Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2009
Output 1. India,
The Pension & Development Network has signed, together with help Age Insurance
Understanding, binding all four parties to a 10 year cooperation focused on designing, developing and implementing a longevity insurance pilot for 25,000 poor people in India living in rural and urban areas with different socio-economic conditions and family systems.
1.1 The Pension & Development Network has raised $25,000 (including $5,000 from the WorldGranny office) for the first phase of a feasibility study on longevity insurance for the poor, The study will be completed in by the DHAN foundation in December 2009.
1.2 A research grand application for $49,970 has been admitted at the International Labour Organisation for the second phase of the feasibility study on longevity insurance for the poor.
Output 2.
The Pension & Development Network has, on request of the the Dutch-
Nepalese NGO ‘Diyalo’ together with the Dutch pension fund ‘Zorg en Welzijn’ (PFZW), researched the socio-economic situation in Nepal and, according to its findings, designed a pension savings scheme for local employees of – for starters – Dutch NGO’s in Nepal.
2.1 The designed product, an integrated pension savings scheme, is deployable in any country around the world.
Output 3.
The Pension & Development Network organized on the 29th of September
2009, in cooperation with the Netherlands Central Bank (DNB), a seminar on governance in microfinance, which was attended by a large audience from the Dutch financial & private sector and was opened by HRH Princess Máxima of the Netherlands.
3.1 The seminar generated interest from universities, business, media, and public for poverty reduction through micro-finance pension based old-age provision schemes.
3.2 The attendance of HRH Princess Máxima at the seminar generated a lot of (national) press attention for micro-pensions and the WorldGranny Pension & Development Network
Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2009
3.3 The attendance of HRH Princess Máxima at the seminar instigated the start of a cooperation on the theme of ‘inclusive finance’ between the Pension & Development Network and HRH Princess Máxima in her role as UN Secretary General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance.
3.4 The seminar advocated the need for private-sector involvement in the field of poverty reduction through micro-finance, which resulted in new cooperations between various Dutch private financial institutions and organizations and contributed to a substantial increase in goodwill amongst the participants already involved in the Pension & Development Network.
Output 4. The Pension & Development Network launched its website in September. This website has been developed to become the knowledge centre on long term & financially sustainable old-age provisions for developing countries. 4.1 The website advocates for the recognition of pension based old-age provision schemes as an important anti-poverty tool for the old of age, so that their vital role as part of anti poverty policy will be recognized.
Output 5.
In cooperation with the Dutch private financial education organization SPO
and the Eureko Academy Life & Pensions, the Pension & development Network has developed a standardized education-module for training professionals in developing countries on designing, implementing and operating a pension scheme.
Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2009
(WorldGranny Pension & Development Network & local partners Help Age India and the DHAN Foundation)
(WorldGranny Pension & Development Network & local partner Diyalo)
Target group: Older people and their families / children: India (25,000 poor people in 10 locations over a period of 5 years)
Employees in the Nepalese NGO sector without pension provision: Nepal (minimum of 100,000 people)
Partnerships The WorldGranny Pension & Development Network has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Help Age India and the DHAN Foundation, committing these organizations to a mutual cooperation of 10 years, 2009-2019.