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Moral Education and Life Skills is designed to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes students need to manage their lives, now and in the future.
These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in the modern world.
The curriculum provides a positive contribution to the climate and ethos of the school enabling students to grow and flourish; building effective relationships, developing social skills and resilience and thereby leading to confident individuals.
Topics covered in Year 10 include:
Living a Moderate Life Ethics and the Global Economy Intercultural Relationships Being a Responsible Adult Being an Active Citizen
● Problem solving ● Critical thinking ● Resilience ● Reflection
MELS is taught once per week in form groups.
No formal assessment. The impact of the program is seen through the interactions, beliefs and behaviours of those in the school community. Work and reflections can be recorded in the MELS workbook.