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If we do not hear from you, you will receive an email from us. However, if there are many absentees, this can be a long process and may delay our Receptionist from discovering if there is an emergency issue.
Please complete the necessary forms on the parent portal so we are aware of the reason your child is absent. If you do not confirm a child’s absence and provide a reason, this will be noted as an unauthorised absence.
Request For Children To Leave School Early
If your child has an appointment that cannot be made outside of school time, or they have to leave school early for a reason then you must complete the planned absence form on the parent portal. Please note that this may be registered as an unauthorised absence.
Request For Leave Of Absence
Whilst we understand that, in certain exceptional circumstances, students may have to be withdrawn from school and miss curriculum time, we would advocate that this disruption is minimised wherever possible. If you intend to withdraw your child, you are requested to complete the planned absence request form on the Parent Portal with reasons clearly stated, in advance, so that the details can be added to your child’s attendance record. We would strongly advise parents to avoid holidays during term time. Absences for holidays will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’ as per ADEK guidelines.
For Nursery and Reception children, the official end of the day is 2.30pm (11.55 am on Friday). Pick up is from the classrooms, through the EYFS Gate.
Siblings of EYFS children will be dismissed from the Mini Pitch. Please collect your child from EYFS, then walk to the mini pitch to collect siblings in Years 1-6. This ensures one point of pick up for EYFS children and their siblings.
For Years 1-6 the official end of the day is 2.35pm (12:00pm on Friday). Pick up is from the Primary pitch. Please enter through the St Joseph’s Gate and walk to the Primary Pitch where the children will be lined up in classes (see map on next page).
Please ensure that children are collected on time as late collection has a negative impact on the smooth running of the school and on your child’s wellbeing.
The following pages show the areas around the school where you can collect your children from and how you can pay to park.
This shows the pick up areas, Early Years for the Nursery and Reception children. The mini pitch for the siblings to be collected together and the Primary Pitch where Years 1 to 6 will be. The entrances are St Joseph's Gate and St Andrews Gate.