6 minute read
Daily routines
The start of the day
The school building is open for students from 08:00 onwards, with most arriving between 08:20 and 08:40. Students arriving at school by bus will be dropped off in the school grounds. If students arrive before 08:30, they are able to use the Atrium and the Student Café until the bell sounds. At this point, they can go to their Tutor Group rooms.
By 08:45 students are expected to be in their form rooms for registration. Late arrivals are required to report to the office and sign in there – if your child’s school bus appears to be running late, there is no need to alert us – the bus company will do this automatically and your child will not be marked as late or absent. A student is deemed late for school if they are not present in their form room by 08:45.
Two-week timetable
The timing of the day and students’ timetables span a two-week period – known as Week A and Week B. At the start of term, students receive their timetable and are encouraged to keep it with their Agenda, to ensure they remain organised. Students soon become used to knowing if it’s Week A or Week B with signs posted around the school as well as the Homepage of Compass.
The School Day
Students have six 50-minute lessons each day. After the first two lessons, students have a 20-minute break and time in the Tutor Groups. This is followed by two more lessons and then an hour for lunch from 12:5013:50. After lunch, there are two lessons before school ends at 15:30. At this point, students can make their way home or participate in the many after school Co-Curricular Activities we offer.
Students at Senior School Voorschoten meet regularly for whole year group assembly – this is an opportunity for the Tutors and Heads of Year to consider important topics and themes, to share notices, and to highlight and celebrate students’ successes.
Breakfast, snack and lunch
We have our own cafeteria, which is open from 08:00 and provides hot and cold meals and snacks which students can purchase during the day. The school has a well-supported healthy eating programme during the day, which ensures that the food served is balanced and healthy.
Water is freely available at all times and students are encouraged to have their own refillable water bottles for use throughout the day.
Many students bring their own packed lunch and snack – this is eaten in the Student Café or in the Atrium under the supervision of Student Supervisors.
There is a strong link between levels of attendance and educational outcomes.
Students are expected to attend school for entire terms, the dates of which are confirmed in January for the following September. Leave of absence will be granted only for compassionate or other urgent reasons. Requests for leave of absence must be made as far in advance as possible.
If students need to leave during the school day this will only be authorised in response to a written request from parents/guardians or for another good and sufficient reason. An exception to this rule is made for students in Years 12 and 13 who, provided they sign out, may leave school at break and lunch. All students must sign in and out of school at the school reception.
If students need to attend a medical or other appointment in any year group there must be an email from home to confirm this.
If a student is unwell at school, they must see the school Health Care Officer before leaving the premises.
School Bus Service
The school operates a comprehensive bus service for students – various options are available, including a door-to-door service. The bus service works independently of the school and has a strict behaviour policy. Further information on the school bus service is on Compass and the school website. For more information on the Bus Service, please refer to your Basics handbook, or Compass. The Transport Department can be contacted on: 070 315 4083 or bsn.transport@britishschool.nl.
The end of the day
At the end of the day, students make their way to their lockers to organise the books and files they need for homework and then move on – either onto the school bus, to a Co-Curricular Activity or home. Students can be collected by car, but access at this busy time of day, negotiating buses, cars, cyclists and pedestrians, can be a challenge and students must take care.
Going home by school bus
Buses leave promptly, 15 minutes after the end of the school day. Students must always have their bus pass with them. If a student accidentally misses the bus, they will be able to call from the School Office to make alternative collection arrangements with parents and guardians.
After school activities
Please note that students participating in after school Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) need to have made alternative, independent travel arrangements or be collected from school at the appropriate time.
Parking and drop off
Please be aware of the legal parking signs on the roads around the school. Parents are requested to park sensibly and consider pedestrians at all times. Parents bringing children to school should use the drop off zone at the front of the school building – please do not stop or wait right in front of the doors to the school.
Arriving by bicycle
Students cycling to school use the rear gate and must not use the main front entrance, which is very busy at the start and end of the day. Once inside the school grounds, bikes should be pushed, not ridden. There is bicycle storage inside school grounds. Bicycles must be locked during the day and are the sole responsibility of the owners.
Security information
The security of our students and staff is paramount for us. All students have a locker to store personal belongings. There is a security guard on duty during school hours and a CCTV monitoring system is in place. All visitors, including parents, are required to sign in at Reception, show photographic ID, and wear the appropriate badge issued upon sign-in.
In an emergency, such as fire or evacuation of the school, parents will be sent an emergency text message. For this reason, it is vital that the school has up to date mobile phone details for all parents and guardians. Further information and our policy for use of the Emergency Text System can be found on Compass