian Church, New York, New York September 2006—May 2007 Young Adult Intern—Presbyterian United Nations Office, New York, New York September 2004—September 2005 Chaplain’s Associate—Office of the Chaplain, Northfield, Minnesota September 2001—September 2004

Education Master of Divinity—Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey May 2008 Bachelor of Arts, with honors, in International Relations concentrating in Political Economy—Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota June 2004

Additional Education and Training • •

Certified Christian Educator through the PC(USA) and Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators (April 2013) Continuing Education events include: - Post-Modern Children’s Ministry (Indianapolis 2013) - Pastoral Care and the End of Life (Indianapolis 2012) - Human and Faith Development (Grand Rapids 2012) - Taize International Pilgrimage (Chicago 2012) - Inclusive Ministry and Care for Children with Autism (Bloomington 2011)

Skills • • • • •

Experience in working with people from a variety of backgrounds Training and experience in developing and implementing curriculum and education programs for all ages A strong aptitude for technology and graphic design Outstanding oral and written communication Extensive international experience that has included research conducted in China, Ghana, Thailand, Egypt and the European Union, as well as community service related work in Ghana, South Africa and Nicaragua

Words from Rachel What does it mean to be called to serve as a minister to children and their families? For me, this ministry strives to follow the model set by Christ. Christ welcomed children to his side, he taught them, he blessed them, he healed them; he even raised them up as an example to his disciples. Christ placed children at the center and showed them their part of the kingdom of God. Ministry with children and their families is a profound space where we live out God’s promise in real and concrete ways. I am honored and excited to join you in this ministry. Bryn Mawr has a phenomenal history of teaching and nurturing children both in your congregation and in the larger community. I can’t wait to be a part of that important work. Over the next few months, we will have many opportunities to meet, to share stories, imagine possibilities for ministry, and serve the children and families of this congregation. I look forward to our time together. I’m still learning about Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. Will you help me learn more? Please take a picture of your favorite place in the church. Tell me why you love that space or why it’s important to you. You can share your picture on Flickr (www.flickr.com/groups/bmpcchildrensministry).

Remarks about Rachel The Rev. Caroline Dennis, AP Children & Family Ministry, 2nd Indianapolis: “Rachel is a sharp reformed theologian and one of the most creative educators I have known. She possesses a strong knowledge of Christian education resources and best practices that will make her a good leader for your ministry team. Her warm and gentle spirit invites the engagement of children, youth and their parents.” The Rev. Dr. Dennis Falasco, First Presbyterian Church, Idaho Falls, ID: “Rachel relates to church volunteers with grace, mercy and hope. People naturally like being around her and feed off of her energy. When working with children, Rachel is a ‘Pied Piper’—kids gravitate to her. She is open with everyone, authentic, wise and possesses an incredible gift of discernment. She sees her work as a calling, not a vocation.” The Rev. Susan McGhee, Executive Presbyter, The Presbytery of Ohio Valley: “Rachel is deeply loved in her congregation. Oh my goodness, do they love her, and she is worth every ounce of that love.” The Rev. Mark Koenig, Director of Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations: “If I had the resources to hire anyone I wanted, it would be Rachel!”

BRYN MAWR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ASSOCIATE PASTOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILY MINISTRY Angie Baturka • Gene Chang • Peggy Gregg, Chairperson Morris Kay • Maria Schneider • Agnes W. Norfleet, ex-officio

Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 625 Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 610-525-2821 • www.bmpc.org

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