A study of transportation through the lens of past, present, and furture technologies and innovations.
The focus of this project is transportation. Through have experienced an increased interest and contem cultures within society use and respond to differen This project started with a desire to design a fully f transit system for the city of Cincinnati, a city lacki form of public transportation. After much explorat transportation, the development of public transpor history of public transportation in Cincinnati I deci problem that needed to be addressed first. There w not have a high functioning public transit system an general public did not need or want one. Cincinnat driving, as many cities in the U.S. are. The problem w negative impact driving has on our health and the h morphed into an experiential space that answers th space impact and change someones opinion? How public change with the use of an interior experienc
project brief
hout my five years in college I mplation of the way different nt modes of transportation. functioning, futuristic public ing in a reliable and widely used tion and research on public rtation systems, and the long ided there was a different was a reason why Cincinnati did nd that reason was because the ti is a city built for and around with that is the increasingly health of our planet. My project he question, how can an interior can the opinion of the general ce?
New York New York City and Chicago are two of the largest cities in our country with two of the most developed, expansive, and widely utilized public transportation systems. I had the privilege of living in both of these cities at one point or another and in doing so it really opened my eyes to how usefully and practical public transportation can be. A majority of the population in both of these cities use public transportation as their primary mode of transportation. This is not the case for 90% of the U.S. population. After being reliant on public transportation I realized how convenient, time efficient, and cost effective it is. This made me question, how come other cities do not have more developed modes of public transportation? And what can be done in the future to cultivate better public transportation systems?
personal experience
why not Cincinnati? Cincinnati is a decent size city with a growing population of about 300,000 people, 95% of whom commute to work by car. The average American spends $250 on gas per month and over $8,000 on general car maintenance and upkeep per year. With the use of public transportation there are still costs, however the costs are lower. Another factor to consider with so many car commuters is traffic. The average time spent sitting in traffic per commuter per year is 97 hours. There is still a time commitment when using public transportation however the commute time can be used productively since the user is not required mentally and physically to be focused on operating a vehicle. The big picture question that came to my mind was, “Why does Cincinnati (and other cities similar to Cincinnati) not have a more developed and widely utilized public transit system?
Street Cars
Cincinnati has a very extensive and rich history with attempted public transportation systems. The first officia public transportation implemented in Cincinnati was the street car system in the very late 1800’s. This system was relatively successful for many years running from 1872 through 1948 when the last incline closed. A subw system was proposed in 1884. The construction of this subway system started in 1920 but by 1927 the city di not have enough funding or support to continue with the construction. The tunnels constructed for the subw system still stand empty beneath the downtown streets of Cincinnati. The use of cars, in that time period calle motor cars or automobiles, became very prevalent in the 1920’s and 1930’s. This coincided with the shutdown subway construction and the declined use of the streetcar system. The bus system was first introduced in the Cincinnati’s bus system is still running today and serves as the main mode of transportation for about 2% of t population. The current bus system has the reputation of being slow, unreliable, and inconvenient. The most re mode of public transportation to be introduced to Cincinnati is a revamp of the street car called The Cincinn Connector. This streetcar runs in a loop from north of Findlay Market to The Banks and back, about 3.6 miles proposal of this system welcomed a lot of political controversy pushing the timeline of the system back multip years. The Cincinnati Bell Connector is still running today despite challenges to encourage growth in ridership
al m way id way ed n of e 1950’s. the cities ecent nati Bell s. The ple p.
conclusion: lack of mass public interest and support After diving into the history of each public transit system attempt in Cincinnati the common denominator that led to the failure of these systems was lack of public support. The general public did not push for the development of a widespread and widely used public transit system and therefore the cities time and money was not invested in developing one. Once cars were introduced to the American household and became the primary source of transportation for much of the population, time and money was dedicated to the development and maintence of roads and interstate highways. There are many very attractive benefits to driving and owning a car. It is by far the most personalized form of transportation and therefor provides convenience and privacy to the user. There can be an aspect of status that comes with owning a car, or more specifically certain types of cars. There is a certain expereince you can have driving a car that is harder acheive with public transportation such as variation in route, schedule, and speed. The use of cars as our primary mode of transportation in most of the U.S. has become so common that it is hard to remember the many downfalls of reliance on these vehicles.
