1 minute read

Meet Your Head of Year




Dear Parents,

Year 10 is an important year - excellent attendance, punctuality and effort in Year 10 can lay the foundation for Year 11 GCSE success.

GCSE content is taught in classes and teachers begin to arm the students with the exam technique required to succeed the following year. Both the form tutors and I will be there to encourage and motivate your child on a day to day basis and using a daily 25 minute form time, and a weekly MELS session we aim to guide and support your child emotionally, morally and academically.

It is a hugely exciting time in the students’ lives and BSAK is strongly committed to working in positive partnerships with parents to support the best possible education for all of our students.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Year 10. I am thoroughly looking forward to taking Year 10 through to their GCSE Examinations in 2023.

The Year 10 pastoral team is made up of myself as Head of Year and six experienced and enthusiastic form tutors.

Together we are responsible for overseeing the academic progress and emotional welfare of the year group. The Year 10 pastoral team is then further supported by Ms Nichola Cooper, Assistant Head.

Mrs Sarah Noray

Head of Year 10 snoray@britishschool.sch.ae

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