Ball State Daily News Vol. 103 Issue 31

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BALL STATE GRADS Congratulations

The Daily News Graduates by College

News: 3-6

Sports: 8-14

Lifestyles: 16-17

Opinion: 18-23

Gallery: 26-27

Architecture & Planning: 29-30

Health: 30-31

Communication, Information & Media: 32-33

Fine Arts: 33-34

Miller College of Business: 34-36

Sciences & Humanities: 36-40

Teacher’s College: 40-44

University College: 44

The Ball State Daily News (USPS144-360), the Ball State student newspaper, is published Thursdays during the academic year except for during semester and summer breaks. The Daily News is supported in part by an allocation from the General Fund of the university and is available free to students at various campus locations.

VOL. 103 ISSUE: 31


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APRIL 25, 2024 • 03
its importance. 04
Graduating guards at the David Owsley Museum of Art reflect on
Fourth-year Hannah Schneider poses in front of one of her favorite works April 17 at the David Owsley Museum of Art. Schneider came to Ball State as a transfer student. ANDREW BERGER, DN PHOTO; BRENDEN ROWAN, DN PHOTO ILLUSTRATION
The outgoing guards at DOMA have a special shared experience through their on-campus employment.

The David Owsley Museum of Art (DOMA) doesn’t only house art.

For many Ball State University students, it houses opportunity.

Graduate and social media assistant, and former DOMA intern and guard, Taylor Hamblin spent the past two years working at the museum surrounded with possibilities to further her career while at Ball State.

“I started here as a guard and really loved it here,” Hamblin said. “I felt comfortable enough to apply to go higher up, and here I still am.”

Art majors are not the only people eligible to be guard or getting an internship at DOMA. Assistant Director Rachel Buckmaster said she doesn’t want anyone to feel discouraged from applying due to not being an art student.

“We have guards from practically every college,” Buckmaster said.

Similar to other on-campus jobs, applications can be found on Cardinal Career Link when positions are available.

The guards at DOMA are more than just the individuals seen sitting in the corners of the museum’s various galleries. They become the personality of the museum, as Buckmaster described.

“I’ve always thought of [student guards] as the eyes and ears of the museum,” Buckmaster said. “Thousands of people come in here, and I talk to very few. Overwhelmingly, if someone comes in and they talk to someone from DOMA, it’s almost always one of the guards.”

This isn’t the only way they impact the museum. Fourth-year student and guard Hannah Schneider has felt the impact she’s been able to make in the community as well.

“I’ve been able to participate by doing or suggesting DOMA kids activities, and that’s actually how I got my position as the Dean’s Student Advisory Council representative,” Schneider said. “I proposed that we create a fortune teller for kids to get them more engaged in the artwork.”

As a member of the Dean’s Student Advisory Council, Schneider said she advocates for herself and other guards.

“I speak on behalf of the guards on what things we need or what things could we have to be more successful here at the museum to help guests feel more welcome or, just in general, make the museum more accessible,” Schneider said.

She said when it came to first getting involved with the museum, a friend helped pique her interest.

“I came to Ball State as a transfer student, and one of my friends I first met here took me to the museum,” Schneider said. “That’s how I got introduced to the entire collection. The fact that [Ball State] has a full-fledged art museum on campus is pretty rare.”

Hamblin agreed and said not only is the museum’s existence unique but so is the experience and connection it can give students.

“It is my college experience,” Hamblin said. “I was walking around trying to take pictures of things and it tugs at my heart because it’s just such a good place to grow.”

She said an important part of her college experience was finding a healthy and supportive workplace environment, which was something DOMA provided.

“I’ve gotten super good experience [in public relations],” Hamblin said. “I’ve been able to because I’m comfortable. I’m able to spout out ideas and not be afraid.”

Fourth-year guards Hannah Schneider (left) and Taylor Hamblin (right) pose for a photo April 17 at the David Owsley Museum of Art. Doma guards like Hamblin and Schenider act as the personality of the museum. ANDREW BERGER, DN

She said the community and friendships built by the staff are also an imperative part of working at DOMA, fostering a welcoming environment.

“I got to meet a lot of different people from all backgrounds — people I never would have met if I hadn’t worked with them,” Schneider said. “Some of these people I’ve had consistent close friendships with and have been able to connect with even after they graduate.”

Hamblin echoed similar sentiments about friendships and expressed the importance of community.

“If you talk to the guards, they’ll always tell you the same things. They’ll say they love to be surrounded by the art, they love the community and they love the supervisors, which is rare,” Hamblin said. “People love each other here.”

These connections entail more than just friendship, for Schneider it has been a learning experience.

“I get to learn about other people’s experiences, the work that they do and the interests that they have to broaden my worldview,” Schneider said.

DOMA also showcased a glimpse into the world of public relations for Hamblin and her career, which she is more specifically interested in.

“It’s made me appreciate being able to see all the working parts of a museum but also to be a nonprofit because I really want to work with a nonprofit,” Hamblin said.

With many guards and interns filtering in and out of the museum, the impact they have on the way DOMA is run and received by the public is clear to Buckmaster.

“They contribute to everything we do, and I feel strongly that I learned as much from them as they did from me,” Buckmaster said. “We really do value them and couldn’t do what we do without them.”

Not only has DOMA had an impact on both of their college careers, but it also serves as the place where they close their college journeys, as commencement is on the lawn in front of the stairs to the museum.

“I feel like I have the most special connection ever,” Hamblin said.

Contact Madelyn Bracken with comments at

Senior Taylor Hamblin walks amongst art April 17 at the David Owsley Museum of Art. Hamblin has worked at the museum for the past two years. ANDREW BERGER, DN

At the southernmost point of campus is the Ball State University Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, a place dedicated to promoting peace-building and conflict resolution.

The center offers several academic programs where students can address all forms of violence through various projects and activities that allow them to resolve conflicts healthily.

One key program offered by the center is the peace studies and conflict resolution minor for undergraduate students. The interdisciplinary minor consists of 18 credits and “teaches strategies such as mediation, conflict prevention and resolution to promote nonviolence, meditation and mindfulness to facilitate physical and mental health and wellbeing,” according to Ball State’s undergraduate catalog.

Lawrence Gerstein, director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, said undergraduate students taking the interdisciplinary minor can take courses in many different areas, such as political science, journalism and social work.

Fourth-year history and political science major Ben Brewer, graduating in July, said adding the minor has helped him further his undergraduate studies.

“The program prepares students for encouraging positive peace within their daily lives … [Students] learn concepts [like] mediation and active listening,” Brewer said.

Gerstein said the center’s internship program allows students to assist with writing, researching and drafting grant proposals for the center.

“[Student interns are] instrumental in our conceptualization and implementation of our conferences,” Gerstein said.


However, the Center for Peace offers opportunities to more than just undergraduate students. Its graduate assistant program equips students with the tools and knowledge to become leaders in the field of peace and conflict studies.

“[Graduate assistants are] teaching the interns how to use different databases to gather information for grants and for research studies,” Gerstein said.

Coming to Ball State for both her master’s and doctorate of counseling psychology, Madison Pavone was asked by Gerstein to be the organization’s current graduate assistant in 2022, serving a two-year term.

In her role as a graduate assistant, Pavone works with undergraduate students, helps plan events and writes book reviews for the center. She also has helped with conflict resolution training for Muncie Community Schools (MCS) to help educators with mediation skills.

“It has been very beneficial for me professionally and personally,” Pavone said. “It has given me some serious organizational skills that I can take on in any future position I have.”

The Center for Peace also offers funds for Ball State faculty and graduate students for nonviolence-related research projects. The Benjamin V. Cohen Peace Grant, named after the Muncie-born lawyer who played a role in creating the United Nations, has been supported by the Cohen Memorial Fund since 1984.

In 2017, the Peace Grant was given to a Ball State research team that included Lindsey Blom, professor of sport and exercise psychology, and Gerstein.

With the Cohen Grant money, Blom, a former interim director for the Center for Peace, was able to travel across the world to study Sport for Social Change, a program that increases resolution skills through sporting events.

Ball State’s Center for Peace and Conflict Studies provides many academic opportunities for students and faculty.

The finished research article, published in 2021, outlined how effective coaching implements good sportsmanship among young athletes.

Blom said the Cohen Grant is extremely versatile.

“It’s one of those grants that almost every faculty member on campus could find a way to connect with,” Blom said.

One of the center’s most notable contributions to the graduate program is its annual Peace Conference, which brings together scholars, practitioners, and students to discuss and share ideas about peacebuilding and conflict resolution. “Helping prepare for the annual Peace Conference has been extremely rewarding, along with writing weekly stories focused on altruism and positive news,” he said.

Through its academic programs, internships and conferences, the center inspires students to become advocates for peace and agents of change in their communities and beyond. Pavone said her two years working for the center provided her with valuable lessons she will put forward in her career after completing her degree.

“Being exposed to all the different [types of] research allows me to have more knowledge about what I’m going to do research on,” she said.

Contact Meghan Braddy with comments at or on X @meghan_ braddy and Grayson Joslin at grayson.joslin@ or on X @GraysonMJoslin.

Read the full story online. BALLSTATEDAILYNEWS.COM
The Ball State Center for Peace and Conflict Studies sits just off campus April 19. The center is dedicated to promoting peace-building and conflict resolution. ANDREW BERGER, DN

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across the ‘Sisterworld’

Senior Estel Puiggros (left) and senior Annie Rauch (right) pose for a photo during summer 2023 in Spain. Puiggros and Rauch have been roommates, teamates and friends since their freshman year with Ball State women’s basketball. ANNIE RAUCH, PHOTO PROVIDED

Ball State women’s basketball seniors Estel Puiggros and Annie Rauch share a special friendship.

A friendship that spans years all started on the sixth floor of Studebaker East.

New roommates often text, call or direct message each other before moving in together, but Ball State women’s basketball seniors Estel Puiggros and Annie Rauch never did. Move-in day of their freshman year was the first time they spoke.

Hailing from Spain, Puiggros said it was hard to understand the “funny and loud” friend that just entered her life.

Rauch recounts Puiggros’ outgoing nature and, most notably, the high temperature she liked in their room.

“It was a big problem for us,” Annie said. “For the first month of living in the dorms we never spoke about the temperature but passively aggressively moved it up and down. I like it cold and she likes it hot.”

Laura Rauch, Annie’s mom, remembers meeting Puiggros for the first time.

Laura wondered if the seemingly opposite pair would work well together after that first day, but she said it was only a matter of time before the two were side by side. The teammates have lived together ever since.

“Of course, we were shy at the beginning, but after a week or so, she was my sister, and I knew it was going to be like that for the rest of the year,” Puiggros said.

Annie said she and Puiggros have the same “easy-going” nature, making it easy to become friends.

“They just worked so well together,” Laura said. “They are very, very different, but they are the perfect pair.”

Navigating a home away from home

Though they are described as a perfect pair now, their friendship started by helping a “thick-accented Spaniard.” Puigross was often shy to speak with her little knowledge of English at the time.

“I did not want to talk much, but [Annie] made the time and effort to try and understand me,” Puiggros said.

Through Google Translate or even their shared but limited proficiency in French, Puiggros said Annie made the effort. At restaurants, Puiggros asked Annie to order for her, but time and time again, Annie forced her out of her comfort zone.

Annie said working with Puiggros helped advance Puiggros’ English. Annie said the help was not just a one-way street. She said Puiggros pushed her out of her shell too.

Since day one, the Rauchs have welcomed Puiggros as one of their own.

“It would always be like, ‘You’re a part of our family,’” Puiggros said. “After a game, we would go eat. It is the small things, like Valentine’s Day my freshman year, [Laura] came into the dorms and brought me a big basket.

“It was great. I love them. They are my family too.”

Though she went through an initial culture shock, Puiggros said the Rauch family was able to make her feel more accepted in a new country. Even after experiencing a difficult freshman year, Puiggros said their support and love made her want to stay a Cardinal.

“It was a no-brainer having her around for family stuff when she did not have another option,” Annie said. “My family loves her. My mom is not a hugger at all, and I’ve seen her hug Estel multiple times.”

Whether it be food, gifts or adopting Christmas traditions from Spain, the Rauch family always wanted to make sure Puiggros was included and taken care of.

“I hope she does not have to feel like she is a guest anymore. I hope she feels like she is part of the family,” Laura said.


together by basketball

Although their friendship runs deeper than basketball, the game is the funnel for their friendship.

“Basketball brought us together, and it’s amazing that I am from Spain and she is from here,” Puiggros said. “I have a sister across the world, and I know I can come back here and see her or she can come to Spain.

“It has developed to the point that no matter what, I know you’ll be there.”

The pair of friends were the only seniors in the 2023-24 season who had been Cardinals during their entire collegiate careers.

“I feel so lucky to be able to do that with her for so long,” Annie said. “She would be a great teammate on the sidelines and a great teammate on the court. It was awesome and something I am going to miss for sure.”

After a Mid-American Conference (MAC) tournament semifinal loss in 2024, Puiggros and Annie both wanted to cherish the last few possible games they had together in a Ball State uniform. Going into the final game, the two wanted to just have fun on the court.

4See SISTER, 10

Being around Annie also resulted in the Rauch family spending time with Puiggros.

Senior Annie Rauch (front left), junior Alex Richard (back left) and senior Estel Puiggros (right) pose for a photo during summer 2023 in Spain. All three played for Ball State women’s basketball together. ANNIE

“We were laughing on the court,” Puiggros said. “It was not the ending we wanted, but at the end of the day, we have each other. We started together and finished together. It was sad and emotional.”

Watching it all play out — as she had for years — was Laura in the stands.

“It was fun to watch them and get to travel and see them play as a parent,” Laura said. “You have to cheer for both of them because they are both your kids.

“They get mad at each other. They approach things differently, they think about things differently, and so, even if they are great compliments to each other, they still have those sister qualities.”

‘I can’t believe they are here.’

With Puiggros having been immersed in American culture for much of her collegiate career, Puiggros said Annie has always wanted to go to Spain. It did not happen freshman year, got put aside during COVID-19 and

culture and bond through that,” Annie said.

In her first time overseas, Annie said Spain was incredible — to see where Puiggros grew up, to spend more time with her parents and to be around her extended family.

“As soon as I left I wanted to start saving to go back,” Annie said.

There are stories of going to get breakfast at five in the morning after a night out with friends, days on the beach and cooking food together. Everything that happened in Spain is something Puiggros will never forget, she said.

“Every single second was like, ‘Wow, I can’t believe they are here,’” Puiggros said.

With the Rauch family taking care of Puiggros, Puiggros’ family was excited with open arms to welcome Annie to Spain.

“[My parents] said, ‘You took care of our daughter for four years, now it is time for us to take care of you,’” Puiggros said. “It was great that she got to see my culture. It was full circle.”

An uncertain future, not an uncertain friendship

“They will be there for each other no matter what,” Laura said. “To have each other as a constant is huge. They use each other as a sounding board when they need to vent or talk about what is going on.”

Through the years on the court, living with each other and many other shared experiences, Puiggros said Annie will always be a part of her life

Puiggros said the two might not talk every day, since they will be separated by an ocean, but no matter what, she knows Annie will be there when and if she needs her.

Annie plans to finish her master’s degrees in nutrition and dietetics and Puiggros plans to play professionally in Spain. Annie and Puiggros have no doubts about staying in touch.

“There won’t be anything that keeps them from being together and spending time together,” Laura said. “In 10 or 15 years, I think they will make it a point to be a part of their lives.”

Contact Elijah Poe with comments via email

Senior Estel Puiggros poses for a photo April 9 in the stands of Worthen Arena. Puiggros said the Rauch family was able to make her feel more accepted in a new country.
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‘Last piece of the puzzle’ ‘Last piece of the puzzle’

The senior class has helped lead Ball State softball to success on the field and in the locker room.

It’s not about stats.

It’s not strikeout rates or RBIs or stolen bases.

It’s not the “what” they see on a stat sheet but the “who” they see in the dugout. The relationships made both on and off the field are what mattered most for the 10 softball players who are reaching the end of their careers at Ball State.

“I’ll remember it forever,” graduate student infielder Samantha-Jo Mata said. “These are my best friends, and most of these people will be at my wedding.”

The graduating team members have played through a global pandemic, coaching transitions and the uptick in transfer portal applications. While some arrived in Muncie and never left, others have come along for the ride.

Despite different backstories and precollegiate careers, their time at Ball State has made them more than athletes.

“They’re the last piece of the puzzle,” redshirt sophomore utility player McKenna Mulholland said. “The culture they brought to this team over the last few years has created our team.”

‘Better than they found it’

Before current head coach Helen Peña took the reins, former head coach Lacy Schurr spent a great deal of time with the now-veteran group during her three seasons (2021-23) in Muncie.

While she recognized the gameplay skills of the group, the way they handled themselves off the field stood out even more.

Senior outfielder Hannah Dukeman is honored as a senior with her parents by her side before facing Bowling Green April 13 at First Merchants Ballpark Complex. Dukeman was one of 10 departing players honored. ANDREW BERGER, DN


“They took care of all of the younger [players] coming in and set a really, really good example,” Schurr said. “At their core, they are just really good human beings.”

Events at player’s houses, team dinners and just having fun at practice, Schurr — who is now associate head coach at the University of Pittsburgh — said the seniors accepted their roles on day one and never lost sight of that.

Despite challenges during their tenure, the graduating players kept their faith in the program.

“They’re built a little differently,” Schurr said. “They all came from very, very different backgrounds. I think the character of who they are just says a lot about them … Given the state of what nationally [happens], with a lot of people coming in and others going out, this group bought in and fought for each other.”

The two seniors who stood out the most to Schurr were graduate students Jazmyne Armendariz and Haley Wynn. Both were always there for their teammates and coaches no matter the situation.

“Somebody like [Armendariz] in the program who is really wise beyond her years,” Schurr said,” she just did such a good job of welcoming everybody in. And then Haley Wynn … to watch her grow and develop solidified this class.”

