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This Geography course covers a variety of geographical processes and concepts and their application in the real world, including the use of fieldwork.
It is designed as a two-year course for teaching in international schools, colleges, and UK independent schools. Geography is one of the most relevant subjects you could choose to study, dealing with vital issues such as climate change, migration, environmental degradation, social issues and natural hazards.
● Urban environments ● Fragile environments ● Economic activity and energy fieldwork
● Geography is a fairly unique subject because it looks at both the physical structure of the planet and the social structure (i.e. how we affect our environment and how it affects us) in the past, present and future. ● Students will learn how to analysis and evaluate both graphical sources and data resources. ● Practical enquiries using the ‘route through an enquiry’. ● Use of qualitative and quantitative data from both primary and secondary sources to obtain, illustrate, communicate, interpret, analyse and evaluate geographical information. ● Other skills include statistical analysis, conflict resolution and management skills.
Employers and universities see geography as a robust academic subject rich in skills, knowledge and understanding. As a subject linking the arts and the sciences it is highly flexible in terms of what you can combine it with, both at GCSE and A Level.
To consider Geography at A Level, a grade 6 or its equivalent will be required at iGCSE Geography. It is also recommended that the equivalent of a grade 6 is obtained in one of the English courses. Geography is considered a Science, as well as a study of the physical world and anthropology. Therefore, being able in both Science and English will be an advantage. Geographers move on to an extremely wide ranging set of career paths. It is a facilitating subject at A Level and as such is looked upon very favourably by the top universities.
Students will be assessed throughout the course using variety of knowledge checker activities, completion of essay exam questions and Mock GCSE exams. They will have 2 final examination papers during then GCSE examination series. Physical (40%) 1 hour 10 mins Human (60%) 1 hour 45 mins