2 minute read
English Literature
The inspiring and engaging content of this key iGCSE qualification will support the development of key literacy skills, knowledge and understanding in conjunction with GCSE English Language study.
Students will study, analyse and critique a range of fiction texts and the course encourages and nurtures a love of reading and creative language use, along with an appreciation of the impact of Literature in representing and highlighting aspects of society.
The course is taught in conjunction with the English Literature iGCSE provision across Key Stage 4. Work in Year 11 focuses on developing key skills of literary analysis further, along with specific exam preparation and revision. Specific Language components are: ● Poetry (from Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology) ● Modern Drama: An Inspector Calls ● Literary Heritage Texts: Macbeth ● Modern Prose: Of Mice and Men
Term 1
● Anthology Part 3
Term 2
● Revision
Term 3
● Revision
This qualification will further develop a students ability to: ● Read a wide range of classic literature fluently and with good understanding, and make connections across their reading ● Read in depth, critically and evaluatively, so that they are able to discuss and explain their understanding and ideas ● Develop the habit of reading widely and often appreciate the depth and power of the English literary heritage ● Write accurately, effectively and analytically about their reading, using Standard English ● Acquire and use a wide vocabulary, including grammatical terminology, and other literary and linguistic terms they need to criticise and analyse what they read school.
Students are assessed via Internal assessment/coursework (40% of the total marks) which will consist of Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts and examination (60% of total marks) which will consist of Poetry and Modern Prose. Students complete all coursework and complete one full mock examination paper under timed, examination conditions.
● Please click here to view the English 5 Year Learning Journey.
It is compulsory for students to gain a minimum of Grade 6 in both of their English iGCSE qualifications, in order to study either specialism at A Level. Excellent achievement in English is highly regarded by employers. Success in English can support exciting career opportunities in: ● Politics ● Publishing ● Teaching ● Public Relations ● Law ● Journalism ● Social work ● Management ● Librarianship
Perhaps most importantly though, this qualification will establish and nourish a deep understanding and appreciation of literature and its impact and importance in the world around us.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ● Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) English Literature Student Book