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Ithink its important I premise this article with Bsale’s position. We are a business for sale marketpalce with the goal to generate leads for our clients. This includes business brokers and business owners. In order for Bsale to be a successful business for sale marketplace we have both clientele.
There are reasons people decide to sell a business privately vs with a business broker. I dont think it is a all one-way or the other.
Selling Privately
When you sell a business privately you are basically selling your business without the assistance of an agent. This agent in Australia is typically a business broker, though may be a real estate agent.
In order to sell privately you must handle multiple steps in the process, such as:
• Prepare your business for sale
• Create an exit strategy - how you intend to sell, writing a business memorandum, training periods, negotiation process, settlement.
• Obtaining the necessary legal documents such as contract of sale and NDA.
• Understand the price you could sell your business for (get appraisals)
• Advertise your business for sale, whether its on business for sale websites like Bsale or other avenues such as approaching competitors, clients, employees etc.
• Negotiate with interested parties and undergo due diligence process.
When you sell a business privately you are involved in the entire process. This can be a positive or negative depending on the business you are selling and how confident you are with the process. As the business owner you know the most about your business and have the ability to communicate directly with buyers without the involvement of a third party.
You get to see when the enquiries come through, respond in a timely manner and followup directly with the buyer. Creating a quick connection - business owner to potential business owner.
Save costs from paying excessive marketing fees and business broker commissions. if you are selling a business sub $300,000 it may be a good option so you can reap as much profits from the sale as possible.
Selling a business is not a quick exercise. There are risks involved and finding a buyer may take time.
You need to be committed to the process, be a good negotiator and know how to close the deal. A solicitor can assist you with the legals and negotiations process, but as the owner you need to be ready to walk the path. Getting the most exposure for your busienss sale is very important.
Listing directly on all the major business for sale websites and applying upgrades will get you the best exposure and set you back less then $1,500.
Selling With A Business Broker
Business Brokers have a specilasied skillset. Even though they are registered as real estate agents in most states - they have a very different knowledge base.
Business Brokers can assist with:
• Preparing business for sale
• Establishing an asking price (appraisal)
• Marketing and writing a business memorandum
• Negotiations with buyers
• Guide you through the process
They can be there through the whole process. Whether your 3 months into your sale or 10 months. They are there to assist you. Experienced business brokers will give you guidance and be excellent communicators through the entire process - connecting the dots between you, your solicitor, buyer, buyers solicitor, accountants etc to get the deal done.
Finding the right business broker. It can be a bit of a balancing act, finding a broker who will work with you and your best interests. You dont want to go with a business broker who gives you bad advice, provides you a bad appraisal, gives false hopes, doesnt list on the major business for sale websites - or simply isn’t fully committed to the process.
The AIBB is the peak body for business brokers. It is a good idea to check if they are a member. As the business owner, you need to realise alot of the work also involves getting the business ready for sale - internal systems, increasing profits, tax implications. A business broker is not a magic wand - a business is a separate entity that needs to be well prepared.
Like stated earlier, we are biased - we have both clientele. So I wont argue one or the other. If you ask a business broker - they will say a business broker. If you ask a business owner who sold privately or had issues with their business broker - they will say privately. So we stand neutral.
At the end of the day, when you are selling a business. You want to get good advice that can lead to a successful sale. So get advice! Dont just rely on one source, speak to accountants, solicitors, business brokers and make an informed decision that is good for your business.