While Schurr is now coaching the Panthers, most of her memories from Muncie involve this group and what they did for her and the entire program.

“They’re just so caring and are leaving the program better than they found it,” she said. “That’s all you can ask for any class.”

‘Even when they’re gone’

Before Peña arrived to Ball State’s campus, she noticed the high number of seniors, which was unlike any team she had coached prior. With that in mind, she knew she was going to get a group of upperclassmen who saw themselves as more than just athletes.

“I feel like the previous coaches have done a good job just because our juniors and seniors are great athletes and great people,” Peña said. “I feel like the underclassmen have looked up to them, and they’ve done a good job leading them throughout the year.”

She arrived with some housekeeping items, but it did not take long for the 10 seniors to lend their hands to the process.

“They helped me not only get my message to the team — but also just when it comes to logistics and keeping me in the know — they helped me as a first-year head coach,” Peña said.

While she was pleased to see their stats and value on the field, Peña’s first preview of how the group worked was when Wynn hosted a “dip night” for the entire team and coaching staff.

“It’s a tradition here. We had it, and all 29 athletes and coaches were all sitting in her large living room,” Peña said. “We were doing a Jeopardy-style game and we were split into teams. It was just something that they organized.”

4See PUZZLE, 14

Graduate student utility player Jazmyne Armendariz takes off her gloves as she walks against Bowling Green April 13 at First Merchants Ballpark Complex. Armendariz walked twice in the game. ANDREW BERGER, DN Senior outfielder Kaitlyn Mathews hugs her teammate during senior day April 13 at First Merchants Ballpark Complex. Ball State honored Bowling Green’s seniors as well. ANDREW BERGER, DN
APRIL 25, 2024 • 13


Continued from Page 13

That night, the upperclassmen showed Peña and the new coaching staff they were serious and cared more about the other 16 Cardinals outside of the game of softball. From that point to now, their mentality has never changed.

That same mentality is the main point Peña wanted to bring to Ball State, with her slogan “culture of care.” Since its implementation, the upperclassmen have embraced it every moment of every day.

“They were not only sharing that, but they were walking the walk and leading by example,” Peña said. “I think for the future, [it will help] with the types of recruits that we’re trying to get in here. Not only elite athletes, but ones with character and elite integrity.

“They were the ones that kind of paved the way in a sense. They will be an amazing alumni group, and they’re still going to have an impact on the team, even when they’re gone.”

‘One Saturday or Sunday’

While the Cardinals still have at least five games remaining on their schedule, they know the end is near.

“We’re trying to think about it too much,” King said. “[We’re taking it] one game at a time to make the

Graduate student infielder Samantha-Jo Mata yells for a strike against Bowling Green April 13 at First Merchants Ballpark Complex. Mata had six put-outs in the field.

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Ball Bearings is a student-run magazine that publishes in-depth stories in print and online. The publication explores issues that have a regional and national impact through the lens of Ball State University students. With its emphasis on “why,” Ball Bearings provides readers with thought-provoking feature stories, columns and commentary, essays and criticism, and Q&As that focus on what it means to live now.


The non-conventional paths some students take makes graduation an achievement like no other.

Before sunrise, while most of Ball State University’s campus remains still and quiet, a few early risers start their day to fulfill other commitments: a full-time job, missing a class to care for a sick kid or simply being in a completely new environment. There are many paths students take, and varying experiences bring diverse challenges.

Graduation is a time for celebration, especially for those who had adverse experiences or complicating factors throughout their educational journeys.

Members of Ball State’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program have obligations to their classes and school like other students, but there are additional responsibilities in addition to academics. Fourth-year computer information systems major Nick Combs is heading to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in October. He’s starting his four-year contract as an active-duty officer following graduation. He describes his added responsibilities as

“It’s never too late. You don’t always figure out what you want to do right out of high school. Sometimes it takes some life under your belt before you really know what you want to do.”

- HANNAH HAIRFIELD, Graduating social work major, 34-year-old, married mother of four kids

the equivalent of having a full-time job, but during his four years in ROTC, he has found ways to continue success in his classes and the training program.

“It’s mainly been: keep either the edge on my grades to make sure I’m working ahead, and staying ahead on them, or communicating with those in the program, such as our leadership,” Combs said.

Another fourth-year, Marshall Hargrave, is a computer information technology major and a third-year member of the training corps. After graduation this spring, he will be commissioned as an officer in the Indiana National Guard.

ROTC members like Combs and Hargrave haven’t had a lot of free time during their college years. Those in the program wake up around 5 a.m. for a workout “before campus is even up and running,” Combs said. They also have a field training exercise each semester, as well as other meetings and classes weekly.

“I feel like the work ethic you have to have in ROTC is much different than a normal college student because you have to wake up at 5 every day. It just teaches you discipline,” Hargrave said.

Senior general studies major Rodney Wallace poses for a photo April 16 on the court of Worthen Arena. Wallace is a member of the Ball State men’s volleyball team and transfered from Lindenwood in 2023. MYA CATALINE, DN

Comb’s advice for students considering ROTC is to go for it. Even if it’s only the first one or two years, it’s a learning experience.

“Dipping their toes in the water, it will end up being either a really good growing experience because we’ll get to find something and be able to try it and decide if you do or don’t like it,” Combs said. “It’s a really good way to build into a career.”

Those graduating from Ball State’s ROTC program aren’t the only Cardinals who’ve earned their degree through more unconventional circumstances.

Rodney Wallace is a fourth-year general studies major minoring in business and management who transferred from

your average college student isn’t the only factor diversifying her college experience: she’s also a married mom of four.

Hairfield gave birth to her first child when she was 20 and continued growing her family from there. Today, her kids are 14, 12, 8 and nearly 2, so her hands are full balancing familial obligations and academics.

Despite her additional responsibilities, Hairfield has made the most of her time as an undergraduate at Ball State and made the balancing act work for her. She was recently accepted into the social work master’s program and plans to continue her education in fall 2025.

“I have a lot that goes on at home,” Hairfield

have to find a way to balance school, work and children, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, making parenthood on college campuses an experience not many can relate to.

While Hairfield warned finding the balance between family and school isn’t always easy, she said the payoff is “definitely worth it” in the end.

“It’s never too late. You don’t always figure out what you want to do right out of high school. Sometimes it takes some life under your belt before you really know what you want to do,” Hairfield said. “If you really want to do it, you can do it.”

Contact Ella Howell with comments at ella.

Finally achieving that dream, the 34-yearold has a different perspective than most of her classmates. But, her being slightly older than

APRIL 25, 2024 • 17
Fourth-year Marshall Hargrave poses for a photo April 19 in front of the Applied Technology Building. After graduation Hargrave, will join the National Guard. ANDREW BERGER, DN
As long as Indiana legislates against the existence of transgender people, I cannot call myself a Hoosier.

Meghan Holt is a fourth-year journalism major and writes “Word Vomit” for the Daily News. Their views do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper.

When I was a kid, I went to FAME camp at Camp Potawatomi back when they still hosted it there.

FAME, which stands for Foundation for Art & Music in Education, taught me about all things art, and each year we put on a themed performance at the end of our week-long overnight stay for the parents who had poured their wallets into this education. During my fourth-grade year, our theme was about celebrating Indiana.

We had to learn Ballard McDonald and James Hanley’s song “Back Home Again in Indiana” for this performance. I still know all the words.

In high school, my marching band belted the same song as we advanced to the football field to put on our pre-game performance. I always tried to sing the loudest.

There was a real sense of pride I felt to sing about my state — to imagine the twinkling candle flames through those mythical sycamore trees and to look out across the countless fields around me and understand what McDonald and Hanley meant when they wrote about the smell of new-mown hay.

I still have a deep love for Indiana. It’s not quite where I was born (that honor goes to Aurora, Illinois), but it’s where I was raised. I’m a Hoosier at heart. At least I like to think I am.

But I’m not so sure anymore.

What I haven’t told you yet is that I’m a gay, transgender person. As I’ve become more comfortable in my own identity, I’ve become less comfortable in my home state.

So, I’m leaving.

Indiana lawmakers often express a desire to minimize the brain drain of newly graduated young people leaving the state. With about 5.1 percent of adults younger than 30 in the U.S. identifying as transgender or nonbinary, according to the Pew Research Center, and a whole slew of Indiana legislation and politicians targeting the queer community, my advice to those lawmakers is to reassess which policies need to be acted on to make young people stay.

As of writing, according to the Movement Advancement Project and the ACLU, Indiana bans “best practice medication and surgical care for transgender youth” through SB 480; requires teachers to out students and enforces a “don’t say gay” policy in schools via HB 1608; and censors books in schools by virtue of SB 12 (although it was signed into law after being amended to HB 1447) — a practice that “[has] historically been used to ban books related to LGBTQ+ topics.”

These are only a few examples of the bills that have been signed into law in Indiana one way or another. These bills directly affect my life. It’s strange to me to see bills like these be signed into law and the next day be asked by a policymaker what they could do to make me or my peers stay local.

4See HOME, 20

APRIL 25, 2024 • 19
Visual Editor, “Word Vomit” Meghan Holt

allowed to exist here or not — about whether I should be allowed to exist or not — made my already anxious mind spiral out of control.

According to the Trevor Project, “86 percent of transgender and nonbinary youth say recent debates about state laws restricting the rights of transgender people have negatively impacted their mental health. A majority of those trans youth (55 percent) said it impacted their mental health ‘very negatively.’”

This was my reality. About this time last year, I referred myself to a therapist for an anxiety spike that coincided with my realizing my trans identity.

I couldn’t go out on my own.

At the grocery store, I chose paths that put me in contact with as few people as possible, even if they were convoluted. I broke off a relationship of five years and refused to speak to my family about it for six months because it was so inextricably linked to my being transgender, and I didn’t know what their reaction would be.

I was nervous, unhappy, jumpy and assumed the worst of strangers who stared too long.

For these problems, my former (albeit well-meaning) therapist proposed I move to New York.

I laugh about it now — and my coworker got me a little New York City Lego set to commemorate the incident — but my therapist’s words held a pearl of truth.

As long as anti-LGBTQ+ laws are active, Indiana is not a state where I can comfortably be queer.

I don’t mean to discredit the amazing queer organizations that hold strong in Indiana. OUTReach, Spectrum, Indiana Youth Group and many more similar organizations do a great job making safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people — whether they are youth or adults.

transphobic Sword of Damocles hanging over my head. Gender-affirming healthcare for youth has already been banned in Indiana. Could gender-affirming healthcare for adults be next on the chopping block?

If lawmakers want young people to remain in Indiana, they need to support the LGBTQ+ community at an institutional level.

LGBTQ+ organizations cannot be the sole source of support for our community. If lawmakers want young people to remain in Indiana, they need to support the LGBTQ+ community at an institutional level.

Let’s start with transgender healthcare.

According to GLAAD, more than 30 major medical associations support gender-affirming medical care for transgender people and youth. Allowing transgender people access to this care is considered best practice.

Currently, Indiana outlaws best-practice medical care for transgender youth. Lifting this ban would not only allow young trans people access to life-saving care but would also grant

more decision-making autonomy to them, their

identities in school would be invaluable to reducing hate towards this marginalized group.

In my anecdotal experience, coming out to family and friends has often changed their attitudes about LGBTQ+ individuals in a positive way. While it certainly won’t be true of everyone, I think a reasonable person just needs an example of a trans person in their own life to challenge negative biases they might have absorbed through social media, television or the movies.

If schools are granted the ability to teach individuals about the LGBTQ+ community, I believe the negative stigmas surrounding our lives would change.

The National Library of Medicine agrees with that ideology. In a case study about the effects of anti-stigma education campaigns about mental illness in Europe, they found that two years after the campaign, the percentage of individuals who held negative stigmas surrounding mental health had dropped.

In short, education combats hate.

There will always be a piece of me that longs for my Indiana home. But I cannot live here as long as anti-LGBTQ+ legislation denies us the same rights as our cisgender, heterosexual peers; as long as Indiana seeks to censor our histories and identities from school shelves; as long as schools must out their LGBTQ+ students and put them at severe risk.

It is my hope that one day I’ll be able to comfortably return and see the moonlight gleaming on the Wabash River. Until then, I urge Indiana lawmakers to do better by and for their LGBTQ+ constituents.

Contact Meghan Holt with comments at

Fourth-year journalism graphics major Meghan Holt poses for a photo April 16 in the Art and Journalism building. MYA CATALINE, DN

NewsLink Indiana is Ball State’s student-run news station. The station produces a newscast four days a week that includes: local and national news, entertainment, weather and sports. Every show is live and broadcast to all of Delaware County. Students can apply to be anchors, reporters and or in producing positions each each semester. NewsLink’s main goal is to cover as many stories as possible and keep audiences informed.

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Fourth-year Jacob Boissy poses for a photo April 16 at the Art and Journalism Building. Boissy transfered to Ball State University from Ivy Tech — Valparaiso as a sophomore. ANDREW BERGER, DN

no place like home

Through university, I realized I wanted to advance my career back in my hometown.

As I grew older, I strongly disliked being asked what I wanted to do when I graduated high school. Whether it was asked at a family gathering or by a teacher, my response was followed by a disoriented look on their face.

Many people in my small town of Demotte, Indiana, had no idea what a job in media looked like or if one was even possible. I was always faced with confusion and doubt, which, in turn, caused self-doubt and a dislike for the town in which I spent all my life.

My plan originally when coming to Ball State as a second-year transfer student was to get a job that kept me as far away from my hometown as possible. But, after three years at Ball State, I’m glad to be returning to my hometown to continue my career in media.

When it came time to start looking for internships and jobs before the fall semester, there was always an undeniable calling that was pulling me back to Northwest Indiana. It felt like I was being called back home, especially when I stumbled upon a local internship at Eleven Seventeen Media & Company.

The owner, and fellow Ball State Cardinal, Ryan Flannery, and Tony Pagorek, the

creative director at the time, were key mentors who helped me realize working in media is possible in the region. Through their knowledge and experiences as creatives who made their passion into a full-time career, I fully knew this was something I wanted to pursue back in my hometown.

I think the biggest fear many upcoming graduates have is returning home once they finish school, which may feel more so like failure than accomplishment. But for me, I would’ve felt a sense of failure if I wasn’t back home.

My final year at Ball State made me realize it was not about where you’re working but whether your job is fulfilling or not. I would much rather work in a quiet, small town enjoying my job than live in a city dreading the time between clocking in and out.

In between those three years, I also found that my career was needed more than ever back home, especially with businesses starting their own social media pages and websites. If I had the power to go back and tell my freshman self one thing, it would be to stop worrying, because you don’t have to search far and wide to find your place and achieve your goals.

Contact Jacob Boissy with comments at

APRIL 25, 2024 • 23
Th ere’s
Scan this QR Code for Jacob’s video on his experiences. April 18 Issue Answers
24 • GRADUATION EDITION SPRING 2024 | BALLSTATEDAILYNEWS.COM Amazing opportunities await you. Discover Ball State GRADUATE SCHOOL


‘24 Rewind


Above: Ball State University dance organization Outlet performs during BSU Dance Marathon Feb. 10 at Jo Ann Gora Student Recreation and Wellness Center. Outlet was one of many organizations that performed at BSU Dance Marathon. MYA CATALINE, DN. Graduate student middle blocker Wil McPhillips celebrates scoring a point against Quincy April 4 at Worthen Arena. McPhillips scored four in the game. MYA CATALINE, DN A member of the Royal Thai Consulate leads the opening parade of the Sangkran festival April 12 at Emens Auditorium. The Royal Thai Consulate was invited to Ball State University by Global Harmony. ANDREW BERGER, DN
APRIL 25, 2024 • 27
Annabeth Elston, who plays Fräulein Schneider, performs in “Cabaret” April 18 at University Theatre. During the show, Fräulein Schneider was the owner of a boarding flat in Berlin. OLIVIA GROUND, DN Above: Freshman Sarah Shahbaz hits the ball during her singles tennis match against Western Michigan April 14 at Cardinal Creek Tennis Center. Shahbaz had only lost two times in singles competition before the match. KATE TILBURY, DN

