The Art of Vegan

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VEGAN 101. A vegan (pronounced VEE-gun) is someone who does not eat meat, fish, poultry, or any animal by-products such as eggs, dairy, and honey. Vegans also do not use products tested on animals or any product derived from animals, such as leather, fur, silk, and wool. Veganism is a philosophy, lifestyle, and set of principles, not simply a diet. Living a vegan lifestyle provides numerous benefits to animals’ lives, the environment, and our own health. FOR THE ANIMALS Animals raised for human consumption suffer tremendously in today’s factory farms and the person who chooses a vegan diet demonstrates a concern for the pain animals endure. Farmed animals are bred, fed, confined, and drugged to lay more eggs, birth more offspring, and die with more meat on their bones at the expense of their health, wellbeing and social development. The belief that eating eggs or drinking milk doesn’t kill animals is false. Commercially-raised dairy cows and egg-laying chickens, whether “free range” or factory-farmed, are slaughtered when their production rates decrease. The animals are seen not as individuals, sentient beings with unique physical and psychological needs but as a means to an end- eggs, milk, meat, leather, and so on. FOR YOUR HEALTH Humans do not need to eat meat, dairy, or eggs; all of our dietary needs can easily be met with an animal-free diet. People who consume animal products are more susceptible to cancer, stroke, obesity, appendicitis, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, and food poisoning. Vegan diets, on the other hand, tend to be high in fiber and low in fat and cholesterol. On average, vegetarians live seven years longer than meat-eaters. 80 to 90% of all cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and other degenerative illnesses can be prevented until a very old age, with a plant-based diet.

For many vegans, it heart-wrenching inspired the switch to a plantlifestyle. Whether personal and welfare, of the planet, a way for align their values everyday

was a hard-hitting, documentary that first based, cruelty-free your passion lies in public health, animal or the state veganism is many to with their behaviors.

HOW YOUR MEAT IS ACTUALLY MADE Over a billion farmed animals in Britain are killed each year in slaughterhouses. This include over 10 million pigs, over 15 million sheep, 14 million turkeys, 15 million ducks and geese, 982 million broiler chickens, 50 million boiling fowl (including so-called ‘spent’ hens) and over 2.6 million cattle. Add to that 4.5 billion fish and 2.6 billion shellfish you have a total of over 8 billion animals killed in the UK each year. 1.7 million birds a year die before they even reach abattoir. Before being killed, birds’ heads are supposed to be immersed in an electrified waterbath in an attempt to cause unconsciousness. Some birds defecate during stunning meaning that birds can inhale faeces when they are dipped into the waterbath. Birds routinely regain consciousness before they die if they do not have a cardiac arrest when they enter the waterbath. Cows are forced through a chute and shot in the head with a captivebolt gun meant to stun them. But because the lines move so quickly and many workers are poorly trained, the technique often fails to render the animals insensible to pain. Ramon Moreno, a longtime slaughterhouse worker, told The Washington Post that he frequently has to cut the legs off completely conscious cows. “They blink. They

make noises,” he says. “The head moves, the eyes are wide and looking around. …

They die piece by

LET’S SKIP THE TURKEY THIS THANKSGIVING At a time where family, friends and loved ones are supposedly supposed to come together for a delicious meal, Thanksgiving marks a far deeper, darker time for the innocent turkeys people demand for their centre pieces. Only living a short, uncomfortable, cramped lives, the farm bred birds are needlessly murdered, around 45 million are killed a year due to high demand for the annual glutinous feast, according to the National Turkey Federation. That’s more than 18 percent of all the 244.5 million turkeys raised on American farms in 2017, according to statistics from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). An estimated 6 billion pounds of turkey meat production is expected for this year — a number that has remained fairly consistent over the last five years, according to the USDA.

TORTURE TO ORDER: THE JOURNEY OF YOUR BEEF In the summertime, when it’s 90,95 degrees, they’re transporting cattle from 1,200 to 1,500 miles away on a trailer, 40 to 45 heads crammed in there. In the winter, can you imagine if you were in the back of a trailer that’s open and the windchill factor is minus 50 degrees, and that trailer is going 50 to 60 miles an hour? The animals are urinating and dedicating right in the trailers, and after while is going to freeze, and they hooves are right in it. And if they go down - well, you can imagine lying there for 10 hours on a trip. - Former U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) Veterinary Inspector, Dr. Lester Friedlander Cattle who survive feedlots, dairy sheds, and veal farms face a hellish trip to the slaughterhouse. They are crammed onto trucks where they typically go without food, water, or rest for the duration of the journey, which can sometimes be days. Many cows collapse in hot weather; in the cold, cows sometimes freeze to the sides of the truck until workers pry them off with crowbars. By the time the exhausted cows reach the slaughterhouse, many are too sick or injured to walk. These cows, known to the meat and dairy industries as “downers,” often have ropes or chains tied around their legs so that they can be dragged off the trucks. Of those animals who arrive at the slaughterhouse healthy enough to walk, many are frightened and don’t want to leave the truck, so they are shocked with electric prods or dragged off with chains. “Uncooperative animals are beaten, they have prods poked in their faces and up their rectums,” says a former USDA inspector.


1 oz of Hurt 1 gallon of Pain 1 dash of 1 add the unnecessary exploitation of defencless sentient animals.


when cooking a seemingly harmless, delightful cake, you are contributing to the suffering of millions of animals. Where do you think those eggs came from? and that milk?

Do you really fall for these terms, freerange? A cage is still a cage and cruelty remains the same. These poor animals lives are exploited simply for your enjoyment, your greed?

1oz of Cruelty

2tbsp of Torture

1g of Inhumanity

4 parts of the Menstrual cycle

Mammalian mothers have a natural desire to nurse and care for their young just out of the womb and into their maturity as adults. Mother cows have been known to bellow for days and weeks on end after their calves have been taken from them.

One million male calves are disposed of by US dairy farmers each year because they have no value to dairy farmers. How can it possibly be in the interest of any animal who carries her babies for nine months to then be separated from them? It goes against

everything we understand about mammalian motherhood.

watch ‘cowspiricy’ online


KFC,McDonald’s, Nando’s and Domino’s Pizza are subjecting billions of chickens to lives of misery that end in a painful death, according to what is thought to be the first global investigation of its type.

Dear readers, Thanks for reading our 1st issue! The theme for this ‘Art of Vegan’ zine is of course, veganism. I chose the topic of veganism in society, as I feel like it is an important part of our subculture, much like zines! The issue is themed with images of vegan culture, and information. All pages were created by yours truly, with all found contents sourced at back. Thank you for taking a chance and picking this up, when you’re finished please hold on to it, recycle it, give it to a bookshop or hand it to your coolest friend!

it’s getting personal about the author (me) Bryony Mitchell : 2nd-year university student 2nd-year vegan I had a sharp introduction into veganism from my university house mate, a vegan veteran, after she told me to watch ‘what the health’. Seriously, watch it.

Hello, and thank you for picking up the first issue, we are very happy to be here. The aim of this publication is to talk about the truths within the dairy and meat industries and reveal the true story behind the lies that are often fed to the public. I have enjoyed looking deeper into veganism and animal rights movements in my own personal time, and I hope you enjoy what I have compiled. With this zine, it also comes with a set of stickers that I encourage highly for people to use and spread to further the campaign, stick them on your laptops, your doors, your world. ENJOY!

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