the problem: our current transpo the United States is not sustainab
One of the most prevalent and well known negative side eff impact is much larger and more extensive than you can fath the production of the materials used to create the vehicle a hopefully a majority of the materials are recycled. The most gas) and the released gases such as carbon monoxide that is type of fuel bad for the environment but harvesting this typ our population continues to grow the problem becomes wo for transportation is not sustainable and must change.
ortation culture in a majority of ble
fect of driving is the environmental impact, however that hom. The impact cars have on the environment starts with and does not end until the car has been dismantled and front of mind impact is the daily use of fossil fuels (oil for s produced from burning those fuels. Not only is using this pe of fuel from the earth also leaves a negative footprint. As orse. The current transportation culture of relying on cars
the solution: design an educational, intriguing space that opens minds about the future of transportation It became clear to me that something needs to change but how does this research and subject matter materialize and translate to an interior space? I explored many avenues in answering that question but the most compelling solution was to create an exhibition like space that brings this problem to light in a very tangible and relatable way. To open the users mind to see and experience both the positives and negatives of our current transportation culture. I started to explore how can a space shift our thinking from a chosen oblivion to an informed advocate for and participant in transit innovation.
World of Coca-Cola
branded multiple unique experiences partnership with other brands exciting & entertaining a destination
rich in branding withstands the test of time incorporation of many product elements presented as a lifestyle the core of the brand is a story
In order to design a successful experience I looked to other experiential based spaces that had a strong, driv more engaged with a product or brand. Some of the strongest or most intriguing examples found in this cate The Guinness Storehouse, and The Mercedes-Benz Museum. Although four very different spaces and approac emotion or convincing the user leave in support of an idea or value that is the driver of the brand. Each expe events or points that the user encounters or interacts with throughout the space. This was important to con of my project.
Guinness Storehouse
Mercedes-Benz Museum
brand experience varriety of activities beyond the product hands on multi sensory
History & Story Physical display Architectural experience Observation not interaction
ving motivation to convince the user to become egory are 29 Rooms, The World of Coca-Cola, ches, all are successful in either evoking a certain erience has a thoughfully constructed timeline of nsider when outlining the goals and spatial qualities
project goals
The overall goals of the space were advocate, educate, and showcase. Cincinnati has been a city built for cars and transportation in Cincinnati is looked down upon and stigmatized. Innovations in transportation and technologie the development and widespread use of new public transit and transportation technologies. In order to advocate and negatives of our current transportation culture. The user also needs to be presented with a solution in whic showcased. The user can interact with and explore these innovations and leave excited and inspired to see chang
d around cars since the automobile was invented and implemented into daily lifestyle. The use of public es in Cincinnati have a history of being unsupported by the residents so this spaces aims to be an advocate for e for new public transportation systems and technologies, the user needs to be fully educate on the positives ch they can support and advocate for which is why new transportation technologies and innovations need to be ge.
The Young Venturer children ideal target audience implementation of widespread public use experience the independance independent transport. technologically savy
The Curre
young & middle yearning for reliable p supportive of ne most likely uses a ca
Before starting the design of the space it was important for me to understand the mindset of different ages and demographics with different backgrounds and experiences. I asked question Have you ever used public transportation? If so, where? What do you think are the positives o city would you take advantage of it? It was important for me to understand the general attitu the categories above based on the open mindedness toward the use of public transportation. successful.
user profiles
ent Seeker
e age generation public transportation ew technologies ar as primary mode
The Current Skeptic middle age & older generation barrier to implementation stigmatised public transportation there is no need for public transportation cars offer many more benefits needs to be persuaded and educated
f the user, which was the general public. I conducted interviews of a wide range of people, ns such as: Do you drive? What do you think are the positives of driving? And the negatives? of public transportation? And the negatives? If public transportation were available in your ude toward the use of cars and public transportation. I found most users fell into one of . The space I designed needed to be geared toward all of the user groups in order to be
The qualitative modes are important generalized elements the space aims to embody in order to successfully achieve the project goals. These were selected based on precedence and user interview learnings. The arrival is important to set the scene and introduce the topic of the space, the evolution of transportation. In order to broaden the users knowledge of and attitude toward the subject matter, the space needs to simultaneously inform and excite the user. The space also needs to give the user an opportunity to explore the subject matter and come to an opinion and conclusion on their own. Lastly, the space needs to leave the user inspired to see and empowered to want to participate in cultivating change.
ualitative 11
2245 Gilbert Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45206
The Cable House
50,000 SqFt.
