1 minute read

Meet Your Head of Year




Dear Parents,

The Year 9 forms each have a dedicated form tutor, they are the constant in each day of a BSAK student’s journey and invariably have the best understanding of their tutees needs.

Establishing a relationship between parents and tutors is a vital ingredient in the success of students at BSAK and parents should regard tutors as their first point of contact at school and if needed, should direct enquiries and pass on information directly to them.

Each morning, during form time, students will receive pastoral and academic guidance from their tutors. Tutors are also responsible for delivering the Moral Education and Life Skills (MELS) elements of school life to their form.

I look forward to continuing supporting the students this academic year and overseeing the options process for the students moving forward to GCSEs.

Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding your child should you feel I may be of help.

I would like to welcome all our returning students and new students to Year 9 here at The British School Al Khubairat. My name is Mrs Noray and I will have responsibility for overseeing the academic progress and pastoral care of the Year 9 students this year.

The well-being of every child in our care is of the utmost importance to me and I am looking forward to working with you and my experienced team of excellent tutors to ensure that every student in Year 9 is safe, happy and achieving their true potential.

Mrs Sarah Noray

Head of Year 9 snoray@britishschool.sch.ae

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