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Islamic Studies B
This is a course within the UAE for all those of Muslim faith. Students follow the Ministry of Education curriculum with additions and adaptations to meet their learning needs. COURSE CONTENT
The Islamic values education curriculum called for focus on personality and character development of students, close attention to the real needs and concerns of students, and preparation of students with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to function successfully as Muslims in society.
As per the Ministry of Education curriculum, the course covers a range of topics that allow students to:
● Practice recitation and memorisation of the Holy Quran and Hadith ● Learn different rulings related to the five pillars of Islam ● Learn about the life of Prophets and their companions
● The rules of recitation for the Holy Quran ● Understanding and comprehension for the significance of the the Holy Quran and Hadith ● Memorising some verses from the Holy Quran and the Hadith ● Understanding of acts of worship and basic rules of dealings ● Half term Exam
● Ministry textbooks and the teacher’s own resources
● Half term Exam ● End of term Exam ● End of year Exam