Due to Cincinnati’s rich history of public transportation, I felt it was significant to choose a site that had played a role in that history. Not only is this building significant to public transportation history, it is also located adjacent to many of the cities other attractions and has parking. The Cable house operated as the main pulling house for both the Mt Adams and Eden Park cable railways from the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s. The building interior has been renovated and modernized many times since its use as a pulling house but the architecture has remained the same showcasing high ceilings and ample natural light. Some interior finishes are preserved from the original design such as the exposed brick, stone, and structural beams.
create a transportation that showcases the evo human movement thro of pace, pathways and i presentation
n exposition olution of ough the use information
concept 14
exhibition focus
The space features three different exhibition focuses: Industry, Technology, and Automation. Each of these exhibitions represents a different time period: past, present, and future. It is important for the user to have a decent amount of historical base knowledge in relation to the topic of transportation to be able to see how we got to the place we are know. Then it is important to present the user with all the current facts in regards to this subject so they can form a fully educated opinion of the state of our transportation structure. Finally, the user needs to be presented with inspiration for what the future of transportation can and will look like with reformation.
INDUSTRY 1820-1950
TECHNOLOGY 1950-2025
AUTOMATION 2025- future
INDUSTRY 1820-1950
The Industry exhibition is the first exhibition in the sequential experience of the space. The purpose of this space is to give the user a comprehensive history of transportation in our country and our city, connecting the development of transportation over the years to other current events and developing technologies. This space is engaging and utilizes technology to display information but still stays true to representing the time period through the path, pace, and presentation indicators.
The pace of the Industry exhibition is slow and consistent. All users must take the same path and therefore the pace is relatively regulated. It takes time to be able to consume the information presented due to the lack of variation in presentation and the amount of information there is to consume.
The path of the Industry exhibition variation and choice. This is represe being showcased, the transportatio passenger train travel which was a of travel. The interactive moving pa and choice but the basic path does
INDUSTRY 1820-1950
n is straight forward with little entative of the time period on of this time period was mainly rigid path with few choices in path anels gives the user slight variation s not change.
presentation The presentation of content in the Industry exhibition is all 2D graphics and audio. This is indicative of the time period represented. The news and information consumption was consistent and uniform in presentation but not in content. The digital glass panels that define the path can be moved and as they are moved the content shifts and changes. The movement creates more interest and exploration throughout the space. The qualitative aspects emphasized in this space are inform and explore.
The shell of the building is red brick. I left the shell as is and inserted the exhibitions without disturbing the shell. The materials inserted into this space are clean and neutral in order to focus on the exhibit itself. The floor throughout is a white terrazzo with variation and texture. The display panels are transparent glass to enable layering of projected information. These panels are trimmed on the top and bottom with sleek black aluminum. The interior walls are painted matte black. The light and audio fixtures hanging from the ceiling are a reflective copper material on the outside to provide a bit of color and interest and bring attention to the audio.
TECHNOLOGY 1950-2025
The Technology exhibition is the second exhibition in the sequential experience of the space. The purpose of this space is to give the user a comprehensive run down of the current state of our transportation infrastructure. There are positives and negatives to our reliance on cars for transportation and this space is focused on bringing to light all of the facts in a physical and impactful way that is easy to digest and understand. This exhibition has more variety than the industry exhibition and aims to start shifting the mindset of the audience. The user should venture through this space starting to understand the weight of the impact driving has on us and on the earth.
The pace of the Technology exhibition is faster than the industry exhibition and varied ramp to ramp. The presentation of material makes this exhibition faster because the content is easier to consume and digest. The ramp closest to the core is the fastest route, the middle ramp is the second fastest route and the ramp furthest from the core is the longest and most time consuming path.
