Revision 01 : Sept 2012 Author: Dr J Scarth
Curriculum Policy
Curriculum Policy This Policy has been approved by The Board of Directors and applies to all staff and pupils in The Senior School.
We offer a broad and well balanced curriculum, which provides our pupils with the opportunity for progression and fosters intellectual, moral, cultural, and physical development. We aim to nurture a love of learning and help the pupils to develop into well informed, culturally aware, civilised young people with transportable skills, prepared for higher education, the workplace and the challenge of adult life. The curriculum has been devised to be appropriate to pupils’ ages, abilities and aptitudes, in order to support talents and fulfil potential. We expect pupils to take responsibility for their own work and to be willing to take advantage of the intellectual challenges which are offered to them. It is intended that pupils will become independent thinkers and develop into lifelong learners. We recognise the importance of strong pastoral supportbecause only when pupils are happy and secure can meaningful and productive learning take place.We carefully monitor each pupil’s learning and development as they progresses through the school. Careers advice and guidance about subject choices, higher education courses and the world of work arean important part of preparing each pupil for future success. AIMS
Through our curriculum, we aim to:
Offer access to all curriculum areas regardless of ability.
Facilitate the pupils’ acquisition of knowledge, skills and qualities which will help them to develop intellectually, emotionally, physically and morally.
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Ensure that the curriculum is linked to the needs and aspirations of the pupils, allowing them to reach their full academic potential.
Develop interested and active learners, who can work both independently and collaboratively and who persevere in creativity and problem solving. Create and maintain an exciting learning environment.
Encourage the pupils to be independent, responsible, thinking, confident and considerate members of the community, within the school and beyond. Enhance pupils’ self-esteem and instil respect and tolerance for others.
Recognise and offer any special study support required for pupils at any stage in their school career.
Keep the curriculum under review.
Offer careers and Higher Education advice and guidance.
In order to achieve these aims, we will ensure that: Learning and Teaching • • •
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We will provide a broad and balanced curriculum, designed to meet the varied needs of the pupils. There will be opportunities for pupils to develop through programmes of Citizenship, Lifeskills, PSHE and Careers Education. We are committed to inclusion and equality of opportunity, support will be given to all pupils. Those that need additional support will be given through the Learning Support Unit or the Learning Mentors. Pupils will be set challenging targets and supported in trying to achieve them. Mentoring programmes will be provided to support pupils. We will develop schemes of work which offer challenging, varied opportunities for pupils, including the use of ICT and using a range of teaching strategies to reflect different learning styles, aiming to create independent learners. We will provide learning opportunities beyond the classroom, to enrich learning and to promote outdoor education, drama, music and sport. Homework will be set regularly.. Pastoral Care
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All pupils will be valued and respected as individuals. The learning of all pupils will be supported by a system of pastoral care, which will ensure that all pupils are known and supported. Clear expectations and standards will be set for pupils in terms of behaviour and work and these will be consistently applied. We will ensure a safe, secure and pleasant learning environment for pupils and staff. We will seek to raise the aspirations and self-esteem of all pupils. Successes will be celebrated and rewarded. Regular and prompt contact will be maintained with parents in the case of concerns.
Community • • • • • • •
Pupils will be encouraged to become involved in and take a pride in the school community, including the physical environment. Pupils will be encouraged to take on responsibilities. Staff and older pupils will be encouraged to provide positive role models. Parents will be encouraged to support their children’s learning, opportunities will be given each year for parents to find out more about the school’s work. Parents will be informed fully about their child’s progress, through regular reports and Parents’ Evenings. Links with the Junior section will be maintained by regular contact and cooperation on pastoral and curriculum matters. We will be outward looking in working with other schools and colleges. To achieve our Aims, we will: •
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Provide an inclusive curriculum, which allows for different learning styles and prior learning experiences but, at the same time, one which ensures that there is a match between each pupil and the tasks theyare asked to perform. This may require the pupils to be taught in ability sets or to receive additional, individual support. Help the pupils to develop lively and enquiring minds, a love of learning, the ability to question and argue rationally, listen and communicate effectively and apply themselves to tasks both cognitive and physical. Encourage the pupils to have and fulfil the highest possible expectations of themselves.
Ensure that the breadth of the curriculum, gives pupils an experience in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, physical, human and social education.
Provide a post 16 curriculum which is responsive to the needs and demands of the pupils and which offers a broad range of academic courses, together with guidance appropriate to Sixth Form study. Offer wide-ranging experiences in the creative and performing arts.
