1 minute read
History aims to engage the curiosity and imagination of students and present them with the dilemmas, choices and beliefs of people in the past. It helps students develop their own identities through an understanding of history at personal, local, national and international levels. It also develops critical thinking and metacognitive skills as we explore deeper themes and concepts within the past.
Year 7 is all about preparing students with the skills they will need at KS3 and beyond.
● Events of 1066 and why did William win the Battle of Hastings? ● Is it fair to call the Middle Ages the ‘Dark Ages’?
Term 2
● How did the East and West approach medicine and plague? ● How similar were experiences of the Crusades?
Term 3
● How far has migration changed over time?
● Chronology - what happens when? ● Cause and Consequence - why do things happen? ● Change and Continuity - what changes and stays the same? ● Significance - what made something important? ● Interpretations - what do other people think? ● Using Evidence – what evidence do I have?
Resources will be provided through text books, work books and via the Google Classroom.
Teaching will be delivered in form groups.
History is assessed formally through at least one assessment per half term, linked closely to the History skills above. End of year assessment is through a 1 hour written paper, covering a selection of the skills from the whole year, though content will be focused on the final unit.