Architecture and Planning

• Abdalla Hassan Ahmed, BA

• Adam H Horkay, MA

• Adam Michael Gulley, BA

• Adeline K Baney, BA

• Adrienne Valeria Barron, MA

• Aidan D Minch, BA

• Alejandro Andres Flores, MA

• Alexa JoAnn Zelt, BA

• Alexander Bleiweis, MA

• Alexander Luis Juarez, BA

• Alireza Shayesteh, MA

• Alkeyna Aldridge, MA

• Allison Marie Vanderhorst, BA

• Allison S Gadacz, BA

• Alyvia E Hebner, BA

• Amanda Harter, BA

• Amanda R Steinke, BA

• Amelia R Zaharako, BA

• Anabel Guzman, BA

• Andre LaDon James King, MA

• Angel Rae Teter-McCurdy, BA

• Anna Ruth Roberts, BA

• Antonio Allan Suassuna Killion, MA

• Antonio Allan Suassuna Killion, LA

• Armando Solis, BA

• Asher Lafferty-McGill, BA

• Autumn M Brubaker, BA

• Aysiah Renee Hernandez, BA

• Bailey O Taylor, BA

• Ben J Stenftenagel, BA

• Benjamin Anthony Bischoff, BA

• Benjamin R Fusco, BA

• Bradley R Rosman, BA

• Brandon Richard Bowman, BA

• Brian S Cruz, BA

• Brian S Cruz, BA

• Brittany Taryn Ghio, MA

• Brittany Taryn Ghio, LA

• Brittney Nicole Castro, MA

• Bryn Elizabeth McCracken, BA

• Cade Elijah Deckard, MA

• Caden Anderson Rice, BA

• Caeley M Taylor, BA

• Cameron D Swan, BA

• Carsyn M Houser, BA

• Carter Adam Lamper, BA

• Carter Moran, MA

• Chloe A Rickenbach, BA

• Christian P Alerding, BA

• Christopher Michael Scott, BA

• Clarissa Elle Carrigan, BA

• Clayton Max Downey, BA

• Conner Becker, BA

• Conner Rain Morris, BA

• Conor David Dailey, LA

• Dane Anthony Bonzai Wallace, MA

• Danielle M Hembrock, BA

• Darryn Thomas Kuhl, BA

• David E Shellabarger, BA

• David Jonathan Bagby, BA

• Derek Allen Bohm, MA

• Destiny Moore, BA

• Dharma Riley Niles, BA

• Dieudonne Kwizera, MA

• Duncan S Reed, MA

• Duncan S Reed, LA

• Dylan T Gahimer, BA

• Elizabeth Anne Marthaler, MA

• Ely Jacob Shockley, BA

• Emi J Shima, BA

• Emily A Scully, MA

• Emma K Schuck, BA

• Emma Sophia Motz, BA

• Eric A Lohse, BA

• Erika Danielle Franscoviak, BA

• Essince Emari Smith, BA

• Finn W Hannan, BA

• Garrett B Stritzel, MA

• Garrett B Stritzel, LA

• Gillian W Gagnon, BA

• Grace Mae Brisco, BA

• Grant B Dettman, BA

• Hayden J Eckart, BA

• Heather Corinne Reid, MA

• Holly Sue Sedler, BA

• Hunter B Wallace, MA

• Ian M Dillon, BA

• Isaac L Reinoehl, BA

• Jace Michael Rhorer, BA

• Jacob Lee Deutsch, BA

• Jacob Michael Brant, BA

• Jared C Greene, BA

• Jazen C Cosby, MA

• Jenna L McBryar, BA

• Jerome E Zirnheld, BA

• Joel Allen Henson, BA

• Joseph James Ryan DeArmond, BA

• Joseph Michael Gassensmith, BA

• Joseph Patrick Fillenwarth, MA

• Joseph Taylor Bott, MA

• Joseph W Geibel, MA

• Joseph W Geibel, LA

• Joshua Alan Mann, BA

• Joshua P Gee, BA

• Justin Michael Gillespie, BA

• Kaitlin M Holland, BA

• Kaleb R Study, BA

• Kapuanani O Kelemania Leela Arsiga, MA

• Kapuanani O Kelemania Leela Arsiga, LA

• Karl W Hostetler, BA

• Katelin J Johnson, BA

• Katelyn M Vagedes, BA

• Katherine Louise Wilkinson, BA

• Kaylee Anne Metcalf, BA

• Keaton R Coulter, BA

• Kevin A Zabala, BA

• Kimberly Ann Moser, BA

• Kristian T Irving, BA

• Kurtis Mitchell Stein, BA

• Kylie Mae Hagerman, BA

• Kylie N Kozuszek, BA

• Lauren A Docter, BA

• Lauren C Green, BA

• Lawrence G Neumann Jr., MA

• Lawrence G Neumann Jr., MA

• Lexington Victoria Narvell, BA

• Logan A Vaillancourt, BA

• Logan Evelyn Hansen, BA

• Logan J Johnson, BA

• Maria Estefani Henriquez, BA

• Mark R Ryan, BA

• Mary Katherine Hopf, BA

• Maryalyce McGinley Burger, MA

• Mason Charles McBride, BA

• Matt Holman, BA

• Matthew Cole Yazel, BA

• Matthew John Welch, BA

• Megan E Vanderveen, BA

• Megan Renea Kraay, BA

• Meleah Suzanne Hess, MA

• Meleah Suzanne Hess, LA

• Mia K Pomales, BA

• Michael J Barton, BA

• Michael Mathew Greener III, BA

• Molly A Page, BA

• Mona Elrashid Khalid Hamad, MA

• Naomi Ellen Smallwood, BA

• Nathan J Freyberger, BA

• Nathan John Reichert, BA

• Nathan Paul Horlander, BA

• Nathan R Froelich, BA

• Nathaniel W Adams, BA

• Navy A Lynch, BA

• Nia Janele Denman, BA

• Nicholas B Galbreath, BA

• Nicholas D Law, BA

• Nicole Violet Pokorny, BA

• Noah Scott Steepleton, BA

• Olivia Noelle Ice, BA

• Oscar Ivan Mota-Sanchez, BA

• Parker James Niemeier, BA

• Peyton A Roedel, BA

• Prakritee Sharma Subedi, MA

• Princess Aubrey Davis, BA

• Reece Howard Fauble, BA

• Reshma Talukder, MA

• Reshma Talukder, LA

• Ricardo E Ayala, BA

• Robert Branden Smith II, BA

• Robert Jefferson IV, BA

• Rustin Michael Schambach, BA

• Ryan Glynn Fauble, BA

• Ryan H Arnett, BA

• Samuel A Meyers, BA

• Samuel Alexander Thayer, BA

• Sarah Nicole Pitts, BA

• Shabnam Rajani, MA

• Shane A Gupton, BA

• Shelby Alexander, BA

• Sierra Louise Przemielewski, BA

APRIL 25, 2024 • 29

• Sophia Maree Gianfagna, BA

• Sophie Rose Vorndran, BA

• Soumi Sarkar, MA

• Spencer C Vredingburgh, BA

• Spencer William Whitmore, MA

• Spencer William Whitmore, LA

• Steve Lamont Smith II, BA

• Tanner J Williams, BA

• Taylor A Horton, BA

• Taylor Alysse Trowbridge, BA

• Taylor Elizabeth Payne, MA

• Timothy Patrick O’Gara, BA

• Tluang Tin Thang, BA

• Tyler Maxim Haug, BA

• Varunima Musunuri, MA

• Victoria Molly Ramos, BA

• Wyatt W Ellis, BA

• Yunhao Wang, MA

• Yunkai Zhang, MA

• Zinedine G Avalos-Romero, BA

• Zoe C Dycus, BA

• Zoe Ra’Nae Conrad, BA

College of Health

• Aaliyah Roberts, BA

• Abigail Rae Simmerman, BA

• Abigel Lynn Myers, BA

• Adler J Dodson, BA

• Ahsi L Wiley, BA

• Aimee E McCoskey, BA

• Aldo Cervantes, BA

• Alec Emilio Rivera, MA

• Alexa Diane Curra, BA

• Alexander M Price, MA

• Alexandria Lynn Brasseur, BA

• Alexis Brown, MA

• Alexis Dawn Hickman, BA

• Alexis Rose Quirk, BA

• Aliese Harris, BA

• Alison Marie Hanson, MA

• Allison Rae Rodiz, BA

• Alyssa Marie Goins, BA

• Alyssa Marie Harris, BA

• Amanda C Star, DR

• Amanda Sue Durham, BA

• Amy Marie Nallon, BA

• Anastasia J Johnson, BA

• Andrew M Pierce, BA

• Andrew Synko, BA

• Anna Gabrielle Kampe, BA

• Anna M Snyder, BA

• Anna-Lisse Marie Lenard, BA

• Anne Li Yu Lemke, BA

• April Marie Taylor, MA

• Aquaria M Dayton, BA

• Ariana Renae Blanco, BA

• Ashley R Russo, MA

• Ashlyn Anne Branch, BA

• Ashton N Boring, BA

• Audrey Jane Turley, BA

• Austin Altamura, BA

• Avery Kathleen Fenchel, BA

• Avia Mayson Raylee Browning, BA

• Bay Lynne Tracy Hinkle, BA

• Beatrice M Hasting, BA

• Benjamin Jesse VonGunten, MA

• Betsy A Lynn, BA

• Blake Bolland, BA

• Bradford Neal Peace, MA

• Brandon George Marciniak, MA

• Brandon Nevin Mattheus Lee, BA

• Brandt R Myer, BA

• Breonna McKenzie Anderson, BA

• Brianna Nicole Santos, BA

• Brooke A Johnson, BA

• Brooke Allison Beasley, BA

• Bryan Edward Lower, BA

• Brylee Rae Pace, BA

• Cade J Vernetti, BA

• Cadence Thomas Brown, BA

• Cailey Marie Heyl, BA

• Cailyn Paige Munar, BA

• Caitlin Jean Susong, BA

• Caitlin Marie Snyder, BA

• Cale Logan Smith, BA

• Cameron A Dartis, MA

• Cameron T Snaden, BA

• Caroline A Arndt, MA

• Cassandra Maria Oliva, BA

• Cassidy Rene Burns, BA

• Chad M Skiles, DR

• Chandler R Morrison, BA

• Chelsey Nichole Parker, DR

• Chloe A Leckron, MA

• Chloe Elizabeth Farmer, BA

• Chloe L Chris, BA

• Christian E Henry, BA

• Christopher Randall Reff, MA

• Clayton J Hamm, BA

• Clayton W Garrison, BA

• Cody David Robinson, BA

• Colin Matthew Kear, BA

• Constance Elaine McIntosh, MA

• Cora C Walts, BA

• Corrynn Lea Mix, MA

• Corynn V Drabek, BA

• David Lloyd Vest, MA

• Daydream Sargado Jamantoc, MA

• Dayna L Feller, MA

• Deandra Thuy-Duyen Huynh, BA

• Declan Michael Mast, BA

• Delaney Raine Huber, BA

• Demetrios Xerogiannis Rauch, BA

• Devan William Condon, BA

• Dylan J Kedra, BA

• Eden E Wirth, BA

• Elijah Matthew Honesty, BA

• Eliza Grace Atterbury, BA

• Eliza M Eisenmann, BA

• Elizabeth G Miller, BA

• Elizabeth Parker, BA

• Elizabeth Rae Lanning, MA

• Ella R Park, BA

• Ellie Elizabeth Malloy, BA

• Elyse Ann Niederholtmeyer, BA

• Elyse Kathleen Horner, BA

• Emilio Alberto Valdes, BA

• Emily E Brashear, BA

• Emily E Bruin, MA

• Emily Eileen Leffew, BA

• Emily M Reed, DR

• Emily R Miklusak, DR

• Emma G Shaw, BA

• Emma Grace Hilton, BA

• Emma Kruse, BA

• Erin Marie Verna Hohl, MA

• Erin Michelle Curry, BA

• Estel Puiggros Rovira, BA

• Ethan Logan Rusnak Robbins, MA

• Ethan Robert Nowacki, BA

• Fortune O Anjorin, BA

• Gabriele Sundelius, MA

• Gene Travis Shamel III, BA

• Gerard A Boyd, MA

• Gillian H Pritt, BA

• Grace Anne Whittenburg, BA

• Grace Elizabeth Cavanagh, BA

• Grace Isabelle Wenzel, BA

• Grace K Grady, BA

• Grace K Silcott, BA

• Grace L Miller, BA

• Gracen Elizabeth Richeson, BA

• Gretchen R Sexton, BA

• Hadiyah C Browder-Bass, BA

• Haileigh A Nissley, BA

• Hailey Lynn Hess, BA

• Hailey Michelle West, BA

• Haley Lynn Matthias Cater, DR

• Haley Rose Creech, BA

• Haley Sue Higdon, BA

• Hanna C Cheek, BA

• Hannah Ayres Hairfield, BA

• Hannah Elizabeth Pollard, BA

• Hannah M Conley, BA

• Hannah M Medley, BA

• Hannah Marie Terwilliger, BA

• Heather Lane, MA

• Hunter M Dieter, MA

• Iang Chin Tial, BA

• Jaada Janice Curry, BA

• Jack W Fort, BA

• Jack William Connolly, MA

• Jack William Gregor, BA

• Jackson C Ketcham, BA

• Jacob A Baker, BA

• Jacob V Fouch, BA

• Jacob VanLue, MA

• Jada B Vitone, BA

• Jada Marie Copeland, BA

• James Maxwell Rogers, BA

• Jared Michael Harris, BA


• Jasmine Aumbria Clark, BA

• Jayden Derel Long, BA

• Jayla Alese Renee Thompson, BA

• Jayla Jo Journay, BA

• Jecinda R Bankert, BA

• Jenna Nichole Watkins, BA

• Jennifer Melissa Wiegmann, MA

• Jennifer Nichole Lynn Flanery, MA

• Jessica A Alvey, BA

• Jessica Elise Johnston, BA

• Jillian M Nash, BA

• Joao Victor Oliveira Mescolote, MA

• John J Eifler, MA

• Jordan K Butler, BA

• Jose Luis Gamez, BA

• Joseph William Pagnusat, MA

• Joshua E Lewis, MA

• Juliette C Collins, BA

• Kailey Ann Blazier, BA

• Kaitlyn Elizabeth Arivett, BA

• Kaitlyn Grace Wheetley, BA

• Karlie L Briscoe, BA

• Katelynn Grace Shaffer, BA

• Katherine Elizabeth Vinson, BA

• Katherine G Miller, BA

• Katherine Olivia Fessel, BA

• Katherine Riley Davis, BA

• Kathryn Diane Aldridge, BA

• Kayla Myers, MA

• Kayla Myers, MA

• Kayla N Pippenger, BA

• Kayla Rae Ertel, BA

• Kaylee Ann Kemp, BA

• Kayleigh Jo Witt, BA

• Kelli Lyn Reinking, MA

• Kelli R Ryan, BA

• Kelsen S Bartley, BA

• Kendra Delph, BA

• Kenlee Grace Hinman, BA

• Kiana N White, BA

• Kirsten Ellie VanHorn, BA

• Kloe Reese Shinn, BA

• Korbin Bailey Casey, BA

• Kylee A Adrianson, MA

• Kyleen Suzanne Wilson, MA

• Kylie A Bauman, BA

• Lauren M Clark, BA

• Layna Nicole Robinson, BA

• Leah Mae Patton, DR

• Leah Renee Nahrwold, BA

• Levi V Calvert, BA

• Lexie Mae Jerger, BA

• Lillian Nacole Tingler, BA

• Lilliana E Howell, BA

• Logan B Stephens, BA

• Logan T Pinkerton, BA

• Lonyea T Davis, BA

• Lynzey Taylor Butzin, BA

• Macey Ann Warner, BA

• Macie Christine McDaniel, DR

• Macin D Precup, BA

• Mackenzie Louise Hall, BA

• Macy Olivia Prickel, BA

• Madeline Rose Scott, BA

• Madison A Fruit, BA

• Madison C Prosser, BA

• Madison Clarice Jacot, BA

• Madison H Rose, BA

• Madison Marie Crouch, BA

• Madison Michelle Blaisdell, BA

• Mae Alice Cook, BA

• Maggie Mae Herring, BA

• Makenzie G Emerson, BA

• Mallory Nicole Salmon, DR

• Margo Elise Kattner, BA

• Marisa K Howe, BA

• Mark Ocean Feliciano, MA

• Marlen Rojas-Molina, MA

• Mary Claire Fagan, MA

• Mary G Seago, BA

• Matthew Corn, MA

• Maureen Saoirse Donegan, BA

• Mauriah J Racer, BA

• Maxwell Allan Niblick, BA

• Megan Frances Bigelow, BA

• Megan Jean Fisher, BA

• Megan Lynne Thomas, BA

• Melanie N Garvin, MA

• Meredith K Steward, MA

• Michael Alan Hart, BA

• Michael R Redding, BA

• Mikaela K Brown, MA

• Molly Julia McCabe, MA

• Morgan Elisabeth Day, BA

• Morgan L Post, BA

• Morgan Leigh Hicks, BA

• Morgan Mydloski, MA

• Natalia M Ruiz, BA

• Natalie A Blakely, BA

• Natalie R Lacy, BA

• Natasha J Mash, BA

• Navneet Kaur Rai, BA

• Nicholas Wesley Harkins, MA

• Noel Betty Fights, BA

• Olivia G Kruse, MA

• Olivia Grace Kelly, BA

• Olivia Jean Gillespie, BA

• Olivia L Ostler, BA

• Olivia Marais Brandt, BA

• Olivia R Huffman, MA

• Olivia R Huffman, MA

• Olivia Ryan Romanovich, BA

• Owen Nathan Chandler, BA

• Owen Russell Potucek, BA

• Payton Lynn Atherton, BA

• Purseh T Gbadyu, MA

• Queen Esther Knox-Marble, BA

• Rachel E Miller, BA

• Rachel Gloria Bohn, BA

• Rachel Sue Ashburn, BA

• Reagan Marie Cox, BA

• Rebecca Ann Hendrickson, MA

• Rebecca J Deputy, BA

• Rebecca Joan Crimmins, MA

• Reid G Stewart, BA

• Reka Jean Jeckel Brooks, MA

