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GBS Flow Sheet: Management of Infants ≥35 wks on postnatal ward with risk factors for Early Onset Sepsis (June 2019) Is the infant SYMPTOMATIC?

      

Tachypnoea (RR>60) Apnoea and/or cyanosis Hypotension (Mean BP < Gestational Age) Temperature instability (temp < 36.5 or > 37 .5°C) Tachycardia > 180 bpm Oxygen saturation < 95% And/Or Any other medical concerns



Full Sepsis evaluation as clinically indicated If sepsis suspected, empiric TREATMENT Yes antibiotic therapy is indicated

NO Did a previous sibling or did the mother have laboratory confirmed GBS sepsis or meningitis


Neonatal review Limited Sepsis evaluation Empiric PROPHYLACTIC antibiotic therapy


NO Neonatal review AND Apply “EOS Calculator” using highest ANTENATAL maternal temperature

Was there evidence of: 

Maternal pyrexia in labour (≥38⁰C in labour or within 4 hours of delivery)

Clinical suspicion of chorioamnionitis raised by Obstetric staff

Mother received a dose of broad spectrum antibiotics or triple antibiotics (benzylpenicillin, gentamicin and flagyl) for chorioamnionitis

2 possible options:



Observations every 6 hrs x 24 hrs and again at 36 hrs OR

Limited Sepsis Evaluation and empiric PROPHYLACTIC antibiotic therapy

Neonatal review AND Apply “EOS Calculator”


2 possible options:


Was there PROM > 72 hours

Observations every 6 hrs x 24 hrs and again at 36 hrs OR

Limited Sepsis Evaluation and empiric PROPHYLACTIC antibiotic therapy

NO Has the baby all 3 risk factors:

Neonatal review AND Apply “EOS Calculator”

35-37 wks gestation AND

PROM ≥18 hours AND

Mother is GBS positive or GBS status unknown


2 possible options: 

Observations every 6 hrs x 24 hrs and again at 36 hrs OR

Limited Sepsis Evaluation and empiric PROPHYLACTIC antibiotic therapy

NO If the mother received < 2 doses of intrapartum antibiotics → infant to be monitored on PNW. Minimum Obs every 6 hrs x 24 hrs and again at 36 hrs All other infants with any risk factor(s) for sepsis not covered by in the above categories

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If the mother received ≥ 2 doses of intrapartum antibiotics, then routine neonatal care as per local unit guidelines is advised. These babies should stay in hospital for a minimum of 12 hrs postnatally.

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