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A Message From The Head Of Secondary, Mr Davis




What an incredible first term this has been.

This wonderful publication provides a snapshot of some of the things that have happened at BSAK this term. I hope reading this brings parents and students joy - it celebrates a moment in time; the only regret I have when looking through it is that we cannot include more things!

Of course, working hard in class, and putting in the work outside of the classroom, is vital to BSAK Students’ success in their qualifications.

This term, Edexcel contacted the school to tell us about the success of two of our students: Famke Wanningen obtained the highest mark in the UAE for GCSE Art & Design: Graphic Communication; and Ahmad Jallul scored the highest mark in the world for GCSE Arabic (even more impressive as BSAK students sat this in Year 10, a year early!). Congratulations to these two wonderful students. However, what this newsletter demonstrates so well, is that BSAK is so much more than just a school that focuses on qualifications and exams.

This newsletter shows our incredible community, and the opportunities for our students beyond the classroom. The thread through much of this newsletter is leadership; how being a truly active student in the BSAK community means you get a chance to shape it. It is vital for our school that our students’ voices are heard, and it is also vital to take up these challenges as a student, as this helps their own development. The opportunity to develop leadership skills are essential for our young BSAK superstars, and the fact that these opportunities are evidenced throughout this newsletter, makes me truly proud.

Wishing you all a lovely winter break, and looking forward to seeing smiling faces walking back through the BSAK doors in 2023!

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