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Headteacher’s Lent Reflection

Dear Parents

It feels like only yesterday that we returned to School after the Christmas break, yet so much has happened – a great testament to the girls’ energy, enthusiasm and engagement with all the opportunities at School.

The rain, snow and winds of the Lent Term have done little to dampen the girls’ spirit as they’ve continued to Be Adventurous, Serve Others and Aim High With Integrity.

International Women’s Day (IWD) turned into International Women’s Term as we battled to complete our Burpeethon in support of CAMFED (The Campaign for Female Education). It was wonderful to support a charity engaged in providing access to girls’ education. Special thanks to all those families who got involved with the initiative and who donated to the cause. CAMFED have sent us this message to relay to you all:

“Congratulations on your successful fundraiser! Your students have raised an incredible £1195. This is the equivalent of 1,793 school days, the equivalent of sending 10 girls to school for a year!

We are so grateful for all the time and effort you put into your fundraiser, which will be put toward our wider One Million School Days campaign. You have been part of a movement which will see a further 5,567 girls attend school this year. Thank you!”

The IWD theme of #EmbracingEquity continued throughout the term with the girls involved in all sorts of stereotype-breaking events and competitions:

• The Rotary Technology Competition: From a field of 31 schools, the girls’ teams came second in the foundation category and third in the intermediate category.

• The Yates Drill Competition: The Annual CCF Yates Drill competition was an opportunity for the girls to put their commitment, teamwork and coordination to the test. In the end, it was the Army girls’ drill squad that came top of the table.

• Finally, it was wonderful to see some inspiring inter-department collaboration between the Science and Music Departments – a Space and Science themed Year 7 Concert! Thank you to the music department for creatively raising the profile of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

• We are always grateful to have parents share their career experiences with our girls. Thank you to Niamh and Freya’s mum for delivering an inspirational STEM talk to Years 7&8 –highlighting the exciting and rewarding doors that a career in Science can offer.

This term, we’ve also enjoyed having so many opportunities to welcome parents into School:

• Raising Assertive Girls: Dr Emily Kenefick talked to both staff and parents about empowering our girls to have a voice – how we can encourage each of them, at home and at School, so that they can respectfully learn to advocate for themselves and others.

• Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll: The Year 9 Parent Engagement Dinner was themed around the trials of raising teenagers, how to talk to them about sensitive issues and setting boundaries at home and at School.

• Charity Coffee and Cake Fundraiser: thank you to all who supported the Prefect-led event – fundraising for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

• The Year 9 Play: A co-ed production with the Boys’ School, showcasing teamwork, discipline and the students’ ability to time-manage and prioritise commitments in an already busy schedule!

• The Music Gala: Not only are the girls thriving in the classroom, on the stage and on the pitches but many have also been involved in the various musical ensembles and choirs that operate across both the Boys and Girls schools. The last Friday evening of term was host to the most superbly entertaining Music Gala Evening – a showcase of our wonderful talent. Thanks again to the music department and to the School’s catering team for a fantastic evening.

• Inter-House Lacrosse: The House spirit lives on through the mixed-age group competitions. At the time of writing, the full results are not yet in and are due to be celebrated in our end of term assembly. Regardless of performance, the levels of enthusiasm and support were encouraging to see – as was the sense of belonging and sisterhood within the Houses.

With all good wishes for a relaxing Easter break.

Emma Watson Headteacher

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