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Supporting Students to Realise Their Potential as Leaders and Changemakers
In our complex and changing world, helping children and young people develop leadership skills is not just about preparing them to thrive in the future; it’s giving them the tools to shape it.
Today, the concept of leadership encompasses a range of essential skills with broad applications. For example, the ability to think independently, creatively and critically; to express and communicate ideas confidently; to listen actively; and to build relationships with diverse groups of people. The BSN aims to equip students with these essential skills and empower them to make positive changes, engage with different perspectives and innovate.
Little Leaders
Student Leadership is embedded in our School’s culture. Starting in the Foundation Stage, students look forward to their turn as “Special Helper” for the day. This role allows each child to take on some extra responsibility and support their peers. They gain confidence through seeing their positive contribution to their classroom.
In Junior Schools, children can apply to be Student Leaders, International, Sports and Wellbeing Ambassadors, Play Pals, Library Helpers, Digital Leaders and Eco Warriors. These are important and supported roles—students share their opinions on school matters, make decisions and have a tangible impact.
I’ve always really enjoyed computing lessons in school, so at first, I wanted to be a Digital Leader because I thought it would be fun and help me learn more about coding. It is fun, but I also really like using my skills to help my school. This year, we’ve been focusing on learning more about the Hour of Code, which is an introduction to computer science, so that we can introduce it to the rest of the school and help the younger years learn to code.
Year 6 Junior School Student
Personal Growth
Essential to developing leadership capacity is learning the ability to face challenges. Students taking part in a Co-Curricular Activity, trip or Service Learning project step outside their comfort zone, challenge themselves to become more independent and develop civic awareness. In October, students from SSV, went on a marine conservation and diving expedition to Malta. In addition to becoming qualified divers, students contributed to the research and conservation projects of a local NGO.
The journey was truly a personal one for our students. For some, it was about collaboration and learning to manage their own budget and cook for a group. For others, the trip was about overcoming challenges and showing resilience to achieve their diving qualification. For others, the highlight was the opportunity to be part of a marine conservation project and demonstrate environmental integrity.
Sarah Rothenburg, Assistant Headteacher at SSV
Student Representation Matters
In Senior School, Student Leaders, Council members, and Ambassadors receive training and guidance from the Senior Leadership team.
“The roles are an important part of school experience and have been designed to have the students’ voices at the heart of decisions made and experiences implemented.”
Lea Adkins, Head of Sixth Form at SSL
Student Ambassadors from SSL helped develop presentations and activities to raise awareness and inform students about the impact of bullying during Anti-Bullying Week.
Our school is against bullying all of the time; however, our anti-bullying week has been designed for all students to ‘make a noise’ whilst highlighting our intolerance towards bullying and refusing to be quiet when we see someone being bullied, no matter who they are.
Mental Health and Cultural and Diversity Ambassadors in the Sixth Form at SSL
These roles provide the opportunity for hands-on learning and personal growth, furthering students’ holistic development. For the school community, the impact is equally profound; issues that matter to the students gain attention, encouraging discussion and reflection about effecting change, and the benefits are felt on and beyond the BSN campuses.