Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2010
Program Development Output 1.
The project group DHAN of the Pension & Development Network finalised the model development for the micro pension product.
On the 14th of April 2010, the DHAN Foundation, HelpAge India and the Pension &
Development Network officially launched their joined micro pension pilot product for the clients of the DHAN Foundation. At the launch in Madurai, more than 6,000 women gathered to celebrate the micro pension product. Mrs. Caroline van Dullemen (WorldGranny), Mr. Jacques van der Horst (Syntrus Achmea), Mr. Jos van Ophem (Syntrus Achmea) and Mrs. Anna Timmermans (Nationale Nederlanden) represented the Pension & Development Network at this event.
Output 2.
The Pension & Development Network has researched the socio-economic situation in Kenya and the possibilities for developing and implementing a micro pension provision.
The outcome of this research, which also focused on the cooperation possibilities with Kenyan
MFIs, resulted in the Pension & Development Network to shift its cooperation in Kenya towards Women’s World Banking.
Output 3.
The Pension & Development Network has, on request of the Mongolian MFI ‘XacBank’, researched the socio-economic situation in Mongolia and, according to its findings, designed a (micro) pension provision scheme for XacBank.
As a follow-up to the micro pension provision scheme design, the Pension & Development
Network has drafted a (micro) pension market study set-up for XacBank.
Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2010
Output 4.
The Pension & Development Network and RIMANSI, a network organisation of Mutual Benefit Associations in the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, binding both parties to a 5 year cooperation focused on designing, developing and implementing a micro pension provision for 12 Mutal Benefit
Associations (MBA)
in the Philippines, and after one year for 2 MBA partner
organisations of RIMANSI in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Concept Development Output 5.
Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua)
The Pension & Development Network has, on request of the Central American MFI ‘REDCAMIF’, analyzed the set-up of REDCAMIF’s software and administrative systems, used for the future execution of its micro pension provision.
The outcome of this analysis had led to a cooperation understanding between REDCAMIF and
the Pension & Development Network, in which a project team from the Pension & Development Network, consisting out of Mr. Robert Timmer (Mastermind), Mr. Edo de Wit (Aegon), Ms. Nienke de Rooy (ING) and Mr. Boudewijn Sterk (WorldGranny), will assist REDCAMIF with the development and implementation of its micro pension scheme in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
Output 6.
Together with the Micro Insurance Association Netherlands, the Pension & Development Network has, on request of the Georgian MFI ‘Crystal’, researched the socio-economic situation in Georgia, and the possibilities for Crystal to design and implement a micro insurance product for its clients with a combined savings / pension element.
Although the outcome of the research showed that there was no market for a micro pension
product, the visit report drafted by the Pension & Development Network and the Micro Insurance
Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2010 Association Netherlands has provided Crystal with a strategic analysis of how to enter the Georgian insurance market.
During the Crystal mission, the Pension & Development Network cooperated closely with Ms.
Lisa Beichl of the International Labour Organizations. This partnership resulted in a commitment of the International Labour Organization to identify ways to collaborate in future opportunities.
Output 7.
House of Inclusive Finance
The Pension & Development Network has instigated a cooperation with the Micro Insurance Association Netherlands and the Micro Justice Initiative. The combined expertise of the three organizations, called ‘House of Inclusive Finance’, is able to provide social consultancy on financial inclusion, focusing on savings, pensions, insurance and legal empowerment for low-income people.
Output 8.
University of Groningen
A co-operation with the University of Groningen has resulted in a contribution of Professor Robert Lensink to the baseline survey and feasibility study of the RIMANSI project in the Philippines.
Network Development Website and PR Output 9.
During the year 2010, the Pension & Development Network has firmly
invested in online communication and social media.
The content of the website of the Pension & Development Network has been further
expanded; the knowledge centre as well as the country database has been significantly updated (see
Between January 1st and December 31st 2010, the Pension & Development Network website
received 8.099 visitors (a growth of +51,7% compared to 2009), of which 4.249 were unique
Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2010 visitors. The average amount of visits per day was 22.19 while the average time spent on the website was 00:03:12 minutes1. Top 10 list of countries the website visitors came from, between 01-01-10 and 31-12-102 Position
United States
United Kingdom
During 2010, a total of 7 digital newsletters were sent to the 570 registered mailing contacts
of the Pension & Development Network.
An expert in online marketing from the SNS Bank, Mr. Marc van den Boom, has been
attracted to assist the Pension & Development Network in developing a strategy for its online communication and usage of social media.
An online community has been developed for the Pension & Development Network. This
community offers a digital platform where experts and professionals from both the financial and developing world can interact, share knowledge and post questions on several topics regarding financial inclusions, pension and saving as well as insurance. On December 31st, 2010, the community had 35 members.
An employee of the pension communication agency Kool, Baas & de Quelerij, Ms. Naomi van
der Ende, has been attracted to develop the communication strategy for the Pension & Development Network online community.
1 2
All data on website visits gained via Google Analytics, Idem.
Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2010 9.7
Through the usage of Twitter, the Pension & Development Network has enlarged its outreach
within the social media spectrum and has started to actively promote its micro pension activities. The Twitter account of the Pension & Development Network had 32 followers on December 31st, 2010.
The Pension & Development Network has its own group on LinkedIn, which counted 135
(mostly Dutch) members on December 31st, 2010. The LinkedIn group is used to inform members of vacancies, events and other related information from the Pension & Development Network.
Output 10.
The activities of the Pension & Development Network were covered in the
Dutch in the financial magazine Financial Investigator (July 1, 2010) and the Dutch newspapers De Volkskrant (July 2, 2010) and NRC Handelsblad (July 3, 2010). An interview on the DHAN project in India was aired on BNR Nieuwsradio (June 11, 2010).
Output 11.
The volunteer database of the Pension & Development Network has
expanded over 2010, and now contains 108 registered financial professionals who wish to contribute to the activities of the Pension & Development Network (measured December 31st, 2010).
Output 12.
The New Years Reception organized by the Pension & Development
Network on January 28th, 2010, attracted 30 participants. The reception proved to be an ideal opportunity to present the work of the Pension & Development Network to newly interested financial professionals and existing relations.
Output 13.
On Saturday February 13, 2010, Mr. Jacques van der Horst (Syntrus
Achmea) and Mr. Boudewijn Sterk (WorldGranny) organized a workshop on micro pension provisions for a group of 14 Tanzanian government officials studying in the Netherlands. This workshop resulted in positive interest of the officials towards micro pension solutions and their commitment towards finding opportunities to introduce a micro pension provision in Tanzania.
Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2010 Output 14. The Pension & Development Network participated in the Micro Finance World Conference in Amsterdam, which took place on May 10 – 12. During this conference the Pension & Development Network actively presented the concept of micro pensions to all participants, which resulted in a cooperation with XacBank (Mongolia) and an invitation to the Micro Finance Innovation Conference in Washington.
Output 15. In cooperation with the Micro Insurance Association Netherlands and the Micro Justice Initiative, the Pension & Development Network organized a working conference on financial inclusion on June 23rd, at the University of Tilburg. The working conference aimed at finding an all inclusive solution for poverty issues.
With 64 participants from such sectors as academia, business, media, and public, the
conference generated significant interest for poverty reduction through inclusive finance solutions, such as micro insurance, micro pension / savings provisions and micro justice.
The conference advocated the need for an all-inclusive poverty solution, which resulted in
new co-operations between various Dutch private financial institutions and organizations and contributed to a substantial increase in goodwill amongst the participants already involved in the Pension & Development Network.
Output 16.
The Pension & Development Network, Hatim Baheranwala (consultant P&D
Network) gave a presentation at the 4th Asian Conference on Micro-insurance, which took place on the 22nd and 23rd of July in Ho Chi Minh City.
Output 17.
The Pension & Development Network, Henk Hermsen (Railway Pension
Fund) and Caroline van Dullemen (WorldGranny) participated in the Micro Finance Innovation Conference in Washington, which took place October 25 – 28 and facilitated a workshop regarding Micro Pensions & The Pension & Development Network. Van Dulemen also gave a plenary presentation as part of a panel session.
Output 18.
(WorldGranny) participated in the World Entrepreneurship Forum 2010, organized by Emlyon Business School and KPMG. She participated in the workshop preparations and
Pension and Development Network Performed activities in 2010 had personal meetings with a.o. Fazl Abed (BRAC) and 2011 Social Entrepreneur of the Year, Mrs. Ela Bhatt (SEWA bank). The Forum took place November 3 – 6 in Lyon France .
Output 19.
Between November 9th and November 11th, a delegation of the Pension &
Development Network, consisting of Mr. Leo den Hartog, Mr. Robert Lensink and Mrs. Jansje van Middendorp, attended the 6th International Micro insurance Conference in Manila. During the 2nd RIMANSI Partners’s Forum, which took place on November 12, Mrs. Jansje van Middendorp gave a presentation on micro pensions and the Pension & Development Network.
Output 20.
(WorldGranny) gave a presentation on micro pensions to students from the microfinance field of the Wageningen University.
Strategy Development Output 21.
A new strategic five year plan (2011 – 2016) has been developed for the
Pension & Development Network.
This strategic plan was been reviewed, together with the members of the board and the
strategic council of WorldGranny, on December 22, 2010. It resulted in a clear vision for future direction, in which the Pension & Development Network.
During the year 2010, the Steering Committee of the Pension & Development Network
consisted of Jacques van der Horst (Syntrus Achmea), Guus Boender (Ortec Finance), Aaltje de Roos (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Rene Blijlevens (Association of Insurers), Herman Bril (Cardano), Henk Hermsen (Railway Pension Fund), Caroline van Dullemen (WorldGranny) and Boudewijn Sterk/Jansje van Middendorp (WorldGranny). A total of 9 Steering Committee meetings have been organised during 2010.