• Renee Erin Mason, MA

• Riley Marie Fraze, BA

• Robert Lee Lovis III, BA

• Rolando Alexander GomezHernandez, MA

• Rose M Knowles, BA

• Ross E England, BA

• Rylan Saige Marquardt, BA

• Salvester A Zarzana, MA

• Samantha Evelyn Schnabel, BA

• Samantha L Crawford, BA

• Samuel L Plum, MA

• Sara M Abell, BA

• Sarah A Ashburn, BA

• Sarah Ann Noonan, BA

• Sarah E Fendel, BA

• Sarah E Strong, DR

• Sarah Elizabeth Green, BA

• Sarah Jean Lemmon, MA

• Sarah Joyce Rusaw, BA

• Scott A Roggeman, BA

• Shyanne Leigh Mitchell, BA

• Simon Vance Underwood, BA

• Sophia M Fugiett, BA

• Sophia Marie Kuehn, BA

• Sophia R Baker, BA

• Sophie Julienne Guimond, BA

• Stephanie N Bradley, BA

• Styler Wilson Martini, BA

• Sydney M Bowman, BA

• Symone L Session, BA

• T-yon L Jones, BA

• T’eLar N Fasel, BA

• Tanner Benedict, MA

• Tara Nicole Sipe, LA

• Tatyana Farrow, MA

• Taylor Breann Gebhard, BA

• Taylor L Flatter, BA

• Taylor Marie Grider, BA

• Taylor Marion Bohl, MA

• Tiffani Nicole White, BA

• Tishawna Nicole Lee Alexander, BA

• Tori R Folkner, BA

• Trinidie Elaine Newby, BA

• Tulay Ergin, BA

• Tyler J Rajski, BA

• Tynan Grace Dishman, BA

• Tytus Reginald Witt, BA

• Valeria Amalia Patino, MA

• Van Hnem Mawi, BA

• Veronica Lynn Bedwell, BA

• Vivian Elizabeth Newhouse, BA

• William G Mcphillips, LA

• William G Workman, BA

• Wyatt J Davis, BA

• Zoe G Fultz, BA

• Zoe Lynette Wacker, BA

APRIL 25, 2024 • 31

College of Communication, Information and Media

• Aaron Cody Crider, MA

• Abby Bennett McElroy, BA

• Abdulgafar Adeniyi Olamide Raji, MA

• Abigail Elisabeth Dissette, BA

• Adam W Duwel, BA

• Adjwou Mesgana Waiss, BA

• Adonnika West, BA

• Afsaneh Behforouz, MA

• Ainsley E Hall, BA

• Alaina Paige Schmidt, BA

• Alejandro Almanza Jr., BA

• Alexandra L Esterle, MA

• Alexis Page Hall, BA

• Aliza A Willoughby, BA

• Alyse Anne Lanagan, BA

• Alysha Davis, MA

• Anastasia Belle Sorrell, BA

• Andrea Watts, MA

• Andrew Roberts, MA

• Andrew Scott Newman, BA

• Anna Clarice Kelley, BA

• Annabel Grace Johnson, BA

• Annamarie Ashbrook, MA

• Ashley Nadom Turkson, MA

• Audrey Marie Freeland, MA

• Austen B Gerrian, BA

• Austin Louis Kasmer, BA

• Austin Travis Sheets, BA

• Avery Jordan Sallee, BA

• Avery L Guenther, BA

• Ayah Ziyad Eid, MA

• Ayva Louise Wiseman, BA

• Bayla Rose Graham, BA

• Benjamin Clark Bartholow Hummel, BA

• Benson Robert Rhodes, BA

• Bethany Elena Moser, BA

• Braden P Thatcher, BA

• Bradley Lewis Spurlock II, BA

• Brady Charles Mills, MA

• Brandon A Corliss, BA

• Brandon C Kaster, BA

• Brandon Gregory Hollins, BA

• Briana Alane Smart, BA

• Brianna Colleen Coffing, BA

• Brock Michael Widman, BA

• Brooke Ellen Bonek, BA

• Burke Xavier Shefferly, BA

• Caleb D Hammer, BA

• Caleb M Zuver, BA

• Cameron Todd Clift, BA

• Camryn Grace Curry, BA

• Camryn T Ryan, BA

• Cara Elaine Gilliam, MA

• Carlin Marie James, MA

• Carson Michael Sanders, BA

• Charles Finbar Cronin, BA

• Charles William Melton, MA

• Chase Camden Childers, BA

• Claire E Witte, BA

• Clayton A Spurlock, BA

• Colton C Hendrix, BA

• Conor M Butler, BA

• Cora E Smith, MA

• Corrine O’Neil, BA

• Courtney M Simmons, BA

• Dahlia M Aliwa, BA

• Dakota Shawn Atkinson, BA

• Dalin Grant Case, BA

• Dana L Theriot, MA

• Daniel L Hochstetler, BA

• Daulton Robert Ray Cox, BA

• Delaina R Cannady, BA

• Diana Itzel Martinez, BA

• Donald Charles Harmon, BA

• Donovan Lewis Jenkins, BA

• Dylan C Bernstein, BA

• Dylan Curtis Gabbard, BA

• Dylan Walter, BA

• Edward Tettey Blibo, MA

• Elijah Alexander Wachs, BA

• Elijah Darden, MA

• Elijah Matthew Pierson, MA

• Elizabeth Anne Parkison, BA

• Elizabeth Claire Wolfenberger, BA

• Elizabeth Jule Klemeyer, BA

• Elizabeth Juliana Meyer, BA

• Ella Paige Nicholson, MA

• Emily F Toone, BA

• Eric Alan Jacobs, BA

• Eric Doyle Brown, LA

• Erica L Brinkley, MA

• Erick Lagos, BA

• Erin E Riley, MA

• Evan D Dawson, BA

• Evan Marchand, BA

• Faith Alexandra Oakley, BA

• Gladys Achamaa Opoku, MA

• Grace E Wallace, BA

• Grace Elizabeth Adcock, BA

• Grace J Adams, BA

• Grace M Bentkowski, BA

• Grace M Carman, BA

• Graham Lee Harding, BA

• Hannah Rebecca Love, BA

• Harrison M Hopkins, BA

• Hayden Patrick Brucker, BA

• Hayden Stewart Thomas, MA

• Holli M Parker, BA

• Hope Stauffer, MA

• Hyungseok Jang, BA

• Ian David Johnson, BA

• Ian M De Lon, BA

• Ian Zachary Farrar, BA

• Isabella A Simons, MA

• Isabella Kathryn Yonkers, BA

• Isaiah Jordan Williams, BA

• Izahia Medina, BA

• Jacob Aaron Bumpus, BA

• Jacob Lipkovich, MA

• Jacob Russell Boissy, BA

• Jacob Russell Shankland, BA

• Jacob W Imel, MA

• Jacqueline Malott, MA

• Jaden Whiteman, BA

• Jaeda ReSean Dixson, BA

• Jafet Octavio Gonzalez, BA

• Jaided Marcelina Dano Ramos Wilson, BA

• James Lawrence Bean Jr., MA

• Janett Espinoza, MA

• Janie L Arseneaux, BA

• Jasmin R Cheairs, MA

• Jason Randall Doudt, BA

• Jason William Lockner, BA

• Jayci Lynn Wimmer, BA

• Jenna M Bertsch, BA

• Jenna Megan Biernat, BA

• Jeremy Scott Wagoner, BA

• Jerid Anthony Rozniarek, BA

• Jesse C Chouinard, MA

• Jessica Fry, MA

• Jessica Riley Poiry, BA

• Jocelyn Renee Strong, BA

• Johnathan Edward Kneebone, BA

• Jordan Alexis Shoemaker, MA

• Jordan J Lattimore, BA

• Jose Padilla, BA

• Joseph Patrick Mckeigue, BA

• Joshua William Brunette, BA

• Julie Michele Schmidt, BA

• Kailey E Armstrong, BA

• Kaitlyn Marie Webber, BA

• Kaleb D Donohue, BA

• Kameron Vincent Kelly, MA

• Kami K Geron, MA

• Katherine Grace Camacho, MA

• Katherine L Sehgal, BA

• Kathryn E Harp, BA

• Kayden Benjamin Garnett, BA

• Kelly C Mesenbrink, BA

• Kelsey Lauren Nethercutt, BA

• Kendall Christopher Johnson, BA

• Kennedy A Hart, BA

• Kennedy Kay Davis, BA

• Kenzie Parker Cline, BA

• Kevin J. Johnson Jr., BA

• Kyla Marie Anderson, BA

• Kyle Pearson Atkisson, BA

• Lacee L White, BA

• Landon M Reed, BA

• Landon Mitchell Thompson, BA

• Leah Lyn Hayes, BA

• Leah Marie Steinfeld, MA

• Lena C Alt, BA

• Lila K Fierek, BA

• Lily Kate Jones, BA

• Lily Ryan Darland, BA

• Lindsey Ann Murphy, MA

• Lindsey Mae Trostle, MA


• Liza H Doughty, BA

• Logan P Browning, BA

• Luci Smith, MA

• Luke Caelan Canady, BA

• Mackenzi Lester, BA

• Mackenzie Aidan Clark, MA

• Mackenzie Sue Rupp, BA

• Madalyn Grace Cannon, BA

• Madison E Clark, MA

• Maggie Marie Manor, BA

• Makenna McLeod, MA

• Makenzie Jo Andrew, BA

• Mallory Brianne Gall, BA

• Margaret Grace Parker, BA

• Marshall B Hargrave, BA

• Mason Blake Kennedy, BA

• Mason Scott Dyer, BA

• Matthew David Housley, LA

• Matthew L Harlan, BA

• Matthew Reid Barton, BA

• Max Allen Davis, BA

• Megan Liane Neal, MA

• Meghan Andrews, BA

• Meghan Leeanne Holt, BA

• Meghan R Sandifer, BA

• Micah David Moore, BA

• Michelle M Munro, MA

• Mikkenzi M Edwards, BA

• Mohammed Muniru Sa-ad, MA

• Morgan Danielle Hagerty, BA

• Myles Strong, BA

• Najood Eidah A Alzahrani, BA

• Natalie Elizabeth Cauffman, BA

• Nathaniel James Derickson, BA

• Nicholas Edward Thornburg, BA

• Nicholas Jacob Irvin, BA

• Nicholas James Harpring, BA

• Nickolas Mcgraw, BA

• Nolan Lee Bulmahn, BA

• Nolan Wade McKenney, BA

• Nyla J Williams, BA

• Olalekan Olorunfemi Fagbo, MA

• Oliver Brubeck, BA

• Olivia F Weinzapfel, MA

• Olivia J Hancock, BA

• Pace Holman Weitkamp, BA

• Paola Wendolyn Fernandez-

Jimenez, BA

• Patrick Joseph Miller, BA

• Phoenix Xavier King, BA

• Precious Chibuzo Diala, MA

• Qeyon Demarco Scott, BA

• Quentin P Gallagher, BA

• Raegen Kelley Robb, BA

• Reilly M Thomas, BA

• Richelle Deanne Berry, BA

• Riley Katherine Gilmer, BA

• Riley N Miller, BA

• Ryan James Roberts Hirlston, BA

• Ryan Leonard Clancy, BA

• Ryan Martin Sierocki, BA

• Ryan Nicklaus Minter, BA

• Rylan Christopher Capper, BA

• Sam Matthew Davis, BA

• Samantha Lynn Elfreich, BA

• Samantha Phyllis Schubert, MA

• Samuel L Robinson, BA

• Samuel Max Jennings, BA

• Sarah Elizabeth Bartlett, BA

• Savannah Renae Boneta, BA

• Scout Elijah Jay Wampler, BA

• Shawn Tyler II, MA

• Shea Maranda Moloney, BA

• Shelby Ann Douglas, BA

• Shulaya D Genustella, MA

• Skylar N Workman, BA

• Skylar T Simpson, BA

• Sophia Elizabeth White, BA

• Sophie C Treend, BA

• Spencer P Goldwin, MA

• Spencer W Skaggs, BA

• Sydney I Zielinski, BA

• Tae’Vion Gould, BA

• Taylor B Hamblin, BA

• Taylor B Staples, BA

• Taylor Diana Bowers, BA

• Terra Beth Konieczny, BA

• Terry Deshawn Clayton, BA

• Thomas Michael Long, BA

• Tiffanie D. McCurdy, MA

• Timothy LeVaughn Fields Jr., MA

• Tori Nicole Smith, BA

• Trevor A Frash, BA

• Veronica M Newell, BA

• Walker D Leamon, BA

• Wyatt Aaron Long, BA

• Zachariah Christian Greer, BA

• Zoe Jasper Trampke-Lee, BA

Fine Arts

• Aaron Matthew Hale, BA

• Abbigail Laine Harris, BA

• Abigail L Storm, BA

• Abigail M Clone, BA

• Adele Kriegel, BA

• Adison Jade Patton, BA

• Alaina Elizabeth Marks, BA

• Alaina Riley Moore, BA

• Alex M Smiley, BA

• Alex T Weinstein, BA

• Amy Lee Birge, BA

• Analise J Henderson, BA

• Andrew Charles Huffman, BA

• Andrew Jonathan Walma, BA

• Andrew Jonathan Walma, BA

• Andrew Michel Harris, BA

• Andrew Schroetter, DR

• Anna Grace McCreary, BA

• Annika Danae Erickson, BA

• Annika E Schaller, BA

• Aqueelah Zayn Gilbert, BA

• Ashlyn Rose Works, BA

• Audrey Alliah Harrison, BA

• Bailey J Zook, BA

• Benny Mafolo Kakesa, BA

• Braden Hunter Allison, BA

• Bradley Michael Ziegelmaier, BA

• Brayden T Schilling, BA

• Britney M Currie, BA

• Caelan Adine Smith, BA

• Carlos Hernandez, DR

• Caroline Elizabeth Gilley, BA

• Casie N Bear, BA

• Cassandra Grace Reeves, BA

• Cassie N Pomierski, BA

• Catherine Louise Shepherd, BA

• Cecelia Grace Siefer, BA

• Charles Andrew Hartman, MA

• Chloe Isabel Weaver, BA

• Chloe Noel Foster, BA

• Christian Collins, BA

• Christiane Sahar Habeshy, BA

• Claire M Townsend, BA

• Conner Hamilton Martin, BA

• Conner W Freeman, BA

• Connor Richard Granlund, BA

• Corinne Marie Young, BA

• David Alexander Masengale, BA

• David Anthony Hreno, BA

• Elijah Thomas Martin, BA

• Elise Marie Atzbach, BA

• Eliza Jane Leffler, BA

• Elizabeth R Greene, BA

• Elliot Lambert, BA

• Emanuel Eamon Brantley, BA

• Emilee K Young, BA

• Emily Ann Bridget O’Flaherty, BA

• Emily Elizabeth Hunt, MA

• Emily House, BA

• Eric Alexander Rodriguez, DR

• Erica R Wood, BA

• Erin Takahashi, BA

• Ethan Alexander Frendling, BA

• Ethan Samuel Jennings, BA

• Ethan Tyler Lehman, BA

• Faith Capri Young, BA

• Gabriela Marie Garza, BA

• Grace E Guthrie, BA

• Grace Elizabeth Schoening, BA

• Grace L Engel, BA

• Grace Richelle Luzader, BA

• Griffin P Grabowski, BA

• Haley A Cranstoun, BA

• Hana Sadako Spradlin, BA

• Hannah E Reed, BA

• Hannah Huston Strayhorn, MA

• Hannah Joy Bailey, BA

• Hannah Jun Li Schneider, BA

• Hayden David Elefante, BA

• Ilamosi J Momodu, BA

• Isaac Leo Buck Bardach, BA

• Isabella Grace McBride, BA

• Jackson L Martin, BA

APRIL 25, 2024 • 33

• Jacob A Czelusta, BA

• Jacob Riley Haskins, BA

• Jacob Wayne Stansberry, BA

• Jadah Symone Rowan, BA

• James Keuler, MA

• Jaxson Christopher Kidd, BA

• Jaylen Tysean Bryant, BA

• Jeremiah Todd Smith, BA

• Jessica Ann Stevens, BA

• Jessica Nicole Arrowood, BA

• Jillian E Fleck, BA

• Joelle Sokoloff, BA

• Jon C Treadway, MA

• Jonah Michael Herrmann, BA

• Jordan Fredericks, MA

• Jordan Kennedy Rea, BA

• Jose Román Calderón, MA

• Jose Guadalupe Garcia Jr., BA

• Joseph B Dillon, BA

• Joseph R Novosel, BA

• Joseph T Krachenfels, BA

• Joshua Connor Mangion, BA

• Joshua Dean Vanhorn, BA

• Joshua G Whitt, BA

• Kadin W Sebastian, BA

• Kaitlyn B Daily, MA

• Kali E Galena, BA

• Kamryn J Yenser, BA

• Kamryn J Yenser, BA

• Kate Evelyn Papai, BA

• Katelin E Pendleton, BA

• Katelyn Elizabeth Wade, BA

• Katherine Ann Lause, BA

• Katherine Anne Dille, BA

• Kathryn D Harmeyer, BA

• Kathryn Marie Doyle, BA

• Kevin Krivosik, MA

• Kevin Matthew Trowbridge, BA

• Kevin N McIntire, BA

• Kiana B Piercy, BA

• Kiyah Wiesenauer, BA

• Kollin L Miller, BA

• Kristina Marie Green, BA

• Kumaya Jazalique McClung, BA

• Kyle E Biggerstaff, BA

• Kyle Joseph Roth, BA

• Kylie K Owens, BA

• Kylie Mai Martin, BA

• Kylie Marie Parcher, BA

• Kyra Christine King, BA

• Kyra Grace Virgoe Jacobs, BA

• Kyra Lynne Davis, BA

• Lacey Marie Dilly, BA

• Lani Shay Spratt, BA

• Lauren A Henriques, BA

• Lauren Elizabeth Foster, BA

• Lauren Elizabeth Hileman, BA

• Lauren Elizabeth Pontenberg, BA

• Lauren Elizabeth Sweetman, BA

• Lauren J Taylor, BA

• Lauren Sukle, BA

