1 minute read

Mental Health and Wellbeing




Wellbeing plays a vital role in education and is intrinsically linked to children’s learning. At BSAK, we believe that it is essential to support the emotional health and wellbeing (EHW) of our children and staff. We look to create a school community where children are welcomed and feel happy and secure within a healthy environment. We want all our children to have respectful, kind and supportive relationships with each other and adults. We want everyone to understand the importance of being proactive about their emotional and physical health and we want to teach our children to be resilient, to take responsibility and to be adaptable by having a growth mindset.

We know that everyone experiences challenges which can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional support. We take the view that positive emotional health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play. We do this within a supportive and caring ethos which models, respect and kindness and where every individual is valued.

Our support network includes:

Your child’s Class Teacher (always your first port of call) Your child’s Head of Year Mrs Sam Walter (Assistant Head of Wellbeing and Pastoral Care) Mrs Sharlane Scheepers - School Counsellor

COUNSELLING SERVICE - The Counselling Service provides an opportunity for your child to talk in confidence about issues which may be worrying them and affecting their day to day life. What they choose to talk about is completely up to them, but common issues are relationship issues, problems at home, stress, friendships, change, bereavement, distressing traumatic events and anger. Primary children are referred to this service, if required, by school staff and in consultation with parents.

At BSAK we:

● help children to feel they belong through promoting our school values ● promote self confidence and ensure children know that they count and ‘dare to be different’ ● help children to form and maintain strong relationships ● help children to understand and be able to talk about their emotions openly ● help children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks

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