3 minute read

Arabic 38 French


MR CHARLIE DAVIES Head of Modern Foreign Languages Arabic is one of the world’s great languages. Spoken by more than 400 million people, it has been the vehicle of many significant contributions to the development of science and culture, f rom the earliest odes of the pre-Islamic poets through to the cutting-edge research of the philosophers and mathematicians of Islam’s golden age, to the novels of Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz.


It is also one of the official languages of the United Nations and was recently identified as one of the ten most important languages for the UK's future.


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Arabic GCSE is now an optional GCSE subject at BSAK. By choosing GCSE Arabic, students are choosing a two year Edexcel GCSE course. Many of our students are excellent Arabic learners, and for many, it will be their best language option for GCSE. For students who are hoping to achieve the UAE High School Equivalency Certificate as a non Arab League passport holder, Arabic GCSE is compulsory as it will also prepare students for the MOE exam in the Sixth Form.

Term 1 Theme: School

● Talk about your school ( subjects, rules, uniform and clubs) expressing likes/dislikes. ● Describe an ideal day for you at BSAK. ● School trips ● Use conditional statements, negation, demonstratives and plurals

Theme: Future Aspirations, Study and Work

● Talk about careers & places of work ● Future work and study plans ● How to apply for jobs ● Using personal qualities for self-promotion

Term 2 Theme: International and Global Dimension

● Talk about environmental problems and solutions.opinions and reasons ● Listen to and read texts for gist/details about environmental problems and solutions ● Give arguments for and against different global issues and big events.


Term 2 Theme: Identity and Culture

● Culture and identity in your local area ● Talk about friends and what makes a good friend using adjectives and nouns ● Write about family relationships and role models ● Entertainment ( sports, hobbies, music, TV, cinema, films and media) ● Describe daily routines ( foods, clothes and special occasions)

Term 3 Theme 2 : Local Area, Holiday and Travel

● Describe your local area (places of interest, weather,activities, means of transport) ● Travel and holiday experiences ● Advantages and disadvantages of living in a town


● Year 10 students will sit an end of year exam in Year 10 ● The summer examinations will take place in Term 3 of Year 11


Students are required to develop confidence in: ● Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing ● Grammar - There is a greater emphasis on grammar, requiring students to use and manipulate a variety of key grammar structures and patterns. ● Vocabulary - There is also a greater emphasis on vocabulary including vocabulary that goes beyond students’ immediate needs and interests.


● GCSE Arabic (My Language is my Identity) Coursebook ● GCSE Google Library ● Languagenut digital learning platform. Languagenut is provided by School but students may also access other websites independently such as Languagesonline, Duolingo, Memrise or Quizlet.


FURTHER STUDY For students wishing to pursue Arabic at A Level, we would expect a minimum of Grade 6 at GCSE but this course is subject to availability. Looking further ahead, there is a rise in the demand for Arabic speakers globally. Arabic is ranked as the 5th most important language in the Power Language Index meaning that knowledge of the Arabic language will definitely enhance your CV.

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