• Leanna N Phillips, BA

• Levi Michael Crawford, BA

• Lillian Marie Trinidad, BA

• Lily DeKoven Weidenbach, BA

• Lindsey Michelle Tew, BA

• Logan Isaac Cord, BA

• Lydia May Hobson, BA

• Madeline J Flight, BA

• Madelyn Claire Burton, BA

• Madison R Jackson, BA

• Madison R Young, BA

• Madisyn L Andrews-Moreno, BA

• Magdalene Kryszyn, BA

• Maria N Reyes, BA

• Marilyn M Pena, BA

• Marisa Nicole Dean, BA

• Mary Helen H Hennessy, BA

• Mason A Rutan, BA

• Mason Elena Sharon, BA

• Matthew Joseph Zelnik Jr., MA

• Maya Jane Galipeau, BA

• Megan May Templeton, BA

• Megan Renee Pax, BA

• Meghan Danielle Hofer, BA

• Michael I Santos, MA

• Michael William Boyle, BA

• Mikaela Penelope Bradley, BA

• Mikah Emily Mevis, BA

• Miles Brandon Wurster, DR

• Mitchell I Takeda, BA

• Morgan Janelle Schneider, MA

• Morigan E Vermilya, BA

• Natalia Galiana Torres, BA

• Natalie E Beall, BA

• Natalie J Papai, BA

• Nathan Elder, BA

• Nathanael Keith Shoemaker, BA

• Nathaniel E Davis, BA

• Nicole Meisner, BA

• Noah F Williams, BA

• Noah Freeman Burch, BA

• Noah Nathaniel Mishler, BA

• Olivia Diane Broadwater, BA

• Olivia M McCauley, BA

• Olivia M Vickers, BA

• Olivia Nicole Gaddis, BA

• Olivia Rose Miller, BA

• Paige Danielle Lichnerowicz, BA

• Payten Alexis Romig, BA

• Payton A Ridge, BA

• Philip Ho-Jin Sohn, MA

• Presley Autumn Cole, BA

• Qamille L Armour, BA

• Qiaorong Wang, LA

• Quincy Halley Carr, BA

• Rachael E Conn, BA

• Rachel A Johnson, BA

• Rachel C Michael, BA

• Rachel M Gripp, MA

• Raven A Prentiss, BA

• Rayven Nicole Lopez, BA

• Rebekah Carol Whirledge, BA

• Reese L Martin, BA

• Roy James Thomas, BA

• Sadie M Baxter, BA

• Samantha J Lewis, BA

• Samantha Leigh Parker, BA

• Samantha Louise Adamski, BA

• Samuel J Emerson, BA

• Sandra Jane Gaier, MA

• Sarah Grace Blackwell, BA

• Sarah Katherine Smith, BA

• Sarah Marie Niedzwiecki, MA

• Savannah Noelle Sturgell, BA

• Scott Houston Carter Jr., BA

• Shanell Charae Harvey, BA

• Shawn Corwin Collier, BA

• Shelby Casteel, BA

• Shyanne Leigh Mitchell, BA

• Sloane K Lakin, BA

• Sophia Jean Clore, BA

• Spencer I Bethers, BA

• Stephanie R Breeze, BA

• Stuart Hamish MacKenzie, BA

• Sydney N Reilman, BA

• Tatum Olivia Mulholland, BA

• Taylor Grace Fjellstrom, BA

• Teresa C Frisch, MA

• Thom Hendrik Greving, BA

• Trinity Elaine Dewitt, BA

• Trinity Faughn Bundy, BA

• Tucker Donovan Wheatley, BA

• Veronica Jane Francis, BA

• Xavier Joseph Stegmeier, BA

• Yi-Ju Shih, BA

• Zachary John Gerke, BA

• Zake Michael Campbell, BA

• Zoe Elizabeth McNulty, BA

Miller College of Business

• Aaliyah M Compton, BA

• Abigail E Potts, BA

• Abigail Marie Fisher, BA

• Abigail R Hollander, BA

• Adam J Stachel, MA

• Addisyn Renae Baer, BA

• Aidan Michael Burress, BA

• Alessandra Quijada, BA

• Alexa Nicole Pasquale, BA

• Alexander Evan Porter, BA

• Alexander Nikolas Kropczynski, BA

• Alexander Ryan Roth, BA

• Alexis G Robertson, BA

• Alexis Gabriella Craft, BA

• Alexis McKenzie Wulff, BA

• Alicia Louise Batchelder, MA

• Aljareek Jamal Malry, LA

• Alyssa Marie Bondurant, MA

• Alyssa Renee Seifert, BA

• Andrew Gibson, LA

• Annah Elizabeth Goss, BA

• Anthony Vu Phan, BA

• Ariana Elise Gilley, BA


• Ashley Marie Castellani, MA

• Ashya L Smith, BA

• Asyah R Van, BA

• Audrey Sage Anhalt, BA

• Austin Carter Hill, BA

• Austin Christopher Bates, BA

• Austin D Hoskins, BA

• Austin Henry, MA

• Austin Knight Selvey, BA

• Ayden Andrew Gaddis, BA

• Benjamin Adam Scher, MA

• Benjamin Allen Lyday, BA

• Benjamin D Behrens, BA

• Benjamin D Mestach, BA

• Benjamin Patrick Dias, BA

• Blake R Ballard, MA

• Blake Tyler Saylor, BA

• Bonnie Garrity, MA

• Braden Jeremiah Hunt, BA

• Braeden Michael Bogan, BA

• Brandon C Coble, BA

• Brandon J Dominelli, LA

• Brandon T Mode, BA

• Brantley James Kuntz, BA

• Braydon Skyleigh Rose Hill, MA

• Brennan Ross, MA

• Brianna N Neal, BA

• Brielle Anderson, BA

• Bryan Smigill, MA

• Bryce Douglas Handshoe, LA

• Caleb Andrew Chapman, BA

• Caleb M Hlade, BA

• Camden Bryce Craighead, BA

• Carlos Ervin Taylor, MA

• Carly Elaine Williams, BA

• Cassandra Lynn Kramer, MA

• Cayleigh C Dial, BA

• Chance David Olvey-Gahimer, BA

• Chandler Cole Bartholomew, BA

• Charles Evan Custer, MA

• Chase M Persic, BA

• Chloe Allison Seegers, MA

• Chloe Catarina Whaley, BA

• Christina Kay Tsataros, BA

• Christina Lynn Mathis, BA

• Cing Deih, BA

• Cody A Denney, BA

• Colby J Brown, BA

• Cole C Gingrich, BA

• Cole Edward Carroll, BA

• Cole Matthew Jones, BA

• Colton J Dennis, BA

• Conner D Prince, BA

• Connor James Whitehead, MA

• Connor Joseph Lacour-McGraw, BA

• Corey Robert Miley, LA

• Cory R Wells, BA

• Courtney P Edgar, BA

• Dagon D Katz, BA

• Dallas L Foster, BA

• Daniel Christopher Conroy, BA

• Daniel D Honick, BA

• Daniel Joseph Richey Jr., BA

• Darye Nicole Davis, BA

• David Austin Jones, MA

• David Michael Lewis, BA

• Delano Keon Petrie, BA

• Demi Dawn Grove, BA

• Devon J Mathena, BA

• Dorothy O Oduwaye, BA

• Drake Otto Wiese, BA

• Dylan Michael Teubert, BA

• Edna Zheng, BA

• Elijah A Hudson, BA

• Elijah Alfonso Moody-Grant, BA

• Elisabeth Bowling, MA

• Elizabeth Anne Maahs, BA

• Ellen Forkner, MA

• Ellie Jo Robertson, BA

• Emily Regina Boon, BA

• Emma Juliette Richards, BA

• Ethan Nicholas Brown, BA

• Evan C Papania, BA

• Evan Cole Powell, BA

• Evan T Volk, BA

• Evan Vizcarra, BA

• Evan W Walker, MA

• Francys King, LA

• Gabriela Elizabeth Gonzalez, BA

• Gabriella Janette Block, BA

• Gabrielle E Sullivan, BA

• Gage M Mauck, BA

• Gage N Lind, BA

• Gage Sebastian Kelly, BA

• Gavin Lee Billington, BA

• Gavin Michael Meier, BA

• Gineti Bridget Mazorodze, BA

• Graham Christian Schenck, MA

• Grover Lee Said, BA

• Gunnar Brock Vannatta, BA

• Hailey Ashtyn Elliott, BA

• Hannah C McQuinn, BA

• Hannah Christine Miller, BA

• Hannah K Ruthberg, BA

• Hannah M Reamsnyder, BA

• Hannah Nicole Rhoades, BA

• Hayden Fisher Miller, BA

• Hayley Ryann Conklin, BA

• Hunter Glenn Heacock, BA

• Hunter J Seagraves, BA

• Hunter Keip, BA

• Hunter N Alcorn, BA

• Hunter T Howard, BA

• Ibrahim Sankoh, LA

• Isaac G Ledford, BA

• Isabella Grace Garcia, BA

• Jack R Brown, BA

• Jackie L Schascheck, BA

• Jackson Palmer Sipes, BA

• Jacob Isaac Hubler, BA

• Jacob Matthew Creek, BA

• Jacob Robert Balazentis, BA

• Jacob T. Fulk, BA

• Jacob Wayne Bolt, BA

• Jaelyn Riley Cruzan, BA

• Jaidyn M Coleman, BA

• James Allen Brooks Jr., MA

• Janay Irene Zak-Coleman, BA

• Jason Eric Taylor Jr., BA

• Jayda Darlene Schaefer, LA

• Jaydis Aleese Rice, BA

• Jaylan Marcell Gordon-White, BA

• Jean Joo Lee, BA

• Jensen M Klondike, LA

• Jesse D Allison, BA

• Jessica J Scheper, BA

• Jessica Pierce, MA

• Jillian Elaine Beck, BA

• John Raymond Cullinan, MA

• Jon Braydon Robb, BA

• Jonathan D Leibacher, BA

• Jonathan Scott McCoy, BA

• Jordan N Szarenski, BA

• Jose M Bravo, BA

• Joseph Connor Karl, BA

• Joseph P Wilkinson, BA

• Joseph Patrick Mitchell, BA

• Josephine R Thompson, BA

• Joshua James Ibey, BA

• Joshua Lee Elmore, LA

• Joshua M Snively, BA

• Josie Marie O’Brien, BA

• Julia M Canty, BA

• Julia Maria Collins, BA

• Julian Ahmere McBride, BA

• Julianna Hughes, BA

• Justin W Golle, MA

• Kain M Thornton, BA

• Katelyn Nicole Murray, BA

• Katherine Brooke Evans, BA

• Katherine Elizabeth West, BA

• Katherine Marie Mathewson, MA

• Katie L Witte, BA

• Katie M Monroe, BA

• Kayden M Effinger, BA

• Kayla D Holmes, BA

• Kellie Ann Courtney, BA

• Kendall G Paris, BA

• Kevin Patrick Turner, MA

• Kiera N Hatfield, BA

• Kiernan Patrick Thomas Weaver, BA

• Kristen A Warren, BA

• Kurt D Oetzel, BA

• Kyle D Lozen, BA

• Kyle Falck, BA

• Kyle Joseph Blackburn, BA

• Kyle Matthew Bilby, BA

• Kylie Lock, BA

• Labrea L Byrd, BA

• Lance Robert Harris, MA

• Lanele Belize Mathis, BA

• Larry Garner III, BA

• Lauren Ashley Wertman, BA

• Layla Jade Stanley, BA

APRIL 25, 2024 • 35

• Lea-Marie Diedicke, MA

• Levi Isaiah Gates, BA

• Lindsey N Evans, BA

• Linxin Zhang, BA

• Livia Lukacs, MA

• Logan M Cramer, BA

• Lucas Kenneth Belangee, BA

• Lucas M Limpin, BA

• Luis Antonio Camargo, BA

• Lukas Matthew Hill, BA

• Lukas Z Pytlak, BA

• Luke David Smith, BA

• Luke Elijah Voirol, BA

• Luke William Titus, BA

• Lynar Keilyn Day-Deynes, BA

• MacKenzie Gonzalez-Garcia, BA

• Madeleine M Carr, BA

• Madeline Elaine Grimes, BA

• Madelyn J Ponsier, BA

• Madelyn M Brunton, BA

• Madelyn P Boone, BA

• Makenna Kaley Fredericksen, BA

• Malik J Tabesh, BA

• Marcella Queiroz Ribeiro, BA

• Mariah Nalene Roberts, MA

• Mark Rihachi Wickstrom, BA

• Mary E Clifford, BA

• Mary E. Graham, MA

• Mason William Cox, BA

• Matthew L Wasso, BA

• Matthew Richard Maurer, LA

• Maximilian James Martin, BA

• Maxwell Peterson, BA

• Megan Lori Stahl, BA

• Megan Sky Jones, BA

• Meghan Elizabeth Dale, BA

• Melinda Yang, MA

• Mianna Nicole Papageorge, BA

• Micayla R Ringel, BA

• Michael Alexander Pegg, BA

• Mikal J Melton, BA

• Mikhari Sibblis, MA

• Molly Sue Anne Callow, BA

• Mubasher Khan, BA

• Naarah Holloway, BA

• Nagina Khan, BA

• Nashele A Albertson, BA

• Natalie JoAnn David, BA

• Nathan Balzen, MA

• Nathan Robert Smith, BA

• Nathan T Vershaw, BA

• Nathaniel Allen Dunica, BA

• Nena Simone Summerville, BA

• Nevaeh Andrea Norman, BA

• Nicholas Alexander Lawson, BA

• Nicholas Franklin Kohles, BA

• Nicholas Grider, MA

• Nicholas Joseph Combs, BA

• Nicholas Patrick Frasier, LA

• Nicholas Paul DelSangro, BA

• Nick Anthony Gill, BA

• Noah A Smock, BA

• Noah Christian Berryman, LA

• Noah Edward Evanoff, BA

• Noah T Sackett, BA

• Olivia June Sullivan, BA

• Olivia M Mooney, BA

• Olivia P Bradburn, BA

• Olivia S Kropp, BA

• Owyn C Yager, BA

• Patrick Aaron Raudenbush, BA

• Paxson A Campbell, BA

• Payton McKenzie Nowlin, BA

• Peter T Henricksen, BA

• Qian Wu, BA

• Rachel Anne Bates, BA

• Rachel Kuo, MA

• Rakeshkumar Patel, MA

• Rebecca Kay Rodewald, BA

• Reece W Guderjan, BA

• Reid W Neal, BA

• Rilee A Groninger, BA

• Robert Thomas Kiefer, BA

• Russell Aaron Pearlman, MA

• Ryan Andrew Jelenski, BA

• Ryan Daniel Knisely, BA

• Ryann Kathleen Locante, BA

• Sabaoon Khan, BA

• Sachin Nikos Yadav, BA

• Sadie N Hayes, BA

• Sam Braxton Feasel, BA

• Samantha N Estep, BA

• Samuel Ashton Spence, BA

• Samuel Clark Fought, BA

• Samuel R Merritt, BA

• Sarah Anne Spears, BA

• Sarah Roush, BA

• Seth Edward Parker, BA

• Seth Parker Stillions, BA

• Shandre’Nay Laniece Hale, BA

• Shauna G Singer, BA

• Shaylin Rainne Sherrell, BA

• Shelby A Jenkins, BA

• Shradha Suresh Choudhary, MA

• Sierra K Cobb, BA

• Simon Alexander Manwell, BA

• Skyler J Phan, BA

• Sophie Terese Gates, BA

• Stacy Counterman, MA

• Stacy Counterman, LA

• Stacy Counterman, LA

• Stacy Counterman, LA

• Sydney Renee Garrels, BA

• Tanner H Jones, BA

• Tanner Knapp, LA

• TaQuay Dennis Mitchell White, BA

• Taylor Tenae Mason, BA

• Thomas Robert Lorincz, BA

• Tissa Chaminda Gunaratne, MA

• Traydon Dean Goodwin, BA

• Trevor Elisha McCoy, BA

• Trey E Anderson, BA

• Tyanna Marie Young, BA

• Tyler Durbin, MA

• Tylor Noah Bayliss, BA

• Vamsi Thotakuri, MA

• William D McCarter, MA

• William Graham Pancake, BA

• Wyatt A Blake, BA

• Ximena Portillo Cruz, BA

• Yalissa Simone Rubio, BA

• Zachary C Colpaert, BA

• Zachary Hanson, MA

• Zachary Thomas Wickliffe, BA

• Zane Robert Norman, BA

Sciences and Humanities

• Abby Elizabeth Olalde-Welling, BA

• Abbygayle J Marks, BA

• Abigail Baird, BA

• Abigail Dawn Wilson, BA

• Abigail F Deno, BA

• Abigail M Whitlow, BA

• Abigail Mae Simpson, BA

• Abigail Maria-Ruth Nevins, BA

• Abigail Rose Naumann, BA

• Abigail S Bennett, MA

• Abigale Jayne Elgert, BA

• Adam M Mross, BA

• Adams Abdul Wahab, MA

• Adeline Rose Evans, MA

• Adelyn Rose Maruca, BA

• Adrian Alexis Collins, BA

• Adrianna M Hatcher, BA

• Adrieonna C Mullenix, BA

• Ahmed Kh A Benkhayal, DR

• Ajeya Rhiannon Warren, BA

• Alex Bratton, BA

• Alex Victor Johnson, MA

• Alexander Brandon Storr, MA

• Alexander Stevin Kestner, BA

• Alexandra F Guangco, BA

• Alexis Naleah Pinnick, BA

• Alexis Nicole Mann, BA

• Alexis S Thigpen, BA

• Alexsandria D Dean, AS

• Alexus M Roush, BA

• Alexzander J Mitchell, BA

• Alicia Dawn Van Duyn, BA

• Alicia Marie Villalobos, BA

• Alisa Sue Gray, MA

• Allison N Baluyot, BA

• Alondra Martinez, BA

• Aloy Idoko, MA

• Alyssa A York, BA

• Alyssa I Amador, BA

• Amber Leah Casey, BA

• Ameco Gg Smith, BA

• Amy Michelle Isaac, BA

• Amy Michelle Isaac, LA