Develop effective citizenship and help pupils to understand the world in which they live. Provide opportunities for pupils to serve their community. Develop attitudes that lead to a healthy life-style.
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Enable pupils to acquire knowledge and skills, relevant to continuing education in adult life and employment in the context of a fast changing world.
Give opportunities for pupils to become aware of the career possibilities open to them. Provide cross-curricular opportunities and encourage teamwork as well as independent thinking and learning.
Timetable time is allocated to cover the courses which enable the school to offer a balanced curriculum; each area of the curriculum is allowed sufficient time for its contribution to be effective.
Training and professional development opportunities are provided for all staff to enhance the delivery of the curriculum and to keep teachers informed of current initiatives and developments relating to their subject areas. Staff appraisal identifies training needs which benefit the delivery of the curriculum and maintains a consistent focus on raising standards. The school recruits wellqualified subject specialists to allow each area of the curriculum to be taught by those with a high level of subject expertise.
KS3 29 Period Week SUBJECT
English Maths Science
MFL French/German
MFL Sinhala/Tamil/EAL
Art Drama History Geography ICT Music PE PSHE
KS4 29 Period Week SUBJECT COMPULSORY SUBJECTS English and English Literature Maths PE OPTIONAL SUBJECTS Accounting Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science Drama Economics French Geography German History ICT Physics Sinhala
29 x 55minutes ALLOCATION Y7 2014-15
1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 2 1 1 0
5 5 4 2 2
29 x 55 minutes ALLOCATION YEAR 10 2014-15
5 5 1 Pupils choose 6 subjects and each subject receives 3 lessons per week. All students must choose ONE Science
5 5 4 2 2
5 5 6 2 1
SUBJECT English and English Literature Maths Biology Chemistry Physics OPTIONAL SUBJECTS French/EAL German/EAL Sinhala/EAL
Accounting Art Business Studies Economics Geography History ICT
5 5 3 3 3
All students choose ONE Language. All students choose TWO other subjects.
KS5 TIMETABLE 2014-15 29 Period Week
29 x 55 minutes
From September 2014, The Sixth Form will offer four pathways for all students entering the Sixth Form. For entry in to Year 12, pupils may opt for one of four pathways:
A+ Pathway:
A4 Pathway:
Subject 4 A Level Subjects Global Perspectives Enrichment Private Study
Allocation 5 hours per subject 5 hours 2 hours 2 hours
A3+ Pathway:
Subject 4 A Level Subjects Directed Study Enrichment Private Study
Allocation 5 hours per subject 5 hours 2 hours 3 hours
A3 Pathway:
Subject 3 A Level Subjects Global Perspectives Directed Study Enrichment Private Study
Allocation 5 hours per subject 5 hours 9 hours 2 hours 3 hours
Subject 3 A Level Subjects Directed Study Enrichment Private Study
Allocation 5 hours per subject 4 hours 2 hours 3 hours
The school offers the following subjects to Year 12 in 2014-15: subjects: Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry English Literature French Geography German Global Perspectives Government and Politics History Information Technology Mathematics (Further Mathematics) Physics Theatre Studies
In 2014-15, Many Year 13 students choose to continue with 4 A Levels, whereas some will choose to study three A Levels. For students in Year 13, allocation will be 7 periods per subject. This curriculum time is supported by Private Study Periods in each student’s timetable. The school will offer the following subjects to Year 13 in 2014-15: Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry English Literature French Geography German Government and Politics History Information Technology Mathematics (Further Mathematics) Physics Theatre Studies
Ensuring access to the Curriculum for all Pupils
Heads of Department have responsibility for ensuring that the curriculum is delivered effectively with regard to differentiation, the needs of individual pupils. Curriculum support is offered by the Curriculum Support Unit, to pupils who are identified as having needs that can not be met in the classroom alone. Careers and Higher Education
Careers advice and guidance is crucial to pupils as they choose the subjects to study for IGCSE, in the Sixth Form and beyond. This guidance is offered by the Form Tutors, Heads of Key Stage, Senior Staff and specialist visitors, through individual interviews, Key Stage Assemblies and workshops and informal tutor group discussions. As pupils move through the Sixth Form, a highly structured Higher Education and Universities Applications programme runs alongside their curriculum. University Delegations visit and students are supported on an individual basis to complete their higher education applications. Review and Evaluation
Heads of Department are responsible for their departmental development plans which share the same aims and timescale as the School Improvement Plan. Development plans are reviewed and evaluated on an annual basis, through a meeting with the Head of School and the relevant Deputy Head. Public examination results are part of this evaluation.