Subcommittee Members
Community Engagement and Policy Subcommittee
Isabella Alcañiz, Co-Chair, Department of Government and Politics Joseph Richardson, Co-Chair, Department of African American Studies Gary LaFree, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Jennifer St Sume, Department of Government and Politics Rachel Ellis, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Andrea Lopez, Department of Anthropology Alyssa Whitcraft, Department of Geographical Sciences
Events and Research Subcommittee
Dawn Dow, Co-Chair, Department of Sociology Hoda Mahmoudi, Co-Chair, Bahai Chair for World Peace Genesis Fuentes, Department of Sociology Rebecca Hunsaker, BSOS Dean's Office Patricio Korzeniewicz, BSOS Dean's Office Marlaina Martin, Department of Anthropology Stella Rouse, Department of Government and Politics Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Department of Anthropology Kameron Van Patterson, AW Center for Education, Justice, & Ethics María Vélez, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Jennifer Wessel, Department of Psychology