• Andrew David Heiss, BA


• Andrew Lynn Everage-Scheible, BA

• Andrew Robert Hakes, MA

• Andrewnae Shanice Lacey, BA

• Angela Marie Wick, MA

• Angelina M Snow, BA

• Angelo Julian Gonzalez, BA

• Anna B King-Cross, BA

• Anna Marie Hostetler, BA

• Annelise E Bartle, BA

• Anthony Patrick Gullion, BA

• Apriel Virginia Nicole Moore, BA

• Ariel Cassandra Jacobson, BA

• Ariel Mann, BA

• Ashley Danielle Gore, BA

• Ashley Juanita Craycraft, BA

• Ashley Vanaman, BA

• Asia Marie Bennett, MA

• Asia Marie Bennett, LA

• Aubree McKenna Merriam, BA

• Aubrey Richardson, BA

• Audra LaRue Scheibe, BA

• Austen S Lowder, BA

• Austin James Robinson, BA

• Austin Michael Parpart, BA

• Austin O Gill, BA

• Austin Thomas Kellar, BA

• Austin Tyler Bentz, BA

• Austin Wayne Davis, BA

• Austyn Makenna Huffer, BA

• Avery Macallan Dobson, BA

• Aylin J Chavez, BA

• Bandith C Carr, BA

• Baylee Denise Lawler, BA

• Baylee Kathleen Umpleby, MA

• Beck Slevin, BA

• Beethoven G Meginnis, BA

• Benjamin Daniel Gould, BA

• Bethanie R Christman, BA

• Blessing Yaw Adjornor, MA

• Braden Jessop Burton, MA

• Brady Stephen Horine, MA

• Brandon C Thrasher, BA

• Brandon Enrique Oliva, MA

• Brandon J. Rhein, MA

• Brayden P McDaniel, BA

• Breanna N Eubanks, BA

• Brenna Reese Freitas Emerson, BA

• Brenna Rock, BA

• Brennan H Hincks, BA

• Brennan Steven Wells, BA

• Brett William Palmer, MA

• Brian Christopher Bobko, BA

• Brian Henry Kacerski, BA

• Brittany Griffin, MA

• Brooke K Krebs, BA

• Brooke Logan Wilcox, BA

• Brooke V Bolton, BA

• Brookelynn Deaton, MA

• Bryan Alexander Vivas, BA

• Bryce Daniel Holt, MA

• Bushra F. Yenice, BA

• Cade A Harmon, BA

• Cade Austin Ryan Bray, BA

• Caitlin H Maloney, BA

• Caitlyn Isabelle Higgins, BA

• Caleb D Woolace, BA

• Calvin J Whitney, BA

• Cameron M Poole, BA

• Carina R Hernandez, BA

• Carlie A Merriweather, BA

• Carlie Alanna Richardson, BA

• Carter James Lantz, BA

• Cartier A Copeland, BA

• Cassandra Jo Anthony, BA

• Cassandra Rose Araujo, MA

• Cassidy L Houston, BA

• Catherine M Nicholas, BA

• Catherine Nicole Crowder, BA

• Catherine Sidney Figg, BA

• Cathy Renee Parks, BA

• Cecilia G Becker, BA

• Chance S Creviston, BA

• Chandlar E Williams, BA

• Charles Wiredu, MA

• Chasalin T Cobb, MA

• Chase Andrew Eggeman, BA

• Chase Lamae Cooper, BA

• Chauntel Elizabeth Vinup, BA

• Chloe M. Rogers, BA

• Chriselle Ianna Rodgers, MA

• Christian Jay Barton, BA

• Christian Jenkins, BA

• Christian M Morgan, MA

• Christina Wang, BA

• Ciera Anne Boyes, MA

• Claire Louise Richter, BA

• Cody R York, BA

• Cole J Strassburger, BA

• Colten Allen Lilly, BA

• Coltin Michael Gresser, BA

• Conner Michael Um, BA

• Connor J Gulley, BA

• Connor Joseph Lee Counceller, BA

• Cooper S Underwood, BA

• Cora L Downing, BA

• Corey Michael Alford Jr., BA

• Courtney Lynn Cherepski, BA

• Courtney N Harris, BA

• Cressa Caroline Brier, BA

• Curtis Nelson Bender, BA

• Cyan Peters, MA

• Cyrus James Allen, BA

• Dallas Coleman Pinkerton, MA

• Dalton Willmann, BA

• Dalya Ivee Tribble, BA

• Daniel J Isenberg, BA

• Davis D Knight, BA

• Davis Robert Callaway, MA

• Dawson Christopher Vaal, BA

• Deema R Bteibet, MA

• Deemah S A M S Alturkait, MA

• DeFord C Cope, BA

• Delaney G Davis, BA

• Delaney J Bontrager, BA

• Dennis Ray Beaver II, BA

• Denver Franklin Hammons, BA

• Derek J Hudgens, BA

• Desmond Scott Mathews II, BA

• Destinee Lanae Harris, BA

• Destiny E Hawkins, BA

• Devin McLain Root, BA

• Diana Angelina Tarazi, BA

• Donnell Donte Anderson, BA

• Dorion Lee Fritz, BA

• Draeton J Delaney, BA

• Dylan Boone Wood, BA

• Dylan Parker Stout, BA

• Eden Ariana Sanders, BA

• Eden Godby, BA

• Edom Genet Alemayehu, BA

• Eduardo Andres Alvarez Aguilar, BA

• Elena Elizabeth Sloan, LA

• Elena Elizabeth Sloan, BA

• Eli Christopher Hardsaw, BA

• Eliana Olivia Waire, BA

• Elise N Boatright, BA

• Elizabeth Crader, MA

• Elizabeth S Davies, BA

• Ella Rose Waldspurger, BA

• Ellen K Bain, BA

• Ellie Caroline Hearne, BA

• Emeline Auretta Awiakta Scott, MA

• Emeline Auretta A wiakta Scott, LA

• Emily Cherveny Pearce, BA

• Emily Claire McIntosh, BA

• Emily D. Shepherd, MA

• Emily F Hayden, BA

• Emily King, MA

• Emily L Hubbard, BA

• Emily M Cupka, MA

• Emily Raines, MA

• Emily Renee Keen, BA

• Emma Caroline Woods, BA

• Emma G Kinney, BA

• Emma K Cole, BA

• Emma L Baird, BA

• Emma L Devault, BA

• Emma Nicole Snoeberger, BA

• Emma Rae Brewer, BA

• Emma Suzanne Eubank, BA

• Emma Suzanne Eubank, LA

• Emma Vivian White, BA

• Emmanuel Gyesi, MA

• Emmanuel Rugamba Bitega, MA

• Emmanuella Asiama-Sampong, MA

• Eric James Moore, BA

• Eric Matthew Ross, BA

• Eric Stanton Humphrey, BA

• Erin Maureen Hansen, BA

• Ethan Allen Rice, MA

• Ethan David Dilick, BA

APRIL 25, 2024 • 37

• Ethan Jay Wallen, BA

• Ethan S Forrest, BA

• Ethan S Pace, BA

• Eva Naa Adorkor BruceThompson, MA

• Evan Joshua Spell, BA

• Evan Joshua Spell, LA

• Evyn C King, BA

• Falon Shae McCune, BA

• Fareeda Feyisope Yusuf, BA

• Favour Ebimobere Odubo Sr., MA

• Fayth Charmaine Davenport, BA

• Feona Rachel Dabson, BA

• Gabriel Mark Mayeaux, BA

• Gabriel R Schneider, BA

• Gabrielle C Bulick, BA

• Garrett Michael Johnson, MA

• Gavin Garringer Ford, BA

• Gavin Johnathan Glaze, BA

• Gavin Roy Neal, BA

• Gayle R Fields, MA

• Genevieve Elizabeth Dewey, BA

• Giovanny I Guia, BA

• Grace A Gilbert, BA

• Grace Anna Bohnenkamp, BA

• Grace C Cassidy, BA

• Grace Margaret Brenner, MA

• Grace Marlene Ann Rochon, BA

• Grace Victoria Crosier, BA

• Grant J Witty, BA

• Griffin L Thomas, BA

• Griffin Lee Hamilton, BA

• Hagen Wiese, BA

• Hailey B Morris, BA

• Haines Walker Hoag, BA

• Halei Rose Goforth, BA

• Haley D Blanton, BA

• Haley Fayth Carpenter, MA

• Haley Stevens, MA

• Hannah Elizabeth Dukeman, BA

• Hannah Grace Burgener, BA

• Hannah L Beck, BA

• Hannah L Hayth, BA

• Hannah Malia Ryback, BA

• Hannah Marie Avila, BA

• Hannah Nicole Allen, BA

• Hayden O Schneider, MA

• Hayden O Schneider, LA

• Heidi Noelle Nolte, BA

• Helena Elise Fragomeni, BA

• Herbert Shawn Amburn Jr., BA

• Holden Andrew Thomas, BA

• Hope Elizebeth Kleitsch, BA

• Hunter N Willis, BA

• Hyeonyeop Lee, BA

• Ian Fox Chino Roesler, MA

• Isaac Micheal Porter, BA

• Isaac S Luckett, BA

• Isaac Thomas Sterrett, MA

• Isabel G Bostick, MA

• Isabel Vazquez-Rowe, MA

• Isabella A Hughes, BA

• Isabella P Vansickle, BA

• Isabella V Hodges, BA

• Isaiah John Manuel Yuhico, BA

• J’naya L Thompson, BA

• Jace L Jeffers, BA

• Jacey M Fultz, BA

• Jack A Roush, BA

• Jack D Carthew, BA

• Jacob Anthony Geller, BA

• Jacob Keith Mooney, BA

• Jacob M Miller, MA

• Jacob M Miller, LA

• Jacob M Wangler, BA

• Jacob Riley McGauley, BA

• Jacquel A Jones, BA

• Jada Kepney, BA

• Jaden Pierce Housman, BA

• Jaegar Tesch Loran Jr., BA

• James Brian Carty Jr., LA

• Janel Lynn Warren, MA

• Jared A Bowman, BA

• Jaren Matthew Olds, BA

• Jarod S Heuer, MA

• Jarrett Boone Garr, BA

• Jason Daniel Fivush, BA

• Jayson E Thomas, BA

• Jazlyn Reese Brock, BA

• Jeffrey A Harmon, BA

• Jenna Havens McCarty, BA

• Jenna Marie Thomas Vest, MA

• Jenna Mulligan, BA

• Jeremy Drew Start, MA

• Jerzie Elizabeth Eagle, BA

• Jessica A Chaney, BA

• Jessica L Manley, BA

• Jillian Rose Cieslik, BA

• Jillian Rose McComb, BA

• Joel Eliu Richard Moss, BA

• Johanna A Kibble, MA

• John Cobbinah, MA

• John Henry Whitmore, BA

• John Sidney Replogle, BA

• Johnna M Siegrist, BA

• Jonah Charles Hatch, BA

• Jonathan David Gill, BA

• Jonathon Raymond Williams, BA

• Jordan K Butler, BA

• Jordan Patricia Mininger, BA

• Jordyn A Binkley, BA

• Jordyn Anne Johnson, BA

• Jordyn Emily Jeffers, BA

• Joseph Robert Garberick III, BA

• Joseph Robert Heemstra, BA

• Joseph T Moen, MA

• Joseph Wayne Dickinson, BA

• Josephine Lynne Cialkowski, BA

• Joshlyn Nicole Burton, BA

• Joshua Gary Trembly, BA

• Joshua James Thompson, BA

• Joshua Lee Totten, BA

• Joshua M Stevenson, BA

• Joshua P Novack, BA

• Joshua T Bumphus, BA

• Julia Ammons, BA

• Julia Nicole Burton, BA

• Julio Eduardo Orozco, BA

• Justine M Estes, MA

• Justyn J Fox, BA

• Kaci A Rose, BA

• Kacia T Halliburton, MA

• Kadence Nicole Linn, BA

• Kaitlin E Jones, BA

• Kaleb E Dunkle, BA

• Kaleb Joseph Wood, BA

• Kamaia L Lapsley, BA

• Kane M Guy, BA

• Karen Jansen, MA

• Karstyn Mae Hopkins, BA

• Kate Justine Ridder, BA

• Katelyn Ann Mathew, MA

• Katelyn Grace Redman, BA

• Katelyn Grace Sadlon, BA

• Katelyn Jean Swope, BA

• Katelynn LeeAnn Pranger, BA

• Katherine Grace Paxson, BA

• Katherine Hope McQuinn, BA

• Katherine Jones, BA

• Kathleen Donoho, BA

• Kathleen L Frazier, BA

• Kathlene Vickers, BA

• Kathryn A Burton, BA

• Kathryn Grace Smith, BA

• Kathryn M Fortney, BA

• Kathryn Rose Dyer, BA

• Katrice Walker, MA

• Katrina M Partlow, BA

• Kayla Lauren Merriman, BA

• Kayla Marie Riddell, BA

• Kaylah Rae Keating, BA

• Keith Michael Shultz, BA

• Kelly Maria Sulek, BA

• Kelsey Louise Gallant, BA

• Ken’Nisha Lashay Patton, BA

• Kendal M Nichols, BA

• Kendall A Moran, MA

• Kendall N Dryden, BA

• Kennedi Noelle Freiburger, BA

• Kennedy A Brantley, BA

• Kerrigan Jo Moore, BA

• Kevin Scott Cooper, Jr BA

• Kevin Verhoff, MA

• Kianna Alba, BA

• Kierah Paige Lowe, BA

• Kieran Foley O’Brien, BA

• Kieran Porter Claypool, BA

• Kile Lee Mansberger, BA

• Kimberly Jane Hatch, BA

• Kinlee E Pruitt, MA

• Kiri De Kai Woodruff, BA

• Kofi Gyapong Aniagyei, MA

• Kolton Michael Krieg, BA

• Kortlan J Jenkins, BA

• Kristen Mullins, MA


• Kristin C Newvine, MA

• Kristin C Newvine, MA

• Kristin Wills, MA

• Kristopher Charles Weaver, BA

• Krysten Michelle Tyler, BA

• Krystiana Nickole Jackson, BA

• Kyla Dawn Solis, BA

• Kyle James Blackwell, BA

• Kylie Marie Parr, BA

• Kyra Danielle Watts, BA

• Kyree Jamal Standifer, BA

• Lacey Dawn Eaton, BA

• Lan Quynh Mai, MA

• Lance M Huffman, BA

• LaNiyah Danye Denny, BA

• Laura Lee Perkins, MA

• Lauren Danielle Ivankovich, BA

• Lauren Elaine Madison, BA

• Lauren Elizabeth Knauer, BA

• Lauren J Taylor, BA

• Lauren Kennedy Ayers, BA

• Lauren Marie Campbell, BA

• Lauren Paige Caldwell, MA

• Lawrence David Sather, MA

• Leah Carolyn Reese, MA

• Leah K Kahana, BA

• Leah Lyn Hayes, LA

• Leah Marie Kline, BA

• Levi Joseph Dumpert, BA

• Lilly Elizabeth Anderson, BA

• Lily Ellen Plumlee, BA

• Lindsey E Taylor, BA

• Lindsey Marie Herrera, BA

• Logan Gerard Boyer, BA

• Lucas Benjamin Borrow, BA

• Luke Alexander Smith, MA

• Luke D Brewer, BA

• M Enam Ull Hassan, MA

• Macie Ann Chambers, BA

• Mackenzie L Cox, BA

• Mackenzie Nicole Saalfrank, BA

• Madeline Evlogia Toscos, BA

• Madeline Grace Gowin, BA

• Madeline J Flight, BA

• Madelyn G Werner, BA

• Madison Emily Ramsell, MA

• Madison Sarah Ness, BA

• Maggie Marie Jones, BA

• Mah Awa Diomande, BA

• Makayla Dawn Templeton, BA

• Makayla Jo Edwards, BA

• Makenna Rae Poindexter, BA

• Makhai E Reed, BA

• Malachi Edward Byrge, BA

• Mallory J Beatty, BA

• Mallory Jane Cross, BA

• Manesha S Carter, BA

• Margaret Holliday, MA

• Margaret Wilson Owens, MA

• Maria Christine Godleski, BA

• Maria J Broering, BA

• Mariah I Smith, BA

• Mariah Racine Murdock, MA

• Marianna Lucia Guerra-Uribe, BA

• Mary Grace McNamara, BA

• Mary Kate Elizabeth Phillips, BA

• Mason Alexander Fulgencio, BA

• Mason Lee DeHoff, BA

• Mathew Duane Simpson, DR

• Matthew David Housley, MA

• Matthew John Lamers, BA

• Matthew Owen Atchley, BA

• Matthew R Colton, BA

• Matthew Stone, MA

• Md Atiqur Rahman, MA

• Meadow R Yoquelet, BA

• Megan D Stinefield, BA

• Megan E Zavicar, BA

• Megan Elizabeth Daggett, BA

• Megan R Imhoff, MA

• Meghan Lynae Kirkpatrick, BA

• Micah L Harker, BA

• Michael J Clendenen, BA

• Michael J Hebb, BA

• Michael Mensah Oppong, MA

• Michael Parker Yung Min Clingerman, BA

• Michaela B Walker, BA

• Michaela M Arford, BA

• Michelle Miranda Lopez, BA

• Mickey Lynn Pearson Jr., BA

• Miranda Danielle Minnick, BA

• Molly A Wolfe, BA

• Molly Isabelle Marcuson, BA

• Monet Roese Lindstrand, BA

• Monyca L Belton, BA

• Morgan Abigale Chafin, BA

• Morgan Antonia Feldheiser, BA

• Morgan David Mead, BA

• Morgan J Houchins, BA

• Munahi Faris S Alsubaie, DR

• My Thien Nguyen, BA

• Mya Leigh Tracy, BA

• Mya Nicole Shelton, BA

• Nai Paul Lian, BA

• Naomi S St Andre, BA

• Nasser R Alshareef, DR

• Natalie E Coomer, BA

• Natalie LeeAnn Vote, BA

• Nathan Daniel Stippler, BA

• Nathan Michael Golub, MA

• Nathaniel A Wilson, BA

• Nathaniel Keith Blain, LA

• Natilie Nicole Ressler, BA

