3 minute read
xxxxxxxxx History of Berkhamsted Schools Group
from Art Technician
Berkhamsted School is situated in the historic Hertfordshire town of Berkhamsted, a prosperous community surrounded by Chiltern countryside and within easy reach of London Berkhamsted is a leading Independent School for pupils aged 3 to 18 years, the foundation of which dates back to 1541 (when John Incent, the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, successfully applied to King Henry the VIII for a license to purchase a piece of land for a ‘freescole’).
In 1888 a Girls School was founded in Berkhamsted under the same governing body, and the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools merged to form a diamond school in 1997 The Prep School was also integrated at this stage, and the School became Berkhamsted Collegiate School.
In 2011 the School merged with Heatherton House, a small independent day School for girls in Chesham Bois, and became the Berkhamsted Schools Group. Operating as a satellite Prep School, Heatherton provides a feed of Girls to the Berkhamsted Girls School every year. In 2012 Berkhamsted Schools Group acquired Haresfoot, a small proprietary prep school in Berkhamsted. This site now houses the Berkhamsted Pre-Prep and Berkhamsted Day Nursery Limited, and Berkhamsted Prep takes children from age 7-11.
Berkhamsted is the only School in the Herts, Beds and Bucks region, and one of only a small number of Schools in the country, to offer a ‘diamond’ structure that combines the best of both single-sex and coeducational teaching. Boys and Girls are taught together until the age of 11 (Berkhamsted Pre-Prep and Prep), separately from the age of 11-16 (Berkhamsted Boys and Berkhamsted Girls), before coming back together again in a joint sixth form (Berkhamsted Sixth).

Job Description
Reporting to:
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Head of Art and Design
To maintain equipment and to prepare classrooms/studios to meet the teaching requirements of the Head of Department and staff.

This part-time position (20 hours p/w, Mon.-Fri.) is term time only, plus 2 weeks. The role is to assist the smooth-running of the Art department on two campuses.
The Art Technician does not need specialist knowledge in any one specific process so much as an understanding of the subject and a willingness to be flexible and responsive to specific needs as they arise.

Job Description
Checking the departmental inventory, including the condition of equipment and materials in line with health and safety requirements and maintain in good condition items such as brushes, lino and printing equipment, photography enlargers and spotlights.
To monitor and up-date health and safety risk assessments as required, keeping larger items of equipment, e.g., presses & kilns, up-to-date with regard to servicing and maintenance.
Conducting regular audits and ordering materials and supplies to maintain stock levels sometimes decanting bulky items into smaller containers (glazes, inks and photographic chemicals).
To research & compile orders, check deliveries against orders, send invoices to Accounts and report and, when necessary, return damaged goods to suppliers ensuring the adjustment is made to the sum charged. Maintaining records of all orders placed, their delivery and their cost so that the Head of Art can work within the Art department’s budget, as well as plan future budget bids.
The routine checking of the studios, kiln rooms, stock rooms and darkroom to ensure they meet departmental needs and that deficiencies are addressed and breakages are reported promptly.

Job Description
The re-stocking & tidying of cupboards, plan chests and resource cabinets in studios. Preparing materials in advance of lessons: e.g. preparing clay and sorting glazes, cutting paper to size for printing, lino sheets, photocopying worksheets, etc.

Loading and unloading the kiln and monitoring the firing process. Photographing artwork for marketing and display purposes, e.g., artwork-of-theweek and the school magazine.
Mounting artwork for display around the department/school and assisting with the mounting of GCSE & A level exhibitions.
Occasional teaching assistant support in lessons, e.g., during print making activities where both inking up and pulling prints is happening simultaneously, or where individual pupils require more intensive assistance.

Person specification
Keen interest in Art and Design
Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate confidently with parents, pupils, colleagues, and feeder school staff (essential)
Team player, with a desire to produce work to a high standard (essential)
Flexible and pro active approach (essential)
Excellent organisational skills along with good time management and an ability to work under pressure and to deadlines (e
Previous experience working within a sc