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BTEC Sport

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This qualification will provide students with the opportunity to enter employment in the Sports industry or to progress to higher education qualifications such as a degree in Sports Science.

If you would like to work with elite athletes or pursue a career in professional sport, this course will provide a pathway at the highest level. Due to this being a 2020 specification all the information is current in terms of Sports Science.

COURSE CONTENT Units Covered In Year 13:

● Unit 1 - Careers In The Sport & Active Leisure Industry ● Unit 2 - Health, Wellbeing & Sport ● Unit 12 - Applied Sports Anatomy & Physiology ● Unit 20 - Practical Sports Performance These units will give the students a true breadth of study. They will understand the theoretical concepts that underpin performance and be aware of how to implement an improvement strategy based on the efficiency of human mechanics.


● Study independently ● Research and academic writing skills ● Interview skills ● Time management


● The BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sport is the equivalent to two A Levels and it is expected you will undertake this qualification alongside one additional A Level of your choice. ● A BTEC is an applied learning qualification in which students acquire knowledge, skills and understanding through practical, work related activities.



Students submit a portfolio of evidence for each unit of work. This is internally assessed by teachers and externally moderated by BTEC representatives. Learners will also be assessed by practical observations, activities and presentations completed over the two years.

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