• Neha Asim, BA

• Nicholas Braden Jones, BA

• Nicholas D Bradley, BA

• Nicholas Edward Szymczak, BA

• Nicholas Eugene Stuber, BA

• Nicholas Ryan Hively, BA

• Nicole Vesta Inguanti, LA

• Nikya Thomas, BA

• Noah J Oosterhoff, BA

• Olamide O Awoola, BA

• Olivia Ann Harrold, BA

• Olivia Ann Rimmert, BA

• Olivia Jean Krugman, MA

• Olivia L Baughman, BA

• Olivia Rena Haggard, BA

• Owen M O’Donnell, BA

• Owen S Chaye, BA

• Paige Henry, BA

• Patricia Ugalde, BA

• Pauline Deah, BA

• Payton D Cirrincione, BA

• Payton M Neely, BA

• Peter O Owolabi, BA

• Phillip C Betts, MA

• Phillip C Betts, LA

• Piper Evelyn Neyhart, BA

• Piyesone Min Hunthant, BA

• Rachel Ann Stinger, BA

• Rachel D Keeler, BA

• Rachel Diane Harrell, BA

• Rachel Katherine Bolen, BA

• Raygen McKenna Edwards, BA

• Reaghan M Lewis, BA

• Reanna Dawn Searcy, BA

• Rebecca A Fiechter, BA

• Rebecca Michele George, BA

• Riley Ann Flockhart, BA

• Riley L Baughman, BA

• Riley Wells Ellis, BA

• Rishi Sarin, MA

• Robert J Meyer-Shaffer, BA

• Robert Koch III, BA

• Robert Peter Wilhoit, MA

• Robyn Rae Copeland, BA

• Roc Runyon Ricker, BA

• Rosylin Ca Hnem Par, BA

• Rubyat Jahan Sara, MA

• Runlan Liu, MA

• Ryan Alexander Hill, BA

• Ryan Michael Carsey, BA

• Rylea G Bishop, BA

• Sable A Thornburgh, BA

• Sade A Hodson, BA

• Sadie M Naughton, BA

• Sailor C Canfield, BA

• Samantha Adil Tarapore, BA

• Samantha Donis, MA

• Samantha Grace Biernat, BA

• Samantha Lee Allen, BA

• Samantha Linn Horton, BA

• Samantha Selena Hernandez Lemus, BA

• Samuel C Steck, BA

• Samuel Hvizdos, MA

• Samuel J Elliott, MA

• Samuel J Elliott, LA

• Samuel M Hockwalt, BA

• Samuel Tei Kwao, MA

• Samuel W Gross, BA

• Samuel Walker Klein, BA

• Samuella Boadi, MA

• Sandra Isabel Zuniga-Nava, BA

• Sara Grace Brugger, BA

• Sarah G Williams, BA

APRIL 25, 2024 • 39

• Sarah K Papp, BA

• Sarah Katherine Huggins, BA

• Sarah L Wahl, BA

• Sariah E Brown, BA

• Sean M Donaldson, BA

• Sergio Ivan Velasco III, BA

• Shaun Michael Lieberman, MA

• Shelby A King, BA

• Shelby Nicole Hofferth, BA

• Sherif Abdul Ganiyu, MA

• Sierra Angela Grant, BA

• Sierra Billiard, BA

• Sierra R Dodd, BA

• Simone Marcela Shine, BA

• Skai J Mendez, BA

• Skye Faith Allen, BA

• Solmari Estrella Solano, BA

• Sophia Nicole Halfman, BA

• Stacy Lynn Yager, DR

• Stephanie Ochoa, BA

• Stevee A Judy, BA

• Steven Riley Eshelman, BA

• Storm Nikole Brown, BA

• Sui T Par, BA

• Suki Pfister, BA

• Summer Skye Williams, BA

• Susan Elizabeth Godfrey, MA

• Susan M Wagner, BA

• Sydney E Broviak, BA

• Tatum Eilish Hawkins, BA

• Taurice L Hagemann, MA

• Taylor A Crosby, BA

• Taylor A Pullen, BA

• Taylor Marie Crawford, BA

• Taylor R Smith, BA

• Teagan L Hayes, BA

• Temiloluwa Emmanuel Olabiyi, MA

• Teresa Rose Barrett, BA

• Teresita Florentino, BA

• Theodore James Myers, BA

• Thomas Dale Winters, BA

• Thomas Matthew Coffman, BA

• Tiana Chapman- Patrece Shrewsbury, BA

• Timothy S Nicholas, BA

• Todd Solecitto, MA

• Tori E Lee, BA

• Trent Jeffrey Geisel, BA

• Trenton L Edwards, BA

• Trevor F Shields, BA

• Trevor James Phillips, BA

• Trinady Danelle Poole, BA

• Tristan Lee Kuiper, BA

• Troy J Hay, BA

• Tyler Ray Cavender, BA

• Tyra Monae Stephens, MA

• Valeria Pizana, BA

• Vanessa R Hintz, BA

• Vanessa Santiago, BA

• Vick Erick Regan, BA

• Victoria Anastasia Moon, BA

• Victoria Logan, MA

• Victoria Lynn Miller, BA

• Victoria Nichole Henry, BA

• Victoria Nichole Hutchings, BA

• Vincent Hobbs Hatch Jr., BA

• Wendall Aron Roberts, BA

• Whitney Nicole White, BA

• William Dean Privett, BA

• William Derek Fuhrman, BA

• William Michael Latinovich, BA

• William R Callan, BA

• William Thomas Howard, BA

• William Thomas Withers, BA

• Wyatt B Baxter, BA

• Zachary L Pierce, BA

• Zachary T Ferrell, BA

• Zackery Austin Gedek, BA

• Zoe Marie Olesker, BA

Teachers College

• Aarika Kristine Valentine, MA

• Abbey A Armstrong, BA

• Abby Berryman, LA

• Abby Grace Sigler, BA

• Abigail E Fairfax, MA

• Abigail Elizabeth Huff, BA

• Abigail Grace Phillips, BA

• Abigail Houston, MA

• Abigail Nicole Adams, BA

• Abigail Rose Coon, BA

• Abigail S Siford, BA

• Adalee M Ingle, MA

• Adam M Russell, DR

• Addison Kay Morgan Bayman, BA

• Aiereen G Padao, MA

• Aimee Suzanne Hills Opperman, MA

• Alan Kaiser, MA

• Alan M Ihms, MA

• Alan M Ihms, LA

• Alana Marie Blubaugh, DR

• Alayna Rodriguez, MA

• Alec Weisensee, LA

• Alex Jollliff, MA

• Alexa G Williams, BA

• Alexandra Hagerty, BA

• Alexandra T Kantanavicius, LA

• Alexandria Lei Robbins, BA

• Alexis Danielle Agers, MA

• Alexis Gabrielle Bueti Robaczewski, MA

• Alexis K Liapes, BA

• Alexis Kaylee Lawless, BA

• Alexis Railling, BA

• Alexis Sharece Wheeler, BA

• Alicen Webb Goff, MA

• Alicia Lanette Thomas, MA

• Alicia Lyn Trauscht, BA

• Alina F Bank, BA

• Aliya Qiao Ling Akers, BA

• Alliana Maria Fitzpatrick, BA

• Allie Elizabeth Crulo-Rood, MA

• Allison Elizabeth Forss, BA

• Allison Farrelly, MA

• Allison Lynn Rigsby, MA

• Allison M Southworth, MA

• Alyssa Adili, LA

• Alyssa B Stoudt, MA

• Alyssa M Weber, BA

• Alyssa Nicole Ryan, BA

• Alyssa R Perry, MA

• Amaiya Marie Reliford, MA

• Amal Mohamed Soloman, MA

• Amanda Bade, MA

• Amanda K Lukasiewicz, MA

• Amanda Michelle Meadows, MA

• Amanda Philhower, MA

• Amanda Rose La Nelson, MA

• Amanda Rowe, MA

• Amaree Burks, BA

• Amber Jianna Miller, BA

• Amber Nelson, MA

• Amber Yvonne Todd, BA

• Amie Chiz Dawson, BA

• Amy Eacho, MA

• Andrea C Smith, BA

• Andrea Hatfield, MA

• Andrew James Bryant, MA

• Andrew Lynn Wildman Foster, MA

• Andrew Smith, OT

• Anna Lovell, LA

• Anna M Richardson, BA

• Anna M Voglewede, BA

• Anna Noveroske Freije, LA

• Anna Rose Albers, BA

• Annalisa Matheson Dodds, LA

• Anne Shrum, MA

• Antonino Passalacqua, LA

• Antonio Macedo, MA

• April L Davis, BA

• Arianna A Gonzalez, BA

• Ariel Nadine Thompson, MA

• Arielle M Spitler, MA

• Ashantia Monae Hauser, MA

• Ashleigh Sue Allison, MA

• Ashley A Casteel, BA

• Ashley Ann Garard, MA

• Ashley Brooke Carlson, MA

• Ashley Casillas, LA

• Ashley Corley, MA

• Ashley Crabb, MA

• Ashley Elizabeth Parks, MA

• Ashley Evans, MA

• Ashley N Smith, MA

• Ashley Nicole Buckman, MA

• Ashley Willis, MA

• Asia Marie Bennett, LA

• Astghik Khudagulyan, MA

• Aubrie Meringa, MA

• Audra Lynn Loughner, MA

• Audrey Breann Upchurch, BA

• Audrey L Gemberling, MA

• Audrey Marsh, MA

• Audrey Marsh, LA


• Autumn Marie Milhollen, BA

• Autumn Rasmussen, MA

• Avery Marie Wortman, BA

• Ayanna Frances Mitchell, MA

• Barbara Schlegel, MA

• Bethany Newton, LA

• Blaire Divine Newell, MA

• Blake Alan Donson, MA

• Brandi Jean Swift, MA

• Brandon Banta, MA

• Brandon Charles Johnson, MA

• Brandon Lloyd Moore, MA

• Brandt Schlegel, MA

• Brenda Saavedra, MA

• Brenna Katelyn Woodall, MA

• Bria Kayla King Barrett, MA

• Brian Keith Vedo, MA

• Briana Marestein, MA

• Brianna Faith Henderson, MA

• Brianna Koop, MA

• Brianna L Livingston, BA

• Brianna Lorraine Purtell, MA

• Brianna M Dressler, BA

• Brianna R Avila, BA

• Bridget Gardner, MA

• Brielle Kaylee Smith, BA

• Brielle Marie Bunn, BA

• Brittany Lynn Daugherty, MA

• Brittany M Reid, MA

• Brittney Denton, MA

• Brittney Elizabeth Rosenbaum, MA

• Brooke Alice Doerflein, MA

• Brooke Hartman, BA

• Brooke Marie Eikenberry, MA

• Brooke Nicole Taber, MA

• Brooklyn Sisk, MA

• Bryce Anthony Brown, BA

• Brylee L Kanouse, BA

• Cady Nicole Mehringer, MA

• Cailee Smith, MA

• Caitlin M Ireland, MA

• Caitlin Samantha Williams, MA

• Caleb Mitchell Grubb, LA

• Caleb Yoder, MA

• Calli T Soresman, MA

• Callie R Berry, BA

• Cameryn A Crawford, MA

• Camryn Janelle Harland, MA

• Camryne Stubblefield, MA

• Carly Alvarado, MA

• Carly Ryan Wilkinson, BA

• Caroline Tirakian, MA

• Carrie Lynn Trusler, MA

• Casey Marie Kerig, MA

• Casie Fansher, MA

• Cassandra Lynn VanSandt, MA

• Cassidy Anne Esch, BA

• Cassidy Kuen Lin, MA

• Catherine E Evans, BA

• Catherine L Williams-Johnson, MA

• Catherine R Hollibaugh, MA

• Chantelle Garcia, MA

• Chastity Renee Casanova, MA

• Chelsea Cayer, MA

• Chelsea Marie Schwarzkopf, MA

• Chelsea Sima, LA

• Cheyanne A Reyna, MA

• Chloe E Taylor, BA

• Chloe Lynn Freeman, BA

• Christina Ann Storey, LA

• Christina-Grace Riveral Trespeses, LA

• Christinia Michelle Scott, DR

• Christopher Selinsky, MA

• Chrystal Maria Anntwanette Hall, MA

• Ciara N Thompson, MA

• Ciera Anne Boyes, LA

• Clair Suzanne Haley, LA

• Claire E Close, MA

• Claire Teressa Holman, MA

• Colleen Julia Dyra, BA

• Corey Ryan Friedrich, MA

• Cortney Lea Williams, MA

• Cortney Moreno, MA

• Courtney Clements, MA

• Courtney Danielle Stephens, MA

• Courtney Jo Atak, MA

• Courtney M Jones, MA

• Courtney Morgan Anderson, BA

• Crissy M Butler, MA

• Cristy A Phipps, LA

• Cristyn Margaret Lehocky, MA

• Crysta Huff, MA

• Crystal Allen, MA

• Crystal Maple, MA

• Dalton Alan Bennett, MA

• Daniel Craig Osika, MA

• Daniel Michael Durrwachter, OT

• Daniel Taylor Todd, MA

• Danielle D Rollins, BA

• Danielle Elaine Svantner, LA

• Danielle K Davis, MA

• Danielle Marie Hagan, LA

• Danielle Marie Huddleson, LA

• Danielle Poirier, MA

• Dannieka L Wiggins, MA

• Dash E Vester, MA

• Dasom Lee, MA

• David H Hernandez, MA

• David Joseph Stone, MA

• Dawn Denise Phelps, LA

• Deborah Baran, LA

• Deborah Carver, MA

• Delainey D Thomas, BA

• Delaney Sain, MA

• Delmanisha A Ramsey, BA

• Demi DeAnn Sivils, MA

• Derin Merideth Murphy, MA

• Destiney Priest, MA

• Devin L Farris, MA

• Devon Morgan Hall, MA

• Devon Werner, MA

• Diana Lynn Rairdon, BA

• Dillan E Hughes, BA

• Dunia Cala Bertolo, MA

• Elena Lupu, MA

• Elijah Farmer, MA

• Elise M Gall, BA

• Elise Quynn Lawry, MA

• Elizabeth Rose Erdosy, MA

• Elizabeth Sipe, MA

• Elizabeth Stanford, BA

• Ellie Loma Feldman, BA

• Emilie Roldan, MA

• Emily A Baldwin, MA

• Emily A Vellender, MA

• Emily Ann Hjerpe, MA

• Emily Arielle Salsano, MA

• Emily Dawn Koontz, BA

• Emily Jane Pereznegron, MA

• Emily Katherine Shirley, MA

• Emily Katherine Whelan, MA

• Emily Long, MA

• Emily Marie Smith, LA

• Emily Pilarski, MA

• Emily S Yoder, MA

• Emma Rose Spotts, BA

• Emmalee Ann Wilkerson, BA

• Eric Steven Green, DR

• Erica Rachel Ball, BA

• Erica S Leeper, MA

• Erika Santiago, MA

• Erin Hope Muller, BA

• Erin Leann Cagle, BA

• Erin Ruth Mahaffa, BA

• Eryka Leigh Kettring, MA

• Estefany Espitia, MA

• Esther Peprah Nsiah, LA

• Evan Christopher Meeks, MA

• Evelyn N Guzman, LA

• Evelyn N. Guzman-Tarula, MA

• Evelyn Triana Gonzalez, MA

• Farah B Hasan, MA

• Fatima Seifeddine, MA

• Fatima Tuziahrah, MA

• Frederick Irvin Unsicker, OT

• Gabrielle Eradys Santos, MA

• Garrett Andrew Guffin, LA

• Georgiana Marie GeimerMessler, DR

• Gianna I Quartucci, BA

• Gisela Pacheco, MA

• Gladys C Ajuogu, BA

• Grace Elizabeth Kindy, MA

• Grace Kristine Dimond, BA

• Grace M Baughman, BA

• Grace O Bond, BA

• Gracey A Linker, BA

• Gretel Hui-En Beh, MA

• Hailey Oakes-Hakala, MA

• Hailey Reiter, MA

• Haley Jean Ward, MA

• Haley Marie Morvilius, BA

• Halli J Walker, MA

APRIL 25, 2024 • 41

• Hallie L Robertson, BA

• Hanna Kennair, MA

• Hannah Baer, BA

• Hannah Bargeron, MA

• Hannah Grace Cunningham, BA

• Hannah Kate Smith, BA

• Hannah Natalie Struk, MA

• Hannah Nicole Maurer, MA

• Hannah Nicole Perez, MA

• Hannah Olivia Laughlin, MA

• Hannah Rose Benson, MA

• Hannah Tingley, MA

• Hannah Zaleski, MA

• Harley Sinders, MA

• Hayat Sabah, MA

• Hazel I Dickey, MA

• Heather Baer, MA

• Heather Dawn Morton, MA

• Heather Nicole Thomas, MA

• Heidi Sullivan-Inyama, LA

• Hettie Warlick, MA

• Hoda Souhouba, BA

• Holland Nicole Wheaton, MA

• Holly Baker, BA

• Hope Ilene Lugar, MA

• Hope Marie Sanders, MA

• Idania Mendez, MA

• Inga Moore, MA

• Isaac Hays Udouj, MA

• Isaac Thomas Sterrett, LA

• Isabella Claire Watts, BA

• Isabella Laughlin, MA

• J’Anna Ranee Madding, BA

• Ja’Sha L Jones, BA

• Jack Bundy, MA

• Jackson Taylor Hoversland, BA

• Jacob Ethan Foye, MA

• Jacob Matthew Slight, MA

• Jacob R Huber, MA

• Jacqueline Punzo, LA

• Jada M Cormell, MA

• Jadalen Asher, MA

• Jaeda Renee Beverly, MA

• Jaime Lynn Gardner, MA

• Jaime-Lynn North, MA

• Jainey Lyn Howard, MA

• James Robert Ford, MA

• Jami Rider, MA

• Jamia Powell, MA

• Jamie Dawson, MA

• Jamie Lee Pandolfi, MA

• Jamie Lin Ray, BA

• Jamie Suzann Ellis, BA

• Janelle N Crews, MA

• Janelle N Crews, LA

• Jarrett Durant, MA

• Jarryn Monet’ Bowles, MA

• JayLee Anne Bean, MA

