green roofs Benefits for your building
Past Experience
Woodlawn Hospital
Geneva General Hospital
Lakeland Cancer Center
Rochester, In
Geneva, NY
St. Joseph, Mi
1,800 square feet
More than just a view This roof is an outdoor breakroom for staff. The design features tree planter boxes in addition to roof trays. (pictured above and on back)
Eliminates the need for underground detention Patient rooms look out over this expansive roof (pictured top right) featuring a complex geometric pattern with four tray color mixes to provide visual interest.
Future projects
Saint Mary’s Good Samaritan Regional Hospital Mount Vernon, Illinois
12,000 square feet
35,000 square feet
1,280 Square feet
Small and Simple Provides an added bit of color and brings cooling and stormwater retention benefits to the Cancer Center building. (pictured on front cover)
Green Roof Benefits Cooling • Plants provide increased solar reflectivity, evapotranspiration and insulation that reduce overall building energy costs. Storm water retention • Roofs retain water and reduce peak flow volumes, minimizing impact on sewer systems and reducing the needed scope of storm sewer infrastructure. Enhanced environment • A green roof can increase usable space and property value, provide users with a restorative view of nature, and create habitat for birds, butterflies and insects.
Sustainability • A green roof system increases roof life expectancy by shielding the roof membrane from weather extremes and harmful UV rays. Earn 1 to 2 LEED credits for a green roof installation.
Austin | Chicago | Indianapolis | St. Louis 800.565.4855
BSA LifeStructures designs facilities that support, enhance and inspire healing, learning and discovery. Facilities that are lifestructures. Our multidisciplinary efforts with visionary healthcare, higher education and research clients achieve measurable outcomes through metrics-driven design solutions.