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The BSAK 50th Virtual Whole-School Exhibition
The BSAK whole-school exhibition in recognition of the UAE’s 50th Year is a celebration of young artist work from primary and secondary students. Physical exhibitions have been paused as a result of Covid, but in art, creativity and opportunity often grows from adversity.
Our first virtual exhibition has been a journey that has drawn inspiration and creative energy from across the school community, culminating in a dynamic and heartwarming showcase of our artists. The exhibition has been designed and curated to reflect the schools’ inclusive ethos. Placement of work is non-hierarchical, and all students who submitted work are represented. Whilst the decision not to name work can be contentious, names and/or year group information can be located in the exhibition catalogues.
The exhibition poster design manifests from a creative collaboration of BSAK design students, who worked with the brief of exploring contemporary and traditional visual language and drawing together elements of UK and UAE identity.
By clicking on the links, you will be taken to the exhibition spaces. If you click on an image, you will be automatically flown through to it. Otherwise, by using a mouse and or the navigation cursor you can navigate your own way through the exhibition and explore the brilliance of our young creatives.
We’re very excited to have been able to create this whole-school exhibition, and as we continue to innovate and drive forward our creative footprint, we very much look forward to our next virtual exhibition, the ‘BSAK Summer Art Exhibition’. A celebration of Yr11 GCSE and YR13 A Level Fine Art, Photography and Graphic Communication artwork.
We hope you enjoy these virtual experiences and, looking ahead, their continued production to enhance our return to our future physical exhibitions.
Kindest regards,
Mr Emery
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