• Jazmyn L Fouch, BA

• Jeanette L. Chu, MA

• Jenna Gressly, MA

• Jennifer E Gonzalez, MA

• Jennifer Quezada, MA

• Jennifer Therese Waters, MA

• Jennifer Yoder, MA

• Jeremy Frederick William Knipp, BA

• Jerome R Totten, MA

• Jesse Clemens, MA

• Jesseca Summerall, MA

• Jessica Ariana Vizcarra, MA

• Jessica E Mixell, MA

• Jessica L Lang, MA

• Jessica Lynn Whitney, MA

• Jessica M Brotherton, MA

• Jessica M Brotherton, LA

• Jessica M Schrader, MA

• Jessica Marie Lamb, MA

• Jessica Renner, MA

• Jhazzlin Cleveland, LA

• Jillian Alyssa Hardy, BA

• Jillian Nicole Matzke, BA

• Jocelyn Gayle McCray, MA

• Jodi Marae Sheets, MA

• John Christopher Albers, MA

• John Maxwell

Steven Smith, MA

• Jonathan Daxter Turnmire, MA

• Jonelli L Rosa, MA

• Jordan Beach, MA

• Jordan Dawson, MA

• Jordan McKannan, MA

• Jordan Riley Sturgeon, BA

• Joseph N Hewitt, MA

• Josie Rae Elsby, BA

• Joy Annelle Diebold, MA

• Julia Claire Vowels, MA

• Julia Katharina Vida, BA

• Julia L Hodes, BA

• Julia R Koven, BA

• Julia-Leigh M Mitchell, MA

• Julianna N Small, BA

• Julie Ann Ridgway, LA

• Kacey Leigh Eash, MA

• Kadia Julian, LA

• Kaelin A Krull, BA

• Kailee Arin Saulsgiver, MA

• Kailey Rynea Russell, MA

• Kailynn Grace Bardell, BA

• Kaitlyn Anne Rudolph, MA

• Kaitlyn Kivett, MA

• Kaitlyn M Warriner, BA

• Kaitlyn Stokes, MA

• Kalaya N Albert, MA

• Karen Rabideau, LA

• Karli Adams, BA

• Kassandra LeeAnn Kirkland, BA

• Katelyn Hileman, MA

• Katelyn Marie Arte, MA

• Katelyn Megan Austin, BA

• Katharine Hanschu, MA

• Katherine Blum, MA

• Katherine M Abram, MA

• Katherine Perkins, MA

• Kathleen Ellen Butler, MA

• Kathryn Renee Schram, MA

• Katie Baker, MA

• Katie Christopher, MA

• Katie Strom, MA

• Kayla A Weghorst, MA

• Kayla Ann Clifford, MA

• Kayla E Trevino, MA

• Kayla L Thompson, MA

• Kayla W Hughes, MA

• Kaylee Anne Besten, MA

• Kayleigh Marie Miller, BA

• Kaylie Darrenkamp, MA

• Keegan N Govert, BA

• Keith Monfreda, MA

• Kelli Linn Drake, BA

• Kelly Gardner, MA

• Kelly Jennifer Patterson, MA

• Kelly Lynn Wassner, MA

• Kelsea Rose Rackham, MA

• Kelsee Blackmon, MA

• Kelsey Anne Norris, MA

• Kelsey Anne O’Neill, BA

• Kelsey Elizabeth Creighton, MA

• Kelsey Mariah Smulski, MA

• Kendal Shae Ferguson, BA

• Kendall Ann Ryan, BA

• Kendall Smith, MA

• Kendra Mitchell, MA

• Kennedy Cockerham, BA

• Kennedy Paige Johnson, MA

• Kerri Walvort, MA

• Kerstin Taylor, MA

• Keshia Loyd, MA

• Khloe Alanna Spors, MA

• Kiersten Renee Boer, BA

• Kimberly Dempsey, MA

• Kristin Alexandra Shearer, MA

• Kristin McDonald, MA

• Kristina Hogue, MA

• Kristina Mary Picarski, MA

• Kristina Mealy, MA

• Kristyn Colleen Elste, MA

• Kyla Henderson, MA

• Kyle James Scibelli, MA

• Kyle M McCord, MA

• Kyle Ray Sumner, BA

• Kylie Babnew, MA

• Kyra N Sciabica, MA

• Kyrun K Foster, OT

• Laura E Benson, MA

• Laura Kapner, MA

• Laura Katherine Ardery, BA

• Laura Margaret Freeman, LA

• Laura Williams, MA

• Lauren Annette Owen, BA

• Lauren Beischer, MA

• Lauren Elizabeth Aillet, MA

• Lauren Elizabeth DeVore, MA

• Lauren Mason, MA

• Lauren Nicole Carver, MA

• Lauren Rose Gilliland, BA

• Lauretta A Bateman, MA

• Lauryn Champion, MA

• Leanne N Penley, BA


• Leeyah Michelle Griffin, BA

• Leilani Naomi Mascio, LA

• Lesielie Marie Danielle Galindo, MA

• Leslie M. Taylor-Wilson, MA

• Lexus P Humbert, BA

• Liline Nelson, BA

• Lillian Faith Martin, BA

• Lillian Lois DeShon, MA

• Lily Magdaline Atha, BA

• Lindsey Garcia Borges, MA

• Lindsey Marie Brewer, MA

• Lindsey P Parker, BA

• Lindsey Strittmatter, MA

• Linnea Elizabeth Anderson, BA

• Lisa Smith, LA

• Loraine Karina Aguirre, MA

• Lucy A Hicks, MA

• Lydia Marie Rusin, BA

• Lydia R Kern, BA

• Lyndsie Marie Blackmon, MA

• Mackenzie Raye Puckett, MA

• Macy Kay Bell, BA

• Maddison Beaty, MA

• Madeleine Elizabeth Murphy, MA

• Madeline Briggs, MA

• Madeline G Saucier, MA

• Madeline Kay Schrickel, MA

• Madeline Marie Flack, MA

• Madeline Riley Halbur, MA

• Madelyn Ann Isabel Minaret, MA

• Madelyn Kay Hager, MA

• Madelyn Virginia Baron, BA

• Madelynn Marie White Sr., BA

• Madison Lucille Messer, MA

• Madison Mauney, MA

• Madison Paige Stevens, BA

• Madison Rose Dulski, BA

• Madyson Evalee Harrington, BA

• Maetha Renee Werner, MA

• Maetha Renee Werner, LA

• Maggie Johnson, MA

• Malcolm Lawrence Haynes, MA

• Maleigha D Miller, BA

• Mallory Danielle Clements, BA

• Marc Anthony Juarez, MA

• Maria Grace Schultz, MA

• Maria Jeanne Moe, MA

• Maria Karla Cuellar, MA

• Mariah Martin, MA

• Mariah Racine Murdock, LA

• Mariah Renee Ramirez, MA

• Marlee S Correll, BA

• Marley T Salinas, MA

• Martha Varma, MA

• Mary Grace Kinzel, BA

• Mary Katherine Hawkins, BA

• Mathilda Lynda Okhuemoi, LA

• Matthew Cline, MA

• Matthew James Decho, MA

• Meagan Elizabeth Gibbs, BA

• Megan Cockerham, MA

• Megan Ensign, MA

• Megan Leigh Taylor, MA

• Megan M Fletcher, BA

• Megan Taylor Kariâ Phillips, MA

• Melanie Marie Markos, BA

• Melina Anne Souza, MA

• Melissa Sarabia, MA

• Meredith Nolan, MA

• Micaela Jean Blumenstein, BA

• Micah Christopher Longjohn, MA

• Michael Angelo Martinez, LA

• Michael Darnell Thomas, MA

• Michael J Gebhardt, BA

• Michael James Schiavo, MA

• Michail Swinson, MA

• Michelle Renee Alcoe, MA

• Mikayla Nicole West, MA

• Miranda Louise Bush, LA

• Miranda Rae Smith, MA

• Mollie Kay Faust, MA

• Molly E Boso, MA

• Molly Elizabeth Kelly, BA

• Molly Kilbride, MA

• Molly Smith, MA

• Morgan Elisa Thomas, MA

• Morgan Elizabeth Miller, MA

• Morgan McSweeney, MA

• Morgan Nicole O’Donnell, MA

• Morgan Taylor Tapscott, MA

• Muna Bagira-Forman, MA

• Mya R Austin, MA

• Natalie Jean Lis, BA

• Natalie Klingberg, MA

• Natalie M Trice, LA

• Natalie Michele Sayers, MA

• Natalie Tomaro Weaver, MA

• Nathanael Stephen Goyins, MA

• Navjoyt Kaur Hayer, MA

• Nicholas A Leavitt, MA

• Nicole Acosta, BA

• Nicole Ann Belton, MA

• Nicole Brennan, MA

• Nicole Rachelle Vester, MA

• Nicole Renea Lara, MA

• Nicole Tomelle Greenfield, MA

• Nicolette Paige Susralski, MA

• Noah Alan Helmus, MA

• Noah Ryan Barnes, BA

• Noel V Phillips, BA

• Noor Jaff, MA

• Olivia Alise Martory, MA

• Olivia Dawn Konopasek, MA

• Olivia F Barnes, MA

• Olivia Foster Hartman, MA

• Olivia L McCall, BA

• Olivia Margaret-Blanche Brown, BA

• Olivia Rae Hoffa, BA

• Olivia Sue Fithian, BA

• Omar Samir Ali, MA

• Patience Dianne Lyles, BA

• Patricia Lynn Morris, BA

• Patricia Torres, MA

• Paul Shields Craig, BA

• Payton Branson, MA

• Pedro Ysmael Cruz Sanchez, MA

• Peyton Alexa Levine, BA

• Polly C DeStigter, MA

• Quinton Quagliano, LA

• Rachael Ferris, MA

• Rachel Bishop, MA

• Rachel Deramo, MA

• Rachel Ippolito, MA

• Rachel Shrader, MA

• Rachel Taylor Bales, BA

• Rachel Winner, MA

• Rachelle M Peterson, MA

• Radhika S Flannery, MA

• Raegan A Patton, MA

• Rakem Leverette, MA

• Rashene T Salmon, MA

• Reagan Nicole Britton, BA

• Rebecca D Rader, MA

• Rebecca E Goerke, BA

• Rebecca Lynn Gold, MA

• Rebecca Nichole Thein, MA

• Rebecca Sue Daugherty, MA

• Rhiannon L Alexander, BA

• Riley Katherine Legge, MA

• Rishi Sanyal, MA

• Robert Stuart McElroy, DR

• Rosemary W Ruggles, MA

• Rossley Nery Garcia, MA

• Ryan Shane Jesop, MA

• Ryan Thomas Leen, BA

• Rylee M Burrows, BA

• Sabaa Alzuad, MA

• Sadee Breeze Wuethrich, MA

• Samantha M Hinton, MA

• Samantha Marie Young, MA

• Samantha Rambusch, MA

• Samantha Renee Wood, BA

• Samantha Ross, MA

• Samantha Wheelton, MA

• Samuel Gary Pederson, BA

• Sara Ann Beard, BA

• Sara Bender, LA

• Sara Lyn Barker, MA

• Sara Michelle Bye, MA

• Sara Renee Smith, MA

• Sara Westcott, MA

• Sarah Aida Elgrini, MA

• Sarah Coleen Seng, MA

• Sarah Cuthbert, MA

• Sarah E Cicenas, BA

• Sarah E Craft, MA

• Sarah Elizabeth Simonton, MA

• Sarah Elizabeth Wood, MA

• Sarah Parker, MA

• Sarah R Tuttle, MA

• Sarah Rose Wesbecher, MA

• Sarah Zieden-Weber, LA

• Savannah Schanilec, MA

• Savitre Lynn Geeratisoontorn, MA

APRIL 25, 2024 • 43

• Selvie Rakiposki, MA

• Serena Ann LaChance, MA

• Shae Dunkum, MA

• Shae Tatigian, MA

• Shahrazad El Sebaei, MA

• Shaila Najairy Ruiz, MA

• Shannon Lehr, MA

• Shaunda Elise McCarthy, MA

• Shelby Burkhead, MA

• Sierra Marie Young, MA

• Skyla M Van Rixel, BA

• Stacey K Willamowski, MA

• Stacia Mei-Lauren Hazlett, BA

• Stacy Marie Flanagan, MA

• Stacy Marie Foltz, MA

• Stella V Licht, BA

• Stephanie Akinmulero, MA

• Steven Thomas Pemberton, MA

• Summer Daniella Wood, BA

• Suzanne Gayle Northern, MA

• Suzette Eveline Wilson, MA

• Sydney Baldwin Kiser, MA

• Sydney Kay Smekens, BA

• Sydney Utke, MA

• Sydni M Ratliff, MA

• Sydnie N Zorn, BA

• Tami Sue Perry, MA

• Tamia Barbour, MA

• Tara Lockwood, LA

• Tate R Jacobson Sr., MA

• Tayler Emily Thorpe, MA

• Taylor A Moreno, MA

• Taylor A Schubert, BA

• Taylor Elizabeth White, MA

• Taylor Gibbs, MA

• Taylor Jacquelyn Fountain, MA

• Taylor M Conley, MA

• Taylor Madison Eshbaugh, BA

• Taylor Nicole Okai, MA

• Taylor Nicole Smith, BA

• Taylor R Buckner, BA

• Thailyea Lopez, MA

• Thenmoli Subramaniam, MA

• Thomas Allen Vanourney, LA

• Thor X Alexander, MA

• Throishia Isata Yavanah, MA

• Tiana J Pittman, MA

• Tiffany Jensen, LA

• Tiffany Jo Shattuck, MA

• Tiffany Rena McEachern, BA

• Timothy L Kalgreen, LA

• Tomaia Williams, MA

• Tyera Blackwell, MA

• Tyler Bosse, MA

• Tyra Jade Stanley, BA

• Valentina Yaldo, MA

• Valerie Garrido, MA

• Vanessa Alvarez, MA

• Vanessa Marilu Flores, MA

• Veronica Bonfante, MA

• Victoria E Adams, MA

• Victoria Kunk, BA

• William Jack Pawlak, BA

• William Neimon, MA

• Willis Niederfrank, MA

• Xiadani D Cartagena-tagle, MA

• Yaime Camacho, MA

• Yasmine Nicole Vargas, MA

• Yesenia Gonzalez, BA

• Yijun Shen, MA

• Yovan Alvarez, BA

• Zerek Canaan Buffington, MA

• Zoe Gates Miller, BA

• Zoe Marie Conway, BA

University College

• Abigale Catherine Zeiger, BA

• Ainsleigh Marie Rund, BA

• Alayna Joy Quinn, BA

• Alexander Ray Eddy, BA

• Alexandra G Reed, BA

• Alexis Ella-Gayce Hearrell, BA

• Allison Renee Simmons, BA

• Alyssa Anne Stramaglia, BA

• Alyssa M Williams, BA

• Amanda Caroline Brantley, BA

• Amy Bilbrey, BA

• Andrew Wayne Bowman, BA

• Anne M Gutwein, BA

• Anthony Paul Pardue, BA

• Aubrey M Hollander, BA

• Ava Ruth Robinson, BA

• Bailey Nicole DeWitt, BA

• Baylee Ann Johnson, BA

• Benjamin Michael Jacob Hendriks, BA

• Blythe Kimberly Miller, BA

• Bradley Allen Douglas, BA

• Bradyn David Livingston, BA

• Brian V Shipp Jr., BA

• Briosha Lashai Boyd, BA

• Brook A McIntosh, BA

• Caleb Matthew Dluzak, BA

• Cameron Alexandra Crumes, BA

• Cameron Lennox Duddy, BA

• Candace Lindsay Williamson, BA

• Canyen B Palmer, BA

• Carmen Isabella Schuckel, BA

• Chandler J Benge, BA

• Christopher Charles Masters, BA

• Claudia Lachelle Upchurch, BA

• Clay David Jacobs, BA

• Darien Christopher Harley, BA

• Daylon Blosser, BA

• Desiree’ Nicole Dravenstott, AS

• Devin Alan McKinley, BA

• Elizabeth Marie Stallsmith, BA

• Emily F Hall, BA

• Grace P. Okeeffe, BA

• Gregory T Schneider, BA

• Haleigh E McCaffrey, BA

• Hannah Elizabeth Horsley, BA

• Havyn O Gates, BA

• Hayley Krawisz, AS

• Hunter Anthony Hill, BA

• Jalin Marie Utter, AS

• Jenny Lynn Stewart, BA

• Jocelyn Rose Sadlowski, AS

• Jordan M Flynn, AS

• Joshua Michael Hoover, BA

• Kaitlynn Jo Farmer, BA

• Kate E Uebler, BA

• Keegan P Schendel, BA

• Kennedy A Arntz, BA

• Kiah Marie Parrott, BA

• Korey Patrick Keller, BA

• Lauren Brooke Woodrum, BA

• Liza Grace Goodnight, BA

• Logan Mark Pyron, AS

• Luyando T Chikonka, BA

• Mackenzie Rae Pyle, AS

• Madison A Couch, BA

• Madison Delaney Harmon, BA

• Makenzi Michelle Thiery, BA

• Megan Marie Mumphrey, BA

• Melissa L Coons, BA

• Michael Hallquist, BA

• Mikala Dawn Linstrum, AS

• Mynor A Caceres, BA

• Navin M Pace, BA

• Nyla A Hampton, BA

• Paul M Hazen, AS

• Paul Shane Delmolino, AS

• Riley Dean Marshall, BA

• Robert Bruce Wyatt II, BA

• Rodney K Wallace Jr., BA

• Ruthanne Linnea Orr, BA

• Samantha Lynn Mumbower, BA

• Samantha R Burgess, BA

• Sara Ashley Press, BA

• Shelbi Nicole Throckmorton, BA

• Sierra Kathleen Olson, BA

• Sophia T Aul, BA

• Sydney Elizabeth McWhinney, BA

• Sydney Kay Shafer, BA

• Taryn Irene Mabry, BA

• Taylor J Dickey, BA

• Taylor Rae Austin, BA

• Tecora Brown, BA

• Tracie Clayton, BA

• Trevon Geovonni Fonseca, AS

• Treyton R Jones, AS

• Valerie L Chew, BA

• William O Jacobson, BA

• Yadira Dinius, BA

• Zachary J Daily, BA


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