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Subjects School uniforms
At Issue: School Uniforms School uniforms remain a controversial issue in the nation's schools. Studies done to measure performance with and without uniforms have had mixed results. Since states do not track statistics on school uniforms, the exact number of school districts with uniform policies is unknown. However, a survey conducted in 2000 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found 20% of public and private elemen tary schools and 10% of high
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schools sampled had mandatory uniform rules. Uniform policies are generally more likely to be found in schools with large numbers of low-income and/or minority students. Proponents of school uniforms say uniforms reduce common problems like theft and fighting and allow administrators to easily identify intruders or outsiders. Supporters add that uniforms may also improve grades by enabling students to focus more on academic performance, reduce disciplinary problems, create unity and remove class distinctions, and are more affordable than expensive designer labels. Those opposed to mandatory uniforms say uniforms infringe upon students' First Amendment right to freedom of expression, stifle creativity and individualism, and place an unfair financial burden on low-income families. Some argue that simply having dress code rules can achieve many of the same benefits of uniforms.
Pro/Con and Essential Question Should students be required to wear uniforms? Yes.
School uniforms can help improve behavior
Uniforms infringe upon students’ First
and reduce peer pressure.
Amendment right to freedom of expression.
By All Accounts, School Uniforms Improve Learning Environment
School Uniforms: Turning Our Kids into Soulless Conformists
Dressing for Success
Parents Battle Over School Uniforms
SIRS: At Issue: School Uniforms School Uniforms Make a Splash
Clothes-Minded More Viewpoints
Perspectives "Despite the media coverage, despite the anecdotal meanderings of politicians, community members, educators, board members, parents, and students, uniforms have not been effective at attacking the very outcomes and issues they were assumed to aid."-David L. Brunsma, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Missouri-Columbia Uniform Effects? "There is a body of national research that links students wearing uniforms to a better climate, better behavior. Part of it relates to acting the part, but it also creates a very level playing field for our students."-Steven J. Adamowski, Superintendent of Schools, Hartford (CT) In Hartford Schools, Uniforms for All
Critical Thinking & Analysis 1. Do you think students should be required to wear school uniforms? Why or why not? 2. What benefit, if any, do you see in school uniform policies? 3. What are the negative aspects of wearing a school uniform? 4. Do you think students should be able to dress as they please for school? Explain.
Additional Resources Research Guide for the Critical Thinker Writing a Mini-Research Paper Creating a Powerpoint Presentation Debate Guide Academic Writing Help SIRS Citation Guidelines
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Su mmar y: This article provides an overview of School Uniforms. Perspectives and analysis questions are also provided.
Citatio n : You can copy and paste this information into your own documents.
ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: School Uniforms." ProQuest LLC. 2013: n.pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 15 Oct 2013.
Staff, P. (2013). At issue: School uniforms ProQuest LLC. Retrieved from http://sks.sirs.com
SIRS: At Issue: School Uniforms
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