The path of the Technology exhibit set however there are three choice time period being showcased, the t is mainly car travel which is a serie choice of direction. The user can de to the top and descend another as experiences or the user can just de
TECHNOLOGY 1950-2025
tion is still straight forward and es. This is representative of the transportation of this time period es of set paths that give the user escend one ramp and then go s each has different exhibits and escend one ramp and move on.
presentation The presentation of content in the Technology exhibition is 3D and physically interactive. Throughout history, our consumption of information has changed due to the advancement of many technologies. This exhibition utilizes technology and physical space to showcase the content in a new way. The user is learning while dwelling in an experience and then moving to another experience in which those learnings can be applied to find a deeper knowledge and understanding of the problems sequentially showcased.
Again, I left the shell as is and inserted the exhibitions without disturbing the shell. The materials inserted into this space are still clean and neutral but lighter in tone and color. The focus is on the exhibition material itself therefore the matrials should not distract from the exhibition. The floor throughout is a white terrazzo with variation and texture. The center core in which the ramps rotate around is a light gray concrete. This space is supposed to feel more modern day in contrast to the past industrial exhibition. Theterials used are supposed to add to the information presented such as the interaction between the wood and lights and the combination of the textured ombre glass with the physical smog.
These vignettes represent how some of the physical exhibitions materialized. These are the start of each ramp experience. The sequence of content is from light to dark, positive to negative. The space gets darker as you circulate downward and the content becomes heavier.
AUTOMATION 2025- beyond
The Automation exhibition is the third and final exhibition in the sequential experience of the space. The purpose of this space is to showcase future technologies, specifically technologies in the transportation context. The content presented in this space is very future forward and floating in space. The user can circulate around, dwell within, and interact with the technologies and advancements all while being inspired by what the use of these technologies could hold. Even though the information is being presented solely through the use of technology and lights, this is not to imply that the future of transportation isn’t physical. This is representative of the future of information consumption but with a focus on transportation.
The pace of the Automation exhibition is faster than both the industry exhibition and the technology exhibition. The user can spend as much or little time moving throughout this space as they would like. The content is presented such that the user can consume a lot of information in a short period of time to reflect the information consumption of the time period focus.
AUTOMATION 2025- beyond
The path of the Automation exhibi representative of the time period b travel may or may not be on a stru The user can move throughout the around the exhibits, through the ex is meant to foster interaction betw displayed, the user has the chance t
ition is up to the user. This is being showcased, the future of uctured system with set paths. e space however they feel is right, xhibits, over the exhibits, etc. This ween the user and the information to explore with the technology.
The presentation of content in the Automation exhibition is virtual and physically interactive. Our consumption of information will continue to change but we are on a path of highly technological, fast paced consumption. The presentation of content for the future oriented exhibition focuses on what the future of information consumption looks like and relates it back to transportation technologies. The user can virtually interact with a changing data and charts based on choices we have yet to make. The user can also virtually explore future vehicles and learn about how these are being developed to combat some of our current downfalls, the possibilities are endless.
Again, I left the shell as is and inserted the exhibitions without disturbing the shell. The materials inserted into this space are still clean and neutral but few materials are used as there are fewer physical elements to this space. The technology is what is showcased in this space, the materials are supposed to facilitate interaction with the technology rather than take attention away from the exhibition. The white terrazzo stays consistent throughout the space. The simple materials create a canvas for the technologies to be projected onto. Due to the use of technology, this space is dark few with strategic light beams.
In conclusion, the hope of this space is that the user leaves educated and inspired to participate in the reformation of our current transportation culture. As a whole leaving the space, the user should know more about how we reached the problem we have now, why it is such a big deal, how we can fix it, and what they can do to contribute to fixing it. The final space of the exhibition is designed to give the user the space to breath and reflect on all that they have learned throughout the different exhibitions. Once they have taken a moment to digest the facts, they can then be inspired by innovations that are being developed daily to fix this problem. They can then leave confidently knowing they play a part in the turning around of our transportation culture and attitude. They can then make small changes that will have a big impact and encourage others to become informed through this space as well. The greater percentage of the public that becomes better informed and concern about our transportation systems, the greater chance there will be for a large change.
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