1 minute read
The Concept of Transversal Skills and Ideas for Development
In this part of the handbook, you will find information regarding all necessary and relevant transversal skills. What are they? Why are they important, and how can we develop them in order to thrive in the 21st century? These are the competences individuals possess that are relevant to jobs and occupations other than those they currently or recently worked in. These competences were perhaps also acquired through non-work or leisure activities or via education or training. More generally, these competences were acquired in one context or used to master a unique situation/problem but can be transferred to another context.
Despite unprecedented levels of unemployment in European countries, 32% of employers face difficulties filling jobs due to so-called “competences gap.” Hence, there are about 509,000 job vacancies currently registered in the European ICT sector. The highly competitive European labour market requires increased transversal competences (TCs) key for employability. Yet, most young and adult learners, job-seekers, and professionals are not aware of these, nor do they know how to assess them to improve their employability potential.
The competences about which you will read on the following pages of this handbook are UNESCO-listed and considered key areas that work toward holistic development within a knowledge-driven society.
These competences are:
Critical thinking, innovative thinking, presentation skills, communication skills, organisational skills, teamwork abilities, self-discipline, enthusiasm, perseverance, self-motivation, tolerance, openness, respect for diversity, intercultural understanding, media literacy, information literacy, ability to locate and access information, ability to analyse and evaluate media content, physical health, and religious values.