2 minute read
A Year in the Life of a Governor
It is an honour and a privilege to be elected by the BSN Association to membership of the Board of Governors. My relationship with the school began in January 1982 as a Junior Teacher and I left the school’s employment in July 2012 as a Headteacher (Diamanthorst).
It is a special pleasure to share the celebration of their achievements and accomplishments. To be present at student performances, award ceremonies and community events adds life and colour to the total information package.
The BSN is the oldest established British School on the European continent. It is a trusted stalwart institution renowned for its provision of the best of British education in an international Dutchoriented context. I am delighted to continue to make a contribution toward the ever-developing success of the school, albeit now as a volunteer on the Governing body.
In addition to the regular Board meetings, Governorship training and the diligent scrutiny of relevant school data, I enjoy visiting the schools, meeting the staff and students and children. It is always a special pleasure to share the celebration of their achievements and accomplishments. To be present at student performances, award ceremonies and community events adds life and colour to the total information package.
As school Governors, we are not involved with the day-to-day management of the school. We are part of a sound system of checks and balances, support and advice. Our role is to ensure that the school is well positioned to provide its unique educational service. The positive ethos, appropriate policies and professional practice inherent in the school’s mission and ambition are the indicators on the radar that guide me to attend to my duties and responsibilities as a school governor.
The BSN community consists of a unique wealth of talent, diversity and collective, as well as individual, aspiration. It’s a pleasure to be part of it.